The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1450 From 4 Sichuan

Zhang Fan heard the servant's report, but for him, he knew without thinking about it. The person who came here and said that he came to serve Fang Yueling, except for Yu'er, would not be the second person at all. People thought, and because of this, Zhang Fan began to feel a headache.

Perhaps before, the matter of Fang Yueling did give him some headaches, but at the very least, no matter whether it was Fang Yueling or others, they all showed a tacit understanding in this matter, although there were not no people who kept asking questions, But there is only one Zhaoxue, and for Zhang Fan, it is too easy to fool Zhaoxue.

But now, even Yu'er is here, so Zhang Fan feels that the future will not be so easy. After all, even if Zhang Fan's temper is not as good as that of Fang Yueling and Yingyue I generally understand, but I still know a little bit. The most typical one is Yu'er's unforgiving temper. No, she is no longer unreasonable. .

If Yu'er is allowed to live here, no one else will say anything, Ru Xue and Luo Ling'er will not have any conflicts with her, even if it is Zhao, Yu'er will not make troubles to that extent. But other people, such as Zhaoxue and Yingyue.

For Yingyue, Zhang Fan doesn't know what the relationship between her past and Yu'er is. It may be a good thing, or it may be a bad thing, but for Yingyue who knows Yu'er's identity, as long as Zhang Fan goes to talk to her later Make it clear, let her not be too noisy, and tell Fang Yueling again, let her also restrain Yu'er, and there is nothing between the two of them.

But on Zhaoxue's side, Zhaoxue is fine at home on weekdays. After all, whether it is the Zhao family or Ruxue and the others in the family, they all let her in. Even if she loses her temper in front of Zhang Fan and acts like a baby, Zhang Fan Not only would Fan not feel anything, on the contrary he would have a different feeling.

But to outsiders, Zhang Fan really doesn't know what will happen to Zhaoxue. He heard Yingyue mention it before, and when the two of them liked to hang out together, Miss Zhaoxue's temper was really a bit embarrassing. People can't stand it, but when they are outside, there are guards around them, so there is nothing wrong with them. Even if they are only the female relatives of Zhang Fan's colleagues, those people know that Zhaoxue and Yingyue are Zhang Fan's concubines, and they will be courteous no matter what. Divided.

But Yu'er is different. Zhang Fan can vividly remember Yu'er's previous appearance. She is definitely not the kind of person who speaks based on the identity of the other party. But it's a dilemma on both sides.

Although logically speaking, Zhang Fan should protect Zhaoxue at that time, but after all, the relationship between Yuer and Fang Yueling cannot be left like this, but even if the matter is indeed Zhaoxue's fault, Zhang Fan does not want to because of Zhaoxue's fault. What to say to her about these things.

Of course, now that Zhang Fan has started to think about these things, he is really a little too worried. However, after Zhang Fan heard that Yu'er had arrived, although nothing had happened at all, his heart was full of fear. There is always a feeling that something will happen in the future, and it will definitely annoy him.

Although it is really groundless to say that this kind of feeling comes, but Zhang Fan just has this kind of thought. It is not clear what is going on, but this is the only way to think about it.

But the problem now is that Yu'er has already arrived here, and now she is outside the door, and it is impossible for Zhang Fan to avoid this problem, so instead of frowning here now, I don't know what to do. What to do, it's better to think of a way earlier.

Of course, that’s what I said, but it’s easier said than done. It’s really Zhang Fan’s turn to think of a solution, but he’s really frowning. This solution, after all, is really a short-term solution. Have no idea.

If it’s just about Zhaoxue’s side, then everything is fine. At that time, Zhang Fan only needs to coax her and she will be fine, but on Yu’er’s side, Zhang Fan really has nothing to do. You know, even if there is nothing It's too obvious, but Yu'er seems to be against Zhang Fan all the time, always saying something or doing something to Zhang Fan inexplicably, but obviously, Zhang Fan doesn't say a word about Yu'er. It was impossible to try to persuade her, and it was even possible to persuade her explicitly. I am afraid that as soon as he turned his head, Yu'er would come back and trip him up. These are very likely to happen.

What should I do.

In such a short while, Zhang Fan thought of a lot of things, but it was only for a short while, and his hesitant appearance was still discovered by Ru Xue.

At this moment, Ru Xue suddenly became curious. Looking at Zhang Fan's face, she couldn't help but ask, "Sir, what's the matter with you, could it be this one who came here, you know him,"

"Ah," Ru Xue's words woke Zhang Fan up, and made him feel a little lost for a moment, "No, it's nothing, this one came here, I think it should be to serve Yueling, I heard that Yueling has been with her since she was a child." Together, I... I went to see her in person. After finishing speaking, Zhang Fan left. Although he walked very peacefully, his appearance did not seem to be peaceful.

This time, Ru Xue became even more curious. After all, there were not so many times when Zhang Fan was flustered. Now, how could Ru Xue not be curious? After thinking about it, Ru Xue asked the servant who came to report just now: "I ask you, she is a woman, how old is she?"

"It's a girl." Seeing Ru Xue's question, the servant naturally replied respectfully, "You are not too old, but you really don't look like a maid or something. There are maids who are older than Miss. It looks like it's almost as old as the second lady,"

The second wife is Luo Ling'er. Among Zhang Fan's women, Luo Ling'er is naturally the oldest. Of course, she is not much older, but Luo Ling'er is much older than Fang Yueling, but the servant said It's not bad at all. Since she is serving people and she came to her husband's house, she should be a maid, but there is no maid who is older than the lady serving. Xue couldn't figure it out, and adding to Zhang Fan's curious expression just now, it made him feel even more strange. I can't figure it out.

Of course, no matter how smart Ru Xue is, there is no way to guess if she doesn't know some things. For Ru Xue, even if she can't guess Zhang Fan's expression, there is something One thing she can be sure of is that something must have happened.

But even so, Ru Xue didn't intend to ask the past about what happened. She is also curious, but she will not ask the past. As long as there are no problems at home, she will not take care of these things. However, Zhang Fan's appearance also makes her a little worried. She always feels that if this continues, the family will Something was bound to happen in there.

Thinking of this, Ru Xue couldn't help crying and laughing, obviously, she should be looking forward to being safe and sound, but no matter what, Ru Xue felt that no matter what kind of people came, as long as she was allowed to live in this home Come on, no matter whether she is serving Fang Yueling's maid or not, something will always happen.

Ru Xue was thinking about these things here, while Zhang Fan had already reached the gate, and the servants couldn't understand why Zhang Fan came to greet her in person. After all, the identity of the other party was already very clear. The one who came here to serve her, in this case, the identity is a servant.

And since it is a servant, there is no reason for the master to greet her in person. Even if Zhang Fan loves Fang Yueling very much, it shouldn't be like this, after all, he is a servant.

Maybe... some people have some misconceptions in their hearts. Some of these servants have seen Yu'er's appearance. Yu'er came here this time without changing her appearance. She came here from Sichuan alone, but even if someone accompanied her, he was the only one who came to Zhang's mansion.

As for Yu'er, these servants naturally don't know about it, so many people think wrongly, thinking that Yu'er has some special relationship with Zhang Fan, maybe she is really from Fang Yueling's natal family, but with Zhang Fan Between Zhang Fan... Or, thinking about Zhang Fan's trip to Sichuan this time, he really enjoyed the blessings of all people, and Yu'er came this time, although it was a sign of coming to serve Fang Yueling, but in fact...

Fortunately, Zhang Fan didn't know what other people were thinking in their hearts, otherwise he would have to vomit blood, and it was not good to say anything, and he had to talk about what was going on between him and Yu'er.

At the beginning, both Yu'er and Fang Yueling gave him the same knife, but Fang Yueling had no choice but to do it because of the situation, but Yu'er stabbed Zhang Fan's shoulder with the real knife, and almost killed him. What's more, Zhang Fan is not ignorant of Yu'er's special feelings for Fang Yueling, and now that Fang Yueling is married to Zhang Fan, she puts all her body and mind on Zhang Fan. Come on, thinking about it, Yu'er Zhizhi hated him even more.

Therefore, letting Zhang Fan be with a woman who might kill him at any time puts enormous pressure on Zhang Fan.

But now, there is no other way. He sighed again. It is not known how many times Zhang Fan sighed today. He pushed away the doorman and saw Yu'er sitting there.

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