Yu'er was surprised that Fang Yueling would marry Zhang Fan.And it's still about being a concubine.It's really something I can't understand.If it is said that this is for the consideration of alliance.That may not necessarily be the case.It can also be replaced by other methods.But Fang Zhenqian's method of going was just like this.This made Fang Yueling very uncomfortable.But.Since this is something Fang Zhenqian has decided on.Not to mention that Fang Yueling disagreed.At least she, Yu'er, has no right to make irresponsible remarks on this matter.

But can't speak.But even Fang Yueling herself agreed.But maybe it was really because of the decision made about Fang Zhenqian.and what's to come.Yu'er has no power to interfere at all.In this way.At that time, Yu'er will be even more dissatisfied with Zhang Fan.

Speaking up.Yu'er's original impression of Zhang Fan was not very good.It's not that she had any first intentions.After all, they didn't know each other before.Even if Yu'er has suffered some things.But not yet that cynical.It's a situation that everyone can't see.As for Zhang Fan, he couldn't see it.In fact, it started when she knew that Zhang Fan could help Fang Yueling find her father.

Not at first.But Yu'er is concerned about how to contact men.But there is no way.Come on.She is beautiful.Perhaps it is also an excellent condition to rely on this to get close to Zhang Fan.But she was once hurt by a man.Now there is only one accident, Fang Zhenqian.I can't believe it for other men.Not even dare to approach.Even Fang Zhenqian.She was just being respectful.

And then.She is for Fang Yueling.In order to help Fang Yueling.That's why he wanted to take the initiative to approach Zhang Fan.Ask him to help find Fang Zhenqian's whereabouts.But in this way.It also made her into a dilemma.

And because of the fear of men.But at the same time, he wanted her to help Fang Yueling.This contradiction.Let her make the next move.obviously.Nice words.He appeared in front of Zhang Fan with a pleasant face.Explain the stakes in this.With Zhang Yong and Wang Xin as guarantees.Anyway.Even if Zhang Fan would negotiate terms with her.But it may not necessarily reject her.But Yu'er didn't do that.Instead, he appeared in front of Zhang Fan with a high profile.It comes down to it.In fact, it is the expression of Yu'er's fear of men.

And it was because of her fear.And it wasn't the right way to appear in the first place.It was also what made so many things happen between Zhang Fan and her, Fang Yueling, and the Five Poison Sect.It even caused Fang Yueling and others to fall into the capital.It almost cost Zhang Fan his life.

If it's true.Zhang Fan should also hate her.But that's pretty much it.Although Zhang Fan didn't hate her to the point where he had to kill her.But it didn't feel good at all.In short.That's how it was before.

But now.Fang Yueling was already married to Zhang Fan as a concubine.And with the "help" of Fang Zhenqian, the two became husband and wife.In short.This situation.Even Yu'er doesn't want to admit it.But after all, it has already happened.It is also impossible to change.and.Also because of this matter.With Fang Zhenqian's "help", love has sprouted between Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan.There is no way to change the situation.

But this is not enough.Fang Yueling is a person who has no sense of security.Even the special love for Fang Yueling.It also stems from her insecure heart.And now.Fang Yueling followed Zhang Fan to the capital.Even in the face of great danger.Fang Yueling did it anyway.This was something that made Yu'er very painful.Not to mention leaving her alone in Sichuan thousands of miles away.

so.Yu'er could no longer restrain this impulse.I told Fang Zhenqian about it.and after obtaining consent.Yu'er set off at almost the same time as Wang Meng and the others.He also came to the capital.But they didn't tell Wang Meng and the others about this matter.It is also a different one.Came to the capital.That's why Wang Meng and the others didn't know that she had also come to the capital.

Why did Fang Zhenqian agree to this matter.In fact, he didn't want Yu'er to be pitiful or anything.For Fang Zhenqian.It doesn't matter what Yu'er thinks.What he really thought was.Fang Yueling is not the kind of person who is good at coping.Especially now in Zhang Mansion.Even Fang Zhenqian didn't know what was going on in Zhang Fan's house.But for him.If there is one more person beside Fang Yueling.It's also a good thing.

In short.Now Yu'er has arrived in the capital.And after she sent back those who accompanied her to the capital.He went straight to the gate of Zhang Mansion and knocked on the door.now.She was waiting in the porter's room.Wait for someone to come over.

Although it is also a little nervous.But at the thought of seeing Fang Yueling immediately.other thoughts.Including any nervousness, the mood of wanting to see Fang Yueling was calmed down.

Finally.Wait until someone comes to open the door.It's just that Yu'er looked up like this.He found that the person who walked in was the person he least wanted to see.Zhang Fan.This also made her frown.

For Yu'er.She really didn't want to see Zhang Fan.certainly.She also understands that this is something she cannot avoid.Since I plan to come to the capital.Come to this mansion to take care of Fang Yueling.How could it be possible not to see Zhang Fan?But now the two meet.This also made her a little unhappy.Frown.It also revealed the thoughts in her heart without hiding it.

Yu'er is so.But for Zhang Fan.Why didn't he think the same way.When I walked in and saw Yu'er.Zhang Fan also frowned slightly.

After sitting down.Zhang Fan also didn't say a word.Just look at her that way.even though.It's really impolite to just sit and look at a woman like this.But this kind of thing is for Zhang Fan and Yu'er.does not apply.

But Zhang Fan is like this.Yu'er also didn't care that he was staring at her.Instead, he looked at her.

All of a sudden.This is not a big concierge.Although only the two of them.But the atmosphere also became weird.

It went on like this for a while.It was Yu'er who spoke first: "What's wrong, Mr. Zhang. Looking at me like this. Is it possible that I came here to serve my lady. Mr. Zhang doesn't allow it."

"That's not true." Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "Speaking of it, I have thought about it before. You will come here. After all, even if I don't know you well, I know a little. But after you really came, I was a little surprised. I always feel that this Things are a little weird."

"Strange." Yu'er didn't understand what Zhang Fan meant. "It's strange there. Miss has been serving me since she was a child. What's so strange about it. On the contrary, it's you, Mr. Zhang. It's really strange if you think it's strange."

"No. I'm not talking about these things." Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "You came here to serve Yueling. It's nothing. I have nothing to say. But after I heard you came, I always had a feeling. It felt like my home. After you came, I'm afraid it won't calm down I always feel that after you come, something troublesome will happen." But facing Yu'er at this time.Zhang Fan didn't make any fuss.He expressed his thoughts without any concealment.

"Haha." After hearing Zhang Fan's words.Yu'er laughed. "Master Zhang really thinks too highly of me. I, Yu'er, is just a little girl. I came here just to serve my lady. I don't have any other plans. If Master Zhang thinks that I will be in trouble if I come here If you think about it too much. If you still don’t feel at ease, immediately drive me out of the house. I don’t think there will be any trouble.” Facing Zhang Fan’s words.Yu'er also refused to give in at all.So said.But actually.She said so though.In my heart, I was still a little worried.Worried that Zhang Fan really kicked her out.

If so.Then what can she do.Maybe after Fang Yueling found out.He will bring this matter up with Zhang Fan.But thinking about it, Zhang Fan really made up his mind.Based on his current relationship with Fang Yueling.It is definitely not a troublesome thing to persuade Fang Yueling.If that's the case.It's hard for Yu'er.

"No. You look at me too badly." Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "I did think about it. After you come here, there will be a lot of trouble in the future. But I never thought about shutting you out. Even if I thought about it, there would be trouble in the future. I didn't So planned."

"Oh." I heard Zhang Fan say this.Yu'er became a little curious. "You said that. I really haven't thought about it. It seems that you are a little understanding. But if this is the case, then should I thank Mr. Zhang for being so understanding?"

"That's not necessary." Zhang Fan waved his hand and said. "I didn't want you to thank me at all. What's more, I never thought about your arrival. I never thought it would be a good thing. If you want to thank me, I will consider whether it is true or not. I'm going to throw you out.

"However. Since I asked you to stay, I hope you can do me a favor. During the time here, if you get me into trouble, you will make trouble. As long as it can be done. Even if I Thank you very much."

"You don't have to worry about that," Yu'er said. "I've said it before. I'm here to serve my lady. I'm not here to ask for trouble. As long as the trouble can't be found on my head, I will naturally not ask for trouble.

"But since you said that, Mr. Zhang, there is one thing I have to say first. I won't ask for trouble. But if trouble comes to me, I won't just keep silent. "

"You can rest assured about this," Zhang Fan said. "At the very least, I can guarantee this. If you didn't make trouble yourself, I would definitely not make trouble for you."

That's it.There was a knock on the door.

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