The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1464 It's Arranged

It was really early in the morning. After all, today’s day is very important, so it’s natural to get up early to prepare. Of course, there are really nothing that needs Zhang Fan to worry about. What should be done today, she doesn’t need her at all. Excuse me, everything has been arranged at home, but as the protagonist, he has to get up early.

However, Zhang Fan got up so early in the morning not only for the matter of marrying Joanna today. Although this is naturally the highlight of today, it is not the most important thing for Zhang Fan. Of course, maybe he Thinking about it this way, I really feel sorry for Joanna. After all, for her, on such a big day, Zhang Fan didn't take this matter as the biggest.

But I can’t blame Zhang Fan for this. After all, today’s matter is really difficult, especially after Zhu Xuanqi said yesterday that he would come in person, it became even more difficult. Of course, if only Zhu Xuanqi came alone , that's okay, maybe there will be a little trouble in entertaining the higher-ups at that time, but in fact it will not be so difficult, not to mention that Zhu Xuanqi is here now, and it is absolutely impossible to make any untimely actions.

However, the key problem is not that Zhu Xuanqi is alone. He still wants Zhang Fan to bring Zhu Xuanluo. This is the most troublesome part for Zhang Fan. Fan also believed his words, but from Zhang Fan's point of view, this matter is still a bit worrying. What will happen at that time is really worrying.

Obviously it was just a concubine, but there was no early court today. Of course, it was not because of Zhang Fan. No matter how important Zhang Fan is now, he is still a courtier after all. In addition, today is not his wedding. It's just a concubine, how could the court stop early just because a courtier took a concubine.

The real reason is not because Zhu Xuanqi arrived. Although Zhu Xuanqi went to the palace at noon yesterday after he came, and there was a banquet in the palace, but after he returned in the afternoon, he did not go to the palace again. Therefore, this morning, no Going to the early court was actually because of Zhu Xuanqi.

Therefore, Zhu Xuanqi went to the palace early this morning, and the early court was also suspended because of this, but this is not a big deal. Maybe when Zhu Xuanqi is in the capital now, the early court stopped like this. It is also beneficial, and it is really good to be able to relieve the current tension.

Although it wasn't a big wedding and didn't need to wear any special clothes, Zhang Fan still put on a new suit, but Zhang Fan didn't know how Joanna prepared.

Just after the hour, the people who came to congratulate have already come one after another, and at this time, the people who came here don't know what will happen today. Of course, Zhang Fan didn't deliberately hide it from them, it's just that He only found out about this matter yesterday, not to mention that after Zhu Xuanqi came, the truth would become clear, and there was no need to explain it in particular.

But even so, Zhang Fan has already foreseen what kind of expressions these people present will have when Zhu Xuanqi arrives later.

But before Zhu Xuanqi came, Zhang Juzheng, who had come first, found Zhang Fan.

"Teacher came here so early." Zhang Fan saw Zhang Juzheng, so he was the first to go up to say hello. "I'm not going to go to court today, but I still have to disturb the teacher to come. I'm really sorry."

"Where is Yuande talking?" There were indeed a lot of troublesome things before, but now Zhang Fan's home is considered a happy event, so Zhang Juzheng also put aside those troubles in his heart for the time being, with a smile all over his face , talking to Zhang Fan, "Speaking of which, I still want to thank you. If it weren't for your business today, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to relax for a while. Now that all my colleagues are gathered together, but It really makes people feel good that there is no need to talk about state affairs or quarrel with each other.

"By the way, there is something I want to ask you. Don't blame me for ruining the atmosphere. I really want to ask. After Zhu Xuanqi left the palace yesterday, on the way you sent him back, did he say anything?"

"I didn't say anything." Zhang Fan thought about what Zhu Xuanqi said to him yesterday, and felt that there was nothing in it that Zhang Juzheng would care about. That's why he replied, "On the way I sent him back yesterday, I talked to Zhu Xuanqi. He said a few words, but it wasn't a big deal, at most, he just felt that he didn't care about the matter, and nothing else, "

"It seems that during this period of time, this Zhu Xuanqi really encountered something, and even changed his mind," Zhang Juzheng couldn't help but said when he heard what Zhang Fan said, "It's strange when you think about it. The person who put you to death now doesn't care about this matter, it's really weird, "

"That's true." Zhang Fan didn't pay much attention to this matter, but he also sighed, "Fortunately, the students and teachers are not members of the royal family, and there are enough troubles in the court. , if it is involved in these things again, it will make people worry to death.

"By the way, teacher, although Zhu Xuanqi didn't say anything, there is one thing that the students have to talk to the teacher about. Yesterday he told the students that he would come over today,"

"Oh." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhang Juzheng was also a little interested, "He came here, it's nothing to congratulate you, but, from what you said, I feel that it's not just that simple, right?"

"It's really not easy," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "He asked the students to call Zhu Xuanluo here today. He wants to meet and talk to Zhu Xuanluo."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said up to this point, Zhang Juzheng was really surprised. Before that, he also thought about what to do about Zhu Xuanluo after Zhu Xuanqi came to the capital, but Zhang Juzheng's thoughts were similar to Zhang Fan's. To know what happened to Zhu Xuanqi's matter, to put it bluntly, it all depends on the Queen Mother Li's intentions, not the intentions of the brothers Zhu Xuanluo and Zhu Xuanqi.

Moreover, Zhang Juzheng has also considered the problems of the two of them, and always feels that even if the two hate each other, they will not cause any trouble. As long as the court is among them, I am afraid that the two of them will not meet each other, and at that time, No matter what Zhang Juzheng thought, these two people should not want to meet each other.

But now, what Zhang Fan said made him change his opinion. Obviously, maybe Zhu Xuanluo didn't want to see Zhu Xuanqi, but Zhu Xuanqi did want to see Zhu Xuanluo. Of course, regardless of why Zhu Xuanqi wanted to see Zhu Xuanluo, But this matter is definitely a troublesome matter for Zhang Juzheng, especially at this time.

"You promised to come down," Zhang Juzheng was the first to ask this question after hearing what Zhang Fan said, "It's not a problem for the two of them to meet, even if something happens, it doesn't matter, but today , in your house," Zhang Juzheng looked around when he said these words, and looked at the ministers who were talking to each other.

"Teacher, the students understand what the teacher means," Zhang Fan looked at Zhang Juzheng, and said, "The students know that if these two people meet, no, the main reason is that if Zhu Xuanluo shows up, the ministers present will see him. He would definitely have doubts in his heart, if Zhu Xuanqi said something to him again and was overheard, he wouldn't be able to hide it by then.

"However, what Zhu Xuanqi meant was very clear to the students. The reason why he did this was because he was afraid that if he went to find Zhu Xuanluo, Zhu Xuanluo would disappear behind closed doors. That's why he chose this time. The students also thought about it. Let Zhu Xuanluo enter the back hall, and then arrange for them to meet after Zhu Xuanqi arrives, thinking that even if the two of them quarrel when they come, they won’t let the people here hear it.”

"So that's how it is." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhang Juzheng felt a little relieved, but it was only a little relieved. In fact, he was still very worried, "It's just that this is still worrying. Although I know Not as much as you, but I still know a little bit about Zhu Xuanluo's thoughts. I think he already hates Zhu Xuanqi to the bone, but now he wants him to meet Zhu Xuanqi. I heard that he has extraordinary martial arts skills. Not to..."

"This should not be possible," Zhang Fan thought for a while, and said, "Zhu Xuanqi dared to do this, and he was sure of it, and Zhu Xuanluo would not do it if he thought about it, although the queen mother does not intend to do anything to Zhu Xuanqi now. , but he is still in danger, Zhu Xuanluo is not a fool, this should be clear, and if he really takes action, then I am afraid his future will be hopeless, when the time comes, the students will warn him Yes, don't worry, teacher."

"That's it," Zhang Fan's words made Zhang Juzheng stop saying anything, but even though he had nothing to say, Zhang Juzheng was still worried in his heart. Of course, how could he not be worried about this matter.

At this moment, someone came to Zhang Fan and whispered something in his ear.

"I see, I'll go right away," Zhang Fan said back to the visitor.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Juzheng asked hastily.

"Zhu Xuanluo has come," Zhang Fan said frankly without hiding anything, "I told you yesterday that when he comes, I will take him to the backyard. I have already prepared everything there. I'll go over now and tell him a few words."

"Well," Zhang Juzheng nodded, and said, "Remember, you must speak clearly with him. Don't make any trouble, and it will be troublesome."

"Teacher, don't worry." Zhang Fan nodded, with a serious expression on his face. "The students know that this matter is very important, so they made some preparations yesterday. If Zhu Xuanluo really refuses to agree, the students have other ways."

Speaking of this, Zhang Fan looked to the side, and Zhang Juzheng followed Zhang Fan's gaze, saw Wang Meng was there, and wanted to come up with Zhang Fan's so-called other method, which was Wang Meng.

As for this, Zhang Juzheng couldn't help but sighed,

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