The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1465 The So-Called Fantasy

Although Zhu Xuanqi said it clearly and logically.And Zhang Fan also believed it.Zhu Xuanqi will always find a way to prevent Zhu Xuanluo from taking the lead.But even so.Zhang Fan still didn't dare to relax just like that.After all, it doesn't matter whether it is Zhu Xuanqi or Zhu Xuanluo's life.Now that relationship is really important.Zhang Fan didn't want any problems at this juncture.Not to mention.It's today his home.on such a matter.That's even worse.

so.The first thing Zhang Fan considered.It's not whether the two can sit down and talk calmly.It's not whether there will be any quarrel between them.If that's all it is.For Zhang Fan.At most it's just a hassle.But it will not have any substantive impact.

What Zhang Fan was really worried about was.When the time comes, will the two of them say something that doesn't agree with each other?As a result, hands started.certainly.This is called hands-on.In fact, it is just Zhu Xuanluo alone.Zhu Xuanqi didn't have this kind of ability.If you really get your hands on it.Zhu Xuanluo wanted to kill Zhu Xuanqi.It couldn't be easier.

certainly.If Zhu Xuanluo really did this.Not to mention what impact it will have.I'm afraid he's about to suffer himself.But Zhang Fan didn't think Zhu Xuanluo would stop because of this.To know.Although Zhu Xuanluo is not stupid.Also very smart.But after all, too young.And sometimes suddenly become very impulsive.If you really do it.He will inevitably be irrational.As a result, something irreparable may be done.

therefore.Zhang Fan had already made plans.After Zhu Xuanluo came.Before he met Zhu Xuanqi.You have to talk to him first.Explain to him all the stakes in this.There is really no way to save it when the time comes.

only.Even Zhang Fan.But I don't think it's enough to just talk to him clearly.He still worried about what Zhu Xuanluo would do.And the way to face this kind of force.Now Zhang Fan can only use the same method of force to deal with it.

therefore.Zhang Fan was well prepared.Call Wang Meng.Let him be when Zhu Xuanluo and Zhu Xuanqi are talking.Ambush outside the house.In this way.With Wang Meng's skill.Two people inside.Whether it is Zhu Xuanluo who is good at martial arts.It's still Zhu Xuanqi who doesn't know any martial arts at all.There is no way to find him.And once Zhu Xuanluo wants to do something.Wang Meng would definitely rush in to stop him immediately.

If so.It is basically ready.certainly.If so.There will still be trouble afterwards.But it's better than causing bigger troubles.As for the content of the conversation between Zhu Xuanluo and Zhu Xuanqi.Zhang Fan actually wanted to hear it too.And let Wang Meng listen to it.These words are nothing.Even if Wang Meng heard it, he would never say anything about it.And then you can talk to yourself.It's the best of both worlds.

Early in the morning.Zhu Xuanqi went into the palace.After all, he came to Beijing this time under an order.That being the case.This is the second day.Go to the palace to say hello.That is of course the rule.

only.The rules in the palace are complicated.Even between Empress Dowager Li and Zhu Xuanqi, there is not much to say.But this time will still be delayed for a long time.therefore.If Zhu Xuanqi came over.I'm afraid it will take a while.

certainly.If so.For Zhang Fan.Also a good thing.After all, that's how it came about.Zhu Xuanluo must have arrived earlier than Zhu Xuanqi.If so.Zhang Fan had time to talk to him first.If Zhu Xuanluo came after Zhu Xuanqi.It was not easy for Zhang Fanke to talk to him.

Zhang Fan was thinking about this.When talking to Zhang Juzheng.Someone came to report.Zhu Xuanluo is already here.Zhang Fan also temporarily left Zhang Juzheng.Went to the room arranged for Zhu Xuanluo in the backyard long ago.

Speaking up.Zhu Xuanluo asked why Zhang Fan invited him today.It has always been very confusing.When Zhu Xuanqi came to the capital yesterday.He was really excited.Both excitement and worry rang in his heart at the same time.The excitement is naturally that today may be the time for him to take back everything that once belonged to him; and the worry is the same.He was afraid that Empress Dowager Li would not do anything.Then the rest of my life will be sad.

But in the end.God doesn't follow people's wishes.Among the news sent back.Zhu Xuanqi was not arrested.Even news of being killed on the spot.Just plain stuff.

And Zhu Xuanluo, who heard the news, knew it.myself this time.What a missed opportunity.No.It should not be said that the opportunity was missed.It should be said that God never gave him this chance at all.

This made him want to vent.Blame God and others.But there is no sense of oppression of the object.This feeling is so uncomfortable for him.Almost got sick.

But for Zhu Xuanluo.Things have become like this.But he has no way at all.Not even a single person who could speak.The only thing that can be done.It is to ask the person guarding the door to invite Zhang Fan.He wanted to ask Zhang Fan.What exactly is going on.

But things have come to this point.Zhang Fan also didn't want to pay attention to him at all.Even if he sent someone to invite Zhang Fan three times.The people guarding the door didn't look bored at all.As long as he speaks.So I went to pass the news to Zhang Fan.But the result.Zhang Fan did not come over.

Although it's just that.But for Zhu Xuanluo.He had also foreseen the appearance of this matter.I always feel like this.Even if Zhang Fan didn't come over.But it is already an explanation.This matter is already settled.He never had a chance to take back what was his own.

And just when Zhu Xuanluo lost all hope.When it is like a puppet.Someone actually sent the news.It is said that it is the time for Zhang Fan to take a concubine tomorrow.Invite him to the house.

This thing sounds very common.But for Zhu Xuanluo.But it is not simple anymore.After all this kind of thing.Although Zhang Fan would invite him to go.It's not surprising.But if you think about it carefully.There is actually no need for Zhang Fan to do this at all.let him pass.At most it will only disturb.

so.In Zhu Xuanluo's view.Zhang Fan invited him to go.Thinking about it, there must be something to tell him.And what is it.Zhu Xuanluo was the first to think of it.That's all there is to it.perhaps.Empress Dowager Li didn't do anything today.It may be because Zhu Xuanqi has just arrived in the capital.But Zhu Xuanqi still has a lot of days to stay in the capital.In this way, it may be that Queen Mother Li plans to wait a few days before doing anything.

certainly.Even Zhu Xuanluo didn't know what was going on in the court.I don't know that the people in the court have already planned for this.He felt it too.This possibility is not high.Not entirely impossible.I just thought it would be incredible.

but.No matter how.This is for Zhu Xuanluo.It's also an opportunity.And now Zhu Xuanluo.There is simply no way out.The road in front of him could not be seen clearly at all.Such an opportunity.It is absolutely impossible for him to give up.

therefore.the next day.That is today.He came to Zhang Fan's house.He didn't come too early.This will make you seem a little impatient.In case Zhang Fan feels uncomfortable.That would be bad.It's not too late either.That would be too rude.

In short.For this matter that is likely to be related to his future destiny.Zhu Xuanluo is unusual news.Even in such trivial matters as the time of presence.They have already made what he thinks is the most perfect choice.

And waited for him to arrive at the Zhang Mansion.And after reporting the name.He found the man who led him the way.Didn't take him to the front yard.Instead, they headed towards the backyard of the Zhang Mansion.All of a sudden.Zhu Xuanluo's confidence soared even more.After all, this is how it came about.It also means that Zhang Fan really wants to tell him something that cannot be made public.

When we got here.Zhu Xuanluo has become a little excited.perhaps.Today is when he hears the good news.Even this fantasy and hope.Zhu Xuanluo was also thinking.and.The situation today.It always makes him feel that this possibility is getting bigger and bigger.after all.If only to invite him to congratulate.No matter how you think about it, it shouldn't be after bringing him here.Of course it should be in the front yard.And now here he is.Obviously, it meant that Zhang Fan had something to tell him.

but.The so-called greater hope.The greater the disappointment.That's all.No matter what Zhu Xuanluo thinks.But it was already doomed.Obviously there is no way to change it.certainly.Today's Zhu Xuanluo doesn't know this yet.Therefore, he still held this fantasy in his heart.

But since it is a fantasy.Then there is always a moment to be broken.But for Zhu Xuanluo.He is not far away from this time.And the person who will come to break his illusion.Of course it was Zhang Fan.only.Today's Zhu Xuanluo doesn't know this yet.He also continued to indulge in his fantasies.

next moment.Zhu Xuanluo who heard the knock on the door.Then it gets even more this time.Someone who can come here to find him.No matter how you think about it.It could only be Zhang Fan.And Zhang Fan came like this.It will only bring him "good" news.

Think about these things.The depression of yesterday disappeared without a trace.Even when walking over to open the door.Zhu Xuanqi felt a little lighter.

After opening the door.I saw Zhang Fan.Zhu Xuanluo was even happier.

"Master Zhang. You are here." Zhu Xuanluo was so happy to see Zhang Fan again this time.Even the name has changed.Use honorifics. "Yesterday, I sent someone to invite Mr. Zhang, but Mr. Zhang didn't come. So he was busy with this matter.

"Today is Master Zhang's great joy. I only found out yesterday. I was in a hurry. I can only prepare some small profits. I hope Master Zhang will accept it."

"Your Majesty is too polite." Seeing Zhu Xuanluo's appearance like this.Zhang Fan naturally understood immediately.He must have misunderstood what asked him to come here today.But even so.Zhang Fan didn't intend to tell the truth right away.On the contrary, he said. "Also invite the prince to take his seat. I have something to say to the prince."

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