The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1477 The so-called mood

Although Zhu Xuanqi's so-called "drunkness" is just an illusion.But Zhang Fan also considered it.The conversation between Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo.It will definitely not be such a pleasant thing.Can't last long either.So Zhang Fan was also well prepared.On the other side of the backyard, a wing room was prepared for Zhu Xuanqi to rest.It's because I'm afraid that after I come out from Zhu Xuanluo.He has nowhere to go.

but.Zhu Xuanqi did not appreciate it.After coming out from Zhu Xuanluo.Zhu Xuanqi was very disappointed.And he didn't care what was weird or not.Straight back to the front yard.

Although Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo also talked for a while.But that's just in terms of dialogue.The time is not short.But in terms of drunkenness.During that time, it was almost like getting up immediately after falling down drunk.It will make people feel incredible.

so.One can imagine.When people see Zhu Xuanqi, they will come back at this time.There was a look of astonishment on every face.only.Although there is surprise on everyone's face.No one doubted anything.Naturally, no one will come to ask anything.

There is no other reason.Just because of Zhu Xuanqi today.The look on his face.It is simply inaccessible.Today's Zhu Xuanqi.His complexion was gray and pale.And the expressions always have a feeling that makes people feel indescribable.

certainly.This is just the thinking of those who don't know what just happened.Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, who knew it, could naturally see it.The expression on Zhu Xuanqi's face now.It was obvious that he was extremely disappointed.Already lost to the point of losing such a lost expression.And this expression looks to other people.It's almost as if the wine has been drunk to the point of discomfort.So now these people see Zhu Xuanqi.All thought he was simply drinking too much.Go to rest but can't sleep.This is what will come back.

but.It doesn't matter what these people think.Or so to speak.They will think so.On the contrary, it made Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng feel relaxed.As long as they don't suspect anything else.Then it doesn't matter what you think.

Only next.Zhu Xuanqi's actions.It's even more strange.After Zhu Xuanqi came back.It was silent.He sat directly in his original position.And before Zhang Fan next to him opened his mouth to say something to him.He just picked up the wine glass in front of him.Started drinking again.

This time.Not just startle other people.Even Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng were stunned.Although both of them know it.Zhu Xuanqi was pretending to be drunk before.Just to avoid people's eyes and ears.So that I can go to see Zhu Xuanluo.But it was also for doing something before.You can't get drunk without drinking this Xuanqi before.Speaking of which, he really drank a lot of wine.

certainly.Zhu Xuanqi drinks a lot.Zhang Fan understood this point.But even so.I had already drank so much just now.No matter how much you drink.I drank so much wine just now.It won't be much better now.But Zhu Xuanqi is good.Never mind.Continue to drink up.

Not to mention Zhang Juzheng who didn't know how much Zhu Xuanqi could drink.Even Zhang Fan who knew about it was taken aback.I'm afraid it's him who drinks like this.What's wrong with drinking it at that time.

"My lord..." Thinking about it, I can't just let him go.Zhang Fan couldn't help but speak. "Although this wine is good. But it's better to drink less subtle. Otherwise, the wine will hurt you..." It's just.Zhang Fan hadn't finished speaking.I saw Zhu Xuanqi staring at him with extremely unkind eyes.He also had to obediently shut his mouth.

And Zhang Juzheng on the side.Originally, he planned to persuade Zhu Xuanqi.But he was one step behind Zhang Fan.It's just that when he saw Zhang Fan being stared at by Zhu Xuanqi like this.Zhang Juzheng chose to be silent very wisely.this kind of thing.He doesn't care though.But after all, he is the first and second minister of the cabinet.Now in front of so many people.If Zhu Xuanqi stared at him so much and couldn't speak.He couldn't let go of his face.

It's Zhang Fan's side.It doesn't matter anymore.Even if Zhu Xuanqi stared at him so much that he couldn't speak.Practically speaking.This has no effect on Zhang Fan.Even if those people in the court think about Zhang Fan.But he won't say anything.

But Zhang Juzheng couldn't do it.Now he is in full swing in the court.Plus he still has a lot of things to do now.And these things definitely need Zhang Juzheng's power.So he can't be affected by anything now.

Don't talk about this.Zhang Fan was stared at by Zhu Xuanqi.It's true that I can't speak.In fact, Zhang Fan spoke just now.It was just to comfort him.After all, after he came back just now.The look on his face.Even Zhang Fan hadn't heard Wang Meng tell him exactly what the two of them said.But roughly the situation.Zhang Fan had already guessed it.

so.This is what Zhang Fan wanted to say.To persuade Zhu Xuanqi.But did not expect.Zhu Xuanqi was like this.But this also shows.He did not make any progress with Zhu Xuanluo.Otherwise, how could it be so.And Zhang Fan had indeed thought about this before.But I never thought of it.The setback Zhu Xuanqi suffered was so great.Even his temperament has changed.

In this way.Although Zhu Xuanqi was hindered a little here.But Zhang Fan wanted to know more and more.What did the two of them say?Of course, it is impossible to ask Zhu Xuanqi now.I'll ask Wang Meng later and I'll know.

And now.Zhu Xuanqi is like this.Although Zhang Fan was worried.But I don't want to ask.Anyway, even after drinking so much wine.At most, it's just that drinking hurts the body.And it was Zhu Xuanqi's body.He has nothing to do with Zhang Fan.As long as you don't drink to death.

Looking at Zhu Xuanqi's appearance like this.Just that moment.All the people present fell silent.And after seeing Zhang Fan stared at by Zhu Xuanqi.It was quiet again.But this time.I don't know who took the lead.After saying some persuasive words.The others also hurriedly agreed.It was picked up.The atmosphere immediately returned to how it was before.It just got weirder than before.

Speaking up.Today is really the first time Zhang Fan has experienced such a day.It's not the first time he has married a concubine.Even when he was in the Five Poisons Sect.That scene was not of his own free will.But at least not even then.It's never been as weird as it is now.

But this time.Because of Zhu Xuanqi's matter.The atmosphere is really strange.One change and three changes.If it weren't for the guests present, they were all from the court.It is estimated that this will really make people overwhelmed.And there may be some embarrassing scenes.

but.Although it would feel strange to say that a lot happened today.Things that make the atmosphere tense.But in general.Zhang Fan is still in a very good mood today.Anyway.Today is the day he will marry Joanna into the door.Even among them.And because of Zhu Xuanqi, such and such things happened.But these are only small effects.It didn't make Zhang Fan feel that there was anything wrong.

up to now.Regardless of Zhu Xuanqi's mood.Anyway, everything that should be done today has been done.Then just wait for the crowd to disperse.Of course you want to wait for those who arrive to leave.It is estimated that there is still a long time.But Zhang Fan also felt that it didn't matter.It's still early anyway.There's still a long way to go at night.That being the case.Just leave Zhu Xuanqi alone.Have a good drink.

Think here.Zhang Fan didn't intend to dwell on these issues anymore.He picked up the wine glass and started to drink with others.

only.I haven't had two sips of the wine yet.Wang Meng came to Zhang Fan's side.Talk to him in a low voice.

Hear Wang Meng's words.Zhang Fan stood up.Said to the people present: "My lord, my lords. I have something to do at home. Take me a little while and come." Finish.Zhang Fan took Wang Meng to the backyard.

After leaving the front yard.Zhang Fan then asked Wang Meng: "Why. Zhu Xuanluo wants to see me. What's the matter? Don't say he regretted it again. He wants to see Zhu Xuanqi again." After saying this.Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing at himself.I always feel that he has drunk too much today.Everything he said was like a joke.

"That's not true." Sure enough.Wang Meng shook his head.Said. "Zhu Xuanluo looks like he wants to leave. So he asked the humble official to call the lord. He wants to say goodbye to the lord."

"I see." Zhang Fan nodded.continue to ask. "That's right. What did the two of them say? I see that after Zhu Xuanqi came back, his expression is not right." Although Zhang Fan can roughly guess it.But since Wang Meng is here.He also wanted to ask clearly.

"That's not what I said." Wang Meng said. "Zhu Xuanqi does seem to be out of his mind. He wants Zhu Xuanluo to forgive him. But Zhu Xuanluo is very firm. No matter what Zhu Xuanqi says, he just refuses to forgive him. In this way, adults will see Zhu Xuanqi's appearance. No wonder."

Since Zhu Xuanqi left.Zhu Xuanluo was drinking alone in the house.He knocked on the door just now.The humble past.He said he wanted to leave.Before leaving, I want to say goodbye to adults.By the way, my lord.When the two are talking.Humble has been watching.Zhu Xuanluo was a little excited a few times.The tone is also a little rushed.But the humble job can be noticed.He didn't intend to do it. "

"It seems that Zhu Xuanluo is determined to want Zhu Xuanqi's life." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "But I hated it to this extent. But Zhu Xuanluo didn't do anything. He didn't even think about it. It seems that he lived in the capital for a while. It also made him mature a lot. Under such circumstances, he can still bear it." Containing the anger in my heart. It is true that it has become difficult. However, it is a pity. No matter how difficult he is, his future life has already been determined. Thinking about it this way, it is a pity.

"Okay. Let's not talk about it. I'll go see him now. Say goodbye to me. It's interesting. At this time, I've become more polite. I want to hear what he wants to say."

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