The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1478 Want to hear the real chapter

Zhu Xuanluo obviously couldn't drink the wine anymore.Find him in Zhu Xuanqi.After talking to him.He didn't.It is also impossible to forgive Zhu Xuanqi.And when Zhu Xuanqi left.Zhu Xuanluo sat back down again.He drank on his own.

Rather.It was precisely because Zhu Xuanqi came to talk to him.That's why he became like this.after all.What Zhu Xuanqi said to him.Even if he has expressed his attitude.It is absolutely impossible to forgive Zhu Xuanqi.But those words.It also made Zhu Xuanluo not to think about it.

And in this way.Just think of these things.It is impossible for Zhu Xuanluo's heart not to be touched at all.even though.For his own sake.Even if it's just an explanation for the suffering I have suffered in the past twenty years.No matter what Zhu Xuanluo did, it was impossible for Zhu Xuanqi to forgive him.But after all what Zhu Xuanqi said.It also gave him some ideas.

certainly.Impossible to forgive is impossible to forgive.No matter how he has an idea.This is also impossible.But seriously.It's not because he hates Zhu Xuanqi so much.After all, although Zhu Xuanqi did that back then, he was indeed sorry for him.But after all, Zhu Xuanqi just did such a thing to feel sorry for him.certainly.What happened later was also caused by what Zhu Xuanqi did.It's just that they all blamed Zhu Xuanqi on his head.It seems that some should not be.

That's all.Only Zhu Xuanluo would think so in his own heart.And when he faced Zhu Xuanqi.Or anyone else's time.He will never say these words.

Anyway.Anyway, Zhu Xuanqi came to look for him today.After talking to him like this.Zhu Xuanluo's heart was indeed shaken.But wavering is just wavering.But can't make a change.After all, once changed.He no longer has the motivation to continue living.

Thinking about these things that bothered him extremely.Even in the cup in your hand.Filled with wine.Very sweet.But drink it in your mouth.But it also made Zhu Xuanluo feel.This is like bitter water.There is no fragrance of wine at all.And the more you drink.He felt more and more panicked in his heart.

Plus.He wants to escape.Or they are unwilling to face the wavering in their hearts.Thinking that Zhu Xuanqi is here now.Although Zhang Mansion is very big.Just two people.Now we won't see each other again.But after all, they are all in the same mansion.Just think about it.Zhu Xuanluo felt even more uncomfortable.

Did not eat a bite of food.It's not because you're not hungry.But can't eat it at all.And the drinks are getting worse and worse.In addition, my heart was blocked and panicked.That being the case.Zhu Xuanluo didn't want to stay any intends to leave.

original.Zhu Xuanluo wanted to leave without saying goodbye.Think about what happened today.Even if he left without even saying hello.Even so.Zhang Fan would not blame him for anything.

But when he opened the door.But it happened to see Wang Meng outside.

For Wang Meng.Zhu Xuanluo naturally knew.Wang Meng's martial arts is very high.I am not an opponent at all.And at this time today.Wang Meng was waiting outside his door.Obviously Zhang Fan had already made arrangements.

When Zhu Xuanluo was talking to Zhu Xuanqi just now.Did not notice any breath.I didn't feel that someone was peeping outside the house.certainly.This may be because he was very excited at the time.So the breath is disordered.It is natural not to notice.But if it is Wang Meng.Thinking about it, he was concentrating.It is impossible for him to detect Wang Meng's existence through this wall.

See Wang Meng.Zhu Xuanluo also thought of it.Zhang Fan sent him over.Naturally, it wasn't to eavesdrop on the conversation between him and Zhu Xuanqi.Those words don't matter at all.What's more, even if you guess, you can guess the words between the two.but.more important.Probably it was to prevent him from attacking Zhu Xuanqi.

Think about it too.Even Zhang Fan had come to him before.Advise him not to do it.Thinking about it, Zhang Fan was also worried.Or to put it more simply.Just don't believe him.That's why Wang Meng was sent to monitor him.

certainly.After learning the news, Zhu Xuanluo was indeed a little disappointed.But this little loss.Compared with the news heard from Zhu Xuanqi today.It's really insignificant.So Zhu Xuanluo didn't care much about these.In other words, he doesn't care about anything now.

but.See Wang Meng.It reminded him of one thing.He couldn't help but said to Wang Meng: "Wang Qianhu. It's best if you stay here. Please go and ask Mr. Zhang to come over. I have something to say to him. Just say that I'm leaving. I want to see Mr. Zhang before I leave. .”

Hear what Zhu Xuanluo said.Wang Meng didn't answer either.He just nodded and turned to leave.

And Zhu Xuanluo.Now that I have said that I want to see Zhang Fan.Had to go back to the room again.Sit back to the original place.And the drink that had already become dull.At this moment, it was held in his hand again.Turned into a prop to pass the time.

When Zhang Fan came over.Zhu Xuanluo drank another pot of wine.

"My lord, this is a good drinker." Zhang Fan entered the door.I saw several empty jugs lying on the table.That's what he said.Speaking up.Zhang Fan saw this scene.I do have some ideas.Or.No wonder Zhu Xuanluo and Zhu Xuanqi are brothers.Obviously, they all encountered helpless things.But the way the two vented was all the same.Do not abuse.Not so much.Just know to drink a lot with wine.

"Master Zhang, don't make fun of me anymore." Seeing Zhang Fan approaching.Although Zhu Xuanluo really doesn't want to show any good face now.But since it is Zhang Fan.The most basic thing is to do. "Master Zhang must have heard what I said to him. It's nothing important. It's just an enemy talking about the past."

"Don't be surprised, my son." Zhang Fan said such words to Zhu Xuanluo.No embarrassment at all. "I think the son of the future will understand my intention of doing this. There are some things. Even if it will be embarrassing, you have to do that.

"That's right. I heard that the prince is leaving. But."

"Not bad." Nodded.Zhu Xuanluo said. "It's meaningless to stay here anymore. Everything that needs to be done has been done. All that needs to be said has been said. If you continue to stay, there is nothing to do. It will still make you feel more uncomfortable. That's the case. Why should I continue to stay here. It’s better to leave as soon as possible.”

"Your Majesty's mood. Although I can't understand it, I can understand it." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "It's just that the prince left. Just let someone tell me. Why do you want me to say goodbye in person? Could it be possible to say. Is there anything else the prince wants to tell me?"

"There are indeed some things..." when it was mentioned.Zhu Xuanluo was silent for a while.But after thinking about it for a while.At last he raised his head.Looking at Zhang Fan, he asked. "There is one thing. Although it is not very important now. But I thought about it just now. I still plan to ask Mr. Zhang."

"My son, please tell me." Hearing what Zhu Xuanluo said.Zhang Fan also became a little more serious.asked.

"Although I asked Mr. Zhang before. But at that time, Mr. Zhang didn't give me a definite answer." Zhu Xuanluo said. "Now. I just take this opportunity to ask Mr. Zhang clearly. I asked Mr. Zhang before. What is the Queen Mother? How do you plan to treat Zhu Xuanqi? Just leave it alone. Or what does the Queen Mother have? Other plans."

Zhang Fan didn't expect Zhu Xuanluo to ask about this matter.At first Zhang Fan heard that Zhu Xuanluo wanted to see him before leaving.He thought it was after the conversation with Zhu Xuanqi.Zhu Xuanluo has some new ideas.To talk to him or something.But now.When talking about sitting opposite Zhu Xuanluo.what he asked.But it's still such an irrelevant question.

It's not that Zhang Fan was disappointed when he heard the same question.It was because he couldn't think of it.It's all time.Why does Zhu Xuanluo still insist on this matter.

But since Zhu Xuanluo has already asked.Zhang Fan had no choice but to answer him: "Your Majesty, I have already told you about this matter. What will happen to this matter? It all depends on what the Queen Mother is thinking. As for me..."

"Master Zhang. That's not the answer I want." Zhu Xuanluo interrupted Zhang Fan before he finished speaking. "I want to hear Master Zhang's thoughts. Master Zhang thinks about this matter. What will happen in the end. Master Zhang. Don't say that you can't guess the queen mother's mind about this matter. Or you don't dare to guess anything. I I just want to hear what Mr. Zhang thinks.

"I also ask Master Zhang to tell the truth. Please don't care about me, Master Zhang. No matter what Master Zhang thinks. Please tell Master Zhang the truth."

Zhang Fan was stunned by Zhu Xuanluo's words.He really didn't expect Zhu Xuanluo to ask him that.Looking at Zhu Xuanluo's serious expression.Zhang Fan knew that this time he wanted to get away with it again.That's impossible.And what Zhu Xuanluo said was very clear.No matter how it ends.Tell him the truth.

Honestly.Zhang Fan didn't want to do this either.But now.Meet Zhu Xuanqi at Zhu Xuanluo.After talking.Zhu Xuanluo asked him again.And even so.In Zhang Fan's opinion.This is indeed no longer necessary to tell him lightly.not to mention.Zhu Xuanluo's appearance made it very clear.He doesn't want anything else.He just wanted to listen to what Zhang Fan had in mind.

And now.The problem before Zhang Fan is.Seriously.It wasn't what he thought at all.Instead, Zhu Xuanluo told him what he wanted to hear.Or really say what you really think in your heart.What about the real thoughts that Zhu Xuanluo didn't want to hear.

This made Zhang Fan hesitate.But when he looked at Zhu Xuanluo again.That face is serious.When you want to know the face of the truth.Zhang Fan felt the same way.It has come to this time.Facing Zhu Xuanluo like this.It seems to be lying again.There is no need anymore.

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