Zhu Xuanluo left Zhang's mansion. Before he asked Zhang Fan about Zhu Xuanqi, he wanted to hear the truth from Zhang Fan. How did Empress Dowager Li plan to deal with Zhu Xuanqi? Of course, this so-called truth was actually nothing more than It's just Zhang Fan's guess, but before that, Zhu Xuanluo had already asked Zhang Fan, but at that time Zhang Fan didn't even tell him the truth of his guess, so now Zhu Xuanluo has to ask clearly.

Although Zhang Fan didn't know what Queen Mother Li was thinking, Zhang Fan was familiar with Queen Mother Li after all, and in this way, even if Queen Mother Li didn't say anything, Zhang Fan could still guess what she thought. This is why Zhu Xuanluo wanted to hear Zhang Fan's guess. In his opinion, this is more reliable.

And in the end, when Zhang Fan saw Zhu Xuanluo like this, he also told him the truth of what he thought, and did not hide anything. In this way, Zhu Xuanluo already knew it in his heart. Anyway, this has already explained that Zhu Xuanqi Nothing will happen during this trip to the capital.

But in this way, it will not be good news for Zhu Xuanluo. After all, it means that Zhu Xuanluo has no way to realize his wish immediately, to avenge Zhu Xuanqi, and to get back his own. What's more, he will probably live under this kind of house arrest, which is equivalent to being in prison, for the rest of his life.

Unless there is a turning point, of course, the so-called turning point means that Zhu Xuanqi will do something wrong again in the future, such as provoking the Queen Mother Li again, otherwise, he will have no way to get out of this vicious circle. Out.

Of course, if it's the original Zhu Xuanqi, Zhu Xuanluo doesn't have to worry at all. If it's the original Zhu Xuanqi, whether it's formal speech or other things, he is more impulsive. In this way, he will make some mistakes again. That's just a matter of time, Zhu Xuanluo doesn't need to do anything at all, just wait quietly.

But that was just the original Zhu Xuanqi, and the current Zhu Xuanqi, after going through so many things, has really changed a lot. From what he just said to Zhu Xuanluo, it has already made people Zhu Xuanluo understands that Zhu Xuanqi has become too much now.

But for Zhu Xuanqi today, it would be very difficult to say that Zhu Xuanqi only expects him to make mistakes in the future. Today's Zhu Xuanqi is not only not going to make any mistakes, but more importantly, he is more careful in his actions. , Don't let yourself do anything, such Zhu Xuanqi, Zhu Xuanluo wants to sit and wait for him to have an accident, it is really rare.

What's more, if it's just some small things, it's nothing serious at all, and it won't attract the attention of Queen Mother Li.

In short, for Zhu Xuanluo today, coming to the capital is equivalent to trapping himself to death here.

But after hearing what Zhang Fan really said, Zhu Xuanluo was very calm, and he didn't show much loss. His expression didn't make people look so strange, maybe because he told Zhu Xuanqi before Because of those words, Zhu Xuanluo now always has some unnatural expressions on his face, but those expressions are not because of what Zhang Fan said to him.

Perhaps, somewhere unknown, Zhu Xuanluo has already seen something.

Of course, the current Zhu Xuanluo didn't say anything, but in Zhang Fan's view, the current Zhu Xuanluo is not very comfortable. First, what he wants to do is basically impossible to do now, and not only That's the case, and more importantly, now that he's stuck in this quagmire, it's up to him whether he can get out. Anyone else would have some thoughts in his heart when encountering such a thing.

As for Zhu Xuanqi's matter, what he said just now made Zhu Xuanluo really have a lot of different thoughts. Of course, with that sentence, it is absolutely impossible for Zhu Xuanluo to forgive Zhu Xuanqi, but Zhu Xuanqi's words, Let him touch a lot.

Today's Zhu Xuanluo doesn't need to think deeply about how complicated and entangled his mind is right now, but others can't help him, and they won't help him, even if he takes Zhang Fan as an example, he thinks so Zhu Xuanluo is a bit pitiful, but it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan's sympathy to be used on Zhu Xuanluo. All of this is inevitable, and it has been decided long ago. Doomed.

Looking at the back of Zhu Xuanluo leaving, Zhang Fan thought a lot in his heart, but he didn't say a word. This is the only way this matter is now, and there is no way to change anything that has been settled.

After seeing off Zhu Xuanluo, Zhang Fan returned to the front yard and drank with the guests. Some of the things just now were also because of today's day, so he stopped thinking about those things in a blink of an eye.

Of course, if you want to think about it or not, you have to say that Zhang Fan's perseverance is not small. After all, even if Zhu Xuanluo has left, there is still Zhu Xuanqi sitting next to him, and Zhu Xuanqi is not like Zhu Xuanluo who has already seen it. Now Zhu Xuanqi is obviously unhappy because of the previous incident, and now he is still drinking one cup after another.

Although it has not reached the level of drunkenness and drunkenness, it seems that it is almost the same, and even the people present have ignored Zhu Xuanqi's state, drinking and having fun on their own, talking to each other, but Even so, or the more they are like this, the more unnatural it becomes in their hearts.

But Zhang Fan was really different. The reason for this was that Zhu Xuanqi was sitting next to him now, but Zhang Fan was so natural, he didn't care, and he was so happy without affecting his mood.

To be honest, seeing Zhang Fan like this, other people really admired him, but Zhang Juzheng who was sitting at the side became a little envious. Zhang Juzheng was also sitting beside Zhu Xuanqi, and Zhu Xuanqi's current behavior really made him a little unnatural. Sometimes, someone came to toast him, but Zhu Xuanqi could only raise his glass with a dry smile.

And when he saw how natural Zhang Fan was, Zhang Juzheng was really envious, and even couldn't help thinking, if he could be like Zhang Fan, that would be great.

Speaking of which, it's no wonder Zhang Juzheng or Zhang Fan, after all, no matter what, the two of them have similar thoughts on this matter, and neither of them hope that there will be any accidents in this matter.

It's just that Zhang Fan is much more free than Zhu Xuanqi in terms of this kind of wish. Zhang Fan really doesn't want anything to happen, but once something happens, to Zhang Fan, it's just an ideological dislike. That's all.

But Zhang Juzheng is completely different. If there is anyone in the DPRK who does not want anything to happen, it is definitely not Zhu Xuanqi, but Zhang Juzheng. It has not been a few years since Zhang Juzheng became a cabinet minister, and his ambition It hasn't been long since it started, even though his new policy is indeed very good, but it is only one item, Zhang Juzheng still has more ideas to put into action, which are still under planning.

And if something happens, it will be troublesome at that time. I don’t know how much work will be done to calm this matter, and I don’t know how long it will be delayed. When that time comes, The ministers in the court, as well as those princes who have nothing to do, will definitely make a fuss.

In this way, Zhang Juzheng's new method is not only unable to be implemented in the court, not to mention, even the "Testing Method" that has already started to be implemented may be greatly affected.

Therefore, it can be said that Zhang Juzheng is the one who does not want anything to happen the last time. Therefore, now that he is sitting beside Zhu Xuanqi and seeing Zhu Xuanqi like this, Zhang Juzheng can't relax at all. Like some people, temporarily suppressing the unnaturalness in my heart, I can't do it just pretending to be relaxed.

In this way, looking at Zhang Fan, Zhang Juzheng will naturally envy him. Of course, there is no way to solve this kind of unresolved knot in his heart, and until now, it can only be like this.

Therefore, today was considered a very good day, but for Zhang Juzheng, it has now become a kind of torture. The more relaxed he looks at others, the more uncomfortable he feels. Now he just hopes that today's time Can pass faster, can end earlier, let him go home.

However, not to mention that it is still early, more importantly, the better he is in his heart, the slower the time will pass, but there is still no way, he can only bear this kind of thing by himself.

And Zhang Juzheng, who was struggling with these things, suddenly heard a "clang" sound in his ears, which also made him startled, and he hurriedly turned his head to look over.

It turned out that Zhu Xuanqi had already drank too much, he couldn't sit still on his buttocks, and fell to the ground.

"My lord,"

Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng were the closest, seeing this, they rushed up to help Zhu Xuanqi up.

Perhaps it was because Zhu Xuanqi was already a little dizzy from drinking, and he was sitting on a chair. Such a fall did not hurt him, but a drunk person, even Zhang Fan, a young man, and Zhang Juzheng still had some strength, but it took a lot of effort to pull him up.

After pulling it up, Zhang Fan hurriedly called his servants and helped Zhu Xuanqi to rest in the backyard again.

This time, all the people present were startled, but Zhang Juzheng became more relaxed because of this incident. After all, Zhu Xuanqi was not here, he couldn't see it, and he wouldn't think about it anymore. Naturally, it was a lot easier.

Therefore, after Zhu Xuanqi left here, Zhang Juzheng relaxedly began to persuade others to drink, which made the people present even more confused, but Zhang Juzheng didn't care,

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