The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1480 Finally Sending Away

A lot of things really happened today, even if today is actually just Zhang Fan's concubine, even if there are so many guests, in name, they should not come to congratulate, moreover Such as door-to-door gatherings between colleagues on weekdays, of course, this scale cannot be solved by a single gathering.

Logically speaking, today should be a day for the guests and the host to have fun. At the very least, aside from the intrigues above the court, everyone comes to drink, so it should be a very relaxing day, but in reality However, today was not an easy day, and it was supposed to be a very simple day, but too many things happened.

Today Zhu Xuanqi chose to meet Zhu Xuanluo at this place, which was arranged by Zhang Fan, and it was impossible for Zhang Fan not to ask about all the things that happened, and he had to ask them one by one to understand. It already made Zhang Fan feel very troubled. Of course, Zhang Fan's self-regulation ability is very good. Although these things are troubles, they can't disturb his interest.

Of course, Zhu Xuanqi came here to see Zhu Xuanluo. Among the people who were drinking, only Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng knew about this matter. Zhang Fan could afford to let it go, but Zhang Juzheng obviously couldn't. Yes, so today's matter is really the most troublesome, in fact it is Zhang Juzheng.

As for other people, today is also annoyed. Of course, their annoyance cannot be compared with that of Zhang Juzheng, and it is even much easier than that of Zhang Fan. After all, they don't know what happened today. , I didn’t know that Zhu Xuanluo would come, and they didn’t even know that Zhu Xuanluo existed. In this case, all they saw were the strange appearances of Zhu Xuanqi after he arrived, and they were already in a bad mood to speak. Just nothing.

In this way, although these people would feel a little uncomfortable because Zhu Xuanqi was there, they would not feel any pressure, and after Zhu Xuanqi was really drunk, they would relax even more.

Generally speaking, although the first half of today's banquet was not to be said to be suffering, it was not easy, but in the second half, it was really relaxed, and people began to speak freely without any scruples.

And finally when it was the end, Zhang Juzheng did not leave immediately after Zhang Fan sent the last person away. Although Zhang Juzheng could guess some things, and it was more transparent than what Zhang Fan guessed, he still had to ask. Just ask.

"It seems that Zhu Xuanqi didn't get any benefits from what happened today," Zhang Juzheng came to Zhang Fan and said to him.

"That's true," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "But thinking about it, it's an inevitable situation. After all, even though Zhu Xuanqi only did such a thing to feel sorry for Zhu Xuanluo back then, Zhu Xuanluo's whole life changed because of it. Well, in this way, it is inevitable that Zhu Xuanluo will not forgive Zhu Xuanqi, but now, this was originally a matter between the two brothers, but it has become a major event in the court. I am afraid that it is only the people in the court who are unusual. There are a lot of things that I don't know about Zhu Xuanluo."

"These things are beyond our control." Zhang Juzheng also sighed helplessly, and said, "We have nothing to do with this kind of thing. We can only wait until the thing happens, and we are trying to find a way to calm it down." Yes, to be honest, I have always felt a little uncomfortable in my heart, and it would be best for this kind of thing to happen less in the future.

"However, I would like to ask you what Zhu Xuanqi is thinking now. I know that he probably doesn't care what the queen mother plans to do with him, but I just want to ask, what is it that he came to see Zhu Xuanluo today? Meaning," it turned out that Zhang Ju was concerned about this matter.

In fact, Zhang Juzheng's mind is easy to guess, and there is no other reason. Zhu Xuanqi may have given up on what the Empress Dowager Li will do to him, which can be seen, but this matter does not mean that Zhu Xuanqi If he really calmed down, there will be no more troubles in the future. Maybe Zhu Xuanqi will be like this now, just because of the situation. The current situation of the development of the matter left him no other choice but to resign himself to fate.

But if he knew what kind of thoughts Zhu Xuanqi had when he came to see Zhu Xuanluo, Zhang Juzheng would be able to determine what Zhu Xuanqi was thinking now, that he just came to see Zhu Xuanluo, and begged him not to hate himself, and not to help the queen mother deal with him later. , or, I really have remorse in my heart, and I want Zhu Xuanluo to forgive me for the big mistakes I committed when I was young and ignorant.

If it's the former one, it means that Zhu Xuanqi just wants to calm things down, and if that's the case, after he goes back, he may be stable for a while, but after this period of silence, what will he do again? , then it is true that no one knows.

But if Zhu Xuanqi came here to see Zhu Xuanluo this time, if he really wanted to ask Zhu Xuanluo to forgive him, then it would be different. I really can rest assured that such a Zhu Xuanqi, after going back, he probably won't make any more troubles.

Therefore, now Zhang Juzheng wants to ask Zhang Fan exactly what Zhu Xuanqi is thinking, so that he can feel at ease, or he can simply persuade Empress Dowager Li to do something to Zhu Xuanqi quickly, perhaps Empress Dowager Li will feel that Zhang Juzheng is so capricious. It's not right, but Zhang Juzheng doesn't care about these things. He believes that Queen Mother Li will trust him, and he will never do anything harmful to the court.

Of course, Zhang Fan didn't think too much. He never thought that Zhang Juzheng's thoughts were so complicated and so advanced. There are not as many things as Zhang Juzheng.

"I think this time, Zhu Xuanqi is real," Zhang Fan replied, "Actually, just now, the teacher should be able to see that, Zhu Xuanqi went to the backyard and came back, and started sitting there drinking, not that Zhu Xuanluo He rejected him or something, but if he didn't really have this thought in his heart, he wouldn't have drunk so much to relieve his worries.

"Of course, Zhu Xuanqi may have done this on purpose for us to see, but the students never thought of why he did it. Think about it carefully, Zhu Xuanqi's doing this is not of any benefit, and he may not think of the teacher so much when he thinks about it." Bar,"

What Zhang Fan said was not to belittle people, but it was just the way it was. No matter how you think about it, even if Zhu Xuanqi wanted to deal with Empress Dowager Li, he would not say hello to Zhu Xuanluo. Besides, It is absolutely impossible for Zhu Xuanqi himself to think that after dealing with Queen Mother Li, he will have any plans after he goes back and everything calms down.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhang Juzheng felt relieved a lot.

"That would be the best. As long as he can settle down after returning, and stop thinking about making troubles, then everything will really be peaceful. At least Southwest, Sichuan will not have any troubles. up,"

"That's true, but the Empress Dowager already knows what happened today, and tomorrow, after going to court, the Empress Dowager will ask the students to go over and ask for clarification. Will the teacher go with me tomorrow?"

"I want to go, but I'm afraid the queen mother may not let me go too. Zhu Xuanqi asked you to discuss today's matter, and even if Zhu Xuanqi told the queen mother about this matter in advance, the queen mother would know that I am here today. You will tell me, but in the final analysis, Zhu Xuanqi asked you to talk about this matter first, so the Queen Mother may not call me, I am afraid she will only call you for questioning.

"But Yuande doesn't have to worry. Since Zhu Xuanqi has already told the queen mother about this matter, and the queen mother has agreed, the queen mother will not make things difficult for you. At that time, you just need to tell the truth, it is not difficult ,"

"Since that's the case, the student understands. By the way, it's not too early today. Teacher Guan, the student, also drank a lot of wine today. Would you like to go back to rest earlier?"

"Well, it's true, besides, today is a great day for you. If I continue to stay, it will spoil the scenery,"

"The teacher was joking, and the students will have to send Zhu Xuanqi back later. He came here today with two guards and didn't drive. Now he's drunk and still sleeping soundly." , it’s not okay to have two people, right?”

"It's not necessary. I happened to be in the car when I came here today, so let him be in my car. I'll make a detour and go to his place first. It's not a troublesome thing,"

"In this case, I would like to thank the teacher,"

After the two finished talking, Zhang Fan asked someone to call Zhu Xuanqi's bodyguard, and on the way, he also asked someone to carry Zhu Xuanqi out and put him on Zhang Juzheng's carriage.

Zhang Juzheng's carriage is not big, plus there is Zhu Xuanqi lying on the bed now, it cannot accommodate another person at all, but Zhang Juzheng doesn't care about it, Zhang Fan asked his servants to lead a horse, Zhang Juzheng got on the horse, and a group of people Slowly walked towards Zhu Xuanqi's residence.

Looking at the figures of the group going away, Zhang Fan didn't know what to think.

What happened today was indeed a bit unexpected, so it can be said, but now that things have come to an end, many things can be confirmed, so Zhang Fan can feel more at ease.

As for what will happen to the grievances between the two brothers Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo, and whether they can be resolved, this is beyond Zhang Fan's control. In fact, Zhang Fan doesn't care about what will happen to the two of them in the future. , In this world, throughout the ages, there have been too many such and such things. If there are two more of them, there is not much, and if there are two of them, there is a lot. It is really lack of interest.

If Zhang Fan really has any thoughts on this matter, there is only one thing, and that is the two brothers. Of course, the most important thing is Zhu Xuanqi. Just don’t worry about anything in the future.

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