The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1481 Sudden Appearance

Finally sent everyone away.Zhang Fan was finally able to relax.Even if you don't care much about the previous things.And always a little sad.And since people are gone.This also made Zhang Fan relax.

Speaking up.He should be the main character today.But what happened today.But it made him seldom speak.And since noon.I didn't say a few words to my family.Now all the guests who came are gone.Zhang Fan was finally able to say a few words to his family.

Just arrived at the back hall.Seeing Zhang Fan, Mrs. Zhao said, "Fan'er, everyone is gone. I think Mr. Zhang also drank a lot. It's okay." Because Mrs. Zhao knew.Zhang Fan worshiped under Zhang Juzheng's sect.In addition, since Zhang Fan became an official.I got a lot of help from Zhang Juzheng.It can be said that Zhang Fan can achieve what he is today.A small half came from Zhang Fan's own efforts.A small part came from Zhang Fan's luck.And more.In fact, it came from Zhang Juzheng's help.

Although Mrs. Zhao is at home.He will not ask about Zhang Fan's affairs in court.But there are some things.Even if it's just hearing some wind.She can also figure it out.So the Zhao family treated Zhang Juzheng.This Zhang Fan's mentor.Nature is very respectful.On weekdays, it is mostly concerned.

"Don't worry, mother. Teacher, he is fine." Zhang Fan nodded.Said to Zhao Shi. "Teacher did drink a little too much today. But it's not a big deal. Before he left, he talked to the boy. He didn't get drunk. Now he has left with the prince."

"Speaking of this prince..." Zhang Fan heard Zhu Xuanqi mentioned.Zhao couldn't help asking. "Is this prince the Shu king who just came to the capital yesterday. He can come here today. It seems that you know him. Mother has never heard you mention it before."

"Didn't the boy go to Sichuan before? That's the prince I met there." Zhang Fan explained. "It's not really a close friendship. It's just that the boy and him are more hit-and-miss. He came to the capital this time. It just happened to catch up with this day. Originally, the boy didn't want to invite him. But he had already inquired about it before. With Hai'er mentioned this matter. This is why Hai'er invited him here."

"I see." Zhao nodded.But then he frowned.Said. "It's the prince. The wine is not very good. In front of so many court ministers, he drank like this. It's embarrassing. It seems that this is a relative of the emperor. The same is true."

Zhao's words.Zhang Fan could only smile helplessly.The reason for this.It is naturally impossible for Zhang Fan to explain to Zhao Shi.But now that Mrs. Zhao thinks so.That's up to her.Anyway, it will be a while.Zhu Xuanqi left.this kind of thing.It's all good.

"That's right." Mrs. Zhao suddenly remembered.Said. "It's getting late now. Today's court is not early. You can be regarded as blessed by this prince. But tomorrow you have to get up early. If that's the case, you should go to rest earlier. And, Joanna's side .I saw you in the morning. I haven’t seen you since then. Today is her big day. But I haven’t seen you all day. It’s really unreasonable. You should go there quickly .”

"My child understands." Zhang Fan nodded and said. "Mother should rest earlier. People are very sleepy in this spring day."

"Mother knows. You can go now." Mrs. Zhao didn't seem to want Zhang Fan to waste any time with her.Let him leave immediately.

After Zhang Fan said goodbye to his mother.That is to go to Joanna.along the way.Zhang Fan was also thinking about Joanna.

think about it.From the first time I saw her in Jiangnan.Until the two came to the present.It's also been a long time.And during this time.A lot happened.Not to say what happened to Zhang Fan.It's what happened to Joanna.

Perhaps from the beginning.It was only Zhang Fan's identity that attracted Joanna.After all, Zhang Fan has a title.Although there is a difference in this title.East and West are just too big.But Joanna looked at it from her own point of view.Zhang Fan is naturally a nobleman with a title.And this title is not low.When I met Zhang Fan at that time.He was already an earl.

But in Joanna's point of to obtain titles.Naturally aristocratic.Regardless of whether it is hereditary or for making great contributions, he is bestowed with a title.This person must first be a nobleman.And become the conditions of nobility.Or he really made an extraordinary achievement.Or come from an aristocratic family.Or use some other means.

But Zhang Fan was not like that.Or rather.This is not the case in this piece of Central Plains Fighting Flying.People here only need to pass the reading test.Gain the approval of the ruler.Then you can become a "scholar".And this "scholar" is in Joanna's opinion.It is the nobility.That's all.It was very attractive to Joanna.

Although Joanna first came to Daming.Zhang Fanke was not the first "scholar" she met.But it was the first one she had ever met.From an ordinary people.All the way to the one who received the title of such a huge empire.certainly.People like Zhang Fan.Daming is really too much.But who called Zhang Fan was the first one she met.

In addition, Zhang Fan is young.handsome face.Even from the point of view of Joanna, a European.Zhang Fan is also very handsome.In short.Joanna to Zhang Fan.Even if it's not love at first sight.But meeting for the first time.She was absolutely attracted to him.

And it attracted Joanna even more.It was the time when the Japanese pirates aggressively attacked.that time.Zhang Fan's identity.You can easily leave this place of right and wrong first.And Zhang Fanruo did that.No one would say anything at all.He can find reasons.It is said that it is to protect foreign envoys; it can also be said that he is not a general.Leaving the battlefield is also inevitable.

But Zhang Fan didn't do that.He stayed.As a civil servant.His stay does not have much influence on the battle situation.But as the person with the highest status in Jiangnan at that time.He stays.It gave a lot of encouragement to the local people.It is precisely because of this.that time.Yangzhou City withstood the enemy's attack.No huge casualties were caused.

This was Joanna's forced request to stay.And the results I saw with my own eyes.It is precisely because of this.Joanna's feelings for Zhang Fan.a huge change occured.Not that love arose.But at least.She admired Zhang Fan very much.

She is also a soldier.He has also been on the battlefield.So the commander funk thing.It's not like she hasn't seen it before.Compared with those who came from aristocratic families.Command the army.A man who originally fought was his duty.But in terms of escaping on the battlefield; Zhang Fan, who was born as a commoner, was able to rank among the nobles.He is not a general, but he can lead the people to face the enemy.This contrast is too great.Joanna couldn't help but become a little fascinated by Zhang Fan.

And after that.Because Zhang Fan is proficient in English.Know how to communicate with them.In order not to be rude.So let Zhang Fan be their guide in the capital.

After learning that Zhang Fan already had a wife.Joanna was indeed a little disappointed.But with Zhang Fan every day.But it also made her feel more and more deeply for Zhang Fan.

after home.Those things happened again after she returned home.And Zhang Fan also said that if she wanted to.You can come to Daming to settle down.This is also what made Joanna make up her mind.If it can survive.I will hand over my next life to Zhang Fan.

When I came to this land again.Joanna was a little apprehensive.But Zhang Fan treated her more cordially than before.And never asked about her sad past.In this way.Joanna knew better.Zhang Fan is a considerate person.A person who knows how to think about others.In this way.She really felt that she was very happy.

Although Zhang Fan has more than one wife.There are other women who are called concubines.But Joanna didn't care about that.It's not because of her past experience that she has such an idea that she is not bad now.It was because she had already identified Zhang Fan.Now that I know these.Then there will be no change for other reasons.

since then.Although Joanna has not officially entered the Zhang family.But she also already lived here.Not only the Zhang family has recognized her.Even Zhang Fan is the same.The relationship between the two is also rapidly warming up.And it has been until now.It was the two of them who performed the ceremony.

Zhang Fan recalled all the past events between himself and Joanna.I can't help but feel a little emotional.

If we talk about Zhang Fan among these women.The one with the deepest relationship with him.Of course it was Ru Xue.And speaking of it.The opponent suffered the most miserable.In fact, there are only Yingyue, Luo Linger and Joanna.certainly.It's really a comparison.Zhang Fan had never done this kind of thing before.Absolutely never thought about it.

But speaking of it.Zhang Fan was in the middle of his feelings for them.But also more or less with some sympathy.And sometimes.Zhang Fan thought of this matter.But a little guilty.I always feel like I'm taking advantage of others.

But wait until he thinks about it.If you didn't do that in the first place.He and them would not have come to this day.Will not be a family anymore.This is what Zhang Fan doesn't want.

Maybe a little guilty.But that would be the best.

Think about these things.Zhang Fan quickened his pace.Walk towards Joanna.

It's just that the pace has not been quickened by a breath.Just stopped.The reason was that a person appeared in front of Zhang Fan.

"You." Looking at standing in front of himself.People who block their way.Zhang Fan couldn't help frowning slightly. "It's time. What do you want from me?"

"Why. I can't look for you at this time." The man had an enchanting demeanor.Coupled with the extremely pleasant voice.Said to Zhang Fan with a smile. "Let's say it again. It's a beautiful time for our Master Zhang. We have to rush to hug the beauty. That's why we can't wait."

The person who stopped Zhang Fan was Yu'er.Since she came to Zhang Fan.It's been pretty stable these days.But now they are standing in front of Zhang Fan.This also made Zhang Fan frown a little.I don't know what she wants to do now.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhang Fan didn't plan to play charades with her at this time.asked simply. "Speak up quickly."

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