The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1482 Somewhat inexplicable

Finally finished today's work.Zhang Fan walked towards Joanna in a happy mood.But the road is only halfway there.That Yu'er suddenly appeared.They blocked Zhang Fan's way.This made Zhang Fan very upset.After all, this short road is about to come to an end.But she jumped out.Plus Zhang Fan didn't like it at all.No.Can't say whether I like it or not.I just hate this Yu'er.Now she blocked her way.Zhang Fan frowned naturally.

Although it was when Zhang Fan learned that Yu'er was going to live in.Really worried.But now that everyone is here.He also turned her away for no reason.Although.Although I was a little apprehensive.But Zhang Fan finally agreed to let Yu'er live.Not to mention for Fang Yueling's sake.Zhang Fan did the same.

And the few days after Yu'er stayed here.The mansion is also safe and sound.Even Yingyue, who hates Yu'er's living here the most.And Zhaoxue, who was very curious about a woman who suddenly moved in, asked many times.Yu'er didn't have any conflicts with them.In short, nothing happened during this time.

It's not that Zhang Fan has forgotten the existence of such a person.It's just that there are more things these days.In addition, Zhang Fan's energy was put on other places.And after Yu'er lived down.There was no trouble.In this way.Naturally, he would not be distracted by her.

But this time.It must be such a time.Yu'er stopped in front of him.This made Zhang Fan a little confused.Some were annoyed.and.Obviously knew it was this time.Yu'er still wanted to stop herself.Obviously there is something to talk to yourself.This also made Zhang Fan realize.Maybe there's something bothering me.

"What is it?" Facing Zhang Fan's unfriendliness.Yu'er didn't care at all.Still smiling.She is beautiful.Plus this smile now.And he has a sweet and greasy look when he talks.Honestly a lot of people will be fascinated. "Furthermore, we are all living under the same roof now. Although I am the lady's maid, it is reasonable to call you master. But even though I am a servant, I am also part of the same family. .Treat a family. Don’t need to be like this. It’s better that I have to call you master.”

But what she looks like.Now in Zhang Fan's eyes.Although it is also beautiful.But more.Zhang Fan could feel some kind of conspiracy in this.Honestly.For her appearance.Zhang Fan felt a little disgusted.

"It doesn't matter what you call it." Naturally, Zhang Fan wouldn't listen to her.In fact, what Yu'er looks like now.It made Zhang Fan feel that there was some kind of conspiracy involved. "What's more. I also know a little bit what you are thinking in your heart. If you call me that, I don't know how you will scold me in your heart. Although I can't hear it. But when you think of someone scolding yourself in your heart. Want to come No one would be happy to change it. Come on. What's the matter with you?"

"Why. Just go in such a hurry." Even Zhang Fan had already talked about this.But obviously Yu'er still refused to let Zhang Fan go. "Is it because I drank too much alcohol or something. Normally Mr. Zhang is a gentleman. Now he has become so impatient. If Mr. Zhang can't wait. How do you feel about my family?"

"..." Zhang Fan never thought that Yu'er would say such a thing.In fact, he never thought of it that way.

good.Yu'er is not ugly.No.Not only is it not ugly.Simply beautiful.Although she is not young.It may not be as big as Luo Ling'er.But it is still bigger than Zhang Fan.But Yu'er exuded a mature aura all over her body.

and.She was also a woman.So understand the mind of a man.And she was hurt by a man.Although very annoying to men.But she also understands a man's mind better than ordinary women.Compared to Luo Linger.Perhaps she is still a little lacking in charm.But she didn't have Luo Ling'er's delicate temperament.On the contrary, it is even more charming and extraordinary.

Speak the truth.If such a woman.Intentionally making some actions to seduce men.More than [-]% of men can't resist it.And more than [-]% of the men didn't even move.It is impossible not to think about it in my heart.

But Zhang Fan is not in this list.It's not that there's anything unusual about Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan is also a man.Is a very normal man.He is not a saint.All the faults, desires, greeds of other ordinary people.He has them too.

but.For the woman in front of him.But I really can't move my heart at all.Not for anything else.Because Zhang Fan knew this extremely beautiful woman.It was really dark inside.Especially her hatred for men.Even Zhang Fan only heard about it from Yingyue and Fang Yueling.But I can understand a thing or two.

For such a woman.If you accept her temptation.What will happen.To be honest, Zhang Fan really didn't want to try it.

And even without saying that.Confront the one who once gave you a knife.The woman who almost killed you.Want to change to another man.Unless it is the kind that is really desperate.I'm afraid I can't bring up any interest.

and.Now Yu'er is at such a time.such a place.Such an attitude towards Zhang Fan.Said so much.This is obviously malicious.What does it mean to have an intention?this time.How could Zhang Fan agree to such a request.Or maybe he couldn't stand her temptation.

so.After Yu'er said such a thing.Zhang Fan's brows did not wrinkle.It's just that his eyes were narrowed when he looked at her.

"Speaking of it. As a man, it would be too embarrassing to refuse at this time. But you are the only exception. What kind of woman are you? Even if I don't know, I know a little bit Yes. Not to mention what day it is today. I feel that I have agreed to your request. I will be in big trouble. What's more. Faced with a woman who once wanted my life. No matter if she is beautiful or not. It is really Can't get me interested."

"Master Zhang is really good at talking. Are you praising my beauty?" Even Zhang Fan spoke like this.But Yu'er didn't care at all what Zhang Fan said could "hurt" her.Not even the slightest change in the smile on his face.It's still the same.

even.Zhang Fan felt that after he finished speaking.Yu'er's smile became deeper.

"Is it complimenting you? Can you still hear it?" Zhang Fan asked back.Then he said. "Okay. If you have nothing else to do. Just to tease me. I don't blame you. Now that's all said. Please get out of the way. It's getting late. I have to go to rest gone."

"Rest." Yu'er seemed to have heard something funny.Said. "I don't think so. Today is the day. After I go, I can still rest, okay." Finished.Yu'er put on a pair of very ambiguous eyes.Looking at Zhang Fan.

"What do you want to do?" Zhang Fan didn't care what Yu'er said.Knowing that she just wanted to provoke herself.So don't be mad.But in this way.Zhang Fan also felt a little strange.Why exactly.It's obviously already at this time.Yu'er still wants to say this.She must have something to tell herself.certainly.With her temper.It's not easy to say it outright.But it's all said and done.Still talk like this.It also really makes people feel that something is wrong.

"It's nothing. It's just that I want to talk to you." Yu'er said.But when she said these words.Even the name has been changed.It could be seen that she did have something to say.And it's not something that's just a joke.

"If you have something to say, let's talk about it quickly." Zhang Fan became a little impatient. "Let's talk again. If you didn't come to find fault on purpose. Who would start with such words. If you have something to say, hurry up. Otherwise, you won't get out of the way. Then I will make a detour." Finished.Zhang Fan also planned to bypass Yu'er.keep going.

"I'm here to thank you."

Just when Zhang Fan was about to leave.But I heard Yu'er say such a thing.and.When Yu'er was saying these words.Although Zhang Fan didn't see that expression.But her tone was extremely sincere.Not at all the cynicism before.

This surprised Zhang Fan a little.Even looking at Yu'er's expression.They all looked surprised with their mouths opened wide.

Perhaps Yu'er had already expected Zhang Fan's reaction in this way.That's why I saw Zhang Fan showing such an expression.She didn't care at all either.Just smile.This smile was different from the previous one.The old one.Although very nice.But it feels contrived.Totally fake.

But the current one.Although a lot more flat.But it feels very sincere.Not at all pretentious.

"Thank you." Zhang Fan could see Yu'er's sincerity.But he didn't understand. "What exactly does this mean?" Zhang Fan didn't understand why Yu'er wanted to thank him.think about it.He has never done anything that would make Yu'er thank him.And it is absolutely impossible for Yu'er to say this without a reason.This time.Zhang Fan was really surprised.

"If it's about me saving the Five Poison Sect before. Then you don't have to thank me." Zhang Fan thought of this first. "At that time, although we were not yet an alliance, we still had to help each other. I helped you, and you helped me. In this way, we can be considered clean. You don't need to thank me at all."

"No. It's not about this." Yu'er shook her head.Said. "I don't need to worry about this matter. And I'm not qualified to thank you for Miss or the old leader. I want to thank you. It's something else."

"Other things." Zhang Fan heard her say no.Puzzled again. "Since it's not about this matter, then what is it?"

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