After hearing Yu'er's words, Zhang Fan also had some thoughts in his heart. Yu'er is such a person, such a woman who hates men, hates herself, and wants to live her own life, but now she can say in front of him. With such words, this incident is enough to show what kind of feelings Yu'er has for Fang Yueling.

"You don't need to thank me." Zhang Fan is not ungrateful, but since the other party is like this, he should also express it, "Although the matter between me and Yueling is not up to us to decide , but her father insisted on this, but now, everything is fine, isn’t it? It is,"

Speaking of which, since he took charge of Jinyiwei, Zhang Fan has long been no longer a so-called "gentleman", especially after he has done so many things, Zhang Fan has long since stopped thinking These things are taken as one thing, but even so, Zhang Fan's nature has not changed.

And even in the face of a person who once wanted to kill him, now Zhang Fan would not be ungrateful to him because of some things, but would accept it sincerely. Therefore, Yu'er came to thank him, and Zhang Fan Fan also accepted.

"No, I don't care if you accept my thank you or not, I just know that you are the reason why Miss is so happy, as long as this is the case," Yu'er is not pretentious at all, and she doesn't even care whether Zhang Fan is sincere or not For those who accepted her thanks, she just wanted to say what was in her heart, "I just came to thank you for this matter, the young lady didn't know it, or even if she was aware of the changes today, Even if I would be grateful to you, I wouldn’t say it out, and I wouldn’t even say thank you when I was favored by others. This is really not my way of doing things, so thanking you today is not just me, I’m also here to thank my lady.”

"You can talk to me like this, to be honest, it really shocked me." Although Zhang Fan's expression did not show any surprise, yes, although there was no surprise on the surface, there was nothing in his heart. Unambiguously, I was really surprised, "But since this is the case, I also accept your thanks. Speaking of it, it's not that I'm getting close, but now we are considered a family, and I don't have any requirements for you. , I just hope that you can be like a family in the future, too."

"A... people...?" Yu'er hesitated when she said these words, but she did not object to Zhang Fan's words, "I understand this, but I have to remind you It's okay, you are really good to the lady now, but if you can't keep it up, or if something goes wrong, I will never forgive you. At that time, I will definitely do everything I can to get you Only at the cost of your life,"

"Hehe, I can figure it out if you don't say it," Zhang Fan didn't find it strange when facing Yu'er's words, but he showed a wry smile because... "But the words Come back, can you not say such things with a smile in the future, I always feel that something is not right in my heart, "

"Why," Yu'er seemed to have heard something funny, "Master Zhang has been in charge of Jinyiwei for some years, is it possible that there is something unaccustomed to this kind of thing?"

"It's not that I'm not used to it..." Zhang Fan was rather helpless, "It's just that I never talk about this kind of thing at home."

"If there is a taboo, I apologize," Yu'er has become very straightforward now, apologizing very straightforwardly, "But I will not change what I said, it still means that, you know it,"

"I understand, but you don't have to make it so clear." Zhang Fan nodded and said, "I understand Yueling's matter very well in my heart. It's not that I don't need you to remind me, but I don't need to. So again and again, I know what to do,"

"That's good." Hearing Zhang Fan say this, Yu'er was finally relieved, "In this way, I can also feel relieved. By the way, after holding you back and talking so much, I want to come to that Joanna The lady is getting impatient with waiting now, I am afraid Mr. Zhang also wants to rush over in his heart, if this is the case, then I will not delay Mr. Zhang's good deeds." After finishing the business, Yu'er changed back He lost the previous frivolous appearance, and even the expression that clearly wanted to seduce Zhang Fan was revealed again.

Faced with such a rapid change in Yu'er, to be honest, Zhang Fan really couldn't react. At such a moment, Zhang Fan didn't know what to say. He didn't say anything and just left. What else should he say? .

However, Yu'er did not let go of the opportunity to say a few words about Zhang Fan. Even just now, a subtle reconciliation seemed to be reached between the two, but now that the matter has been finished, Yu'er has become the same as before. look like.

No, it's still a little different than before, not to mention what Zhang Fan thought in his heart, even though it was the same with Yu'er before, Zhang Fan could still see the affectation.

But now Yu'er still has the same expression, but Zhang Fan always feels that she is a little different from before. He always feels that although this smile is still so attractive, something has changed in it. It was a bit pretentious, a little more natural, and even Zhang Fan felt that Yu'er at this time might not be just talking about it, just trying to tease herself, maybe she really had that kind of thought.

However, this idea only appeared in Zhang Fan's mind for a moment, and then disappeared. Although the relationship between the two may be somewhat different after the conversation just now, Yu'er is still the same. Yu'er hasn't changed much, so in Zhang Fan's heart, he knows that she did all of this on purpose.

"Why?" Seeing Zhang Fan's hesitation for a moment, Yu'er, who didn't know what Zhang Fan was thinking in his heart, became even more presumptuous. She walked up to Zhang Fan with enchanting steps. He caressed Zhang Fan's shoulder very provocatively, "It's hard to say that the master is not tempted at all," these words were sweeter than before, and could arouse the man's desire even more.

Perhaps it was because the stimulation was too great, Zhang Fan hurriedly pushed her away, walked a few steps forward, and without looking back at her, said: "You don't need to say a joke, what you said to me before I've remembered it, so you can rest assured," Zhang Fan didn't look back, and walked straight forward.

And Yu'er, standing there without moving, just looked at the back of Zhang Fan leaving, and seemed to be saying something.

After a while, as if thinking of something funny, Yu'er suddenly covered her mouth and laughed: "It's interesting, maybe, if I knew about it earlier, it wouldn't be a bad thing." After finishing speaking, she turned around and left It's just that, even she herself didn't realize that her eyes looked in the direction where Zhang Fan was leaving, and there was a faint sense of loss in it.

Zhang Fan came to Joanna's room door, knocked on the door, and it was Joanna's personal maid who opened the door. When she saw Zhang Fan coming, she was very happy to welcome him in. After expressing her joy, she closed the door and left.

In the room, Joanna was sitting there quietly waiting for Zhang Fan. She had changed the dress she wore in the morning, but what she was wearing now was not the clothes that women from the Central Plains would wear. Set in the style of her hometown.

To Zhang Fan, there was nothing unreasonable. In other words, to Joanna, only wearing such a set of clothes was her.

"Fan, you're here." When she was alone before, she had a calm expression on her face, but when Joanna saw Zhang Fan coming in, her face was filled with a smile, and she quickly stood up and walked towards Zhang Fan. past.

"I'm sorry," Zhang Fan also said with a smile, "Even though it's today, but you haven't come here until now, you must be staring anxiously by yourself."

Perhaps it was because of the difference in today's day, or something changed, in short, Joanna might have misunderstood Zhang Fan's words. As soon as Zhang Fan's words fell, her face flushed.

"...I'm sorry," Zhang Fan also realized that he seemed to have said something that would be misunderstood, and felt a little embarrassed.

"By the way," Joanna said hastily, "If you have been busy all day, I heard that you are with the guests today. You only know how to drink, but you don't eat much. I have someone prepare some meals. Would you like to have a meal first?" eat something,"

Looking at the food on the table, Zhang Fan was really touched, but now, no matter how hungry he is, there seems to be some things that need to be done first.

Joanna, who hadn't waited for Zhang Fan to reply, was embraced by Zhang Fan.

Joanna suddenly panicked, and her speech became intermittent: " eat...have some..."

"I know what's the best food right now," Zhang Fan didn't appreciate it, and instead pretended to say in an evil tone, "Besides, there's still time to eat food and so on. Let's There's still 'business' to do," After finishing speaking, Zhang Fan hugged Joanna to the bedside.

And Joanna naturally wouldn't resist, or she hoped so in her heart.

The maid, who was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, squatted cautiously by the door with a blushing expression and her ears were on the door, but she didn't hear anything that would make her feel curious.

But just when she was wondering why it had been a while and there was no movement, she heard Zhang Fan's voice from the door: "Who designed this dress? Why is it so difficult to take off?"

Hearing this sentence, although the little girl blushed extremely, she almost laughed out loud.

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