The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1485 Just Say That

Yesterday was a good day for Zhang Fan and Joanna. Of course, although it was a wedding night in the bridal chamber, they had a relatively early rest yesterday, so Zhang Fan got up early this morning. Maybe Zhu Xuanqi was here yesterday. The blessing of the capital city is not early, but I have to go today, just to take a concubine, no matter how much Zhang Fan likes Joanna, but taking a concubine is taking a concubine, and the court will definitely not approve of Zhang Fan for this reason. Fan's fake, or in other words, even if Zhang Fan really asked for leave, he would probably be laughed out of his teeth.

In short, Zhang Fan got up very early this morning, but he was not the first one to get up in the Zhang family, let alone those servants, his mother Zhao definitely got up earlier than him, not just Zhao, who got up even more now. Earlier, there was Fang Yueling. Of course, it was only Fang Yueling before, but since Yu'er came, there was one more person.

So when Zhang Fan got up early in the morning, he saw Fang Yueling practicing martial arts in the yard. As before, as long as there was nothing to do in the backyard, these little girls would all gather around and watch. Of course, Now naturally there is another Yu'er, but for Yu'er, she is too familiar with the scene of Fang Yueling practicing martial arts, and she just wants to be by Fang Yueling's side.

Perhaps for this scene, there is only one more person, but for Zhang Fan, this is not such a simple matter. When Yu'er first moved in, he had to go to the morning court every morning, Waking up early, and after waking up early, there is only one more person, but because the extra person is Yu'er, Zhang Fan always feels very strange.

But today's Zhang Fan doesn't feel that way, maybe it's because of what he said to Yu'er yesterday, of course, there may be other reasons. In short, today's Zhang Fan saw this scene. When it was time, it was not as strange as before, and even, he thought it looked right.

In short, today's Zhang Fan is indeed in a good mood, but in addition to being in a good mood, Zhang Fan began to feel a little helpless when he walked out of the gate after eating breakfast.

What happened yesterday was about the brothers Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo. It was over yesterday, but for Zhang Fan, this matter is not over yet. Why do you say that? Didn’t Zhu Xuanqi already said it yesterday? He told Queen Mother Li, and even if he didn't tell Queen Mother Li, Queen Mother Li already knew about it today.

Zhang Fan has already foreseen that today, Empress Dowager Li will definitely ask him for questioning. The queen mother went to ask about this matter, and Zhang Fan's heart could not be at peace.

It's not that there is something to deal with or not, but it's just that Queen Mother Li, or the Queen Mother Li at this time, is really difficult to deal with. No, it can't be said to be dealt with, it should be said to be dealt with, although only It's a word difference, but the meaning is too different.

In short, Zhang Fan's going to the morning court today will definitely be a trouble, and it is a trouble that he has already foreseen. Although he has already prepared for it, troubles are troubles after all, and they still make people feel uncomfortable. .

The morning court that was the same over and over again passed through in a calm state. Regarding yesterday's matter, since I have relaxed a bit, there is no need to talk about it today. Even Zhu Yijun didn't mention it. Of course, it's not because he knows that the morning court can't It's just that he doesn't want to say these things.

It's not that Zhu Yijun knew that his mother's queen would talk to Zhang Fan today. In fact, Zhu Yijun's interest today was neither high nor low, and he was very calm.

He didn't say anything important, but before going down to court, Zhu Yijun also said that the Queen Mother would summon Zhang Fan, and sure enough, the matter was just as he thought yesterday, even yesterday, many people were at Zhang Fan's house, even Zhang Juzheng was also there, but today, Empress Dowager Li only summoned Zhang Fan alone, and Zhang Juzheng didn't even mention his name.

Everyone present naturally knew what Empress Dowager Li told Zhang Fan to say. Of course, they only knew the appearance, but didn't know the inside, and didn't know about Zhu Xuanluo's incident yesterday, but even so, they all knew, Zhang Fan will have a little trouble going this time.

The Compassionate Ning Palace, as beautiful as ever, seems to be a kind of compensation for the queen mother who cannot leave the palace. It's just that this kind of beauty looks really pleasing to the eye, but if you look at these all day long, after so many years, think about it. It will be boring too.

"My minister is visiting the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager is a thousand years old," Zhang Fan bowed after he entered.

"Zhang Aiqing, get back down," said a soothing yet majestic voice.

"Thank you Queen Mother,"

"Zhang Aiqing, I heard that many important officials from the imperial court came to your house to meet yesterday." Empress Dowager Li looked at Zhang Fan and said, "Can you tell the Ai family what this is?"

"Back to the Empress Dowager," Zhang Fan was prepared and said calmly, "There was no morning court in the court yesterday, which is a rare leisure, so I invited a few ministers to the humble house to have a drink together, as a token of respect." It's a good idea for colleagues,"

"Oh, that's what happened," Empress Dowager Li's expression didn't change, but her tone of voice was somewhat doubtful, "But Aijia heard that yesterday was Zhang Aiqing's concubine day."

"That's true," Zhang Fan admitted without any concealment, "Yesterday my minister did take a concubine, but the matter of taking a concubine is really not worth mentioning, and it's not marriage. You can’t just invite your colleagues to come and drink on the grounds of taking concubines.”

"Zhang Aiqing is very thoughtful." The Empress Dowager Li smiled a little when she heard what Zhang Fan said, "but Zhang Aiqing can tell the truth, the Ai family is naturally happy to hear it. Speaking of which, Mr. Zhang is so young. , although the Ai family has no reason to take care of the number of concubines, but the atmosphere in the court still needs to be a little more careful.

"However, Ai's family doesn't want to ask about these matters. Ai's family doesn't care about Aiqing's family affairs, but yesterday, Zhu Xuanqi also came to your house."

Hearing that Empress Dowager Li mentioned Zhu Xuanqi's name, Zhang Fan thought, "Here we come."

"That's right." Regarding this matter, there must be no falsehood, Zhang Fan said truthfully, "Speaking of this matter, I was a little surprised. The prince came to Beijing the day before yesterday and went to the palace to meet the Queen Mother After meeting with His Majesty, it was Weichen who sent him to the meeting place. On the way, the prince mentioned it to Weichen. I don't know how the prince learned about what happened to Weichen yesterday. If he wanted to come to congratulate him, the prince had already said what he said. Weichen There is no way to refuse."

"The Ai family doesn't care about this matter," Queen Mother Li continued, "Since he entered Beijing the day before yesterday, the Ai family has also fulfilled the previous promise with several love ministers and will not do anything to him. In this case, he Zhu Xuanqi If you come to Beijing, it is a relative of Ai's family. When this relative comes to your door, there is no reason why he should not be allowed to move around. What's more, you have an old relationship with him. He should come to congratulate you yesterday.

"But what the Ai family wants to ask is whether he just went to your house yesterday to congratulate him, or did he have other things to do, or was he going to meet someone?"

Although it is said that Empress Dowager Li already knew what happened yesterday, and Zhang Fan also knew that Empress Dowager Li already knew about it, but now it is still impossible to say so directly, after all, this matter cannot be like this.

"That's right," Zhang Fan said truthfully, "The other day when the prince said he was going to Wei Chen's house, he also told Wei Chen that he wanted to see his younger brother Zhu Xuanluo. At that time, Wei Chen thought about it, and finally agreed to him. He also saw Zhu Xuanluo at Weichen's house yesterday, "

"Why didn't you ask Aijia about this matter beforehand?" When Empress Dowager Li said this, her expression didn't change much, but her tone obviously became serious.

"The empress dowager, calm down," Zhang Fan quickly knelt in front of the empress dowager Li, put his hands on the ground, and said, "It's not that the minister deliberately deceived the empress dowager. It was because there was not so much time at that time. Zhu Xuanqi kept staring at the empress and replied, Besides, Wei Chen also thought about it at the time, the matter has come to this point, even if the two of them meet, nothing will happen, so this is..."

"You get up first, Ai's family doesn't blame you for letting them meet," Queen Mother Li didn't intend to blame Zhang Fan at all, so she didn't want to find a reason to punish Zhang Fan for this matter, she really wanted to What you need to know is that there are other things, "It's just that you should tell Aijia first about this kind of thing, not to mention that you don't know what the two of them are like now.

"But since we've met each other, there's no need for the Ai family to say anything now, but what did the two of them say? Since they are at Aiqing's house, Aiqing should know what they said between the two of them." Yes, don't tell Aijia, when the two of you are talking, you are a gentleman and you don't let anyone eavesdrop on you, "

What Empress Dowager Li said made Zhang Fan feel a little speechless. Although he didn't want to say that, in this respect, Empress Dowager Li also knew himself very well.

But thinking about it, the conversation between the two brothers Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo, even those who know the things between the two of them can probably guess what was said, but even so, I am afraid I would like to hear what they said said something.

However, although what he said is correct, Zhang Fan always feels that the words of Queen Mother Li are not very comfortable to listen to. Of course, it is not the time to discuss whether it is comfortable or not. Since Queen Mother Li has already asked , and this is also the theme that Empress Dowager Li asked him to come over today,

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