Zhang Fan already understood the real purpose of Empress Dowager Li looking for him here today.Just to know Zhu Xuanqi's true thoughts.What he really thinks.This may sound weird.After all, it shouldn't matter what you think.What matters is what is done.

And the current situation.Queen Mother Li agreed to Zhang Fan and others.As long as Zhu Xuanqi is willing to come to the capital, he will not do anything.Empress Dowager Li was somewhat reluctant.And even for Queen Mother Li.want to keep this agreement.It’s not all about doing that either.Empress Dowager Li still needs to understand the situation before she can decide whether to act or not.

And this so-called understanding of the situation.Actually just a little bit.That is exactly what Zhu Xuanqi is thinking now.That's the most important thing.It was just Zhu Xuanqi's thoughts.Now it looks like nothing.But how to be sure that is really what he thought.It also becomes crucial.only.before this.This matter is very difficult.

But now.This matter is different.Because yesterday.Zhu Xuanqi met Zhu Xuanluo at Zhang Fan's home.This thing seems to be nothing.But for Queen Mother Li.The meaning is quite different.As long as you know when Zhu Xuanqi met Zhu Xuanluo yesterday.Not what was said between the two of them.It's about what kind of thoughts Zhu Xuanqi has in mind when he goes to see Zhu Xuanluo.In this way, Empress Dowager Li will be able to understand Zhu Xuanqi's true thoughts.And then it will be easy to do.

therefore.She asked Zhang Fan to come over today.Ask him about it.

After Zhang Fan also figured out what Empress Dowager Li meant.The conversation became easier to talk about.

certainly.After figuring out what Queen Mother Li meant.Zhang Fan now has many choices.If it is only considered for stability.Zhang Fan didn't even have to worry about what Zhu Xuanqi was thinking.Just tell Queen Mother Li.It is said that Zhu Xuanqi really repented.I really want to ask Zhu Xuanluo for forgiveness.That's enough.

And even that is the truth.But it's not what Zhang Fan should say now.Don't say if not.What troubles will come in the future.The main thing is.If you have to cheat Queen Mother Li on this kind of thing.That may not be the case in the future.It's better that Queen Mother Li doesn't know.If Queen Mother Li knew that Zhang Fan was fooling herself.Then Zhang Fan would be in trouble.

certainly.This is just a worry.And actually it is.Zhu Xuanqi really returned home.Zhang Fan knew this.If not so.Then Zhang Fan said these words.It's not just worrying in my heart.I am afraid that I will worry about my future.And now.He said the truth again.Then there is no pressure in my heart.

present.Zhang Fan told Queen Mother Li what happened yesterday.certainly.Not to repeat what the two said.Rather it will be after that.Zhu Xuanqi's performance spoke out.That crazy and frustrated look who only knows how to drink.Actually.That's all you need.Will suffice.After all, plus what the two of them said.It can already explain Zhu Xuanqi's current mood.

Empress Dowager Li quietly finished listening to Zhang Fan's words.After a long while did not speak.Obviously thinking about it.And seeing Zhang Fan like Queen Mother Li, he didn't dare to disturb her.Just wait patiently.Speaking up.Zhang Fan also had a purpose in saying this.He didn't say clearly what Zhu Xuanqi was thinking.He just told Queen Mother Li what he saw at that time.In this way.If Queen Mother Li also felt that Zhu Xuanqi had changed his mind.That's what she figured out on her own.It's not what Zhang Fan told her.In this way.Naturally, it was much better than what Zhang Fan said by himself.

"If you just look at it that way. It seems that he has indeed changed his mind." After pondering for a while, Queen Mother Li.Said so. "It's just that if that's the case, Aijia still can't believe it."

I heard what Queen Mother Li said.Zhang Fan became a little surprised: "What does the Queen Mother mean by saying that?" Indeed.What he said just now.no matter what.Who will listen to it instead.They should all feel that too.Zhu Xuanqi had already changed his mind.Know to repent.I know I'm afraid.But Queen Mother Li said so.This made Zhang Fan a little confused.

"No. The Ai family doesn't doubt Ai Qing's words." Queen Mother Li said. "If you listen to Aiqing's words, everyone will think that Zhu Xuanqi has already repented. Originally, the Ai family would think so too. But, if there were no yesterday's incident, the Ai family would probably think so too."

"What happened yesterday." The words Empress Dowager Li said.For a moment, Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.What happened yesterday.Maybe Zhu Xuanqi went to Zhang Fan's house.And met Zhu Xuanluo.Did you say something?What does Empress Dowager Li mean by saying that.

"……"Sudden.Zhang Fan thought of it.What happened yesterday that Empress Dowager Li was referring to.It doesn't refer to what happened at Zhang Fan's home.It means before that.

"That's right. That's what the Ai family was referring to." The Empress Dowager Li saw Zhang Fan's expression.He also understood that he had already thought of it.nodded.Said. "If it is said that he did not come to the palace to talk to Ai's family yesterday, what Aiqing said just now, Ai's family will believe that he has indeed repented. However, Ai's family only needs to think about what happened yesterday. I always feel that Something is wrong."

That's right.It was just yesterday.Before Zhu Xuanqi went to Zhang Fan's house.He once went to the palace to pay his respects to Empress Dowager Li.Then this one please.But it took a long time.So much so that it was almost noon.Zhu Xuanqi just rushed to Zhang Fan's home.

What's going on here.Zhu Xuanqi also told Zhang Fan.He said that he was going to meet Zhu Xuanluo.Tell Queen Mother Li.And Empress Dowager Li also agreed.

certainly.this matter.Thinking about it, it is absolutely impossible for Zhu Xuanqi to deceive Zhang Fan or something.But the problem is.After all, this matter was only what Zhang Fan heard from Zhu Xuanqi.In the end.What did Zhu Xuanqi say to Queen Mother Li?What was said; and how did Empress Dowager Li answer him.After thinking twice.It was easy to agree.Or really, after a lot of deliberation.He even questioned Zhu Xuanqi.This is what was promised.These things.Zhu Xuanqi did not say.Zhang Fan didn't know either.

Now Empress Dowager Li said it was because Zhu Xuanqi had said something to her yesterday.So now she can't easily believe that Zhu Xuanqi has changed.And in this way.It also made Zhang Fan suspicious.Is there anything but the situation at that time.Or was there something wrong with the words between the two at that time.

"Queen Mother. I dare to ask..." Zhang Fan thought for a while.This matter still needs to be clarified. "Yesterday, when Zhu Xuanqi entered the palace to pay his respects to the Queen Mother, what exactly did he say?"

Although it sounds.Zhang Fan's words were a bit like questioning.But Queen Mother Li naturally understood what he meant.So she didn't blame Zhang Fan for this.

"After he came to pay his respects to Ai's family yesterday, he told Ai's family. He will go to Aiqing's house later. He wants to see Zhu Xuanluo. At that time, Ai's family was a little surprised when he said that. Let's talk. He wanted to see Zhu Xuanluo. In fact, the Ai family already knew about it the day before yesterday. Aiqing, you asked someone to tell Zhu Xuanluo about it the day before yesterday. It didn't take long for the Ai family to know about it.

"Original. Aijia thought that when he came yesterday, he didn't know how to say it. So he planned to mention it. Let's see what he would say. But I didn't expect that he would tell Aijia in advance. To be honest Said. When Aijia heard it just now, he was indeed taken aback. I didn't expect him to say it.

"It's just that at that time. Aijia's expression when he saw him talking was also extremely sincere. It was indeed that he was afraid that there would be trouble if Aijia found out later. That's why he told Aijia in advance. At that time, Aijia felt that maybe he I already regretted it in my heart. Therefore, Ai's family was also moved with compassion at that time. He agreed to go to Aiqing's mansion to meet Zhu Xuanluo.

"It's just. Now I hear Aiqing say this again. To be honest, Ai Jia always feels something is wrong in his heart. I always feel that although this matter seems to be going smoothly, there are always some things that make people feel that something is wrong. Where exactly is it. But I can't tell.

"But after hearing Ai Qing talk about what happened yesterday, Ai Jia has an idea in his heart."

"The Queen Mother means..."

"You don't think so. Maybe Zhu Xuanqi did it on purpose."

"Do it on purpose."

"That's right. He told you the day before yesterday that he wanted to see Zhu Xuanluo. This matter, not to mention his motives. I'm afraid he wants it too. The Ai family will definitely know. And yesterday morning, he went to the palace to meet Ai's family Love is love, although he didn't say it, but he must have known it in his heart. After that, he took the initiative to tell Aijia.

"Although it looks like this. It seems that he has already repented. That's why he told Aijia first. But if he doesn't think so. Could it be because he already knew these things. This is what will happen Tell Aijia. The purpose is to make Aijia feel that he already has remorse.

"And after that, he went to see Zhu Xuanluo at Aiqing's house. He also knew that Aiqing would eavesdrop. Qing thinks, has Zhu Xuanqi really repented?"

"This..." This time.Queen Mother Li's words.Zhang Fan was really speechless.

Although what Empress Dowager Li said was just her own guess.But this guess is not wrong.So what will it be like.Right now I really can't tell.

Seeing Zhang Fan's appearance.Empress Dowager Li also knew that he was in trouble.But she didn't mean to force Zhang Fan.Now she just wanted to ask Zhang Fan.Would Zhu Xuanqi really do this?

As for if it is true.Then what should I do.This is not yet the time to consider.Let's figure this out first.

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