Empress Dowager Li's concerns are not unreasonable.Actually.Now it looks more like Zhu Xuanqi actually has some kind of thinking to make him look like this.

think about it.Regardless of what he thinks now.Not to mention whether he was very disappointed.Or something like remorse for what you did in the past.But yesterday he was going to Zhang Fan's residence to meet Zhu Xuanluo.No matter how you think about it.It is not possible to tell Queen Mother Li.Wait until you get her consent before acting.

But Zhu Xuanqi was fine.That's what he did.I want to come back then.Even Queen Mother Li had already known that he wanted to see Zhu Xuanluo.It was just that he wanted to touch him secretly yesterday morning.Let him startle or something.But Zhu Xuanqi is good.I haven't waited for Queen Mother Li to say these words.He himself spoke first.

Although it was already yesterday.Although even when I heard Zhu Xuanqi's words at that time.Empress Dowager Li was extremely calm on the surface.There was no sense of panic at all.But even if she thinks about it now.I still feel very surprised in my heart.Surprised indeed.It is impossible to think of Zhu Xuanqi as a party who is at a disadvantage in that situation.To speak like that.Attack first.This is indeed surprising enough.

But it's not surprising now.More importantly, consider what this event means.

On the surface it seems.Indeed, it means that Zhu Xuanqi has repented now.That's why I said that.only.If you add what happened yesterday.Plus what Zhang Fan said just now.Empress Dowager Li had other ideas in her heart.

"That is to say..." Zhang Fan also understood what Queen Mother Li meant. "The queen mother thinks. The reason why Zhu Xuanqi told the queen mother about this matter in advance yesterday is actually for another purpose. He just wanted to make the queen mother feel that he has repented. In this way, the queen mother can not only agree to him meeting Zhu Xuanluo. In the future I won't pursue him any more."

"That's what Aijia means." Empress Dowager Li nodded.Said. "Aijia always thought it was strange when he thought about it before. But if you think about it this way, it's not so strange."

"What the queen mother said is also reasonable. It's just that there is a point. I don't understand it." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Said. "If this is really the case. Then why did Zhu Xuanqi do this? If it was just to make the queen mother feel that he had repented. Then he didn't have to do it at all. He didn't have to do anything at all. Just stay well No matter what he looks like now, everyone in the government and the public knows it. As long as the Queen Mother releases him and returns to Sichuan, he will be safe.

"Also. He must have already known about this matter. In this way, even if he deliberately made an appearance of repentance. But even so. Why did he do this. This matter, in Wei Chen's opinion. The reason why Zhu Xuanqi said these things was not to show the Queen Mother that he had repented. Instead, it was for the convenience of him going to see Zhu Xuanluo.

"But even so. Weichen still can't see what his intentions are. What happened yesterday. Even if he didn't tell the Queen Mother, before he met Zhu Xuanluo, the Queen Mother would not bother him. And if If he really doesn't care about anything in his heart, then he doesn't have to worry about these things at all. With a clear conscience, there is no need to tell the queen mother about this matter in advance. After all, it may cause bad things."

"That is to say..." Queen Mother Li heard Zhang Fan's words.Think about it.Said. "Yesterday Zhu Xuanqi came to talk to Ai's family about what he said. He did have some purpose."

"It seems that I can only think so now." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "It's just. I really can't see it. What is his purpose in doing this. If it's just to get close to Zhu Xuanluo, it's too much. Unless he wants to do something after meeting Zhu Xuanluo.

"But what happened yesterday. You don't need Weichen to tell him. He can think about it. When he meets Zhu Xuanluo, Weichen will definitely send someone to observe from the sidelines. So it's impossible for him to do anything. Otherwise, Weichen will know ...and. If he wants to get rid of Zhu Xuanluo, yesterday was the best chance. Even if he doesn't know martial arts, he can't kill Zhu Xuanluo at all. But there are other ways. But he didn't do anything. "

"It looks like this. It is indeed a bit weird." Queen Mother Li recalled Zhang Fan's words.Said slowly. "But if it's really like Ai Qing's words. Then this matter will become even more strange. What is his purpose for Zhu Xuanqi? Why did he tell Aijia in advance yesterday. Originally, Aijia thought it was still I can think of a clue. Now it seems that it has become extremely weird."

In fact, Queen Mother Li didn't think too much.Just because it seemed to her.Anyone do anything.No matter how unreasonable it seems.There must be a reason for it.It's not because Zhu Xuanqi looks lost now.So this kind of unexplainable thing will be done.Whether lost or not lost.Empress Dowager Li always believed in it.No matter what state people are in, they can do anything.Definitely all on purpose.

certainly.Queen Mother Li's idea is naturally not wrong.But now he couldn't figure out what Zhu Xuanqi was thinking.This is not to say that Zhu Xuanqi's ideas cannot be explained by this principle.It's because they haven't figured out why Zhu Xuanluo did this.In short.There must be an explanation.

"However. Maybe you can look at it that way." Zhang Fan said suddenly. "Perhaps it's really because Zhu Xuanqi felt remorse in his heart. That's why he said that to the Queen Mother."

"What did Ai Qing say?" Empress Dowager Li naturally understood Zhang Fan's words.But what exactly does he mean.Empress Dowager Li was a little confused.

"Think about it, Queen Mother," Zhang Fan explained. "It doesn't matter what Zhu Xuanqi thinks. If he just regretted it because of his heart, he became lost in his heart. Or he understands. If the decision of the court or the queen mother is unquestionable, then he will do it. That's it. I can figure it out.

"He understands what he did before. It was arbitrary. And now. He wants to avoid what he did. That's why. Whatever it is. Whether he thinks it's big or small. But any matter that involves this aspect, he will become more disciplined. Therefore, if he wants to realize it, he will ask the Queen Mother first, and then do it after obtaining the Queen Mother's consent. In this way, he can think clearly gone."

"Abiding by the rules?" Empress Dowager Li read these words.Said. "If you say it this way, there is only one explanation. But this explanation. To be honest, Aijia still has some unbelievable things in his heart. It would be okay if he said something else. But if he just said that, in Aijia's heart It’s really unbelievable.”

Although Empress Dowager Li said so.But in her heart, she had already begun to believe Zhang Fan's words.

Although if so explained.Nowadays, many strange phenomena can be explained.But practically speaking.many things.But it still feels incredible.

It's just that now all other possibilities have been eliminated.And now the remaining possibilities.No matter how impossible it is.That's the only possibility.so.Even unbelievable.But only this one possibility.That's the only way to think about it.

and.If so consider it.There's something irrational about this.It also became reasonable.think carefully.Originally for Zhu Xuanqi.Something like this.There is no need to tell Queen Mother Li in advance.After all, it has already been thought of.Queen Mother Li will know in advance.Come back to him later.

this kind of thing.It was replaced by anyone in the court.Even the kind of person who abides by the rules extremely.I'm afraid it won't do that.But it's really because normal people don't do that.Zhu Xuanqi has done so now.But it has become more reasonable.

It is precisely because Zhu Xuanqi has repented now.And this time of his repentance.It also happened to start recently.so.At the very beginning.Some unusual behaviors can occur.It became very normal.

Just like what happened yesterday.The number of posts is something that can only be done without reporting to Queen Mother Li in advance.But Zhu Xuanqi said it.This is the beginning of time.People will have an idea that they want to do anything related.And Zhu Xuanqi did so.It also happens to be in line with this characteristic of human beings.

If you think about it this way.All this is justifiable.In this way.Zhu Xuanqi did all of this.It still looks weird though.But there is a reasonable explanation for everything.I can explain it clearly.In this way.It can also be seen clearly.

certainly.So to speak.All this is just a very far-fetched reason.If there is a second explanation.Thinking about it, neither Zhang Fan nor Empress Dowager Li would think about it this way.

But it's still the same sentence.Now except for this possibility.There is no other explanation.So whatever.Now that's the only way to explain it.

certainly.No matter for Queen Mother Li or Zhang Fan.The reason why they can accept this explanation.Not just for this reason.There is another reason.

And that.This is the real reason why Queen Mother Li no longer intends to pursue it.

But no matter what the reason is.For Zhang Fan.As long as Queen Mother Li stops asking about this matter.Then everything is easy to say.

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