The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1489 It's Finally Over

at last.Although the explanation of this matter.It is too far-fetched.It's just too passable.But whether it is Zhang Fan or Queen Mother Li.All have already agreed with the current statement.I don't intend to ask any more.

Not that they ended up on their own interpretations.I figured out what kind of thoughts Zhu Xuanqi had in doing this.After all, no matter how you say it.This is just what they came up with.There is no basis to support their thinking.

The reason why they no longer worry about this matter.Actually just because of one point.That is to understand.No matter what kind of thoughts Zhu Xuanqi has.But one thing is for sure.That is, no matter what he really thinks.It was deliberately staged.Or really regret it.These are all indifferent.Because no matter what.Zhu Xuanqi has already understood the power of this.

so.If he really has remorse.That would be the best of course.but.Even if he didn't regret it.All that has been done so far.In fact, it was just a play staged to avoid the eyes and ears of Queen Mother Li.Actually it doesn't matter.

Naturally, Zhang Fan didn't need to say any more.But it doesn't matter to Queen Mother Li.The reason doesn't really matter.The important thing is that Zhu Xuanqi will not think about those things anymore.This is enough for Queen Mother Li.Empress Dowager Li doesn't need anything else.Just need it to be trouble-free in the future.

If you think about it that way.And that's exactly how it should be.This is why Queen Mother Li stopped asking questions.

certainly.This is actually for Zhang Fan.It's the same.He didn't care what Zhu Xuanqi was thinking.It's good if he really changed his mind.It doesn't matter if you put on a show.It doesn't matter.It is of course the best thing to really change.After that, there really wouldn't be any troubles.

But even if it's a faux pas.There is no relationship at all.As long as he understands what kind of trouble he will have after doing something in the future.Then all this is irrelevant.

That is.In a way.Empress Dowager Li and Zhang Fan may have different starting points in this matter.But the result they wanted.But it's all the same.From this point of view.It doesn't matter anymore.

After coming out of the Compassionate Ning Palace.This time Zhang Fan felt very relaxed.Although I was worried for a long time before.Also prepared for a long time.But in terms of results.It is very easy.It's so easy.this matter.It also seemed that it was time to end.

And now.The end of this matter.It also means that since Zhu Yijun registered.first.It was also the first time this troublesome thing took up to a year.It's finally time for the curtain to end.If it is said that Zhang Fan is not excited about this at all.That is absolutely impossible.Finally.It's time to end.No matter how you say it, this is something to be happy about.

After leaving the palace.Zhang Fan saw Zhang Juzheng immediately.Obviously.When Zhang Fan was approached by Queen Mother Li for questioning.Zhang Juzheng was also very worried.Always worried about what might happen.But Empress Dowager Li did not summon him.He can't just go there on his own.But under worry.He can only wait here.

"Yuande. What's the matter?" Seeing Zhang Fan come out.Zhang Juzheng immediately went up to meet him.asked hurriedly. "What did the matter say? What does the Queen Mother think of yesterday's events?"

"The Queen Mother was a little worried at first." Zhang Fan said truthfully.road. "After all, what happened yesterday. It's really a bit abnormal to say it. Don't say how Zhu Xuanqi is. Just say that he told the queen mother about that matter in advance yesterday. This matter alone is enough to make the queen mother feel suspicious.

"But the student also told the queen mother about this matter. In the end, the queen mother decided not to ask any more questions. Think about it carefully. It's the same. After all, no matter what Zhu Xuanqi thinks. After this, he will not do anything to leave the cabinet again. .As long as it’s like that, that’s fine. Don’t care about the rest at all.”

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.Zhang Juzheng also nodded.Said: "If that's the case, that's not bad." Zhang Juzheng naturally wanted to understand the reason for this.But what Zhang Juzheng was thinking.And that's not all.

In fact, compared to Zhu Xuanqi who really regretted it.Zhang Fan felt even more.It would be better to say that Zhu Xuanqi did this on purpose.

Why do you say that.If Zhu Xuanqi really regretted it.Then he won't have the tension he has now.After he went back.indeed.It's not bad that he won't think about doing those troublesome things anymore.But there is a point.Once the tension is gone.If he does something else in the future.There is no need to go back and worry about anything.In this way.Even if he didn't mean to.But it is still possible to do something unintentionally that will make Queen Mother Li feel headache.

certainly.Empress Dowager Li felt that it didn't matter whether she had a headache or not.The important thing is this.Trouble still arises.This is very bad.

And if Zhu Xuanqi is really pretending.It's just for the sake of being able to pass through the level of Queen Mother Li safely now.This may be from the heart.Not very reliable.But at least.If so.Zhu Xuanqi will always remember this matter.In this way, no matter what he does in the future.No matter how small things.You must also consider whether doing so will have any impact.

If so.The future is real and there will be no more troubles.

As for saying.Is it sincere.if so.Then there is really no need to care about it.In short.There will be no trouble in the future.

certainly.Now Zhang Juzheng has no idea what kind of thoughts Zhu Xuanqi has in mind.It is also impossible to find out what kind of thoughts Zhu Xuanqi has in mind.But also irrelevant.Although it seems to him.It's much better to pretend than to be sincere.But the bare minimum.Not much to go.In this way.That is naturally the best.

"That is to say. This matter is finally over." Zhang Juzheng finally sighed.This has been a trouble for so long.Today, it is finally able to make people feel completely at ease.Anyway.This is all a good thing.

"That's true." Zhang Fan also nodded.Said. "In this way, as long as Zhu Xuanqi leaves the capital, this matter will be completely over. At that time, the teacher can continue to prepare for the new law. Next, the students will also start preparing for the Northeast."

"That's true." Speaking of this matter.Even Zhang Juzheng had a smile on his face.Although let him continue to prepare for the new law.Which means he's actually busier than he is now.But the bare minimum.It still makes sense to be busy.And not for such meaningless things.

Zhang Fan understood what Zhang Juzheng was thinking.It also became easier.It's just that Zhang Fan didn't tell Zhang Juzheng about one thing.This thing looks like now.Indeed, it has been resolved.There is no need to pay attention anymore.But even so.In Zhang Fan's heart.There is always a vague worry.Worried about this matter although it seems to be resolved.But still something happens afterwards.

But his worry.Never said it out.After all, those worries come to the fore.It was just Zhang Fan's own worries.And his worries.Not a word at all.So there is absolutely no way to tell Zhang Juzheng.Hence these things.Zhang Fan could only hold back in his heart.

certainly.He also has his own considerations.After all.Even worry.Even if it is baseless.It doesn't hurt to talk about it.But the main thing.Still, Zhang Fan couldn't figure out how much trouble there would be in worrying.So he finally shut up.

"Teacher, there is no need to worry. Even if there is anything else, it will be relatively easy to handle. Don't worry anymore." Zhang Fan comforted.certainly.Not so much to comfort Zhang Juzheng.It might as well be that Zhang Fan is comforting himself.

Zhang Juzheng also felt some Zhang Fan's weirdness.But today's thing.Make him happy.So he didn't pursue anything further.

The matter of the brothers Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo.It was caused by Zhu Xuanqi.After more than a year.It also made Zhang Fan understand the matter.Their grievances.And things going back more than 20 years.Not to mention.During this time.He was also ordered to go to Sichuan once.Even during that time.And many things happened.

The relationship with Fang Yueling also changed dramatically because of this incident.certainly.Not to mention whether this is good or bad.But now.All of this.It's finally over.And Zhang Fan has finally reached the point where he can relax.

things in the future.Something that is about to happen.Now is the time to start thinking.but.This doesn't make Zhang Fan feel that there is any trouble.After solving one thing.Especially this troublesome thing.It will naturally make people feel relaxed.Even if you know that there are more troublesome things.So is the mood.

But for Zhang Fan.especially important.After all, it will be more than a month.He's heading northeast.certainly.Even if he headed to the northeast.It will not be in any danger.It's just to say a few words to Li Chengliang.But things in the Northeast.He still has to pay attention.

only.Zhang Fan didn't know.this matter.The trouble is over though.But things are not over yet.

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