The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1490 Start preparing

The matter of Zhu Xuanqi.anyway.It's all over now.For the other ministers in the DPRK.In fact, nothing happened since Zhu Xuanqi arrived in the capital on the first day.It seems to them that it is over.But for Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng.This matter is a bit late.Until the third day.After Empress Dowager Li asked Zhang Fan for questioning.This is the only way to be sure that this matter is over.

certainly.It took two days to get this reassuring news.Maybe it's not a good thing.But for Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng.Although they are two days late.But what I got was real news.Understand that this matter is indeed over.Anyway.This is also a good thing.

And it's a good thing.It doesn't just mean that the many worries about Zhu Xuanqi that have lasted for more than a year are coming to an end.It also means that they can turn their current energy to their next goal.

For Zhang Juzheng.He wants to continue to implement the "Testing Law" at the same time.We will also start to formulate new laws.But for Zhang Fan.Another month's time.He's heading northeast.The situation in the Northeast is now tense.have to consider.And even Zhang Fan would go over there.Just say a few words to Li Chengliang.You also have to be ready to go.

In short.Now they can focus on these things.

Although Zhu Xuanqi has not left the capital yet.And during this time.He also needed Zhang Fan to greet him.But obviously.Today's Zhu Xuanqi doesn't have so much thought to do these things.It's okay to say he's depressed.Lost worth mentioning.Perhaps for Zhu Xuanqi.Now he will feel bad.But for Zhang Fan.Zhu Xuanqi is doing well.It doesn't come to him every day.At most, go to him and say a few words.

This freed up Zhang Fan a lot of time.I can spend more time with my family.More importantly, he has already begun to think about things in the Northeast.

In fact, this trip to the Northeast.Nothing was too much of a problem.Although the things to be faced are indeed very serious.Extreme caution is required.But for Zhang Fan.He has nothing to do.Li Chengliang was the only one he was targeting.

And this time the main purpose.That is to move Li Chengliang.At that time, let him take in the people early.Whether they are Han Chinese, Manchus, or other ethnic groups.Since living on the land of Daming.That is the people of Daming.As long as these people yearn for peace.Don't want war.Then the court has an obligation to protect them.

certainly.If this is the original situation.I'm afraid it won't be so forgiving.After all, this is the dynasty of the Han people now.Then only Han people should be protected.

But Zhang Fan also talked to Queen Mother Li.After all, the situation in Daming is not stable now.north side.Although it has been negotiated with me now.There is no large-scale war between the two sides.But in reality it is not.Just think about why Qi Jiguang and his Qi family army were transferred to the north of the capital.To protect the capital.This alone can be seen.Although he made peace with me.But in fact, Daming didn't believe that it would be safe.Therefore, such protective measures have been taken.

And even now that a peace has been negotiated.In fact, there are still sporadic battles going on in northern Xinjiang.Every three to five.But it never stopped.

certainly.Those are not the troops of any brigade.It's just some small forces.Just came to the border of Daming to plunder.But even so.In fact, the court is not sure.These people really make their own claims.Just for the sake of robbery.Or is there someone instigated behind them.

It is impossible to catch a prisoner to ask for clarification.Battles on the frontier.Regardless of those Tartars.Or the defenders of Ming Dynasty.They are all extremely fierce.We met in the desert.Either you die or I die.It is simply impossible to leave a life alive for you to take back for questioning.

therefore.things in northern Xinjiang.Seems stable now.However, it still needs further discussion.

It's not just a problem in northern Xinjiang.There are other problems in Ming Dynasty.Let's talk about the conquest of the Bo people before.Although it is said that the Bo people have been rampant in the southwest for a long time.Whether they are Han Chinese or other ethnic groups.No hate.But now Ming has destroyed the Bo people.Everyone of other ethnic groups also became insecure.

certainly.There is no need to worry too much about this matter now.After all, Liu Xian's people were stationed there.Moreover, the army that went to northern Xinjiang to send those rebels had also returned to Sichuan.Now Liu Xian has another [-] elites in his hands.Help him stabilize there.Nothing will happen.

But the situation is stable.But it is not the same as peace of mind.

And now.The Northeast is about to start an inevitable war.And as the protagonist of the war.It was the Ming army and the Jurchens.The Jurchens may have nothing to do with other ethnic groups.But there is one thing in common between them.That is, none of them are Han Chinese.

In this country founded by the Han people.It doesn't matter whether they are of the same ethnicity or not.It is important as long as they are not Han Chinese.Then they have a lot in common.

Even if the two are hostile to each other.But only one family was attacked by the Han people.The other family also had to start to be alert.I always wonder if something will happen to me.therefore.Now as long as it is to use troops.As long as it is a war against a nation that is not Han.That will definitely make other races nervous.

It's okay to say about the Bo people.After all, the deeds of the Bo people are really unbearable.It has been rampant on that land for thousands of years.Not only for Han people.Even people of other ethnic groups living there.It was already a headache for the Bo the imperial court conquered the Bo people before.That's what didn't cause any trouble.

But even so.At that time, when the imperial court conquered the Bo people.And no one from any clan said they would come to help.not to mention.After successfully conquering the Bo people.All the other ethnic groups became tense and chaotic.After that, Liu Xian needs to stay to maintain the stability of the situation is a good illustration.

And now.The imperial court is about to launch a war against the Jurchens.Perhaps Wang Gao, who thinks highly of himself, can't see the end.Always feel like I can win.Get a lot of benefits.But anyway.Even if this war has not yet started.The ending is already very clear.

And start thinking about it now.After winning this battle.What should I do?Defeated the Jurchens.Even the Jurchens really did something too much.But he was also a foreigner.In this way.There is no guarantee that it will not cause another panic among people of other ethnic groups.

After all, they have waged war against the young ethnic groups one after another.It is quite normal to have this reaction.And Zhang Fan explained all these things to Queen Mother Li.certainly.The reason why Zhang Fan would say that.It was because he had already made sure of it.It doesn't matter whether you move troops or not.That is the real wish of Empress Dowager Li.It is a country where there will be no problems in the future.Hence this kind of thing.Queen Mother Li will naturally agree.

And the result was as expected.Queen Mother Li did agree.It was agreed to let Li Chengliang take in the people in the Northeast.Some Han people are still divided from other ethnic groups.

But this thing.But it can't be done with an imperial decree.After all, the decree.It is really huge.At that time, Li Chengliang received it.But I'm afraid Wang Gao will also hear the wind.And in this way.No matter how arrogant Wang Gao is, he will not fail to understand.Once the common people are taken in.There is no barrier for them to attack again.In this way, they will undoubtedly lose.

therefore.Once the decree.Wang Gao will definitely start entering the palace immediately.In this way.Casualties will definitely not be less.

So this thing.Even if it was to be reported to Li Chengliang.Also be careful.Can't let other people know.

And in this way.The best way to do this.Just find someone to talk to him in person.It's just that Li Chengliang's temper is like this.So this guy who went to talk to him.It must be someone with a high position in the court today.Otherwise, Li Chengliang wouldn't listen.

therefore.Now this matter really fell on Zhang Fan's shoulders.At that time, he will tell Li Chengliang.

Anyway, that's the way it is.And Empress Dowager Li also listened to Zhang Fan's persuasion.Understand the importance of doing this.That's why I agreed.

And now.The matter with Zhu Xuanqi has come to an end.Zhang Fan has now started to prepare for going to the Northeast.

But still the previous sentence.Although Zhang Fan's trip to the Northeast this time.It really doesn't matter.Just to meet Zhu Xuanqi.Then say a few words to him.Just explain it.Even if you want to add the matter of Zhu Yijun to Nurhachi.It doesn't matter at all.But even so.Zhang Fan still needs to be prepared.In order to prevent something from happening in the Northeast during the time he went there.

This is not Zhang Fan's random worry.After all speaking.Be prepared.This is also an inevitable preparation process.

But what really made Zhang Fan feel that he should be worried.Actually himself.

Even superstitious.Laws worth mentioning.Zhang Fan always felt that.These things will happen unconsciously.Wrap yourself.

think about it.I went to Jiangnan that year.There are no signs of it.But those things happened.The same goes for going to Mobei before.And this time to Sichuan.He almost lost his life there.

Although it is a matter of luck.There is really no way to say exactly.And Zhang Fan is not the kind of person who would ask God for his fate.But this happened one after another.It still made Zhang Fan have to think about it.therefore.Now he is preparing for these things.

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