The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1492 Prepare More

Go to the Northeast one day earlier, go to Li Chengliang one day earlier to explain this matter clearly, then the work of accommodating refugees can be carried out at a later point, and Wang Gao himself has freed up nearly a month for them, now This situation, no matter how you look at it, is beneficial to Ming Ting.

At that time, once the two armies fight against each other, there will be no civilians on Wang Gao's side to serve as his shield. In this way, with Wang Gao's military strength, even if he gathers Tumo Everyone in Tehe and Taining could not fight against Daming, especially Li Chengliang, who had been preparing in the Northeast for so many years, in fact, just to deal with Wang Gao.

Looking at it this way, in fact, things in the Northeast are not too tense now, and now all the people in the court are paying attention to this matter, it is entirely because what Wang Gao did before was too much, killing such a There are many people, not only ordinary people, but more imperial officials and generals. For Daming, this is not only a provocation, but also a humiliation.

Of course, it's not that Wang Gao himself can't see that he is no match for Daming even if he gathers two troops. It's just that the previous victories have already made him dizzy. In the confrontation, which time was it not that Wang Gao's troops were weak and Ming was superior, but the Ming army did not get any advantages, and instead lost to Wang Gao frequently.

This made Wang Gao feel that Daming is really not enough to justify. Even if he has more troops than him, he will still be able to win at that time. But he still doesn't take these things seriously, and still plans to fight Daming.

In fact, Wang Gao’s idea, regardless of whether he is wrong or right, but for the Ming court, they hope that Wang Gao will be like this, even Li Chengliang is the same, not to say that they regard human life as worthless and fight wars. Everyone knows that people are always going to die. It's not because of this, but because of Wang Gao's existence. He is always a threat. If he doesn't do something now, he will still cause a lot of trouble one day in the future.

Therefore, rather than letting him cause any trouble in the future, it is better to eliminate him earlier under the situation that victory is inevitable.

That is to say, maybe we don't know what will happen in the future, but one thing is certain now, that is, in the battle that will happen now, Ming will definitely win.

This is not arrogance, nor is it random speculation, nor is it some villain's nonsense, but the fact is that, in this matter, Wang Gao has prepared for such a long time, and Li Chengliang has also prepared for such a long time , but after all, Wang Gao is only the leader of the Jurchen tribe, and he only has the Jurchen, but Li Chengliang is different. Behind Li Chengliang is the entire imperial court. There are much more and more abundant things than Wang Gao.

Coupled with the fact that the construction of the six castles has been completed, it is self-evident what the outcome of this battle will be.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about this matter now, and now more is to be concerned about, after defeating Wang Gao, what should happen.

And these are matters of the imperial court, or to be more precise, this is something that the Empress Dowager Li, the ministers in the court, and Li Chengliang should consider. Although Zhang Fan is also concerned about this matter, he doesn't have to go Worry, he also believes in this kind of thing. After he told Queen Mother Li about the cause and effect, Queen Mother Li would also have a wise judgment.

What Zhang Fan needs to consider now is not the issue of this war, but what will happen after he goes to the Northeast in more than a month.

Still the same sentence, even if this trip to the Northeast is really simple, just go to see Li Chengliang, and then talk to him a few words, maybe you will have to stay there for a few days, but it is also worth it. It won't be long before Zhang Fan will be back.

It is said that there is some preparation, but in fact even if there is no preparation, it has nothing to do with letting Zhang Fan go now.

However, Zhang Fan didn't know whether he should say that he was unlucky or just a coincidence because he would encounter something whenever he left the capital in the past. In short, he was worried that this kind of thing would Happened, so he still needs to prepare before going.

Of course, when it comes to preparations, even Zhang Fan himself doesn’t know which direction to prepare for. First of all, it is obviously impossible for Wang Gao to send troops to fight over during the time when he went to the Northeast. For one thing, Zhang Fan doesn't need to worry at all.

In the Northeast today, there are indeed other forces besides Wang Gao, but now these forces are also because of Wang Gao, and it is absolutely impossible to move, so you can rest assured about this.

Secondly, even if Zhang Fan was really unlucky, if Wang Gao called when he was going to the northeast, he was with Li Chengliang, and even if Li Chengliang knew that Wang Gao would not The call came, but it was already prepared, so even if it was true, Zhang Fan would not have to worry about anything at all.

However, if this was the case, Li Chengliang would have no time to take in the civilians. Even if the Ming Dynasty had won by then, there would inevitably be corpses everywhere. Not only the soldiers, but even the civilians would suffer huge casualties.

If that's the case, it's going to be a big trouble.

But this possibility is really too low, it is basically impossible to happen.

Therefore, Zhang Fan did not make any preparations based on this possibility.

In fact, Zhang Fan's preparations were also on Wang Gao's body, but not on what he wanted to do on the surface.

In the recent period, let alone the imperial court, even Jinyiwei and Dongchang have not received any definite news, but in the files about the recent situation in Northeast China, there are still some things that need to be paid attention to. One of them is, Even though Wang Gao is now entangled with the people from the Taining tribes, there is one thing he has not let go of.

In fact, the reason for that matter, in the final analysis, still has to come back to Zhang Fan, and the reason why Wang Gao is like this is actually because of Zhang Fan. That's why Wang Degui took the lead and took a group of desperadoes to the northeast to secretly assassinate Wang Gao's generals.

This matter turned out to be very successful. It not only caused the loss of a large number of Wang Gao's generals, but also delayed his entry into the palace.

You must know that the generals under Wang Gao are all the leaders of various small tribes gathered in the Jurchen tribe. These people may not become generals until they are the leaders of the tribe because they are the leaders of the tribe, but most of these people are also What Wang Gao likes may not be very outstanding, but he definitely has some skills.

But now, these people were assassinated by Wang Degui and the others, and all of them were killed. Wang Gao was seriously injured and furious. He had to choose those bad people to command his army. He postponed the attack.

But while Wang Gao was furious, this matter also made Wang Gao understand a truth, that is, maybe he can do the same thing, and send people to assassinate important figures of the hostile forces.

Of course, this so-called hostile force actually refers to the current affairs on Li Chengliang's side.

However, I don’t know if Wang Gao’s subordinates are not allowed to do these things, or because they are too inexperienced, or it’s their first time doing this kind of thing. In short, during this time, Li Chengliang’s side There has never been anything similar to the killing of generals or officials under him.

It is true that someone died, but he died of some kind of illness. If it was said that it was done by Wang Gao's subordinates, then he had to admire them. For the first time, they were able to do this.

Of course, these are all conjectures, and the actual clues are pitifully few, basically none, so it cannot be said to be correct to guess that Wang Gao did this, but there are indeed some people who feel that there will be some clues. This possible place.

Just looking at one place, or even just looking at Jinyiwei's news, it is completely impossible to confirm it, and even adding Dongchang's news, it seems that it only makes people feel a little suspicious, but there is no way to be sure.

But even so, Zhang Fan still had to guard against it, not that his life would be at stake, so Zhang Fan became alert. This was entirely because, if things developed to this point, it would make Northeast became troublesome.

And this kind of thing, in the final analysis, is not an area that Li Chengliang can handle. Even if he is in charge of so many people, facing this kind of assassin who comes and goes without a trace, he may even pretend to be an ordinary person , is hidden by your side.

At this moment, it is not something that can be solved by a large number of people. More importantly, it is necessary to find someone who specializes in dealing with this kind of thing, so as to be able to see who it is.

Of course, in the final analysis, Zhang Fan has no way to be sure that Wang Gao really used this trick now, but precautions must be taken before they happen, and he can't wait until something really happens before thinking about what to do Bar.

Besides, if Wang Gao wants to attack, it must be done before he comes over. In this way, Li Chengliang will be caught off guard, and there will be no way to replace the generals in time, which will cause huge chaos.

Therefore, Zhang Fan had to make a lot of preparations for this.

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