Although I said, no matter what, for the already possible possibility, even if it is a very simple matter to go to the northeast, there are still many things that need to be prepared, but even so But to be honest, Wang Meng and Liang Chao didn't know exactly how to prepare and what to prepare.

As for Zhang Fan, although Zhang Fan knew in his heart what he should prepare for now, but to explain it now, to be honest, Zhang Fan also felt a little headache.

To have some preparations for going to the Northeast, first of all, be prepared, the chance is very small, even if it is a one in ten thousand possibility, that is, during the time when Zhang Fan went to the Northeast, Wang Gao may be there At that time, the possibility of raising troops to commit crimes was very, very small and almost impossible, but it must not be underestimated.

In order to deal with this situation, in fact, Zhang Fan has already made preparations before. Facing Wang Gao's matter and the matter that will be attacked by troops in the future, what Zhang Fan, or Jin Yiwei can do There are really not many things. After all, if there is a real fight, Li Chengliang and his army will still have to rely on Li Chengliang and his army to fight against Wang Gao. Jin Yiwei, even if Zhang Fan has the power to temporarily deploy troops, but Zhang Fan himself never thought of doing this. After all, fighting is not his specialty.

At this time, Zhang Fan could only use Jin Yiwei's expertise to help Li Chengliang win the war, and the so-called Jin Yiwei's expertise was in the control of news and intelligence.

Of course, if you just talk about this matter, Zhang Fan has already started to do it, but it’s not very good. The reason is not because of other things, but because of the situation in the Northeast. quite complicated.

Although it is said that it is a problem of ethnic minorities, the Northeast is different from the Southwest. After all, there are not only people from the same ethnic group in the Northeast, but there are also many Han people living with these ethnic minorities, and I want to find out what news from there. If it is, it is not a troublesome matter. After all, even if the Han people have some hostile attitude towards those people, they are not guarded all day long.

But the Northeast is different.

There are also many ethnic minorities in the Northeast, but most of them are now led by a few big tribes. No matter what the small tribes do or do, they all have to listen to the opinions of the leaders of the big tribes.

Of course, in the final analysis, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Zhang Fan and the others, but this situation has created a troublesome problem for Zhang Fan and the others, that is, it is difficult for people who go to inquire about the news to integrate among their tribes.

After all, as I said before, although there are many ethnic groups here, and there are many large and small tribes, there are not many Han people living here, not none, but there are not many, and the two sides are clearly separated.

Of course, this is not a problem at first. The real problem is that if Zhang Fan sends someone to inquire about the news, it will be difficult to get into these tribes. After all, each tribe is closely related to each other. , and the affairs of their own tribe are also very public, so if a stranger suddenly appears in such a grandiose manner, it will naturally be impossible to avoid their eyes and ears

It doesn’t matter whether it’s the Han people or the Jurchens, so there’s no need to talk about the Han people, but even if it’s the Jurchens...even if Zhang Fan really finds a Jurchens to help him find out the news, let’s not say whether this person is worth it Believe me, Jin Yiwei will naturally worry about this kind of thing, but even so, it is impossible for this Jurchen to integrate into the target tribe, just for one thing, no one in that tribe knows him.

Of course, since they are all Jurchens, it is normal to accept a person of the same clan, but when the time comes, they will inevitably ask where he is from. If this kind of thing is made up, it is easy to see through it. Although there are quite a few real people, most of these tribes are connected. Even if a relatively remote tribe is mentioned, they will be able to know whether what he said is true or not as long as they inquire about it a little.

And even if you tell the truth, which tribe he really comes from, of course, if this is the case, if the Jurchens go to investigate, they will naturally be able to find out, but after they are found out, they will definitely ask Look, what happened to him in the end, why his own tribe could no longer stay, but went to their tribe.

Of course, even Zhang Fan is extremely cold-blooded and doesn't care about the life and death of these people, but if the people are dead, there is no way to help him inquire about the news, so this method is not advisable.

And now, all Zhang Fan can do is to find people to ambush around these tribes and inquire about news, but in this case, the efficiency is too low. After all, the news that can be obtained from those ordinary people is natural. It is very rare, and it is naturally impossible for the leaders of those tribes to fully disclose these important news, and as for those who know the news, it is not easy to get words out of their mouths.

Of course, these people can also choose to sneak into these tribes and spy on the news, but the danger of doing so is too great. Once discovered, they will not be able to escape at all.

In this way, apart from losing manpower in vain, Zhang Fan would not be able to find out any news at all. No one would want to change this kind of thing.

Therefore, nowadays, the efficiency of inquiring about the news in the Northeast is really low. They can only judge some things based on what happened outside, and even directly pass back what they saw. What happened, but there is no way to know.

Now, there is not much information that can be provided to Li Chengliang, it is just the obvious news that he knows what Wang Gao is doing.

Of course, Li Chengliang did not complain about this situation. Although the war is just around the corner, what they are fighting is a war that is destined to win. Therefore, no matter what conspiracy the opponent uses, for Li Chengliang, As long as he sticks to his position, as for other things, even if they are things he doesn't know, he doesn't have to worry about them at all, that's all.

However, although Li Chengliang is the main general of the Ming army that is about to fight, and although Li Chengliang doesn't care about these things, Zhang Fan can't help but care, and this kind of situation where no information can be found makes Zhang Fan feel very accurate.

But in the face of this helpless situation, Zhang Fan has nothing to do now.

And there are other things that need to be prepared, as I said before, because Zhang Fan sent people to assassinate the generals under Wang Gao a few years ago, and the results were remarkable. Although there is no definite news, there are always some clues that make Zhang Fan Fan felt that Wang Gao seemed to be using this method to target Daming now.

Since the other party has this possibility, it is necessary to guard against it here. Li Chengliang may not have any good way to deal with this situation. After all, he is in charge of the army, and for this kind of activity similar to meticulous work, I am afraid that there is no other way except to inquire about it. Apart from the news, he didn't think too much about letting a few people enter his territory to carry out assassination operations.

But Zhang Fan is not familiar with this kind of thing at all. This kind of thing is not invented by Zhang Fan. Countless people have already started to do it before him, but Zhang Fan has also done this kind of thing, even So it can be said that even though Zhang Fan did not do this many times, he has a deep understanding of this way, and he is not at all unfamiliar with it.

But now, what Zhang Fan had to do was not to send someone out to carry out assassination activities, but instead, he wanted to prevent the other party from doing so.

Although it was Zhang Fan's first time to do this, but since he knew how to do it, he also knew how to do it the other way around.

But now, there is a troublesome thing about this matter. When Zhang Fan did this, his goal was very clear, that is, he aimed at the generals under Wang Gao.

But now, if Wang Gao also sent people over, Zhang Fan would have no idea what orders Wang Gao gave or who those people were targeting.

Is it just to assassinate Li Chengliang's generals, or to make that kind of aimless assassination just to create panic.

If it is only the first type, then this matter will be easier to do. At that time, all you need to do is to protect the generals under Li Chengliang, but if it is the second type, Zhang Fan has no choice. If you don't know the target, don't know what to do, if they are all under surveillance, it is obvious that Jin Yiwei doesn't have that many people.

This was originally a troublesome matter, but he didn't bother Zhang Fan for long. He had already thought about it. No matter what the situation was, Zhang Fan was going to treat it according to the first situation and only protect Li Chengliang's generals.

After all, these generals are the most important in a war. It doesn't mean that other officials who have nothing to do with the war can be ignored, but now that there are not so many people, things can only be done in this way. Therefore, Zhang Fan, who had figured this out, said that although he felt somewhat sorry for those people in his heart, he had no choice but to do so under the pressure of the situation.

This matter has already been ordered, but it is not in a hurry yet.

Now, under the situation where Zhang Fan is almost prepared, he can finally rest assured, but now, he has to face another person, Zhu Xuanqi,

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