The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1499 Don't Prepare

Zhang Fan really didn't expect it.Originally, he thought it was a little troublesome.It is more laborious to send Zhu Xuanqi back.The result is now very simple and successful.Although I don't know why Zhu Xuanqi believes in himself so much.But he finally believed it.And Zhu Xuanqi didn't intend to pester Zhang Fan for anything.Just go back.Even Zhang Fan's words were clearly intended to get out of trouble.Tell him not to come to him again during this period of time.Zhu Xuanqi also agreed to all of them.

These things.It really made Zhang Fan regret it.If I had known that things were so simple, I would have succeeded.Such a few words can convince Zhu Xuanqi's words.Zhang Fan would have said that a long time ago.if so.After this period of time, Zhu Xuanqi will not bother Zhang Fan anymore.And Zhang Fan will have free time.

certainly.this kind of thing.Now that it has been done.Then there is nothing to regret or regret.Anyway.Zhu Xuanqi has already been dismissed.The difference is only a few days late.Let yourself be entangled for a few more days.Seriously.All that is now in the past.Zhang Fan really didn't think much of it.But it has been so for hundreds of years.Zhang Fan still couldn't help thinking.If I could have said that to Zhu Xuanqi earlier.Then I can save a few days of suffering.

But these thoughts.It was just a flash in Zhang Fan's mind.He didn't go into it.

And even now.Zhu Xuanqi had already been sent away.And it's not just about sending off.Until the time before he left the capital.He will never bother Zhang Fan again.Even if you have something to say to Zhang Fan.Nor would he come in person.It's just sending someone to spread the word.These.Zhang Fan can completely ignore it.

In short.Now Zhang Fan still has something to do.It wouldn't be Zhu Xuanqi who came to bother him.But such Zhang Fan.But he still couldn't put Zhu Xuanqi's matter behind him.Not wanting to be annoyed by Zhu Xuanqi is one aspect.But at the same time.Zhang Fan also had to think about Zhu Xuanqi.

Actually.since that day.Ask Zhu Xuanqi to meet Zhu Xuanluo at his home.Then Zhu Xuanqi came to pester Zhang Fan.When he said he wanted to see Zhu Xuanluo again.Questions had already arisen in Zhang Fan's heart.

Zhu Xuanqi was shut out by Zhu Xuanluo that day.And that looks very lost.Everyone present saw it.Perhaps most people don't know why Zhu Xuanqi is so lost.But Zhang Fan understood very well in his heart.

In short.That's not the point.The point is that Zhu Xuanqi has been so lost.Zhu Xuanluo didn't get a little forgiveness at all.No matter how you think about it.Zhu Xuanqi should also give up.

Of course.Considering the relationship between Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo.and what happened in the past between them.Even if Zhu Xuanqi was rejected by Zhu Xuanluo in this way.It's possible even if you don't give up.But at the same time.Zhu Xuanqi himself should also understand very well.It is impossible for Zhu Xuanluo to forgive himself.

In this way.Maybe he would like to ask Zhang Fan to help arrange for them to meet again.But it doesn't have to be this way.This kind of thing should be done to the best of its ability.Just do what he can do.If you can meet Zhu Xuanluo again.Even knowing that Zhu Xuanluo is still impossible to forgive him.But for Zhu Xuanqi.This is already enough.And even if you can't see it.For Zhu Xuanqi, it may indeed be a pity.But there is no need to do so.

But now Zhu Xuanqi's performance.It is absolutely abnormal in this situation.Obviously.Zhu Xuanqi wanted so strongly to see Zhu Xuanluo again.It is already a very abnormal thing nowadays.If you just want to try it out.Let's see if Zhu Xuanluo can forgive his words.Zhang Fan felt that this matter was really unfair.Really something to say.Unless Zhu Xuanqi wanted to see Zhu Xuanluo again.That was for some other purpose.if it is like this.This is still intelligible.

But this.Zhang Fan also considered it.Just thinking about it.I really can't think of it.What kind of purpose did Zhu Xuanqi do this?

Many possibilities.Zhang Fan also thought about it one by one.And after thinking about it one by one.But none of them fit what Zhu Xuanqi would do now.That is.Now Zhang Fan doesn't even know what Zhu Xuanqi wants to do by doing this.

certainly.Generally speaking.If you think of this point and still can't think of any reason.That's the same as having no reason at all.Zhu Xuanqi did this.Just because of his stubbornness.There is no conspiracy.Or things that are hard to think about.

original.That's the way things should be.And Zhang Fan did it.It can already be given up.But in Zhang Fan's heart.There is always a feeling.I feel that this matter is not over yet.What else will happen.Zhu Xuanqi wanted to see Zhu Xuanluo so much.There must be some reason.

certainly.After all, this was just a feeling in Zhang Fan's heart.Speaking of feeling this kind of thing.It is really unreliable.There is no way to take it seriously.But for Zhang Fan.It's a matter of probability.He couldn't ignore it at all.

Call him unlucky.Call him lucky.In short, before Zhang Fan became an official.This era he feels.Basically nothing goes wrong.certainly.Feel this kind of thing.Not sure.And at most, I can feel a general direction.But Zhang Fan's feeling.But it is very accurate.Even if he couldn't foresee what would happen.But once he felt that something was going to happen.That's really accurate.At least.Whether it is good or bad can still be distinguished.

And this time.Zhang Fan felt this way again.With Zhu Xuanqi coming to him for several days in a row.Zhang Fan's feeling became more and more intense.I feel more and more that something is going to happen.

Only this time.Zhang Fan felt that there were some exceptions.It's not the same feeling as before.In the past, when Zhang Fan felt that something was happening.Even if you can't feel what it is.But the good and bad of things can be felt.That is.something that is about to happen.In the end is a good thing or a bad thing.He can still judge this kind of thing.

But this time.Zhang Fan had no way to judge.This time he really felt that something was going to happen.And it's not going to be small.But Zhang Fan couldn't feel it.What's going to happen this time.Is it good or bad.Zhang Fan had no clue at all.

And the original.Now that Zhang Fan already has the feeling that something will happen.That being the case.Then just stop it.Since this matter is related to Zhu Xuanqi.What Zhang Fan had to do was very simple.You just need to stop Zhu Xuanqi from meeting Zhu Xuanluo again.In this way, everything can be solved easily.Whether this thing is good or bad.But as long as it doesn't happen.Then it doesn't matter if it's good or bad.

But Zhang Fan did not intend to do so.It's not that Zhang Fan is very curious about what's about to happen.After going through so many things.Zhang Fan already understood the meaning of the phrase "curiosity killed the cat".So even if he is very curious about something.But even if there is only a little bit of danger.Zhang Fan was also able to hold back his curiosity.

And now.The reason why Zhang Fan does not intend to prevent what is about to happen.Not because he was curious.I want to see what happened.It was because Zhang Fan always felt that.This thing that is about to happen.It was preordained in the dark.What is bound to happen.Maybe not to stop it.There's a good chance something big is going to happen.But if blocked.I always feel that a lot of things will change.

certainly.This is just Zhang Fan's feeling.things that are going to happen.And whether or not to stop this from happening.These are all Zhang Fan felt.Moreover, Zhang Fan also completely depends on his own feelings to decide what he should do.This might sound like an unbelievable game.But in fact.Zhang Fan is doing just that.

even though.If only by letting things happen.Without considering any other factors.No.Let alone that.Might as well say yes.Things are so uncertain right now.Without knowing exactly what will happen.Obviously, there is no way to do any preparatory measures.

Even knowing that something inevitable is going to happen.Even knowing that you can't stop it from happening.But that doesn't mean you can't do anything.Just let it happen and end.impact.In the end, someone still needs to deal with it.What's more, what Zhang Fan feels now.It's all about him.

But Zhang Fan was in trouble again.Because he didn't know what it was all about.Don't know if it's good or bad.I don't even know what will happen.Without knowing any of these things.anyone.Even if you want to prepare.Have the strength to prepare.But there is no way to prepare for it.

to be honest.This kind of helplessness is about to happen.And I can't stop it from happening.It's not even just impossible to stop.Not even being prepared to deal with this happening is enough to do.Zhang Fan really felt a little powerless.And now no matter how much he doesn't want to.He could only watch helplessly.

only.That feeling of not knowing whether it is good or bad.It made Zhang Fan feel relieved.Although this feeling is very vague.But Zhang Fan always felt that.Even if you do nothing at that time.But it is not necessarily a good thing.perhaps.Just watch it happen.Don't ask anything.This is also a way.

even.This may also be a good choice.

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