The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1500 It's Finally Here

The days go by day by day.But now this time without Zhu Xuanqi to worry about himself.Zhang Fan really felt refreshed.certainly.Perhaps the word pleasing is completely inappropriate.But Zhang Fan still feels this way now.In short.In the past few days when Zhu Xuanqi didn't worry about himself.Zhang Fan really felt very comfortable.

This kind of comfort.Even Zhang Fan originally thought that there was some conspiracy in Zhu Xuanqi's request.All have been somewhat forgotten.Not entirely forgotten.It's just faded a little.

In short.Now there is really nothing.Even if it is about to go to the northeast.And things over there need to be prepared.But it's almost ready.For intelligence gathering in Northeast China.This is inherently difficult.And now the situation in the Northeast.In addition, Wang Gao is negotiating with people from other tribes.The movement is relatively large.Although the news is easy to find out.But there is no really important news.

As for the defense against assassins.In fact, after discussing it before.Zhang Fan had already sent someone there.this kind of thing.There is no way to talk to Li Chengliang.If so.I'm afraid Li Chengliang will feel that the court doesn't trust him.So I found such a reason.In fact, it was to monitor him and his generals and officials.

Zhang Fan could see the problem.It's actually not that difficult.After all, Li Chengliang's background.and his experience.Although in fact the court has never expressed any sign of distrust of him.But Li Chengliang himself always shows this kind of unconfident thought from time to time.

In short.Can't do Fan didn't intend to tell this matter.In other words, Li Chengliang would never let him know.But don't let him know.But it doesn't mean you can't do anything.Or say it.Just because you want to do it.Just can't let him know.

And this thing.Zhang Fan has already sent people to the northeast.Secretly protect Li Chengliang.And his generals and officials.certainly.If this kind of thing wants to act secretly without being discovered by Li Chengliang and the possible assassins over there.It can't be too loud.

Moreover.Although there are not many people in Jinyiwei under Zhang Fan.But there are really not many used to do this kind of thing.So Zhang Fan sent people over there.Not much actually.One is to attract attention.Keep it secret.Secondly, although there are signs on Wang Gao's side.But not sure.So it is still uncertain whether an assassin will be sent or not.Three times it is.In fact, this is done to ensure the smooth progress of the upcoming war.So actually for Zhang Fan.It is enough for him to protect only a few people.

In short.Not too many people will be sent there.

But anyway.Zhang Fan has always done this matter.As for other preparations.Zhang Fan has already explained.There is no need for him to stare again.The people below can handle this kind of thing well.

That is.Things to prepare for now.It's all ready.But for Zhang Fan.Now he should live his life.Just be what you want every day.When the time comes.Just go to the northeast.

but.Because I agreed to Zhu Xuanqi.Therefore, Zhang Fan still has to go to Queen Mother Li to talk about this matter.

Although Zhang Fan was talking to Zhu Xuanqi.That's very confident.But he never mentioned this matter to Queen Mother Li.Even Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao didn't know about it.certainly.Zhu Xuanqi had been looking for Zhang Fan for a while.This is absolutely not hidden from others.Not to mention Queen Mother Li.Empress Dowager Li definitely knew about it early in the morning.

But.Empress Dowager Li knew it was one aspect.But it was another matter for Zhang Fan to tell Queen Mother Li.If not speak up.It is absolutely impossible for Empress Dowager Li to bring it up on her own initiative.It is even more impossible to agree to this matter.

And Zhang Fan here.Now that Zhu Xuanqi has already agreed.No matter how much you don't want to.Things still need to be done.In short.This is now one of Zhang Fan's affairs.

And the reason why Zhang Fan didn't tell Queen Mother Li before.The reason is the same as what he said to Queen Mother Li.He was afraid that Empress Dowager Li would blame him.It doesn't matter if you blame him.It doesn't matter if you blame Zhu Xuanqi.Zhang Fan was a little worried about these two points.That's why he never said anything.

And now.Now that Zhu Xuanqi has agreed.It’s impossible not to say it.certainly.Empress Dowager Li.It also depends on the situation.If you pick a bad time to go.It is better not to go than to go.if that is the case.It's not just that it won't help.There are even things that may break yourself.

only.When should I say it.To be honest, Zhang Fan didn't have any good ideas.Speaking of which, he already knew Queen Mother Li pretty well.But even so.Zhang Fan still couldn't make up his mind.Moreover.Anyway.Also the Queen Mother.And since it is the queen mother.It doesn't matter whether she is in power now or not.It doesn't matter how much she trusts Zhang Fan.But the Queen Mother is the Queen Mother.It's not that Zhang Fan, a courtier, can see it whenever he wants.

If so.Zhang Fan wanted to judge the mood of Empress Dowager Li anytime, anywhere.It also becomes more difficult.And what follows.When should I tell Queen Mother Li about this matter.It also became uncertain.

certainly.Naturally, Zhang Fan might ask Feng Bao to help.After all, Feng Bao is a eunuch.Staying in the palace is beyond reproach.Coupled with Feng Bao's current status.It's not surprising that he stays with Empress Dowager Li all day long.Ask Feng Bao to help see how Empress Dowager Li is feeling now.Then they sent someone to pass a message to Zhang Fan.This will make it easier.

only.this matter.Zhang Fan had already thought about it.And let Feng Bao go to see it.Zhang Fan didn't think there was anything good about this idea.Not that there's anything wrong with the idea itself.This is exactly the right thing to do.But therein lies the problem.Don't even know now.How does Empress Dowager Li feel?

Let Feng Bao spread the word several times.Zhang Fan even approached Feng Bao.Ask him face to face.But Feng Bao would not evade.Always tell the truth.But the more Zhang Fan listened to the truth.The more I feel the mood of Empress Dowager Li now.Really hard to figure out.

Good times and bad.Definitely.Anyone can feel that way.But the bare minimum.Whether it's a good mood or a bad mood.It always lasts for a while.

But today's Empress Dowager Li is not like this.That one has hit and miss.The transformation is very fast.It is simply difficult to grasp.It's even possible.At this time, Queen Mother Li was in a good mood.After Feng Bao saw it, he immediately sent someone to send a message to Zhang Fan.Let him come into the palace.

But wait until Zhang Fan comes into the palace.I am afraid that there is not even time for a stick of incense.Queen Mother Li's mood may have turned bad again.

so.Now Zhang Fan has no way to find an opportunity to talk to Queen Mother Li about this matter.

Queen Mother Li will be like this.Not for nothing.And for this reason.Zhang Fan knew more or less.What happened to Zhu Xuanqi now.Plus things in the Northeast.Of course, there are also some trivial matters in the court.These things all add up.That is to say, Empress Dowager Li's mood is so unpredictable now.It's hard to figure out.

But these things cannot be changed by other people.Zhang Fan can't.Feng Bao can't.It would be impossible to replace it with anyone.this kind of thing.Even Queen Mother Li couldn't make the decision herself.We can only see when she feels better.

But.Agreed to Zhu Xuanqi's matter.Zhang Fan will still do it.And Zhang Fan felt the same way.Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo should meet again.

now.The days go by day by day.The day when Zhu Xuanqi left the capital was also getting closer.There are only five days left.If you don't tell Queen Mother Li about this now.I'm afraid it will be too late.

But Zhang Fan still didn't know how the Empress Dowager Li was feeling now.Is it an appropriate time to talk about this matter?

Even Zhu Xuanqi's side.Although Zhang Fan had already agreed.Don't bother him anymore.But he is also approaching the time when he is about to leave Beijing.Slowly began to panic again.

certainly.Zhu Xuanqi is a person who can keep his promise.Now that he has agreed to Zhang Fan.Before there was no news from Queen Mother Li.He will not pester Zhang Fan anymore.And now.Even he was starting to panic.But he still didn't come to Zhang Fan to say anything.

only.He is not coming.Now they sent someone over to inquire about Zhang Fan's progress.

And Zhang Fan is now.It can only deal with him.Although every time is full of promises.Said that he would go to Queen Mother Li and talk about it right away.But actually.Zhang Fan really didn't know when he would be able to go.

Another day passed.Zhang Fan from the early court.This is just out of the palace.He saw Zhu Xuanqi's subordinates waiting for him.see this.Zhang Fan didn't have to wait for someone to speak.Already knew what it was.This.It also made Zhang Fan frowned.It wasn't that he was worried that Zhu Xuanqi sent someone to ask him.But he didn't know how to answer.

But just as Zhang Fan was walking over there with his mind full of troubles.A young eunuch suddenly appeared in the palace.Quickly came to Zhang Fan's side.

"Master Zhang. It was Eunuch Feng who sent the servants here. Tell Mr. Zhang." The little eunuch came to Zhang Fan's side.whispered. "The father-in-law said that the queen mother is in a good mood now. It seems that something happy has happened. The father-in-law has already talked about Mr. Zhang before. The queen mother is also sure. Now it is said that Mr. Zhang is entering the palace. The queen mother summoned him."

Hear this.Zhang Fan also knew that the time had come.this time.Feng Bao spread a lot of words.But never has he been as confident as this time.And relying on Feng Bao's thoughts that Zhang Fan knew.If not sure.He would never let people spread the word like that.That is.Now is really an excellent time.

Got it.Zhang Fan smiled and nodded to Zhu Xuanqi's person in the distance.Then he turned and walked to the palace.

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