The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1502 Sudden Transformation

When Empress Dowager Li pointed out that Zhang Fan came here today to talk about Zhu Xuanqi's desire to see Zhu Xuanluo.There is no special expression.Not anger.But it is not easy.And the same.It didn't make Zhang Fan feel that she was unhappy.It felt like she was talking about something that didn't matter at all.

certainly.Feng Bao and Zhang Fan who were present knew it very well.This matter is for Queen Mother Li.Absolutely impossible to be irrelevant.It can even be said.They would rather Empress Dowager Li said such words with emotion.Instead of speaking with such a very calm appearance.This look.It always makes them feel uncomfortable.

But Feng Bao didn't care.His relationship with this matter is not too deep.Now he is just helping Zhang Fan.But Zhang Fan couldn't help but care.Although it is said to help Zhu Xuanqi.Or in other words, whether he can help Zhu Xuanqi.To Zhang Fan, this was not a very important matter.But now that Zhu Xuanqi has agreed.Even Zhang Fan already had this plan in his heart.Then you can't give up.

And even what Empress Dowager Li said now.It does sound a bit worrying.But Zhang Fan didn't think it was a problem.

therefore.After Queen Mother Li asked so.Zhang Fan also didn't change his face at all.On the contrary, he replied very calmly that it was so.

Honestly.Now I don't know what Queen Mother Li thinks in her heart.But Zhang Fan answered calmly.It really surprised Feng Bao.He was very afraid of what Zhang Fan said.It will make Empress Dowager Li, who was still calm just now, suddenly become angry.

But the actual situation is not as bad as he imagined.In fact, Queen Mother Li listened to Zhang Fan's answer.It looked very calm.There was no angry expression.Of course, she didn't look happy anymore.It's just Zhang Fan's short answer.Once again, Empress Dowager Li fell into contemplation.

And again.It's getting very quiet here.There was no sound at all.Neither Zhang Fan nor Feng Bao dared to disturb Queen Mother Li's thoughts.

"Tell the Ai family. Zhang Aiqing." Queen Mother Li said. "What do you think about this matter. Now you come to talk to Aijia about this matter. Obviously you are going to intercede for Zhu Xuanqi. Aijia doesn't blame you. It's just that Aijia wants to understand. In the end this matter The thing is that Zhu Xuanqi has been pestering you for too long. Aiqing, you are because you can’t save your face. So you have to go to Ai’s house to intercede for him. So that he can see Zhu Xuanluo again; I just want to see them again."

Honestly.Empress Dowager Li would ask this question.It is indeed a bit surprising.Not that the remarks were unexpected.But she asked.It will still surprise Zhang Fan.

after all.The words of Queen Mother Li.That makes a big difference.Although in terms of results.The two possibilities mentioned by Queen Mother Li.It's all the same.No matter it was because Zhang Fan couldn't save his face and pleaded for Zhu Xuanqi.Or is it Zhang Fan's own intention to come to intercede this time.But either way.The matter itself has not changed.Zhang Fan is here now.Said this matter.

But as far as Queen Mother Li is concerned.These two statements are completely different.

If it is only because of Zhu Xuanqi.Zhang Fan couldn't save his face and came to plead for mercy.In this way.Regardless of whether Queen Mother Li will be angry or not.But for Zhang Fan.He can escape these problems.He's here after all.Not for his own reasons.It's just a matter of face.

after all.Even in the imperial court.Even in front of the queen mother.Even at this time.Everything should be done according to the rules.But the face part.Whether it's Queen Mother Li or someone else.All cannot be ignored.Such unwritten.But it is a problem that can break the rules.It has been there since ancient times.It will continue in the future.

if it is like this.Queen Mother Li even became angry.Even if he was angry that Zhang Fan was so weak.But for Zhang Fan.He's not going to get into any trouble either.

But in this way.Queen Mother Li is very likely.That is to disagree with this matter.certainly.Even Queen Mother Li disagreed with this matter.And Zhu Xuanqi couldn't see Zhu Xuanluo again in the end.Practically speaking.This matter has no effect.The same is true for Zhang Fan.But Zhang Fan always felt that it was wrong to do so.

The opposite of.If Zhang Fan said that this matter was actually what he wanted.Nothing else.He had to give Empress Dowager Li a plausible reason.otherwise.He said so for no reason.Said it was a whim.I feel that I want to let the two brothers meet.There is no way to convince Queen Mother Li for this reason.even.Not only could not convince Queen Mother Li.More likely.It will also make Empress Dowager Li think that Zhang Fan is hiding something behind his back.This is definitely not a good thing for Zhang Fan.

but.If Zhang Fan can give Empress Dowager Li a reason.A reason that can be accepted by Queen Mother Li.Perhaps Empress Dowager Li would still blame Zhang Fan.But this thing may not be impossible.

certainly.this kind of thing.It is very simple to think of it.But what exactly should be done.Even what Queen Mother Li thought in her heart.Speak the truth.Really no one knows.No one can say for sure.

therefore.The key now.It suddenly changed to Zhang Fan.How should Zhang Fan answer Queen Mother Li's words?And that became the key.

Not only Zhang Fan.Even Feng Bao understood the truth of this.In the short time before Zhang Fan answered.Feng Bao also became extremely nervous.

Empress Dowager Li's expression.I don't see how serious this answer is.It's just the calmness of Queen Mother Li.But it is not representative at all.Nor can anything be predicted.

The key now.It still depends on how Zhang Fan will answer the Queen Mother Li's words.

And Zhang Fan.He didn't think for long either.Then he opened his mouth and said: "Return to the Queen Mother. There are both sides to this matter."

Zhang Fan's answer may have indeed exceeded Queen Mother Li's expectation.So after Zhang Fan said it.Empress Dowager Li also showed a puzzled expression.A light "Oh." said: "What does Aiqing mean by that?"

"What Weichen means is that there are reasons for both sides of what the queen mother said." Zhang Fan replied very calmly.It was as if he had expected that Empress Dowager Li would ask such a question.So it's already been prepared. "This time, Weichen came to ask the Queen Mother. Let the two of them meet again. The cause of this incident is indeed because Zhu Xuanqi came to Weichen repeatedly before. He wanted Weichen to let the two brothers meet again. If There are some things that can't save face. But this is not the main thing. After all, when Wei Chen was with Zhu Xuanqi, the Queen Mother knew about it. Between Wei Chen and him, there is nothing that can't save face.

"But some time ago. He came to Wei Chen to talk about this matter almost every day. Coupled with his current situation... Maybe Wei Chen really shouldn't say that. But Wei Chen felt somewhat sympathetic His. Anyway. This is one side.

"But the other side. Weichen always feels that it is not impossible to let the two brothers meet again. It is not for other reasons. Actually think about it. In a few days, Zhu Xuanqi will leave. And he left After that, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to come to the capital again in this lifetime, and I won't even have the chance to see Zhu Xuanluo again.

"It doesn't matter what happened in the past between the two brothers. It doesn't matter what the relationship between the two is now. But they are brothers after all. Even if they hate each other, this cannot be denied. And Wei Chen felt that since Zhu Xuanluo would never forgive Zhu Xuanqi no matter what, if that was the case, it would be fine for the two of them to meet.

"Let's talk about it. Today's Zhu Xuanqi has always had such thoughts in his heart. This will make him return to Sichuan in the future. But it may not be a good thing. But now let him meet Zhu Xuanluo again. Whether it is a good thing or not It doesn't matter if it's a bad thing. In short, it can make him settle one matter. It can also make him give up completely. In this way, after Zhu Xuanqi returns to Sichuan, he won't cause any trouble anymore.

"After all... After all, the Queen Mother also knows about it. The things between them... that's how it is."

Zhang Fan had just finished speaking.Feng Bao wanted to go up and beat him up.The previous words are nothing more than that.But that last word.Totally redundant.There are even words that may be bad things.However, although Zhang Fan hesitated.But it still came out.This made Feng Bao very helpless.

"What?" Sure enough.Zhang Fan had just finished speaking.Empress Dowager Li was not happy. "I heard what Aiqing means. Anyone who is born in the royal family is extremely indifferent between relatives. They only value interests, not friendship. But that's the case. No matter what he says, Zhu Xuanqi is also surnamed Zhu. It's hard to say. Love What Qing means is that everyone in the Zhu family can't do it like this." Indeed.What Empress Dowager Li said did not use any serious tone.But as the Queen Mother.As the current ruler of the court.Say these words.That's enough to scare a lot of people.Especially for Zhang Fan who said such a thing.

"I don't dare." Zhang Fan quickly knelt on the ground.Kowtow.Said. "This minister has the courage of the sky. He doesn't dare to slander the royal affairs rashly. What's more, this is someone else's family matter. Even if the minister has the right to investigate, he has no right to intervene. The minister said so. I just want to Let the Empress Dowager figure this out. No other point. No other point."

atmosphere.Suddenly became tense.Feng Bao on the side watched the situation.I don't know if I should go up and say something at this time.But Empress Dowager Li looked at Zhang Fan without saying a word.I don't know what to think.

thing of the day.Suddenly it became unusual.

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