The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1503 How to Judge

All of a sudden, the atmosphere became tense. Although Queen Mother Li didn't show much anger when she reprimanded Zhang Fan, what she said didn't make people feel that there was anything wrong with it. In a relaxed place, in fact, it will make people feel that the Queen Mother Li said these words in such a calm tone, but it will make people feel a little scared.

In fact, now, Feng Bao needless to say, even this matter has nothing to do with him, but he can't ignore Zhang Fan, even if the friendship between the two is not mentioned, but Zhang Fan is The role of the court is naturally beneficial to him, and if Zhang Fan has any troubles, especially if there are any troubles from the Empress Dowager Li, it will not be a good thing for Feng Bao, so now Feng Bao was indeed a little worried.

And Zhang Fan is not like this, in fact, Zhang Fan today is indeed very calm on the surface, without any appearance of panic at all, but in fact, Zhang Fan is worried in his heart, The current situation is not what Zhang Fan said to Zhu Xuanqi at the beginning, he was just worried that Queen Mother Li would be like this, but now, this is the real thing, Queen Mother Li is really a little angry, and the calm on the surface is also on the surface, but in the middle , really angry.

And the more this is the case, the more calm Zhang Fan has to behave, and he must not let Queen Mother Li feel that he is also flustered. For this kind of thing, the more flustered he is, the more it will make people feel that there is something in his heart. Maybe he was worried about something, so at this time, even facing the Queen Mother Li who seemed extremely calm, Zhang Fan had to be careful in everything, for fear that something would happen if he didn't make the right move.

Of course, maybe Zhang Fan's thinking like this is really too much to make a big deal out of a molehill. After all, even if this matter is entirely his own idea, it still has something to do with Zhu Xuanqi. Pushing it to Zhu Xuanqi, even if you can't say it, even if the Empress Dowager Li will scold herself in the end, she will never take it seriously that any problem happened to her.

Of course, although Zhang Fan thought of this method, he didn't intend to use it, or it was the final back method that he would not use unless it was a last resort. Now, the question before Zhang Fan is actually how to do it. It is true to convince Queen Mother Li.

It’s just that what Zhang Fan said just now seemed as if he said it unintentionally. He said that those who were born in the royal family have a weak relationship with each other, and they can do anything in order to fight for power. Coming out, this also aroused strong dissatisfaction with Queen Mother Li.

It's just that this seems to be unintentional, but in fact, Zhang Fan said this on purpose.

In fact, think about it, it is not without reason that Zhang Fan would say this. People who were born in the royal family or the Wang family are actually like this. After all, the environment they were born in actually determined their future. On such a road.

The reason why Queen Mother Li was angry was not because of anything else, not even because Zhang Fan, as a courtier, actually said such a thing, the most fundamental reason was actually because of what Zhang Fan said. The words are correct.

Think about it, perhaps after Zhu Zaihou ascended the throne and became Emperor Longqing, this kind of thing has never happened in the royal family, but that is also because Zhu Zaihou's other concubines did not give birth to a boy, but only her Li Caifeng gave birth to a baby boy. I have had two boys, of course, this kind of thing will happen even between the brothers of Tongfu and the same mother. After all, the fight is for the unification of the world and the throne, but fortunately the two brothers are quite different in age. And Long Qing went early, so he wasn't too worried about this kind of thing after all.

And even if there is no relationship between the princes, it is not all smooth sailing among the concubines in the harem. It is completely impossible for the Empress Dowager Li to be in charge of the government until now, if she has not thought about it. .

In addition to these things, think about which dynasty and which generation did not have this kind of thing, the Jiajing Dynasty had it, and then went up, the Chengzu Dynasty had it, the Taizu Dynasty, and even further up, which dynasty did not happen in the Han, Tang and Song Dynasties, So, what Zhang Fan said was not wrong at all, he was born in the royal family, that's all.

And Queen Mother Li was so angry because Zhang Fan just hit the point.

There are reasons why Zhang Fan said that, and at the same time, he also had the courage to say it. Whether it was a provocation or a guess, he always made up his mind. If he said it himself, the Empress Dowager Li would never take anything against him. Kind of.

Even if it is an open secret, everyone already knows it, but things that have not been announced will always be secrets, and they will never be discussed publicly. Just punishing Zhang Fan's words is equivalent to agreeing with Zhang Fan's words, and at the same time, it is equivalent to making this secret matter known to the world. Naturally, it won't have a good reputation, even if everyone already knows about it, but making it public is another reason.

All in all, Zhang Fan said this only after he had made up his mind on this point, and this was considered a serious move. Queen Mother Li was indeed very angry, but she absolutely could not do anything to Zhang Fan.

And the so-called reason is actually that Zhang Fan's doing so can make Empress Dowager Li agree to Zhu Xuanqi's matter this time, and the reason for doing so is not something that people can't understand.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhang Fan had expected that when he said something like that, it was absolutely impossible for Empress Dowager Li to punish him. The reason has already been mentioned before.

And it was for that reason that not only would Empress Dowager Li not punish Zhang Fan for saying that, but she would agree to Zhu Xuanqi's request.

Because what Zhang Fan said about the royal family is correct, and the Empress Dowager Li could not punish him even if she knew about it. At the same time, although the Empress Dowager Li’s surname is not Zhu, she is a member of the old Zhu family after all. More importantly, She has the final say on the old Zhu family today, and she is responsible for the family that controls the empire, not only to make her son live comfortably in the future, but more importantly, to let the family maintain the royal honor and continue. go down.

Therefore, even if Zhang Fan's words were true, even if she herself knew that these words were true, she would never agree with them.

Moreover, Zhang Fan, who knows Queen Mother Li very well, also understands how strong Queen Mother Li's way of not acknowledging will be. This attitude is so strong that even if Zhang Fan said so, even if she said it again No matter how much she hated Zhu Xuanqi, she would still agree to this matter.

Of course, all of this is just Zhang Fan's guess, the probability is indeed very high, but it is still unknown what will happen in the end.

Now, Zhang Fan is waiting for Queen Mother Li to speak. Of course, even Zhang Fan has already made plans in his heart, but at this time he said that it is impossible not to be nervous. In fact, at this moment, Zhang Fan, I am still very worried in my heart, but I am worried, but the words have been said, and it is a bit unnecessary to start worrying now.

But now, the only thing left to do is to wait for Queen Mother Li's decision.

After waiting for a long time, all he got was a helpless sigh.

"Forget it," said Empress Dowager Li with a sigh, "now there is no one else, and what Ai Qing said is not different. Although the Ai family can proudly say that under the power of the Ai family, such things are absolutely not allowed to happen. But this kind of thing is unavoidable, so what Ai Qing said is not wrong, if it is just to save face, if you get angry because someone told the truth of the plot, it is really not good.

"This time, the Ai family forgave you, but next time, you must not say such things casually, otherwise the Ai family will... Forget it, let's stop here.

"As for talking about Zhu Xuanqi, Aiqing, you have a good plan. You actually said such a thing to Ai's family. You are forcing Ai's family,"

"I don't dare." Zhang Fan's head was still on the ground, "Even if I have the guts, I would never dare to slander the Queen Mother, let alone force the Queen Mother. What I thought, but it was only because I was careless for a while that I said it out, and everything I did was done according to the order."

"A moment of carelessness," Empress Dowager Li seemed to have heard something funny, and she didn't have any smile on her face, but she laughed out loud. But you still have to pay attention in the future, Aijia doesn't know what you think in your heart, even if Aijia can guess it, it is impossible to punish you because of what you think in your heart, but once you say this, That's not necessarily the case, but I have to be responsible for what I say.

"As for Zhu Xuanqi's matter, the Ai family doesn't blame you for using this method. Human feelings are cold and warm, and the Ai family's background is not noble, so I understand this, but there is another problem. Zhu Xuanqi's matter is not just a sentence of human feelings. , or family affairs can help him to excuse, "

"The Queen Mother misunderstood," Zhang Fan said hastily, "Wei Chen understands what Zhu Xuanqi has done, and Wei Chen never intends to excuse him, and Zhu Xuanqi himself does not want to excuse him. In fact, I just want to see Zhu Xuanluo again. Wei Chen has thought about it carefully, and there is no harm in this matter, so if Wei Chen can help, he will help. Just let it go, that's all."

Once again, Empress Dowager Li fell silent, and Zhang Fan and Feng Bao didn't dare to make a sound at all, it was not their business, but now they are in front of Empress Dowager Li, so they still have to be careful just work.

How the Empress Dowager Li will judge this matter, the two have no idea at all,

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