The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1505 Completely Changed

Feng Bao and Zhang Fan walked out of the Compassionate Ning Palace.

No matter how you say it today, Queen Mother Li finally agreed to let Zhu Xuanqi see Zhu Xuanluo again. For Zhang Fan, perhaps this is not a gratifying event. After all, this is Zhu Xuanqi's matter in the end, what does it have to do with him? None, but Zhang Fan's mood is not bad, after all, the matter is done.

Therefore, when Zhang Fan came out, although he didn't have that happy smile on his face, he was still in good spirits.

But Feng Bao's face is not so good-looking. Although it is not gloomy, it does not make people feel calm. In fact, Feng Bao has passed so far, even if the matter has passed, his heart He was still a little worried. After all, what he experienced just now really made him feel very suspenseful. Even though Zhang Fan was very confident in his speech and performance, Feng Bao was worried to death.

"What's the matter, Eunuch Feng?" Seeing Feng Bao's unsightly expression, how could Zhang Fan not know what he was thinking, but for Zhang Fan, since the matter has passed and been resolved safely, then Everything is easy to say, "We have already come out, there is no need to be like this,"

"It's not necessary," Feng Bao looked at Zhang Fan with an angry look, and said, "Master Zhang, this kind of thing must never be done again in the future, you know, our family just now I was terribly frightened, afraid that the Queen Mother would be upset and say something, if Zhu Xuanqi is unlucky, that's fine, but if you are unlucky, then our family doesn't know what to do."

"My father-in-law can care about me so much, Zhang Fan is very grateful." Zhang Fan still looked very relaxed, not at all as if he had been frightened just now, "But now, isn't everything over? It’s over, besides, the queen mother also agreed, and she just scolded me, and didn’t punish me,”

"Yes, the Empress Dowager hasn't punished you now," Feng Bao looked at Zhang Fan angrily, and said, "But before meeting the Empress Dowager today, you knew that the Empress Dowager would not punish you. Don't do it any more,"

"Don't worry, father-in-law, it's just this one time, and this is not an example." Although Zhang Fan didn't seem to care much, his relaxed words were serious. If it weren't for the fact that Zhu Xuanqi was involved in this incident, Zhang Fan would really not have done this. After all, this matter cannot be resolved peacefully, and although it is not helpless, it is also inevitable. move.

"By the way," Zhang Fan suddenly thought of something, and said, "I'm really sorry to have surprised Eunuch today. How about this? It's already half past time now, what can Eunuch do at noon?"

"It's nothing serious, but there are still some chores in the East Factory that we need to go over, but it's not something urgent," Feng Bao didn't understand why Zhang Fan asked about this matter.

"It's so good," Zhang Fan smiled, "It's been a long time since I had a drink with my father-in-law. The last time I took a concubine, my father-in-law was also unable to come because of something in the palace. Now it's just right, I'm going to invite my father-in-law to have a drink today." , even if Zhang Fan apologized to his father-in-law, it is also a shocking thing today, how about it, right now, Fujinlou, how about it, I am familiar with the shopkeeper there, last time he told me that there is a jar of good wine to be brought Give me a taste, is your father-in-law interested?"

"This..." Feng Bao immediately hesitated. Although the dishes of Fujinlou are indeed the best in the capital, even if they are not much different from the imperial cuisine, the taste is different at most. But what really attracted Feng Bao was the wine.

Of course, for Feng Bao, he has enjoyed countless fine wines. Among other things, he can drink the royal wine in the palace whenever he wants, and no one dares to stop him. It is very wonderful. It cannot be said that royal wine is not good, but it will not be the best in the world. Sometimes, there are unexpected good things hidden in some places, which is also possible.

"Eunuch, why hesitate," Zhang Fan said, "I have nothing to do today. Besides, Eunuch is just some trivial matters this afternoon. Even if I drink a little wine, it will not be a problem. Besides, I still have some things I want to do." Talk to the father-in-law,"

"Since Master Zhang invites you so kindly..." Feng Bao obviously agreed. Of course, you can't be so enthusiastic when you agree, and you have to be more reserved. For the sake of adults, "

"Hahahaha, father-in-law is right." Seeing that Feng Bao agreed to come down, Zhang Fan was naturally very happy, "So, let's just go there."

Drinking the fine wine in the glass, Feng Bao really felt that he did not suffer a loss in agreeing to Zhang Fan's coming this time. This wine is quite different from the royal wine in the palace. It's just that Naihe doesn't know what the name of this wine is, even the shopkeeper who brought out this jug of wine doesn't know what it is, and there is only one jar of wine.

Feng Bao couldn't help but think that if he didn't promise Zhang Fan today, he wouldn't be able to drink such a good wine, it would really be a great regret in his life.

"By the way, Eunuch, I heard something," Zhang Fan said to Feng Bao suddenly during the banquet, "I heard that Eunuch wants to return that painting to the palace."

"Oh." Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Feng Bao immediately understood what he wanted to say, "It seems that the news from Mr. Zhang's ears and eyes is also very good. This matter is nothing more than our own. It’s just such a plan, but I didn’t expect Master Zhang to know about it before it’s done, so it seems that Jin Yiwei is still better than our Dongchang.”

"Hey, what my father-in-law said was just joking," Zhang Fan naturally didn't think that what Feng Bao said just now meant any irony to himself. After all, the relationship between the two of them is harmless if they can say these words. "Speaking of which, I will know about this matter, but it has nothing to do with Jin Yiwei. Duke Cheng is not in good health recently, and he is already bedridden. I don't think there will be much time left. I went to visit a few days ago. That day, Grandpa Guo looked good. Although he couldn't get out of bed, he could sit up and talk.

"During the chat, Grandpa Guo mentioned this matter. The painting is in the hands of Grandpa. I already knew this, but I heard Grandpa Guo said that Grandpa planned to return the painting to the palace. At that time, I thought Grandpa Master is a little unconscious and talking nonsense, but now that Eunuch is like this, it seems that the news is good, "

"There is indeed such a thing." Feng Bao nodded and admitted Zhang Fan's words, "Our family also went to Cheng Guogong's mansion before, and we talked about it.

"Before, our family really liked these things, and it hasn't changed now. We still like it very much. It's "A Picture of Shanghe on the Qingming Festival".

"Oh, my father-in-law misunderstood," Zhang Fan waved his hand, and said, "I don't mean to blame my father-in-law at all. "A Picture of Shanghe During the Qingming Festival" is a masterpiece. Who wouldn't like this kind of painting? Literati love it, naturally. They all have their own reasons, but even if they don't know a word, as long as they know that it is priceless, they will love it to death.

"It's just that I didn't think that my father-in-law would return it one day. It's not that my father-in-law took possession of things in the palace. It's just that this really confuses me."

"Speaking of it, it's enough," Feng Bao sighed, and said, "If we just talk about this painting, it's enough for our family, we've seen it, hung it, and even hung it up. There is also an inscription, but if it is just this painting, there is no need for our family to keep it.

"But this is not the reason why our family will return it to the palace. Things like taking advantage of it have happened in the past and will happen in the future. Our family does not take it now, and others will take it, but our family does not want to go again Being involved in such things doesn’t mean that you have a conscience, our family won’t be foolish enough to return the things we got in the past, but in the future, our family won’t do this kind of thing anymore.”

Feng Bao's words made Zhang Fan realize the changes in him once again. He knew before that after Feng Bao went through that incident, there were too many changes. The most notable thing was his words and daily actions The changes are indeed very obvious.

But when it comes to words and deeds, it doesn't mean anything. It's not that Zhang Fan doesn't believe Feng Bao, or thinks that his behavior is fake, but there is no basis for many things. It is useless to talk about it and do nothing, even if everyone in the world believes in you.

And Feng Bao's change was actually not because he didn't want to do it, but because he had nothing to do at all.

But the return of "A Picture of Shanghe During the Qingming Festival" was an obvious turning point.

If the original track had been followed, the painting would have been in Feng Bao's place until Feng Bao died before it would be returned to the palace, but now that he has voluntarily returned it, the meaning is completely different.

The most obvious is that Feng Bao really doesn't care about these things anymore.

As far as Feng Bao himself is concerned, maybe he doesn't know whether this is good or bad for him, but Zhang Fan is an outsider, so he can see it clearly. For Feng Bao, this matter is absolutely beneficial. What's worse, this incident shows that Feng Bao has truly and completely changed his gender, and his conversion has also led to a different path for his future life ending.

It's not that you can't have a good eunuch, it's just that sitting in Feng Bao's current position, the temptation of all parties is too great, it all depends on whether you can resist it, if you block it, it's naturally good; if you can't stop it , there will always be retribution in the future, maybe Feng Bao did not stop him before, but he has changed his mind now, this is naturally a great thing for Feng Bao,

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