The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1506 Advance notice

Feng Bao's transformation.It is obvious to all in the court.As long as it is not a newcomer who has just entered the dynasty.Even if it was only once before with Feng Bao.His change is also very obvious.But in the eyes of many people.Feng Bao's change was only temporary.Not for long.

After all, Feng Bao would be like this before.Indeed, I have learned a great lesson.Even the Empress Dowager Li.Even without publicly reprimanding him.But he also said a few words to him in very heavy words.replaced by anyone.The Queen Mother said so.If not changed.That's really strange.Even Feng Bao should understand the truth of this.

so.Feng Bao's changes during this time.Although it makes people feel a little incredible.But no one would find it strange that he would change this matter.It's just that people agree that Feng Bao will change.But no one thinks.Feng Bao's change will be permanent.Actually.Let alone other people.Even people like Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng who are very familiar with Feng Bao.They also felt that Feng Bao would be like this now.It's only a temporary change.Just to avoid suspicion.Over time.Or rather, for a long time.For example, a year or two of effort.He will return to his original form again.

The reason why these people think so.It's all because of the changes Feng Bao has made now.Although people are watching.But practically speaking.What Feng Bao said.things done.Not a huge change.It is indeed fundamentally different from the original Feng Bao.But seriously.But there is no big change.The reason is that Feng Bao didn't do anything that can really confirm that he has changed.

But now.What Zhang Fan told him about.But it is completely different.To know.Not to mention what wrong Feng Bao did.But he is a eunuch.And he, the eunuch, did it.It fully represents what a eunuch should have.Not referring to his status.It's his habit.

He is greedy for power.But now he is the chief eunuch.It has already reached the farthest place that the eunuch can reach.Such a thing as power.Feng Bao may be locked in jail.But there is no need to fight for it anymore.

And in this way.The rest are left.It is worth Feng Bao to do something about it.In fact, there is only fame and wealth.It was for fame.Feng Bao really did some extreme things.He even wanted to add a title to himself.Now he would make such trouble.That's why it came about.

As for property.The eunuch wants nothing more.Cannot be passed on from generation to generation.out of power.It is these external things that they love.And Feng Bao is really extraordinary in this respect.Rip off the kung fu.Absolutely one of a kind.In fact, the entire imperial court.Except for people like Xu Jie and Gao Gong.Even Zhang Juzheng was ripped off by Feng Bao.Gave him a lot of things.

But for Feng Bao.He is also lavish with money.As long as it's where the money is going to be spent.He doesn't ask that many questions at all.From this point of view.Feng Bao is not a miser.

But there is a point.Feng Bao is not the kind of foolish person.It's not that people say they want him to pay.He'll pay for it.Everything has to have a reason.Otherwise, rush to pay.Wouldn't he be taken advantage of?You have to laugh at others behind your back.

so.Feng Bao is in this regard.Still more careful.but.This also illustrates a problem.Even Feng Bao can't be considered stingy.But he will definitely be optimistic about his own things.

And Feng Bao's talent and learning.Even someone who hates him in the palace.I also have to admit.Feng Bao's talent is really not small.Not just because he wrote a very famous book.Actually speaking.Really compared to talent and learning.I am afraid that many people in the court will bow their heads in front of Feng Bao and admit defeat.

That pair of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".When Zhu Xizhong brought it from the palace.But I like it very much.But Feng Bao obviously liked it more than him.I don't know what method Feng Bao used.This is what I got from Zhu Xizhong.And after that.This painting has always been Feng Bao's treasure.

even though.There is such a painting at home.It really shouldn't be hanging out.But Feng Bao didn't care about these things.For this reason, Zhang Fan also went to Feng Bao's house several times.In fact, it was just to look at the painting.

And there is no need to deliberately observe Feng Bao at all.Zhang Fan could tell how much he loved this Feng Bao.Even if this painting has not risen to the same value as life.But it will not be much lower.

so.In Zhang Fan's opinion.Feng Bao is now able to give up a painting that is so precious to him.Return it to the palace.This is for Feng Bao.Definitely a huge change.It can even be said to be a complete change.And it also means.No matter how long.In the future, Feng Bao will not change back to the way he was before.

This is for Feng Bao himself.Nature is a good thing.After all, if Feng Bao can keep going like this.He won't cause any trouble in the future.Anyone who can stay out of it.Do something when necessary.In this way.Feng Bao will not sink himself into any pit in the future.For Feng Bao himself.Nature is a good thing.

And even no matter what Feng Bao himself is.The benefits of his change.And not just for himself.his change.It can save others a lot of trouble in the future.

even though.Of course.Even Feng Bao didn't change anything.What will happen in the future.And no one can explain it clearly.But if it continues to develop according to Feng Bao's original appearance.Really maybe.And trouble this kind of thing.It's not that if you can't see it, it doesn't exist.So this has to be guarded against.

And even if you don't talk about Feng Bao's change.For the imperial court and the world.Or what impact it has on the people in the court.Take the current relationship between Feng Bao and Zhang Fan.If Feng Bao caused any trouble.Zhang Fan will definitely be implicated.

therefore.Even if it is not considered for comparison.Just for Zhang Fan's own sake.Feng Bao's change.It is also a good thing for him.

In short.After all.This is a good thing.Just know that.

The two continued to drink.Gossip.Perhaps it was because of Feng Bao's change.The two chatted very happily.Some private things can also be brought up to talk about.

But today Zhang Fan invited Feng Bao to drink with him.It's not just for discussing Feng Bao's changes and chatting.He has other things to say.

But now.It was Feng Bao who first proposed: "That's right, Mr. Zhang. Since the Queen Mother has agreed to Zhu Xuanqi's matter, then tell Zhu Xuanqi about this matter. Let Mr. Zhang talk about it."

"Isn't it?" Zhang Fan heard Feng Bao mention the matter.A little helpless. "This is something that can't be helped. After all, I told the queen mother about this matter. Although the queen mother agrees now. But no matter what, this matter should be kept private. So I went to talk to Zhu Xuanqi. That's it. It's just me."

"That's true." Feng Bao saw Zhang Fan like this.I also understand the helplessness in his heart.Said. "But this is good news for him, Zhu Xuanqi. Even if Mr. Zhang goes to tell him, he won't encounter any difficult and difficult things. If he thinks about it, Zhu Xuanqi has no reason at all. What trouble do you have for Mr. Zhang?"

"That's what I said. But, I'm still a little worried." Although Zhang Fan agreed with Feng Bao's words.But obviously he was on this matter.I still have something on my mind. "It's just that what I want to say is not only these. That matter. How to tell him.

"Actually, I'm thinking about it. Should I tell him today. Or should I tell him about it when he sees Zhu Xuanluo and is about to leave. I can't make up my mind."

"This matter cannot be delayed." Feng Bao heard Zhang Fan say so.He spoke without thinking at all. "This matter can't be delayed. No matter how much Zhu Xuanqi doesn't want to know about it. But you can't tell him later. You met him this afternoon. After you said that the Queen Mother agreed that he and Zhu Xuanluo would meet again. Then I'm going to talk about this right now.

"This can be regarded as a deal made by Empress Dowager Li with him. In other words, it is a condition for him to see Zhu Xuanluo again. This must be made clear first. Otherwise, when the time comes, if he disagrees, it will be troublesome. More Don't say it. If you say that you have met Zhu Xuanluo and then tell him, wouldn't he definitely not agree.

"Master Zhang. I know what you're thinking. I don't want to cause any more trouble with Zhu Xuanqi's matter. But you don't know what to do when you think about it. In short, you went to see Zhu Xuanqi this afternoon. Side. After telling him about Queen Mother Li's agreement with him, I will talk about it right away."

"I see." Zhang Fan nodded. "Elder-in-law, don't blame me. I also know the truth. It's just that Zhu Xuanqi has been pestering me for too long a while ago. Even if I think about it, he will agree to it. I won't be very happy in my heart. I'm just afraid He will come back to haunt me when the time comes. Make trouble with me.

"But now I'm listening to my father-in-law. It seems that if we postpone it, I'm afraid there will be more troubles in the future than the current one. It seems that I have to explain things to him clearly today. To save time. Trouble is coming. There is no way to deal with it."

"Master Zhang is right to think so." Feng Bao nodded.Said. "Actually. Our family thinks. No matter how unhappy Zhu Xuanqi is in his heart, he can only agree to this matter. After all, look at his current appearance. It is really great to meet Zhu Xuanluo. And since the queen mother said so So he can't let him think twice. This is what he will do when he meets Zhu Xuanqi. If he doesn't want to see him, then he will go to Chengdu.

"Also. This can be regarded as the queen mother's last test for him. If he can really agree to see Zhu Xuanluo, then everything is easy to talk about. If not, then..."

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