The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1514 Completely understand

Maybe Zhang Fan didn't have any purpose when he came, but it happened that the place where Ru Xue and the others gathered was Fang Yueling's room, and Zhang Fan finally found this place. Anyway, Zhang Fan didn't say anything, but From the looks of everyone, Zhang Fan came to find Fang Yueling.

Therefore, when they dispersed, no one pulled Zhang Fan, and even Zhaoxue, who was very clingy to Zhang Fan now, didn't have the intention of insisting that Zhang Fan stay with her. It would be easy for others to talk about the matter, but Zhaoxue would be so reasonable, it is indeed a little incredible, maybe because she heard a lot of interesting things from Fang Yueling just now, it is a kind of reward.

It's just that Zhang Fan himself couldn't figure out why he was left behind. Of course, Zhang Fan didn't have any thoughts about the matter of staying, but the other people who acted just now were completely intentional to make him stay. Zhang Fan was really puzzled by the way he stayed.

What's more, when Lian Yu'er saw Zhang Fan here, this time she didn't intend to disturb Zhang Fan at all, but walked away obediently, and now, only its original owner is left in this room, and Zhang Fan is two people.

Seeing Zhang Fan's unclear expression, Fang Yueling didn't know why, but she also found it interesting. She went to Zhang Fan's side and changed the cold tea in front of him for a cup. Fang Yueling looked at Zhang Fan. , and asked a little funny: "What's the matter with you, my husband? Why do you have such an expression on your face? Is there something you can't understand? By the way, you came to me today, what's the matter?"

Although Fang Yueling's few words were all questions, Zhang Fan actually didn't need many answers. Of course, even Fang Yueling herself misunderstood, thinking that Zhang Fan came here to talk to her.

"No, it's nothing," Zhang Fan said immediately after he came back to his senses, "I'm nothing, I just think it's a bit strange to listen to you talking when everyone gathers here."

"It's no wonder Xianggong thinks so," Fang Yueling smiled after hearing Zhang Fan's words, and said, "After all, I didn't like to talk about these things, but getting along with my sisters is really easy. Even if he didn't talk much at first, his appearance has changed a bit now, even I can feel it myself, "

"How is it?" Zhang Fan asked suddenly, "It's been a while since you came to live here, but I haven't asked you yet, what do you think, how does it compare with the teaching school?"

"It's not the same at all," Fang Yueling didn't think about it at all, but immediately answered after hearing Zhang Fan's question. Obviously, she had already considered this question, "Although I have been living in the classroom since I was born. In the middle school, Father loves me and also teaches me martial arts; and the people in the school know that I am the daughter of the leader, so naturally they will not treat me badly, but it is a river and lake after all, even so, there are many things that are different.

"Perhaps the church is indeed my home, but in fact, I don't feel at home at all. I used to have a little bit of home when my father was there, but after my father disappeared, it was completely gone. Not only because If I want to be father, it’s just that with Father’s disappearance that time, the people in the sect suddenly changed, I can’t adapt at all, and now..."

When she said this, Fang Yueling stopped and didn't continue, and her face also showed a look of hesitation, not because she didn't know the answer, but because she didn't know whether she should say it or not. come out.

Naturally, Zhang Fan could understand this expression occasionally. Fang Yueling's appearance showed that she had something to say in her heart, but she refused to say it.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fan asked, "If you want to say something, just say it. If you don't want to say it, it's your own business." In fact, although Zhang Fan said so, it is equivalent to saying something When Fang Yueling said it, of course, it was also due to Zhang Fan's curiosity, but more, Zhang Fan really wanted to know Fang Yueling's feelings.

Seeing Zhang Fan like this, the little uneasiness in Fang Yueling's heart also subsided. Zhang Fan gave her a sense of peace that she had never felt before, and this feeling made Fang Yueling feel very comfortable now. "Safety" does not refer to the external feeling, but the inner feeling. She always feels that as long as Zhang Fan is there, no matter what she does or says, she will be protected by Zhang Fan.

"Actually, this is no longer a feeling," Fang Yueling sat next to Zhang Fan, and said to him, "It's not a feeling, I really experienced this change.

"When Dad was taken away, as his daughter, I naturally wanted to rescue him from others. There is no doubt about it. I had to do this. At that time, I was responsible for teaching After taking on the burden of the leader, it is indeed a different feeling than usual. I feel that the people in the religion have changed. Some of the people in the past have not changed much, and some have become completely different people.

"Although I don't like to talk to people very much, I still understand in my heart that the reason why these people are like this is all because of my father's sudden absence. They may have some thoughts in their hearts, but these thoughts are originally because of My father was there, but I didn't dare to come out, but at that time, my father was no longer there, so they began to think about these things.

"After I understood this truth, I wanted to find Dad back sooner, not only as Dad's daughter, but also as a member of the church. At that time, I I always feel that as long as I can get Dad back, the teaching will be able to return to its original appearance.

"But now, Dad has really come back, and the teaching has indeed changed to its original appearance, but... But I found that Dad has changed, he has become different from before, what is it? It’s different, I can’t say it, the things Dad is doing now, he would do the same thing in the past, but at that time I just felt that Dad was different, although it didn’t seem to have changed, but there was something This kind of feeling, I feel that Dad is different from before..."

Hearing Fang Yueling's words, Zhang Fan didn't say anything, or he didn't know what to say. In fact, Zhang Fan knew more or less what Fang Yueling said about Fang Zhen's actions. The first meeting between Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian was actually after Fang Zhenqian was rescued, so Zhang Fan had never seen what Fang Zhenqian looked like before, nor had he heard anyone talk about it.

It should be said that now he listened to Fang Yueling's words, but he didn't understand much.

But unfortunately, when Zhang Fan listened to Fang Yueling's words just now, he already understood her meaning in his heart, and even felt her meaning.

Not long after Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian met, a series of confrontations started between the two. Of course, Zhang Fan's purpose was much simpler. What did he get there? In fact, at that time, after Fang Zhenqian learned of Zhang Fan's identity and the role he played in rescuing himself, Fang Zhenqian thought about what he wanted to get from Zhang Fan. right.

And from this moment, Zhang Fan could feel Fang Zhenqian's change, even if Zhang Fan didn't know what Fang Zhenqian looked like before, he could understand it.

Why do you say that.

If someone just met him, he has already thought of all kinds of ways to get close, make connections, and want to get something. These are all normal things. Don't underestimate anyone, many people His thoughts are not ordinary at all, even just meeting, he has already thought of a lot.

As the master of a sect, Fang Zhenqian not only possesses martial arts skills, but also his stamina and intelligence. So if Fang Zhenqian had these thoughts, Zhang Fan would not find it strange.

But the key question is that Fang Zhenqian is not an ordinary person. The ordinary person here does not refer to his identity as the leader of the Five Poison Sect, or his extraordinary martial arts. The so-called difference here is actually saying , Fang Zhenqian is a person who has just been released and has been imprisoned for three years.

Even if ordinary criminals are locked in a cell for three years, even if they are not subjected to any abuse, they will definitely change their appearance after they come out, let alone someone like Fang Zhenqian who is locked up He can't be known yet, so he can only be locked in the darkest cage. Fang Zhenqian, who has experienced this kind of experience, can imagine that when he is released, he will definitely change his appearance.

However, as far as Zhang Fan's first impression of Fang Zhenqian was concerned, he did not look like a person who had been imprisoned for three years except for a little weakness. He was imprisoned for three years, but in this way, Fang Zhenqian can still look like this, and he is so energetic just after he came out, he is really not an ordinary person.

But it's not just these, Fang Zhenqian came out just after being released, and met Zhang Fan for the first time. After learning about Zhang Fan's identity, he immediately thought of Zhang Fan's identity, and what his identity represented. For Fang Zhenqian, there is such a huge use value.

And from that time on, Fang Zhenqian had already started to think about how to get some benefits from Zhang Fan, which would be beneficial to him, Fang Yueling, and the Five Poison Sect.

Of course, Zhang Fan also understands this, but there is a problem. People who have been imprisoned for three years are not only not a bit dull in their minds, but they are the ones who started thinking about such things just after they were released. Fang Zhenqian, Definitely not for ordinary people.

Now that Fang Yueling talked about this matter, Zhang Fan can naturally understand her feelings, but after knowing it, Zhang Fan doesn't know how to comfort her.

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