The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1515 Strange Person and Medicine

Fang Yueling talked about some of her own things, but those things heard Zhang Fan's ears, but he felt an indescribable feeling. It sounds like the situation Fang Yueling is facing now is not optimistic. It can be said that it is a bit cruel, and after all the hard work, she finally rescued her father, but the result was different from what she wanted. The difference, but the difference is too big.

What Fang Yueling hopes is that she can return to the way it was in the past. She firmly believes that the things she encounters now, whether it is Fang Zhenqian's disappearance or the fact that the Five Poison Sect is no longer the way she knew it, are all related. It's temporary, as long as Fang Zhenqian can be found, everything will return to the way it was before.

But now, Fang Zhenqian has been rescued by her, and even now Fang Yueling is still the leader of the Five Poisons Sect, the position of leader has not been returned to Fang Zhenqian, but what Fang Zhenqian said is still unparalleled in the Five Poisons Sect. Influence, no one dares to oppose.

Indeed, with Fang Zhenqian's return, the former dissatisfaction with Fang Yueling's ascension to the position of leader among the Five Poison Sects has completely disappeared. However, even this is not the return to the past as Fang Yueling hoped. It is true that there are indeed no dissatisfied voices against her in the church nowadays, but what has been replaced is the fear towards Fang Yueling, or to be more accurate, towards Fang Zhenqian.

In other words, things have turned from one extreme to another, and neither of these two situations is what Fang Yueling wants to see. Even in comparison, compared to the current situation, Fang Yueling I don't think it's as good as the previous one. Of course, she wouldn't say it out loud.

It's just that even if Fang Yueling didn't say anything about this kind of thing, Zhang Fan couldn't see it. It's just that from his own standpoint, even if Zhang Fan noticed it, he couldn't say anything. Now the relationship between him and Fang Yueling, there is nothing to be taboo about this kind of thing, but after all, it is a matter between father and daughter, and Zhang Fan doesn't like to ask too much.

But if Zhang Fan just looked at Fang Yueling in pain, he was naturally unwilling, but Zhang Fan really didn't know how to comfort Fang Yueling now.

Maybe it was because she felt Zhang Fan's embarrassment, or maybe she was still sad but didn't want to continue. In short, Fang Yueling recovered, and the embarrassment on her face before became the usual one. Calm look.

Zhang Fan naturally understood in his heart that Fang Yueling just suppressed the embarrassment in his heart temporarily, it didn't eliminate it, it just didn't bother her anymore for the time being, Zhang Fan naturally understood that just like this, It doesn't make Fang Yueling feel relaxed, maybe now, Fang Yueling really won't think about it, but this kind of trouble will continue to trouble her in the future, but now, Zhang Fan is even more helpless, as I didn't say before, Now Zhang Fan was even more speechless.

"By the way," Zhang Fan asked suddenly, perhaps for the purpose of invigorating or relaxing Fang Yueling quickly, "The effects of the medicines you just mentioned are really so miraculous. If there is any change, I still believe it, but if there is any change in people's minds, then I still don't believe it, anyway, this is too incredible, "

"I understand what you think." Maybe it was really about something she was interested in. Zhang Fan's words also made Fang Yueling respond with a smile. Sometimes, I was shocked when I heard it. If it only poisons people to death or makes people sick, although it sounds quite scary, it is not very unusual, but it is indeed very strange to make people change their mood. , but this is true, there really is such a medicine.

"For example, in our teaching, there are 23 kinds of this kind of medicine, one of which is called 'morning dew and dust'. Once a person takes it, when he wakes up every morning, he will forget what happened yesterday, just like what happened to him yesterday Didn't do anything, it's like wasting a day in vain; there is also something called "Kuangxin Pill", once a person takes it, if he encounters something happy, his temperament will change drastically, and he will become angry and crazy; there are many others. There are even some medicines that can make a man feel like a woman after taking it, anyway, there are a lot of them.”

Hearing Fang Yueling's words, Zhang Fan just felt a little numb. He naturally didn't think that what Fang Yueling said was to tease him, or that what Fang Yueling said was not true. I thought, Fang Yueling was not the kind of person who would tease Zhang Fan about such things, that is to say, what Fang Yueling said was true.

But in this way, Zhang Fan really felt a little scary. Some of these weird poisons would not hurt people's lives, but would just change people's temperament. Poisons, more like some magical ones, will make people feel that they are just drugs for pranks, but in Zhang Fan's view, these drugs are very unusual, there are many of them, if they are really used If it is used in the right place, it is more useful than those poisons that hurt people's lives.

"It seems that your Five...Five Immortals are really different," Zhang Fan said with a little shame, "There are so many things that people don't understand. If this messy effect is really used If it is on a person, I am afraid that there will be a big mess."

"Naturally." Hearing Zhang Fan's words, even Fang Yueling, who was rarely complacent, showed a proud look. Of course, Zhang Fan's words just now were not complimenting her, but Fang Yueling didn't care. These, "It has been hundreds of years since my Five Immortals sect established itself, which is longer than the Ming Dynasty. In this way, it is normal for the sect to have these things.

"However, these weird medicines are actually not the right ones. Almost all of them were produced when they failed to practice those poisons. Most of the people in the teaching have this habit. After trying the prepared medicine, if it doesn’t work, you will naturally discard it. If it works, let alone, but if it doesn’t have the expected effect, but it has such a strange effect, you will not give up. , I will only write it down and treat it as a plaything, but sometimes, these playthings are more useful, so I keep them all, "

"It turned out to be a by-product." Hearing Fang Yueling's explanation, Zhang Fan felt a little relieved.

As Fang Yueling said, since it is the Five Poison Sect, it is obvious that the Five Poison Sect uses poison, and poison, after all, is used to harm people. , or to make people disabled, there are no more than these types, so the people of the Five Poisons Sect must refine poisons for this purpose.

And the weird effects of those drugs that Fang Yueling mentioned can only be said to be by-products. For some people, what they want is the real thing. Things mean failure to them, and they don't need this kind of thing at all.

But the Five Poisons Sect is obviously different. The purpose of the Five Poisons Sect is naturally to use poison, and the use of poison is not just poisons that can hurt people's lives, but also poisons that have strange effects. Since they are poisons, Then neither good nor bad.

In fact, not only Zhang Fan, but even those in the Five Poison Sect understand that there are many effects of poison in it, even if these are only by-products, but for them, sometimes, compared with those who specifically kill people As far as poisons are concerned, this kind of medicine with special effects is more useful, so all of these are left behind.

"It's not just our Five Immortals Sect," Fang Yueling said to Zhang Fan with a smile, "Actually, in Jianghu, there are many people and sects who use poison. The Five Immortals Sect is famous because of the variety of medicines we use. , Of course, compared to the effect, ours is not bad at all, but the world is so big, there are many surprises, and there are many things that even we can't understand.

"I still remember that Dad told me before, also in Sichuan, there is a strange man who uses poison, no one knows his name, but as long as he makes a move, even people in my Five Immortals will be afraid of him three points.

"What I remember most clearly is that my father told me that he has a medicine in his hand. He never said the name, but we named it 'Yuxin San'. People who take it, There are no signs at all, and the people who take it have no symptoms in the first year, but in the second year, they will become depressed. Of course, most people will naturally not feel anything. To do more is to think that he has encountered some troubles, and this is what he has become, but in the third year, his whole person has changed, and he only knows to hide in the house all day long and dare not see him. He is a person, and he refuses to speak at all, even if you force him to speak, what he says will be crazy, "

"This..." What Fang Yueling said made Zhang Fan even more surprised. If he wanted to use this medicine, he always felt that many things would become extremely simple. "If so, wouldn't this medicine be too powerful?" up,"

"It's very powerful," Fang Yueling nodded, "Only that person has the antidote, and there is no way to solve it no matter what other methods are used. It's just that the symptoms are too inconspicuous. Dad, he has seen several people who have been raped. The person who planted the medicine found some signs, but he had to take it within a month of the person being poisoned, otherwise after a month, even if he had the antidote, he would be unable to do anything."

"Looks like I have to be more careful in the future," Zhang Fan laughed at this time, "If I'm given this kind of drug, I don't know it, and I become crazy at that time, then it's over. "

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