The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1516 Don't Worry

"My lord, this is the latest news from Northeast China," Wang Meng walked in as he spoke, and put the file in his hand on the desk in front of Zhang Fan, "Tumed's troops have already entered Wang Gao In his territory, although Tumed's troops also have their own generals, it is clear that Wang Gao is not at ease, and they are now training with Wang Gao's men, "

"Practice," Zhang Fan was a little surprised. It wouldn't be strange for him to say that Tumote's people entered Wang Gao's territory. After all, the two parties have already united, and there will be war soon. There is nothing wrong with entering Wang Gao's territory and gathering together, but just now Wang Meng said that Tumote's people were practicing together with Wang Gao's people, which made Zhang Fan a little confused, "We are only starting to practice now." , if it is said that Wang Gao intends to fight again next year, I think it is good, but the current situation, at most two months, as long as he and those people in Taining will start the war, and now they will start practicing , isn't it too late,

"When I got the news just now, I felt a little strange," Wang Meng nodded, and said, "Later, I took a closer look and found that the so-called drills were actually for other reasons. In fact, think about it, where No matter whether they are Jurchen or other ethnic groups, those who were born, regardless of whether they will become tribal warriors in the future, will also learn to ride and shoot since they were young, so their military strength is naturally nothing to say, and there is no need to use it now. What to practice again.

"Wang Gao's so-called drills are actually different fighting methods between Tumed and Jurchen. Since Wang Gao has recruited them, he will also ask Jurchen to agree to give orders in the future. If the two sides are different, When the time comes to fight, there will be a lot of trouble, so you need to practice.

"Actually, this so-called drill is just to adjust the forces on both sides, so that there will be no scenes of disobeying orders and acting indiscriminately."

"So that's how it is," Wang Meng's explanation also made Zhang Fan understand, but this matter made Zhang Fan frowned deeply, "It seems that although Wang Gao is arrogant , but he is not a person who will act indiscriminately. If this is the case, when the time comes to fight, I am afraid we will have a lot of trouble here, "

"That's true," Wang Meng also nodded, and said, "When it comes to fighting, the strength of the two sides has a lot to do with it, and even the strength of the soldiers is indispensable, but the most important thing is the soldiers under your command." To be able to obey the orders, the orders issued by the generals of the superiors, they must be able to carry out, otherwise, no matter how many people there are and how strong the force is, if they don't obey the orders, they will eventually be defeated.

"Wang Gao wants to attack my Ming Dynasty. This move seems crazy. If it is true, their chances of winning are very small, but if Wang Gao keeps doing this, we will definitely be in trouble when we fight. Duoduo, if you win in the end, I am afraid you will have to pay a lot of price."

"I know this," Zhang Fan frowned the more he listened, "but we can't do anything now, even if we know that Wang Gao is doing this, our troubles will be bigger, but we can't stop it at all." he,"

What Zhang Fan is really worried about is this matter, as he said, although he clearly knows Wang Gao's intentions for doing this and the troubles he will cause by doing so, but for Zhang Fan today, he is simply He can't do anything about it, he can only watch Wang Gao do this, but there is no way to stop him.

This kind of thing, no matter who it is, if they encounter it, they will find it extremely troublesome.

And thinking about it, with Wang Gao's training of the newcomers to his command, when the fight really started in the future, this trouble would become more and more, and Zhang Fan's heart sank even more.

"Let's not talk about their practice. Now we can't stop them, and we can only see how Li Chengliang will deal with them." It's not that Zhang Fan doesn't want to, but he can't think of a way, and now he can only temporarily stop this matter. The matter was put to the back of my mind, "Other things, how is Taining going now?"

"Wang Gao is still thinking of a way over there," Wang Meng said. "Our people have inquired about the news. It seems that Wang Gao really won't give up this time. In order to get the troops from Taining, Wang Gao is now using He tried his best to spend several 10 taels of silver, and gave away more than [-] women, but it is obvious that there are some troubles in Taining, after all, there are too many tribes there, Wang Gao After so much effort, only half of the people agree to join Wang Gao, and these people who agree are only a small number of tribes in Taining, but the big tribes among them are not yet. agree.

"What's more, the other tribes have seen Wang Gao bribe them so much, so the asking price is higher. This matter is very troublesome to Wang Gao. If it's just about money and women, Wang Gao is not short of women. Let’s forget about it, they will rob without anyone, but as for the money, even if Wang Gao robs, he can’t rob so much. What’s more, if there is a fight, Wang Gao will still have a lot of money, so He can't spend all the money.

"But the people of those tribes are getting more and more greedy. They don't like some small silver coins, and Wang Gao can't afford that much money, so now Wang Gao is promising them that after they capture the Northeast, they will share the money." How much money to give those people, although those people agreed with Wang Gao, but now they haven't got the money after all, so now Taining is a big trouble for Wang Gao, of course, even if it is trouble, But things should be similar to what we expected before, at most it will take a month, and Wang Gao can almost persuade those people in Taining to unite with him.

"Then it is estimated that it will take another month to train those people, and then they will call them over,"

"Did Li Chengliang get the news?"

"I've got it," Wang Meng nodded and said, "After we inquired about this news, he was the first one to report it to him."

"Then what did he say?"

"After seeing the news, General Li also felt a little troublesome, but General Li was very open-minded. He said that since we can't stop Wang Gao now, let him go like this, and wait until he calls. , I have my own way to deal with it here. I heard from our people that although General Li finds it a bit troublesome, he doesn't care too much.

"However, it's true when I think about it. After all, fighting is about killing people. Now Wang Gao is fully prepared, but no matter how well prepared they are, they can't win. It's ridiculous that they still can't see this matter. , and General Li has been preparing for many years, even from the humble point of view, we will be able to win by then, but now Wang Gao is doing this, it is just that more people will die here, that's all."

Wang Meng's words made Zhang Fan a little silent. Although Zhang Fan is not an idealist, he has also experienced several battles, and even went to the battlefield himself. Since the two armies are fighting, people will inevitably die. Zhang Fan understands the truth in his heart, but the problem is that even if he understands this truth, Zhang Fan still hopes to die less from the bottom of his heart. It is best that one person can win without dying. Maybe I still think this way, not so much naive as it is an ideal.

But under this ideal, Zhang Fan still had to face the reality.

Of course, Zhang Fan also understood Wang Meng's words. In other words, Wang Meng's words were the truth, and Zhang Fan also understood this point.

However, he would not dislike Wang Meng because of this, or what he said. Zhang Fan knew in his heart that Wang Meng was from the army. Compared with the battlefields he had been on, Wang Meng had been there countless times. Wang Meng also understands better than Zhang Fan. After so much experience, it is really normal for Wang Meng to see it this way. Dead people are not scary. The most important thing is how you die. of.

If it is for this kind of thing, for the righteousness of the country, it is meaningful to fight the enemy and die on the battlefield, and it is even more meaningful if it can win in the end.

So to Wang Meng, it doesn't matter how many people die, how many people die, how few people die, the important thing is to win the final victory.

"By the way, my lord," Wang Meng said suddenly, "the day after tomorrow is the day when Zhu Xuanqi will leave the capital. The matter that your lord explained before, the humble job has been arranged properly. Tomorrow, I will arrange for Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo to meet at your lord's house tomorrow.

"At that time, the humble official will follow the instructions of the adults, or hide out of the window and listen to what they say. My lord, is this the same as last time? Just listen. If Zhu Xuanluo wants to do something, the humble official will stop it. ,"

"That's right, it's still the same," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "You have to listen to him at that time, although I told you to keep an eye on it, it's also to prevent Zhu Xuanluo from making a move once the time comes. What trouble, but this time, Zhu Xuanluo probably won't do it this time. He didn't do it last time, and he won't do it this time.

"Originally, there is no need for you to do such things again, but Queen Mother Li wants to know what the two of them said, so in order to prevent Zhu Xuanluo from being aware of it, I have to trouble you to do this thing,"

"My lord doesn't need to say whether it's troublesome or not. Since it's your lord's order, then the humble official should obey it, but..." When Wang Meng said this, he thought for a while and said, "The last time Zhu Xuanluo already knew that the humble official was in the room. Although he didn’t know about the eavesdropping before, but thinking that he’s still in the Lord’s house this time, he must know, this time..."

"It doesn't matter," Zhang Fan didn't care about this matter, "Even if he knows, it doesn't matter, after all, most of us understand the matter between him and Zhu Xuanqi, and now he is the Queen Mother, so we must understand it. That's enough, otherwise, we don't have to worry about it, "

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