The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1517 The Last Time

Zhu Xuanqi's trip to the capital.There are really countless people watching.Sichuan side.Those ordinary officials did not mention it.But those who belonged to the King of Shu had to say something.These people are all paying attention to this matter.It's just that their focus is different.The reason is because these people actually have no good intentions.

The ending they want to see more.It was Zhu Xuanqi who had just entered Beijing.She was caught by Empress Dowager Li.Or it would be best to kill him directly.certainly.This did not happen when Zhu Xuanqi entered Beijing.So they are the next best thing.I think Queen Mother Li wants to do it after a while.In order to stabilize Zhu Xuanqi first.

These people have such thoughts.Although nasty.But it is also no wonder they.Originally their ancestors.They are also descendants of a generation of Shu kings.That is.Their ancestors all had the possibility of becoming kings of Shu.And they.They also have the possibility of inheriting the throne of the King of Shu.But now they are not princes.It can only be regarded as a small landlord with the blood of the King of Shu flowing.Naturally, these people will not be reconciled.

It's just that they are not reconciled.There is nothing they can do about this kind of thing.Their ancestors have failed as the most competitive people.their heirs.It is even more inappropriate.

but now.Things are a little different.Zhu Xuanqi finally paid the price for his arrogance.And his price.Most likely, it meant that he was going to lose his life.

And if Zhu Xuanqi died because of this.These people from the lineage of the King of Shu.That's why there was a chance.Although Zhu Xuanqi is the king of Shu.But he has no brothers alive.certainly.Refers to the recognized kind of brother.Although Zhu Xuanqi has a son under his knees.But his son was too young.There is simply no way to inherit the throne.Even his son.He has not been sealed as the son of the world yet.

And even if it does.But if something happened to Zhu Xuanqi in the matter what.It is absolutely impossible for Queen Mother Li to let his son inherit the throne of King Shu.The truth of cutting weeds is to get rid of the roots.Even these people have never seen Queen Mother Li at all.Don't know anything about her.But since Queen Mother Li is now able to be a queen mother.She still doesn't know this truth.

so.If Zhu Xuanqi died once.Then people from Zhu Xuanqi's lineage.It is also impossible to assume the position of king of Shu.But the King of Shu was conferred by Emperor Taizu.What's more, even if Zhu Xuanqi died.The lineage of the king of Shu has not disappeared.It has to be passed that time, it is natural to find someone from this line to inherit the throne of King Shu.And these people all meet this condition.

certainly.There is only one king of Shu.The lineage of the king of Shu has been passed down for nearly 200 years.There are indeed many heirs.In this way, who will inherit it?That's where they're fighting for.certainly.This matter comes to the end.Who should inherit it.It still depends on which Queen Mother Li chooses.But the bare minimum.These people also have a chance because of this.

therefore.These people in Sichuan.It was extremely hopeful that Zhu Xuanqi could just die in the capital like this.

And except for these people.In fact, no one wanted Zhu Xuanqi to have an accident.

Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng didn't want to.Because they understand.If something happens to Zhu Xuanqi.There will be many disasters below.Even people who have nothing to do with this matter at all.In the end, something may happen because of Zhu Xuanqi's sudden death.In short.Even if it is not called chaos in the world.But it can also be difficult to do.

therefore.Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng were the ones who didn't want anything to happen to Zhu Xuanqi the most.Even they wanted to prevent Zhu Xuanqi from having an accident.It really took a lot of effort.Especially Zhang Fan.Zhang Juzheng was okay to say.But Zhang Fan wanted to prevent Zhu Xuanqi from having an accident.She was scolded by Queen Mother Li several times.It was really hard work.

And now.The scolding Zhang Fan received.It was not in vain.finally.Queen Mother Li decided to spare Zhu Xuanqi's life.certainly.This is also because Queen Mother Li carefully calculated the different results brought about by killing Zhu Xuanqi or not.This is what was finally agreed.if not like this.Empress Dowager Li would not agree to this matter either.

And as Queen Mother Li decided to let Zhu Xuanqi survive.Those who want to come to Sichuan will be extremely disappointed.But what would they think.Now nobody cares at all.These people just want to wait for the money to drop from the sky.Put them on the throne.It's better to let Zhu Xuanqi continue to be the prince.

People who don't want Zhu Xuanqi to have an accident.It's not just Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng.These people just understand that Zhu Xuanqi's matter is only important.And besides them.There are many, many people who don't want Zhu Xuanqi to have an accident.Including other ministers in the DPRK.And there are the rest of the princes.

For those princes.In fact, Zhu Xuanqi's accident has nothing to do with them.But for them.Will something happen to Zhu Xuanqi?But it will greatly affect what they will do in the future.

If nothing happens to Zhu Xuanqi.Then everything is fine.These people don't make anything.You can also be their prince with peace of mind.But if something happened to Zhu Xuanqi in the capital.No.Not only in the capital.Even if it is anywhere.Once something happened to Zhu Xuanqi.Accidents don't count.If Queen Mother Li did it.Then the meaning is quite different.

Even Queen Mother Li killed Zhu Xuanqi.In the end, Zhu Xuanqi deserved what he deserved.But for these princes.They don't think about it that much.Maybe there are a few people who can calmly analyze it.But other people may not be sure.In this way.At that time, these people may start to worry indiscriminately.I think maybe Zhu Xuanqi is just a signal.And next.Empress Dowager Li is about to take action against these princes.

therefore.For these princes.They didn't care what would happen to Zhu Xuanqi.But what will happen to Zhu Xuanqi?But it will have a huge impact on these people.And once something goes wrong with Zhu Xuanqi.They will worry that they will end up in the same end as Zhu Xuanqi.And people for self-preservation.Naturally, some unusual actions will be made.

Especially these princes.If so.There will definitely be chaos by then.This kind of chaos.No one wants to see that.therefore.From the big picture.These people also don't want Zhu Xuanqi to have an accident.

As for those officials in the court.Basically.They also don't want Zhu Xuanqi to have an accident.Some do consider the overall situation.Once Zhu Xuanqi was killed by Queen Mother Li.Then it's time to get upset.Naturally it is troublesome.But they didn't have such strong ideas as Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng.They just don't want to get in trouble.

But except for these people.Others also did not want Zhu Xuanqi to have an accident.The focus of their concern is not whether there will be chaos at that time.but themselves.

Most of these people are the eyeliner of other princes in the court.And as this relationship.They are naturally beneficial.Some are just plain money.Today, Zhang Juzheng's "Testing Method" is implemented in the court.For these people.Corruption and bribery are becoming more and more troublesome.Even now the court has raised their salaries.It was much more than it used to be.But for these people.Not enough greed.Therefore, it is also a common phenomenon to get money from these princes.

And this relationship.If something happens to Zhu Xuanqi.Then those princes will start to take action.And once these princes make any moves.At that time, these ministers of the DPRK and China who have relations with them.It is inevitable to be targeted by Queen Mother Li.

Was targeted by Empress Dowager Li.That means being Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.He was targeted by Jin Yiwei and Dongchang.Feng Bao has indeed changed now.But the fact that he is in charge of the East Factory has not changed.And Zhang Fan.Even since he took charge of Jinyiwei.Indeed, there have been great changes.But Jin Yiwei is Jin Yiwei.Jin Yiwei will definitely not change in any essential way just because he changed to a commander.

For these officials.Jinyiwei and Dongchang are the two mountains that can hold them down.They definitely don't want to face these two.Although it is said that even if it really becomes the worst situation by then.And it is impossible for Queen Mother Li to do anything to everyone who is related.But it is still necessary to kill chickens and monkeys.And no one wants to be that example.

therefore.These people in the court.If you really talk about motivation.They compared Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng.I don't want anything to happen to Zhu Xuanqi even more.It's just where these people stand.And their identities.It's not that they don't want to.But even if they want to.But there is no way to do anything.Just waiting to see what the outcome is.

Fortunately, now.It is already very clear.During Zhu Xuanqi's stay in the capital.It is indeed a feeling that makes people feel frightened.But in the end.Nothing happened to Zhu Xuanqi.Empress Dowager Li didn't do anything to him either.

Another day.Zhu Xuanqi was about to leave the capital and return to Sichuan.And as long as Zhu Xuanqi leaves.These people will be able to completely let go of their hearts.Stop worrying about these things.

even though.Things have come to this point.Ninety-nine percent of the time Empress Dowager Li would not attack Zhu Xuanqi.But that possibility still exists.Obviously something you shouldn't be nervous about.But it also became the most tense moment.

Although no one came to visit Zhu Xuanqi today.But there are not a few people staring at Zhu Xuanqi's residence.

And to their surprise.The last day.Zhu Xuanqi did not continue to be bored there.Instead, go out.

Follow the past for a look.That's when he discovered that the place Zhu Xuanqi was going to was Zhang Fan's residence.

something between the two.These people also know more or less.Now Zhu Xuanqi will come to Zhang Fan's residence.It's nothing.He was leaving after all.

But do everything possible to find out.But he heard that Zhu Xuanqi would come today.It was at Zhang Fan's invitation.

This time.These people began to wonder again.

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