Whether it is Zhu Xuanluo or Zhu Xuanqi.Both of them were people who couldn't see what was going on.From this aspect.These two are worthy of being brothers.But speaking of it.For many people.This kind of thing is really hard to explain.Even if you consider it in your own heart.It may not be able to figure it out.this kind of thing.It is impossible to explain.

And Zhu Xuanluo and Zhu Xuanqi are two brothers.Now he is caught in this vortex.It's just that they don't care who they are.All unconsciously.And now.They are still doing this.In Zhu Xuanluo's view, it is meaningless.But in Zhu Xuanqi's view, it represents the entire dialogue.

For Zhu Xuanluo, this kind of thing is meaningless at all.After all, the relationship between the two has come to this point.It's impossible to think about it.And for him.Zhu Xuanqi's behavior can be described as extremely ridiculous.That's all.However, Zhu Xuanqi was still delusional about wanting to change something with this.It's just hilarious.

But although Zhu Xuanluo thinks so.But Zhu Xuanqi obviously didn't think so.This matter may be a pointless struggle for Zhu Xuanluo.But for Zhu Xuanqi.But it means everything.

The same is true when you think about it.After all, Zhu Xuanqi understood.I want Zhu Xuanluo to give up his hatred for him.That is already impossible.And this one is no longer established.I want Zhu Xuanluo to forgive him again.It is simply impossible.If so.Zhu Xuanqi had nothing left at all.

For Zhu Xuanqi, this is definitely not something that can be easily revealed.Or.It is no exaggeration for Zhu Xuanqi to be brooding about this matter.But for Zhu Xuanqi now.He also didn't expect Zhu Xuanluo to forgive himself.He just hoped that Zhu Xuanluo would recognize him as his elder brother.

And obviously.Even if they are obviously brothers.All with the same blood.But Zhu Xuanqi wants to do this.It is also extremely difficult.resentment.It's just too deep.

but.Even if the resentment is so obvious.so deep.But Zhu Xuanqi obviously did not give up his idea.And stubbornly wanted to do it.He wanted Zhu Xuanluo to recognize him as his elder brother.

certainly.Zhu Xuanqi thought so.But Zhu Xuanluo also has his own ideas.No.Not so much an idea.It's better to insist.It's not just hatred that has accumulated over these 20 years.It is also the motivation for supporter Zhu Xuanluo to come to this day.And the resentment derived from it is not just a simple matter of wanting to seek revenge from Zhu Xuanqi.There are many, many more.

Zhu Xuanluo's hatred.Overwhelmed from the start.up to now.It can be said to have come step by step.And among them.For Zhu Xuanluo.But there cannot be any missing.If he gave up one of the links.That means everything else will start to crumble.

If Zhu Xuanluo really agreed to Zhu Xuanqi's request.He accepted the words of his elder brother who was originally his elder brother.Zhu Xuanluo suddenly couldn't find any reason to continue to resent Zhu Xuanqi.If so.What he has suffered for so many years.Preparations for revenge.until now.He bet on everything in his future life.It's all meaningless.It can be said that if you agree to Zhu Xuanqi.Reaffirm his words.Zhu Xuanluo had no reason to continue living.

Now that Zhu Xuanqi is recognized as his elder brother.So even those resentments are still there.Obviously, he also has no motivation to take revenge on Zhu Xuanqi.But this way.What he has suffered so far should be like someone to complain about.To Empress Dowager Li.Perhaps Queen Mother Li is indeed the culprit for this situation.But that was the empress dowager after all.He may have this power.But what should he complain to Queen Mother Li.Nothing at all.

even.After he recognized Zhu Xuanqi again.He didn't even have a reason to stay here anymore.stay here.Just to wait for the opportunity.Maybe it was Queen Mother Li.Maybe it was himself.After finding an opportunity.Just like Zhu Xuanqi's revenge.Once he recognizes again.He couldn't do anything to Zhu Xuanqi anymore.It is absolutely impossible to stay here any longer.

But if you can't even stay here.Where should Zhu Xuanluo go?The sky and the earth are big.Into the territory.Even the whole world.But there is no home for a person like him.

But even now he has thousands of reasons to reject Zhu Xuanqi.Even this kind of refusal is related to his life.But there are still contradictions in his heart now.Obviously.Even if he resents Zhu Xuanqi.Blame Zhu Xuanqi for bringing him to where he is today.He wanted to kill Zhu Xuanqi.Take back everything that belongs to him.But even so.Even if he doesn't recognize it.Zhu Xuanqi is also his elder brother.Even if they are of the same father and different mothers.Zhu Xuanqi is still his elder brother.The elder brother he liked very much when he was young.Even Zhu Xuanluo didn't want to admit it.This cannot be changed.It is also subtly affecting him.The more he thought about it.The greater the impact.

Facing this circumstances.Zhu Xuanluo became completely at a loss.

Zhu Xuanqi naturally saw Zhu Xuanluo's situation.Even if he can't read minds.But seeing Zhu Xuanluo like this.He can also somewhat know some of the contradictory thoughts in Zhu Xuanluo's heart.

For Zhu Xuanqi.This time may be a good opportunity.After all anyway.No matter how hard Zhu Xuanluo's mouth is.But Zhu Xuanluo was shaken after all.This is a good opportunity for Zhu Xuanqi.As long as he strikes while the iron is hot.This thing might be possible.

original.Zhu Xuanqi should do this.But in the end.He didn't say anything.Even sympathy is fine.Perhaps Zhu Xuanqi also understood Zhu Xuanluo's difficulties.Or some other reason.In short.Zhu Xuanqi did not do this.

"That's all." Zhu Xuanqi said suddenly. "If you don't recognize me as an elder brother, I won't blame you. Let alone us. Even brothers from the same mother can make trouble like this. We are not the first pair. We definitely don't It will be the last couple. Born in the Wang family. I should have had this kind of awareness long ago. Who knows now. I am still so naive. I am deceiving myself.

"Xuan Luo. Even if you don't think of me as an elder brother, I still recognize you as a younger brother. But I have no right to blame you for anything. But now, the situation can no longer be changed. If this is the case, don't worry about it anymore It's above. You continue to blame me. But I don't blame you. I only blame you and me. We are both members of the Wang family; I also blame you and me for our bad luck. We have encountered such things."

this time.Zhu Xuanluo didn't say anything more.Just quietly listening to Zhu Xuanqi's words.

Maybe even Zhu Xuanqi himself couldn't think of it.Obviously Zhu Xuanluo gave up.But what he said.On the contrary, it had the effect he originally wanted.His words.Indeed, Zhu Xuanluo once again wanted to forgive him.Just the same.This kind of mentality means that there is no way to match the hatred of 20 years.

Although Zhu Xuanluo thought so.There was even that bewildered expression on his face again.But Zhu Xuanqi didn't go to see him again.Instead, he stood up.turn around.Said: "In this case, it is easy to handle. I came today to show your face. Let me tell you. The Queen Mother has not done anything to me now. Not now. Not in the future. And when I go back. Also Absolutely will not let the Queen Mother or anyone seize any chance.

"That's right. The throne of the King of Shu originally belonged to you. But what happened. Even if I didn't want it. But I was able to ascend the throne. I am still very happy in my heart. That's the case. Since I took Once it is in your hand, you will never let go of it.

"Want to wait for me to relax. That's a dream. If you feel dissatisfied and want to take the initiative, just come. I won't stop you. But how capable you are. Then I can't guarantee it.

"All in all, the brotherhood between you and me has reached its peak. There is nothing to say now. I just want to see your failure expression. I am very happy in my heart."

Zhu Xuanqi's words.It's completely the appearance of a villain.It's obvious that "you tried to deal with me. Now it's a failure. I'm here to see your joke".

certainly.The reason why Zhu Xuanqi said that.Not his intention.After all, he had made his future intentions so clear before.And now these words.Think of it as a manifestation of his breaking the jar.after all.Zhu Xuanqi has already understood.Whether it is to make Zhu Xuanluo forgive himself.Or it is already impossible for Zhu Xuanluo to recognize his brother again.

And at this moment, Zhu Xuanqi also understood.If you insist on getting Zhu Xuanluo to agree with him.Not only can't help this matter.On the contrary, it will still make Zhu Xuanluo more depressed.

Maybe he really cared about Zhu Xuanluo.all in all.At this moment, Zhu Xuanqi also understood this point.That's why he said such a thing.

Instead of making Zhu Xuanluo feel uncomfortable in this trouble.It would be better to say so.Let him just hate himself so much.Even knowing where the enemy is.But he couldn't do it.It is indeed a kind of torment for people.But for Zhu Xuanluo.At least he can survive like this.And never die in this depression.

perhaps.This is Zhu Xuanqi speaking as an elder brother.The last thing I can do for Zhu Xuanluo.Although it sounds very strange.He did this entirely for the good of Zhu Xuanluo.But he had to say such heartless and unjust words on purpose at this time.It is indeed more uncomfortable.But Zhu Xuanqi had to do so.otherwise.Everything he wanted was really impossible.

For Zhu Xuanqi today.Since it is already something that cannot be realized.But even if it can be closer.That's good too.

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