Zhu Xuanqi suddenly changed his tone.Said such words.It's completely the appearance of a villain.Even his tone of voice has changed into the kind of voice that makes people feel annoying when they hear it.But if his voice wasn't trembling so obviously.That's good.

But for Zhu Xuanluo.What Zhu Xuanqi said.He had thought about it a long time ago.When he was thinking about meeting Zhu Xuanqi.Zhu Xuanqi is to him.Is his archenemy.So within the scope of Zhu Xuanluo's consideration.Zhu Xuanqi is very likely to say such a thing.Even in Zhu Xuanluo's view.Zhu Xuanqi insisted on coming to see him.Just to tell him these words.To humiliate myself.

certainly.At that time, Zhu Xuanluo was not very sober.He didn't even think about it.Think about it.If Zhu Xuanqi really just wanted to meet him.Then humiliate him.Why spend so much effort.Not to mention.In order to agree to the conditions proposed by Queen Mother Li.One million taels of silver will be taken out.And lay off 100 people under his command.This is not a price that can be paid just to say something that humiliates others.

It was just Zhu Xuanluo at that time.Didn't think that much.Or Zhu Xuanluo at that time.I can't think of it so clearly.At that time, he was only thinking of the bad for Zhu Xuanqi.Hence these ideas.

even.At that time, Zhu Xuanluo had already thought about it.Once the time came, Zhu Xuanqi said anything to humiliate him.Then respond.This response is definitely not verbal abuse.It's a fist thing.

Even Zhu Xuanluo already knew.This time I met Zhu Xuanqi.Still at Zhang Fan's home.And this means when he meets Zhu Xuanqi.It must be that the walls have ears.Someone must be listening.And guard yourself.He knew that he was no match for Wang Meng.And this thing is so important.Zhang Fan would also be sure that Wang Meng would step out.

When the time comes, once you take any action.I'm afraid Wang Meng will rush in to stop him at the first moment.

But Zhu Xuanluo didn't care.He has already thought about it.No matter how powerful Wang Meng is.After all, he was outside the house.Since it is outside the house.Then I want to rush in.No matter how much he reaches out.It also takes some time.

Do you have a weapon on your body?If you want to seriously kill Zhu Xuanqi.Maybe it takes a little effort.At that time, Wang Meng had time to rush in and stop himself.

But Zhu Xuanluo didn't think about this kind of thing.He didn't need to kill Zhu Xuanqi.After the last time the two met.Zhu Xuanluo already understood.Even if he desperately wanted Zhu Xuanqi to die.And absolutely not by himself.If Zhu Xuanqi committed something.In the end, he was executed by Queen Mother Li.That's one thing.It is naturally a good thing for Zhu Xuanluo.But if he does it himself.And without any permission...even if he really succeeds by then.Zhu Xuanqi was killed.But he will definitely lose his life.

at this point.Zhu Xuanluo thought very clearly.So Zhu Xuanluo didn't intend to kill Zhu Xuanqi at all.What he really wants to do.In fact, he beat Zhu Xuanqi violently.

If Zhu Xuanqi really said something that humiliated him.He said nothing.Go up and beat him with your fists.first.This is faster.Even if Wang Meng found out that he was going to attack Zhu Xuanqi.But rushing in also takes time.And this time is enough for beating people.After all, he was using his own fists.No weapons.No need to draw a knife.Just clench your fists.So this is the case.There is absolutely no time.Even if he only punched Zhu Xuanqi once or twice.Wang Meng rushed in to stop him.But at least this fist really hit Zhu Xuanqi.

Second.with a fist.It is indeed what Zhu Xuanluo wants to do.Not with weapons.Without using any objects.Just use your fists.This is indeed more resentful for him.20 years of repressed resentment.Naturally, it is impossible to vent all his anger with such a punch or two.But for Zhu Xuanluo.If not a punch or two.I'm afraid he will feel even more uncomfortable.

original.These are all Zhu Xuanluo has already thought about.As long as Zhu Xuanqi said anything to humiliate him.There is no need to say anything at all.Don't even think about it.Just rush up and beat him.original.Zhu Xuanluo made this decision.

But now.Zhu Xuanqi had indeed said something that humiliated him.And the portion is very heavy.even.some of the words.It was heavier than what Zhu Xuanluo thought before.

According to Zhu Xuanluo's original plan.Now Zhu Xuanqi was lying on the ground.At least two of his fist marks were printed on his face.And Zhu Xuanluo himself was subdued by Wang Meng who rushed in.

But all this he had envisioned.What happened now.Zhu Xuanqi was still standing there.Not lying on the ground.There was no attack either.And Wang Meng didn't rush in either.Even himself.Still sitting on the original chair without moving.

indeed.Originally expected.As long as Zhu Xuanqi opened his mouth to humiliate him, he would do it.And wait until now.Zhu Xuanqi really humiliated him.And the weight of the words spoken is also very heavy.But Zhu Xuanluo had no way to do anything.

What Zhu Xuanqi said before.And what's on his mind.Even Zhu Xuanluo is not calm now.He has already come to the aftertaste.Zhu Xuanqi didn't intend to humiliate him at all.Instead, she wanted to help him.Help him even a little bit of relief.

And facing Zhu Xuanqi like this.Even with such deep resentment between the two.He hated Zhu Xuanluo so much that he wanted to kill him.But Zhu Xuanluo is in this situation.There is simply no way to do it again.No matter how much resentment there is.But Zhu Xuanluo is not the kind of vicious person.For Zhu Xuanluo.Tell him to move his hand toward someone who is helping him.He still couldn't do it.

such a moment.Zhu Xuanluo thought a lot in his heart.And what he wants to do most now.Yes laugh out loud.It's naive to laugh at myself.

He obviously resented Zhu Xuanqi so much.But the other party is just such a small favor.It made it difficult for him to move.Such myself.Really able to take revenge on Zhu Xuanqi.To take back what originally belonged to him?

Zhu Xuanluo suddenly wanted to laugh.Laughing at yourself is really weak.Laughing at being so weak, he was still delusional about revenge.He wanted to laugh even more at how he had come to this point.only.He couldn't laugh.All this can no longer be changed.

Zhu Xuanluo suddenly.I feel very sad.Not being looked at him.But he sees himself.It's really sad.

"In that case..." Zhu Xuanqi said.These four words came out with a sigh.It is indeed heartbreaking. "Then I won't disturb you. Tomorrow I will return to Sichuan. Today I have to go to the palace to pay my respects to the Empress Dowager and Your Majesty. I am also preparing myself.

"But before I leave. I still say the same thing. You can continue to hate me. And continue to wait for the chance I will give you. Let you seek revenge from me. But I also remind you. You will never have such a chance .Also.Instead of going on like this.Live your life like being imprisoned.It's better to think about it.What else can be done.That's all.I take my leave.' After saying these words .Zhu Xuanqi didn't turn around either.Instead, he lifted his feet and wanted to leave here.

"Wait." Seeing that Zhu Xuanqi was about to leave.Zhu Xuanluo suddenly stopped him. "You just wait."

"It's up to now. There's nothing else to say." Zhu Xuanqi turned around this time.There was a look of complete abandonment on his face. "If you want to, I'll stay. You don't want to see me either. Now I've finished what I have to say. Why don't we just say goodbye. We won't meet again in the future."

"No. I didn't mean that." Zhu Xuanluo said at this time.It has become extremely calm.Even his heart is very, very restless now.But the expression on his face now is extremely calm.Not for anything else.But because he also wanted to understand a lot of things at this moment. "I didn't mean to keep you."

"Then what are you talking about calling me now?" Zhu Xuanqi showed a puzzled expression on his face.Obviously he didn't know what Zhu Xuanluo meant by calling him.

"The enmity between you and me. It seems that it will not be eliminated now." Zhu Xuanluo stood up.Said to Zhu Xuanqi. "And now. Even if I don't recognize you as an elder brother. But my surname is Zhu after all. I have the same father as you. The blood on my body is also the same as yours. Even if I don't recognize you, you are me after all. brother.

"But I can't live like this. As you said before. After you go back, you must be cautious in everything you do. Leave no trace. I won't let the mother catch you again. But this way. I It's going to be harder for the rest of my life. I'm never going to be like this. So let's end it here."

"It's over." Zhu Xuanqi understood what Zhu Xuanluo said.But this last sentence.He was a little confused again. "How to end it."

"There happens to be wine here. I heard you brought it." Zhu Xuanluo looked at the jug of wine on the table.Said. "I don't know why you brought a jug of wine here. But it's just right now. If it's not troublesome. I wonder if the prince can help you pour the wine."

Zhu Xuanqi still didn't understand what Zhu Xuanluo wanted to do.But he didn't reject Zhu Xuanluo's words.Picked up the jug of wine.Come pour wine.But I don't know what was said before.It really made Zhu Xuanqi feel a little unspeakable reluctance.Now when he is pouring wine.Even his hands were shaking.Spilled a lot on his hands.

But Zhu Xuanqi didn't care.Even Zhu Xuanluo was not interested.

It's not easy.Zhu Xuanqi poured two glasses of wine.It was only then that Zhu Xuanluo said: "I'll drink this glass of wine with you. From now on, our brothers will be separated from each other. Don't mention the word brother again."

turn out to be.That's what it means.

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