The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1524 The So-called Family

"My lord, this time, I didn't drink too much, right?" Zhang Fan saw Zhu Xuanqi walking out. Originally, he didn't want to say such words that sounded like a joke, but he saw Zhu Xuanqi's expression at this time was good. This is what he said. In the final analysis, this is just a small test.

"Master Zhang was just joking," Zhu Xuanqi replied with a look of indifference, "I still want to say something about today's matter. Thank you, Master Zhang. I owe this favor again. If Master Zhang has something in the future If you need my help, just send someone to tell me, as long as I can do what I can, I will definitely not shirk,"

"This is the job of a humble minister, why should the prince do this," Zhang Fan waved his hand, and said, "But the minister is in a good mood to see the prince, so it is hard to say that he has forgiven the prince."

"How is it possible?" When Zhu Xuanqi said these words, a helpless expression gradually appeared on his face, "Master Zhang is not ignorant of the matter between me and Xuan Luo. Luo can really forgive me so easily, and now I will never come to this situation at all," Zhu Xuanqi's words contained a lot of meaning, not just about the grievances between Zhu Xuanluo and him, but also Many other things are in it.

Zhang Fan could hear the implication, but he didn't intend to say anything about it. In other words, he didn't want to spoil Zhu Xuanqi's good mood. Of course, it was Zhu Xuanluo who didn't forgive him. It was expected, but Zhu Xuanqi didn't get Zhu Xuanluo's forgiveness, but now he can do it so easily, even if it is done, it is not easy. You must know that last time, Zhu Xuanqi lost his composure, not just for drinking He was so drunk that he made a joke in Zhang Fan's residence.

And this time, it was also Zhu Xuanluo who did not forgive him, but this time, not only was Zhu Xuanqi not as disappointed as last time, he even acted very relaxed, which is indeed a strange thing.

It is absolutely impossible because Zhu Xuanqi failed once last time, and Zhu Xuanluo did not forgive him last time, so Zhu Xuanqi felt numb this time. Zhu Xuanqi had paid so much before, just to see Zhu Xuanluo again. I hope Zhu Xuanluo forgives his obsession, it is quite strong, and it will never fade away in just a few days, so even if it has happened once, but this time Zhu Xuanluo refused again, For Zhu Xuanqi, it will definitely not be a small blow.

The reason why he is like this is not that he feels that this matter has faded away, but more that this matter is already extremely disappointing to Zhu Xuanqi, which makes him understand the meaning of it. It's impossible, but the appearance of Zhu Xuanqi now is more like he has seen through the truth of this, not that he no longer cares, but has changed a way, a way that can free himself.

"The lord, this is now..." Although Zhang Fan already had some guesses in his heart, even if Zhang Fan wanted to know, he would be able to know what the two of them said later if he asked Wang Meng, but now Zhang Fan still intends to go ahead. Ask Zhu Xuanluo what's going on.

"Xuan Luo, it seems that he will never forgive me no matter what," Zhu Xuanqi said while sighing, "Speaking of which, I have already understood this truth, but I don't I am willing to admit that I always feel that I may still have such a chance to ask Xuan Luo for forgiveness, but in the end, I am completely deceiving myself.

"It's the same when I think about it. After all, Xuan Luo has hated me for nearly 20 years. Regardless of whether the hatred was justified or not, this hatred has indeed existed in his heart for 20 years. If he is allowed to Let go of this hatred like this, not to mention whether it is possible, but if he really forgives me, then all these years, he has relied on this hatred to come to where he is today, and it can even be said that the goods have arrived now, if I let me If he just gives up like this, what will he become in the future, "

Having said this, Zhu Xuanqi stopped and stopped talking, and his words had already reached this point, even if he stopped talking, Zhang Fan already understood what he meant.

Perhaps it is impossible for Zhu Xuanluo to forget the hatred between the two, he wants to seek revenge from Zhu Xuanqi no matter what, but Zhu Xuanqi can't just let himself and his own brother become like this and have to put each other to death Enemy, by now, Zhu Xuanqi has understood that it is impossible for Zhu Xuanluo to forgive himself again. If Zhu Xuanluo really forgave him, as he said just now, he has not been able to forgive him for the past 20 years. It will become meaningless, and he doesn't even know how to live in the future.

"Although I want him to forgive me, I don't want to see him turn into that. If that's the case, I would rather he can continue to hate me, so that he will have a reason to live in the future,"

"I understand what the lord is thinking, and I quite admire the lord who thinks so much about my brother," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "But the lord has never thought about it. If so, he will still find ways to go To deal with the prince, although he really has nothing to do now, but in the future, once he has a chance, the prince will be in trouble."

"Of course I understand," Zhu Xuanqi didn't care about Zhang Fan's words, "but this matter, if you think about it carefully, it's nothing to me. If the queen mother wants to do something to me, then I'm afraid Either the head is in a different place, or I have been imprisoned in a dark prison long ago, but the Queen Mother has not, which means that this time the matter has been let go. In this way, if the Queen Mother wants to deal with me again, then Need to find another reason.

"However, after what happened this time, Master Zhang thinks that I will still be the same as before. Although I can't say that I am a man with my tail between my legs, I will definitely not cause any troubles again, and I will definitely not let people catch me. In this way, no matter how much Xuan Luo wants to deal with me, as long as I don't have an accident, he has no reason to stand up, "

"I understand what the lord said," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "It's just that if this happens, wouldn't he hate the lord even more? Is this what the lord wants?"

"So it wasn't, but now it is," Zhu Xuanqi's expression and words were full of helplessness.

"Now it is," Zhang Fan couldn't understand this time.

"Yeah," Zhu Xuanqi said, "Even if it's resentment, I hope he can survive, but I also believe that this kind of hatred will disappear eventually. After all, hatred will always be suppressed after a long time." What people forget, even if Xuan Luo once hated me so much, but the days to come will be long, and one day he will forget the hatred. At that time, he will no longer have to live by hating me, he will always I can find another way, although this is only my guess at this time, but I really hope that things will turn out as I thought, "

"..." This time, Zhang Fan really couldn't say anything, but although he couldn't say anything now, he had already fully understood Zhu Xuanqi's thoughts.

After all, he still hopes to eliminate the hatred between the two and let Zhu Xuanluo forgive him, but now it seems that this matter has become impossible.

But Zhu Xuanqi did not give up because of this, he just changed his way.

Even though Zhu Xuanluo is still hating him, he doesn't care. He understands that Zhu Xuanluo's hatred for him has become his motivation to live. This kind of hatred is equivalent to making Zhu Xuanluo lose the motivation to continue to live.

Zhu Xuanqi didn't want to do this, that's why it happened. Since Zhu Xuanluo refused to forgive himself, then let him continue to resent him, and resent him even more than now. In this way, in Zhu Xuanluo's future, no matter who it is It seems that the days are extremely gloomy, so he has the motivation to continue to live, and this is the only thing that Zhu Xuanqi, as an elder brother, can do for his younger brother, although speaking of it, this cannot be called help at all , but sometimes, this is more touching than any other form of help.

Even Zhang Fan was no exception, he was indeed a little moved by Zhu Xuanqi's actions.

"My lord really worked hard with good intentions." Zhang Fan also sighed helplessly, and said, "It takes a lot of determination to be able to achieve this level, but the lord did it. Weichen, I have to admire it."

"Admiration," Zhu Xuanqi seemed to have heard something funny, but his face was full of self-deprecating looks, "I will still be admired by others, Mr. Zhang, don't laugh at me, the relationship between me and Xuan Luo The matter, even at the beginning, is indeed not my fault, but I also have responsibilities that I cannot let go of, and I must not mention it in a single word. After all, Xuan Luo will hate me so much now, and I asked for it myself. I can't blame other people, I can't do anything now, if I can't even do these things, I, Zhu Xuanqi, will be in vain.

"However, I hope Mr. Zhang will not tell Xuan Luo, even if he can understand it himself, he doesn't need others to tell him, otherwise..."

"My lord, please don't worry, I still understand the truth," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "That's right, tomorrow is the time for my lord to leave Beijing, and I will personally send you off when the time comes."

"Then I have to trouble Mr. Zhang," Zhu Xuanqi nodded, "It's getting late, and I'm a little tired, Mr. Zhang, I'll take my leave." After finishing speaking, Zhu Xuanqi said without waiting for Zhang Fan to say anything. left on his own,

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