After sending Zhu Xuanqi away, Zhang Fan really didn't know how to describe the current Zhu Xuanqi. He may be said to be lost, but he was indeed lost. After all, as the only new younger brother, he was now having such a quarrel with him. In such a scene, anyone would feel lost no matter if it was changed.

However, after Zhu Xuanqi experienced two such things that should make him extremely disappointed, his current performance is not as sad as imagined, although he has not been completely relieved, but from Zhu Xuanqi's current situation It seems that even if he is not completely relieved, he is still relieved a little, even if he can't just go on so easily, but regarding Zhu Xuanluo's matter, Zhu Xuanqi himself can finally give himself an explanation, which is naturally a matter of Good thing.

But for Zhang Fan, what will happen to Zhu Xuanqi is not the focus of his concern. In fact, whether Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo can reconcile or not is not important to Zhang Fan. If the two can reconcile, it is naturally a good thing. But if the reconciliation fails, it will not be so bad.

In the final analysis, for Zhang Fan, he only needs Zhu Xuanqi not to cause trouble for him in the future, then he can be thankful. Of course, the trouble mentioned here does not just refer to trouble for Zhang Fan. Of course, nowadays Zhu Xuanqi would not cause any trouble for Zhang Fan. What Zhang Fan really wanted was that Zhu Xuanqi would not cause any trouble for the court in the future.

Of course, this kind of thing is only Zhang Fan's expectation. After all, no one knows what will happen in the future. Even now, Zhu Xuanqi's performance in various aspects, in Zhang Fan's opinion, he will not cause any trouble in the future. Trouble, of course, this is only because Zhu Xuanqi will not take the initiative to find any trouble in the future, but sometimes trouble comes to his door, and he can't escape even if he wants to avoid it. It is not within the scope of Zhang Fan's consideration. Although this kind of thing is indeed a bit worrying, if people are even cautious about such natural disasters, they will not be able to live through this day at all.

In short, although this kind of thing is indeed a little scary, it can't just do nothing just to let it go.

And Zhang Fan is like this now, although he is worried that in the future Zhu Xuanqi may take the initiative to encounter some troubles even if he doesn't want to, but as long as Zhu Xuanqi will not make troubles by himself in the future, it will be fine.

After seeing off Zhu Xuanqi, Zhang Fan returned to the backyard, and heard from Wang Meng that Zhu Xuanluo had also left. It seems that even though Zhu Xuanluo did not agree to forgive Zhang Fan this time, there were still quite a few changes. Said, it really doesn't matter.

When it comes to Zhu Xuanqi, Zhang Fan still has a lot to look at. After all, there are many aspects of Zhu Xuanqi's matter. Even if he doesn't want to take care of it, he is still involved. There have to be many responses and changes, so Zhang Fan had to pay more attention to Zhu Xuanqi.

But Zhu Xuanluo's words have nothing to do with Zhang Fan. In fact, since Zhang Fan knew Zhu Xuanluo's identity in Sichuan, Zhang Fan has never had any sympathy and pity for Zhu Xuanluo. In fact, From the beginning to the end, Zhang Fan can be said to be a kind of use of Zhu Xuanluo, but in fact, Zhu Xuanluo has no other value other than being used. Zhang Fan has already seen through this point.

It's not that Zhang Fan is cold-blooded and ruthless, it's just that there are too many such things. In fact, there are too many people who are more unfortunate than Zhu Xuanluo. If everyone Zhang Fan has pity and sympathy Zhang Fan himself would have already finished his game if he offered a helping hand after that.

So for Zhu Xuanluo, Zhang Fan didn't have too many thoughts. At first, he regarded Zhu Xuanluo as a great opportunity to catch Zhu Xuanqi's handle, but now, Zhang Fan regards Zhu Xuanluo as a person who can restrict Zhu Xuanqi's actions in the future. Warning, in short, Zhang Fan has never paid much attention to Zhu Xuanluo.

This time, although Zhu Xuanluo still did not forgive Zhu Xuanqi, Zhang Fan only heard from Zhu Xuanqi just now, which means that even though Zhu Xuanluo has not forgiven Zhu Xuanqi, there have been many changes.

Of course, as for this kind of change, will Zhu Xuanluo have any huge changes? It's not a situation where Zhu Xuanqi can't do anything. At that time, will Zhu Xuanluo be reluctant to speak? Zhang Fan has never considered such a thing. After all, he is already in the capital and under the control of Queen Mother Li. Even if he arrives At that time, he had already forgiven Zhu Xuanqi in his heart, and he didn't want to kill him again, but the situation at that time would not allow him to do that. Even if he didn't speak, as long as Queen Mother Li was motivated, she wanted to deal with Zhu Xuanqi. There are still many ways.

Therefore, Zhang Fan doesn't care too much about Zhu Xuanluo. After all, as far as Zhu Xuanluo is concerned, even if he lacks freedom in his current life, compared to many people, he is already living well.

"My lord," Wang Meng said to Zhang Fan, "What happened before..."

"Tell me, what did the two of them talk about this time?" Zhang Fan asked. In fact, to him, he really didn't have much interest. Besides, after the conversation between the two of them last time, In addition to what Zhu Xuanqi said to him just now, Zhang Fan didn't need to listen to know what the two said, but even so, he still had to ask Wang Meng to hear him speak clearly. After all, this was something that Empress Dowager Li had explained. Although she didn't say it last time, it was because Zhang Fan cut it first and played it later. Moreover, after the last time, Empress Dowager Li did ask about what the two of them said.

But this time, Empress Dowager Li had already said that she wanted to hear what the two of them had talked about, so even though she could already guess what the two of them had said, for Zhang Fan, he still had to Ask Wang Meng clearly, even Zhang Fan has to ask what the two said between them. After all, he is going to report to the Empress Dowager Li later, who knows what questions the Empress Dowager Li will ask, so He has to ask clearly, this is not something that can be sloppy.

Naturally, Wang Meng would not ask Zhang Fan why he did this. Since Zhang Fan asked, he told Zhang Fan everything he had just heard.

Listening to Wang Meng's words, even though these words were just what he needed to convey to Empress Dowager Li at the end, Zhang Fan still had his own considerations in his heart.

According to what Wang Meng said, it seems that what Zhu Xuanqi said before is not wrong at all, and the matter between the two is exactly what he said, although there is indeed nothing particularly noteworthy, but Zhu Xuanqi Zhang Fan was indeed moved by his actions.

"By the way," Zhang Fan didn't feel too much about Zhu Xuanqi's matter, he asked, "Just now you said that the two of them drank in the end," Zhang Fan was concerned about this matter.


Hearing Wang Meng's answer, Zhang Fan couldn't help thinking about it. Before Zhu Xuanqi brought a jug of wine, to be honest, Zhang Fan never thought that Zhu Xuanqi would poison the wine, or try any insidious means. , Even the inspection of the jug of wine is just a routine, and I am afraid that something unexpected will happen.

Of course, Fang Yueling was asked to check the pot of wine not out of worry, but just in case, and the final result was that there was nothing wrong with the pot of wine. As long as Fang Yueling nodded If Zhu Xuanqi really found some poison that even the leader of the Five Poison Sect couldn't see, then Zhang Fan had no choice but to admit defeat this time.

Afterwards, the pot of wine was never touched by Zhu Xuanqi's people at all, but Zhang Fan's people took it directly to Zhu Xuanluo. Of course, there were also people watching from Zhu Xuanluo's side, for fear that it would be used in reverse. As for the others Yes, wine utensils and the like are all prepared by Zhang Fan, and there will never be any problems.

However, when Zhang Fan heard that Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo poured the wine himself, he was indeed a little worried, so he had to ask Wang Meng again: "The pot of wine before was poured until the wine was poured. Is there any problem when they drink it?"

"No problem," Wang Meng said. "Back then, I was also worried that something would go wrong, so when Zhu Xuanqi was pouring the wine, I took the risk of peeking at it. When Zhu Xuanqi was pouring the wine, he trembled and spilled a lot, but The humble officer saw it very clearly, there would be absolutely no problem, Zhu Xuanqi definitely didn't add anything to the wine.

"Until the two of them drank down the wine, the humble job is all seen in the eyes, there will be absolutely no problem,"

Hearing what Wang Meng said, Zhang Fan was finally relieved. After all, if Wang Meng was watching, there would be no more problems. If Wang Meng watched with his own eyes, Zhu Xuanqi could still poison him. If it is the same, Zhang Fan can't blame anyone.

"That's good," I don't know if I was talking to myself or to Wang Meng, but this matter is finally over.

However, Zhang Fan still has some things to say. When Zhu Xuanqi wanted to see Zhu Xuanluo, he already felt that there was something wrong with this matter, and this feeling has continued until now. Zhu Xuanqi has already met with Zhu Xuanluo. We have met, and we will leave the capital tomorrow. Zhang Fan's feeling is still there and has not disappeared. This makes Zhang Fan very puzzled. He can't figure out what is the reason for this This feeling has been bothering me,

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