The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1530 Something is wrong

After Zhang Fan told Wang Meng about how to deal with the people next to him seeing Zhu Xuanluo, Wang Meng was really convinced, but just when Wang Meng wanted to talk to Zhang Fan, he found that Zhang Fan was frowning. Looking at Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo closely, Wang Meng, who didn't know what was going on, took a closer look. Although Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo were standing in the same place, the distance between the two was really very close, but Wang Meng relied on himself. With his intuition, he still realized that what Zhang Fan was looking at was Zhu Xuanluo.

At this moment, Wang Meng felt a little strange. He looked at Zhu Xuanluo carefully, but he didn't find any problem. Then, he looked at Zhang Fan at the side again, but Zhang Fan didn't pay attention to him at all. Staring at Zhu Xuanluo intently, like this, Wang Meng couldn't interrupt him, he could only look back and forth between Zhu Xuanluo and Zhang Fan, he didn't know what happened at all.

As for Zhang Fan, although his eyes were fixed on Zhu Xuanluo now, he was thinking about another thing in his heart.

Zhang Fan remembered that a few days ago, he went to the palace to ask Queen Mother Li for instructions, saying that Zhu Xuanqi still wanted to see Zhu Xuanluo again. Of course, what Zhang Fan recalled was not what he said to Queen Mother Li that day. Those things were not that important. What Zhang Fan really thought about was actually what he heard when he returned home.

After he went home that day, he found that all the girls were gathered in Fang Yueling's room, listening to Fang Yueling and Yu'er talking about things in the Jianghu, most of them were Yuer's talk, and Fang Yueling was only responsible for explaining the martial arts moves and poisons. It's just utility.

But the most important thing is not this, this is not important, the important thing is that when Zhang Fan remembered that Fang Yueling and him were alone, Fang Yueling continued to tell him some things about those strange poisons, Zhang Fan remembered the most What is clear is that Fang Yueling told him that in the territory of Sichuan, there is a strange person who uses poison, and even the Five Poison Sect, which is the best at poison, has to give up three points to him.

The example given by Fang Yueling is that this person has a kind of poison in his hands, a kind of poison that he doesn't know the name, but people in the world named it "Yuxin San". Fang Yueling said that this kind of poison, if a person takes it , can't see any signs at all, and people who have taken "Yuxin San" seem to have no abnormalities at all in the first year, but in the second year, they will become depressed, and then In the third year, the whole person will become afraid to see people and refuse to speak. If he is forced to speak, he will say some crazy words, making people think that he is crazy at all.

And now Zhang Fan remembered what Fang Yueling said to him back then: "Only that person has the antidote, and there is no way to solve it no matter what other methods are used, but Father has seen several people who have been raped like this." The person who took the medicine found some signs.

"One of the symptoms can be seen on the second day after taking this poison. People who take this drug will become very afraid of light. No, it can't be said to be afraid, but it just becomes disgusting When there is bright light, if it is daytime, even if it is cloudy, you will become very disgusted with bright light, your eyes will always be squinted, and no matter how cold the weather is, you will definitely break out in a cold sweat. It's just a different kind of cold, but in fact, this is a symptom of that kind of poison.

"It's really not obvious. If the poisoned person is an ordinary person, even Dad can't tell it. But if the poisoned person has practiced martial arts, it is very obvious. After all, people who practice martial arts, How can it be so easy to get a cold, so this is what you can see.

"And there are other signs, but Dad didn't tell me much, and now it can only be regarded as a joke. That person has disappeared for many years, and 'Yu Xin San' has been around for a long time. I haven’t heard the news anymore, so now, even in the church, it is regarded as an anecdote and told to other people.”

At this moment, Zhang Fan thought of these things, but his eyes were fixed on Zhu Xuanluo.

Today's weather is not sunny. Naturally, the weather in spring will not be too hot, but it will not be cold either. However, there is no sun in the sky, and there are some cloudy clouds.

But in this kind of weather, Zhu Xuanluo didn't dare to open his eyes. Even if he didn't look up at the sky, his eyes could only be slightly closed. Moreover, Zhu Xuanluo's forehead was covered with sweat. Zhu, just like the dog weather, but wearing thick clothes, and he himself didn't seem to know it, he still looked like that, but he looked very uncomfortable.

Zhang Fan stared at Zhu Xuanluo for a long time, looked up at the sky, and then stared at Zhu Xuanluo again.

All these made Wang Meng not know what to do. He didn't know what happened to Zhang Fan, why he kept staring at Zhu Xuanluo, and looking at Zhang Fan's expression, it didn't look like nothing happened, just to get rid of it. Boring and staring at Zhu Xuanluo, that is to say, Zhang Fan will look at Zhu Xuanluo like this now, the problem must be Zhu Xuanluo.

But Wang Meng turned his head to look at Zhu Xuanluo again, but he didn't find any problems. He really couldn't see any problems with Zhu Xuanluo.

This morning, when Zhu Xuanluo came with them, Wang Meng has been there until now. Zhang Fan did not behave abnormally along the way, he was completely normal, and he was even in a good mood, but now, no matter how he looked at Zhang Fan, he didn't seem to be fine, which made Wang Meng strange.

But Zhang Fan didn't care about Wang Meng, or he didn't have the time to care about Wang Meng at all, because he put all his energy on Zhu Xuanluo. The appearance that Zhu Xuanluo showed now, No matter how you look at it, it looks like you have already fallen for the "Yu Xin San" that Fang Yueling once told him.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out now that Zhu Xuanluo may be suffering from a cold, but just like what Fang Yueling told him before, the weather today is no longer the one when spring just started, and there will still be Cold, the current weather is definitely not hot, but it is not cold either. Even ordinary people will not get wind and cold on weekdays, let alone Zhu Xuanluo, who has practiced martial arts for many years.

That is to say, Zhang Fan can basically be sure now that Zhu Xuanluo must have been poisoned by "Yu Xin San".

Don't you understand why he was poisoned? Zhu Xuanqi is the only one.

Not to mention why Zhu Xuanqi did this, but think about it, Zhu Xuanqi is the only one who can poison Zhu Xuanluo.

There is only one person who has refined this "Yu Xin San", and only that person has it in the hands of that person in the whole world, and that person happens to be active in the territory of Sichuan. If you think about it, you won't be unfamiliar. In this way, if Zhu Xuanqi wants to find this person, or get "Yu Xin San", it will become very easy.

However, even if he got it, how exactly did Zhu Xuanqi poison Zhu Xuanluo? Zhang Fan conducted some investigations when he let Zhu Xuanqi in yesterday, and the only place where he could poison him was the one he brought yesterday. That jug of wine is gone.

At that time, Zhang Fan never thought that Zhu Xuanqi would poison him. He just wanted to be careful, so at that time, he asked Fang Yueling to take a look. Although the "Yuxin San" was colorless and tasteless, Fang Yueling Once told him about him, she could tell.

But at that time, Fang Yueling still didn't see it.

Regarding the distinction between poisons, Zhang Fan still believed in Fang Yueling, that is to say, there was really no problem with the pot of wine yesterday.

And then Zhu Xuanqi went to see Zhu Xuanluo alone, but even if Zhu Xuanqi was hiding poison on his body at the time, how on earth did he put this "Yuxin San" in the wine and let Zhu Xuanluo drink it? You know, Zhu Xuanqi He is just an ordinary person, he has never practiced martial arts, and his technique is not that fast. At that time, in order to prevent these things, Wang Meng specially opened the window and peeked, but he did not find any problems. In other words, Zhu Xuanqi really didn't do anything.

Yes, it was Zhu Xuanqi who poured the wine, but Wang Meng could see it clearly. In this way, how Zhu Xuanqi poisoned him is really hard to figure out.

"Wang Meng," Zhang Fan suddenly thought of something, and asked Wang Meng beside him, "You said yesterday that when Zhu Xuanqi poured wine, you watched it with your own eyes, right?"

"That's right." Wang Meng didn't know why Zhang Fan would suddenly ask about this, but he still answered Zhang Fan's question, "Yesterday when Zhu Xuanqi was pouring the wine, I watched it with my own eyes."

"Then did you say that Zhu Xuanqi was probably in a very excited mood at that time, and even trembled, some wine was spilled on his hands," Zhang Fan continued to ask.

"Yes, there is such a thing," Wang Meng became more and more confused by Zhang Fan's question, but he still answered Zhang Fan's question truthfully.

"Then think about it," Zhang Fan asked a question that he didn't ask yesterday and didn't know, "Did those spilled on Zhu Xuanqi's hands flow into the cup?"

"This..." Zhang Fan's question made Wang Meng pause. He began to recall carefully. It happened yesterday, and Wang Meng's memory of information is not bad. After careful consideration, he finally said, "There is such a thing. At that time, Zhu Xuanqi held the cup in his left hand, and his The index finger was on the rim of the cup, and the wine spilled on his hand, and some of it did flow into the cup, but Zhu Xuanluo didn't care, my lord, what are you asking about, are you..." Obviously, the words have already reached this point For the sake of it, even Wang Meng had already thought of something.

"That's it, isn't it?" Zhang Fan snorted coldly, and walked towards Zhu Xuanqi,

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