The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1531 Debunking the Truth

Although there are only some very unclear signs and details, for ordinary people, it is something that will not be noticed at all, but fortunately, Zhang Fan has heard Fang Yueling say that it has only been a few days before Zhang Fan, plus Zhang Fan That super memory, so at this time, when Zhang Fan saw Zhu Xuanluo's only a little sign, which could be completely ignored by ordinary people, he understood that Zhu Xuanluo had already been hit by the "Yu Xin San" It's poisonous.

And after considering these aspects, if you think about it carefully, regardless of the reason, the only person who can poison is Zhu Xuanqi. As for how Zhu Xuanqi poisoned, just now Zhang Fan confirmed with Wang Meng again yesterday When Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo met, after some details, Zhang Fan had already fully confirmed that the poison was indeed inflicted by Zhu Xuanqi.

If this is the case, it will be easy to handle. Even if you didn’t understand before that Zhu Xuanqi clearly wanted to reconcile with Zhu Xuanluo, but he was poisoned. Now, Zhang Fan has a suitable explanation. .

Zhang Fan wanted to understand this, so he went to Zhu Xuanqi.

Here, Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Xuanluo looked like they had a lot to say, but they couldn't say anything, and Zhang Fan didn't care if he would disturb them now, he walked up to the two of them, first Looking at Zhu Xuanluo, he turned his head to look at Zhu Xuanqi, and said, "My lord, it's getting late now, and I still have something to say to my lord."

Zhu Xuanqi, who came back to his senses, looked at Zhang Fan and nodded, then turned his head and said to Zhu Xuanluo: "In this case, I'm leaving now. You are alone in the capital, take care of yourself." Get over it.

And Zhu Xuanluo looked at Zhu Xuanqi's back, and didn't know what to say.

It's just that Zhang Fan on the side, seeing this scene, always had some unspeakable feelings in his heart. He originally wanted to say something to Zhu Xuanluo, but when he thought about the poisoning in his heart, he couldn't say it.

"Master Zhang," Zhu Xuanqi couldn't help asking when he saw Zhang Fan approaching, "I don't know if Master Zhang has anything else to say."

"My lord is really a good plan and a good means," Zhang Fan suddenly turned into a vicious look, looked at Zhu Xuanqi, and said these words through gritted teeth.

"Master Zhang..." Immediately, Zhu Xuanqi looked at a loss, "What do you mean by that?"

Looking at Zhu Xuanqi's innocent expression, Zhang Fan would have been deceived if he hadn't been sure that the person who poisoned him was him. Still the same sentence, after removing those impossible possibilities, what remains, no matter how impossible it is, is definitely the truth.

"I don't know if the prince still remembers it," Zhang Fan said, "When the prince just came to Weichen's mansion yesterday, Weichen asked someone to check the pot of wine that the prince brought."

"This... naturally I remember, that is Mr. Zhang's new concubine." Zhu Xuanqi still didn't understand, "I heard Mr. Zhang said before that Mr. Zhang's concubine was born in Jianghu. And I understand the matter of using poison very well, but I still don't quite understand why Master Zhang brought up this matter now, "

"That's right, Wei Chen did say at the time that she was born in Jianghu and was good at using poison," Zhang Fan said, "However, Wei Chen didn't mention her identity at the beginning. Her name is Fang Yueling, and she is the current leader of the Five Poison Sect. The name of the Five Poisons Sect, I think the prince has never heard of it before."

"The Five Poisons Sect, of course I've heard of this." Zhu Xuanqi still didn't understand anything, but just followed Zhang Fan's words, "The Five Poisons Sect is well-known in the world, and their teaching site is In the southwest, I have heard of it, but Mr. Zhang is very lucky, to be able to accept such a concubine, it is really enviable, "

"Thank you, my lord." Zhang Fan's expression was still not good. "But what I want to talk about is not this matter. A few days ago, I agreed to the lord, and went to the palace to ask the queen mother to agree to let the lord. On the day when I met Zhu Xuanluo again, after I left the palace that day, I returned home, and I happened to hear Yueling talk about some things in the world.

"Weichen still remembers that Yueling mentioned a person at that time, a person who was very famous in Jianghu, but walked all over the territory of Sichuan. Be afraid of him three points, and there is a poison in his hand called 'Yu Xin San', if a person takes it, there will be no symptoms within one year, there will be some changes in the second year, and in the third year, the whole person will be asymptomatic. Becoming crazy, and the antidote is not in the hands of that person, and no one else has it,"

"This..." Zhang Fan's words have reached this point, and Zhu Xuanqi has no way to calm down anymore. It can be clearly seen that his eyes are a little flustered, "What Mr. Zhang said really makes people listen. Be afraid, if you are accidentally poisoned with this kind of poison, it will be over for you, right?"

"It's really over," Zhang Fan continued with the same expression, staring at Zhu Xuanqi closely, "and this kind of poison is colorless and tasteless. If you just look at it, even Yueling can't tell it apart, but it's mixed in." Among the wine and food, on the contrary, I can feel that there is something extra, and there was nothing in the pot of wine yesterday, "

"It's natural," Zhu Xuanqi immediately said with an attitude of taking it for granted, "Not to mention anything else, how could I poison my own brother, not to mention, hasn't the pot of wine been inspected? Are you sure it's not poisonous?"

"And this 'Yu Xin San' is colorless and tasteless. Even if you take it, you can't see any problems in the first year." Zhang Fan ignored Zhu Xuanqi's excuse and continued, "But Yueling's father, The former leader of the Five Poisons Sect caught a few people who had been drugged with 'Yu Xin San', and took them back to examine them carefully. Although in the end, he still couldn't practice the antidote, but he found some signs.

"No matter who it is, as long as it is hit by this 'Yu Xin San', it will become afraid of seeing the light the next day. No matter how dark the day is, as long as there is light, his eyes will be somewhat unable to open, and No matter how cool the weather is, you will still sweat. If it is an ordinary person, you may only think that you have a cold, but if you are a martial arts practitioner and keep fit, it will be much more obvious when you encounter this situation. Do you think there is someone like this now," Zhang Fan said, turning his head to look at Zhu Xuanluo who was standing in the distance.

This time, Zhu Xuanqi couldn't calm down any more. The words Zhang Fan said had completely exposed his disguise. At this time, even if he wanted to continue pretending not to know, it was impossible.

Seeing the change in Zhu Xuanqi's expression, Zhang Fan also knew that he had admitted: "The prince is really a good way to use this kind of poison. If it weren't for the luck of the humble minister, the parents also have people who are proficient in using poison, and they happened to hear about it. I'm afraid I still don't know anything about this 'Yu Xin San' thing,"

"That's right, I did give Zhu Xuanluo this 'Yu Xin San'." Now Zhu Xuanqi has understood the matter, and there is no way to hide it, "It's just that I didn't expect my luck to be so bad. You know this kind of strange poison, that dead old man clearly said that this thing has no symptoms, but there is such a big flaw, "Indeed, although Zhu Xuanqi was the person who poisoned, but for poisons like poison He didn't know anything about it, what's more, when he got this poison, he had never heard of such a huge symptom the next day after taking the "Yu Xin Powder".

In fact, Zhu Xuanqi didn't know one thing, and even Fang Yueling hadn't heard what Fang Zhenqian said. This "Yuxin San" would have such symptoms, and Fang Zhenqian discovered it at an extremely coincidental time, and at that time , even Fang Zhenqian didn't notice it, it was only after the fact that he remembered it.

I'm afraid that even the person who refined this "Yu Xin San" didn't know that the poison would have such obvious symptoms, and it happened only the next day after taking it.

"My lord has a good plan," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Knowing that I will let people look at the pot of wine, so I didn't put the poison in the wine, but put it on my hands, and then poured the wine. At that time, he pretended to be dazed, let the wine spill on his hand first, and then fell into the cup. It was indeed a good method, but even the prince himself was poisoned.

"However, I think the prince should be fine. After all, since the prince can get this "Yu Xin San", he must have found that person. In this case, the prince should also have the antidote. Now, he has taken it Alright,"

"What's the matter?" Zhu Xuanqi did not deny what Zhang Fan said. In fact, when he originally planned to do this, most of the plan was that no one would be able to find out that he had poisoned him, but he naturally did it. Once someone finds out that he is preparing to poison, so now Zhu Xuanqi does not appear to be panicked, on the contrary, he is very calm.

"Now the prince admits it simply," Zhang Fan said, "Could it be that the prince is not afraid that the humble minister will do something now, and then tell the queen mother to fail?"

"No..." Before Zhu Xuanqi could speak, Zhang Fan continued, "I'm afraid the lord has already considered this point, the lord must be sure that the minister will never do this, so he planned it like this.

"Thinking about it this way, it is true that the minister now knows that the prince has given the poison, but it is indeed as the prince has considered. Even if the minister knows now, there is no way to do it at all. The prince, really. It's a good calculation,"

Seeing Zhang Fan gritted his teeth like this, Zhu Xuanqi laughed,

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