Not because of anything else.It's just that Zhang Fan has nothing to say to Zhu Xuanqi.Zhu Xuanqi admitted these things he did.But it was only for Zhang Fan alone.And in the face of the situation that has suddenly become now.Zhang Fan also couldn't do anything at all.Can't tell others.Words spoken.Either others don't believe it; or they believe it.Then there is going to be a big mess.

It can be said.Even if Zhang Fan saw through Zhu Xuanqi's trick.Knowing that he poisoned Zhu Xuanluo.And Zhu Xuanqi himself admitted it.But even if you know this.But for Zhang Fan.He was helpless.Can't do anything at all.

perhaps.Zhu Xuanqi also understood this point.That's why he admitted so frankly that he poisoned himself in front of Zhang Fan.but.It's okay to say that he is confident.It doesn't matter if he is brave and resourceful.In short.Now Zhu Xuanqi has completely achieved his goal.And facing Zhu Xuanqi like this.No matter how unwilling Zhang Fan was.But there is no other way.

so.Zhang Fan didn't plan to put any more effort on Zhu Xuanqi's body.indeed.Perhaps Zhu Xuanqi really had profound acting skills before.He fooled everyone in the capital.And Zhang Fan also because of the previous situation.But he did have a different view of Zhu Xuanqi.But now.These are all gone.

Zhang Fan wanted Zhu Xuanqi to leave early.Get out of your sight early.Not for anything else.In fact, Zhang Fan felt uneasy about being deceived.Not that there's anything humiliating about being cheated on.Just not fast.Even in Zhang Fan's heart.Even if Zhu Xuanqi thought it was too much.Even thinking that Zhu Xuanqi was able to attack his own brother is really chilling.But at the end of the day.Just like what Zhu Xuanqi said.Really stood in his position.And encountered such a thing.There is nothing to bear far as Zhu Xuanqi himself is concerned.Of course he did nothing wrong.

But whatever.Zhang Fan always felt that there was no need to continue talking to Zhu Xuanqi now.It's not annoying.But I can't tell what the emotion is.It's just that I don't want to talk anymore.

Maybe Zhu Xuanqi also saw Zhang Fan's emotions.I don't plan to talk to Zhang Fan anymore.But now Zhu Xuanqi's face is revealing that kind of complacent look.It's just that Zhang Fan didn't care.Just like Zhu Xuanqi became a little hysterical when he looked at Zhang Fan with that sympathetic expression just now.Perhaps Zhu Xuanqi was trying to counteract this idea.That's why I made this expression specially.

But for Zhang Fan.Zhu Xuanqi is more like this.The more he felt that Zhu Xuanqi deserved sympathy.only.What will happen to Zhu Xuanqi?There is really no need for him to sympathize.this kind of thing.Zhang Fan couldn't control it.I don't want to worry about it either.

stepped aside.And Zhu Xuanqi walked in front of Zhu Xuanluo again.I don't know what to say to him.And the appearance of the two of them.It's all about brotherhood.But because of some things, they can't be honest with each other and have an ambiguous appearance.

If it wasn't for Zhang Fan who knew about Zhu Xuanqi's poisoning of Zhu Xuanluo.Now he would feel that the two of them were really unlucky to the extreme.But for Zhang Fan today.He knew what was going on between the two of them.But look at the two of them again.It really makes people feel very uncomfortable.

The funny thing is.Zhu Xuanluo didn't know that he had been poisoned.The poison might not be fatal.But in some respects.It might be more painful than poisoning someone to death.But unluckily.Zhu Xuanluo didn't know about it.Even now, he still has some other feelings for Zhu Xuanqi in his heart.

And Zhu Xuanqi was clearly the one who committed the murder.But he still has to show such an appearance.Let Zhu Xuanluo feel that he is a good brother.

See it between the two.Zhang Fan wanted to laugh.But now he couldn't laugh at all.That's right.If this kind of thing can still be laughed out loud.Then something is really wrong.

"My lord, is what I said just now true?" Wang Meng asked in a low voice beside Zhang Fan.Obviously.Although Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanqi were talking far away just now.Maybe Zhu Xuanluo still can't hear it.But Wang Meng's skill is much deeper than that.Although he also understands.It's not good to eavesdrop on Zhang Fan's words like this.But after all, it was Zhu Xuanqi over there.So he could only use his skills to eavesdrop.It's just that I didn't expect it.What I heard was those contents.

"Could it be fake?" Zhang Fan said with a sigh. "Hmph. The so-called brothers. So that's what it is. It seems that this brotherhood is really worthless."

"My lord, what should we do about this matter." Naturally, Wang Meng would not take these matters into consideration.He doesn't care about these.After all, he spent much more time in Jinyiwei than Zhang Fan.This kind of thing is not uncommon.He is more concerned about whether this matter will have any impact.

"What should I do?" Zhang Fan asked back. "What else can we do. We can't do anything about this matter. We can only watch like this."

"But..." Although Zhang Fan said so.But obviously Wang Meng couldn't just let it go.There are some things he needs to ask clearly. "If we just leave it alone and don't ask questions. If the queen mother finds out then, what should we do?"

"There's nothing to do. Since you know that it will be troublesome if the Queen Mother finds out, then just keep the Queen Mother from knowing." Zhang Fan dismissed Wang Meng with a very casual sentence.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Fan said it so decisively and easily.But Wang Meng, who couldn't feel relaxed at all, felt a little surprised because of this.

"This matter..." Zhang Fan explained. "Now that I know about this matter, I am afraid it is only me, you, and Zhu Xuanqi himself. Since he is going to poison him, he must have considered the importance of it. He will not tell others. I am afraid it is the last He won't tell anyone close to him. Except for him. Only the two of us know. Even Zhu Xuanluo doesn't know. As long as he doesn't tell, no one else will know about it. Queen Mother Li also .”

"But. If Zhu Xuanluo is really crazy in the future. Wouldn't it be..." Wang Meng originally wanted to say that if Zhu Xuanluo would go crazy in the future.Thus revealed this matter.Wouldn't it make Zhang Fan get into some trouble?After all, Zhang Fan was the first to know about this matter.But it didn't report.But Wang Meng stopped in the middle of his words.Because he also wanted to understand the key issues here.

"Not bad." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Think about what I said to Zhu Xuanqi just now. You heard it all. Since Zhu Xuanqi is going to do this, he is naturally prepared. Not to mention whether I know it. But he needs a kind of attack even if the time comes. A poison that will attract attention. And this 'Yu Xin San' is what he chose. How effective is this thing. You have heard it just now. It will take two years. It will not be fully effective until the third year. But wait until then It's happening. Even others will find it strange. But it is absolutely impossible to suspect that the poison was poisoned two years ago. In this way, no matter how suspicious it is, it is impossible to suspect it on Zhu Xuanqi's head. And even if it arrives At that time, Empress Dowager Li learned that Zhu Xuanluo was crazy. There was no way to find trouble with Zhu Xuanqi based on this.

"This time, Zhu Xuanqi thought very clearly. And there is no flaw at all. Maybe I will recognize that this 'Yu Xin San' is really beyond Zhu Xuanqi's expectations. But it is absolutely against his plan Trouble. After all, he also knows. I don't want anything to happen to him. Otherwise, it will become very troublesome. And about the matter of 'Yu Xin San'. It is also difficult for me to say it. Others either don't believe it. There is trouble. Zhu Xuanqi has already calculated it."

"That is to say. Let's just watch and do nothing." Although Wang Meng also understood the answer.But he still had to ask this one more question.

"It's not that I don't want to do it. It's that I can't do anything." Zhang Fan was a little helpless when he said this. "What we have to do now is to keep our mouths shut. Don't say anything. We must never let more people know about Zhu Xuanluo's poisoning. In this way, nothing will happen."

"Of course I understand this humble position. It's just..." Wang Meng said here.paused.Seems to be thinking about something. "But if this happens. Two years later, Zhu Xuanluo will undoubtedly be crazy. And wait until then. Not to mention whether Queen Mother Li will find trouble with Zhu Xuanqi. But if Zhu Xuanqi regains his previous thoughts. At this time, don't we have nothing to deal with him?"

"I don't have to worry about that," Zhang Fan said. "Just talk about Zhu Xuanqi. Even if he poisoned Zhu Xuanluo. And he succeeded. But this has no effect on us. Think about it carefully. He is actually just worried. He is worried that Zhu Xuanluo will be bad for him. But for Zhu Xuanqi himself, I am afraid that after he goes back this time, it is impossible to make any troubles. This incident has taught him a lot. No matter what he wants to do in the future, I am afraid he will have to think twice before acting. Think about whether there will be any problems before you start. In this way, the possibility of Zhu Xuanqi getting into trouble in the future is very small. We don't have to worry about anything anymore.

"Also. Let's take a step back. Even if Zhu Xuanqi is causing some troubles at that time. And it's a big trouble. And the Empress Dowager Li wants to deal with him. But it's not impossible. It doesn't have to be Zhu Xuanluo.

"After all. Zhu Xuanluo's identity. Not many people know about it now. Those people in the court. There are many people who don't even know that there is Zhu Xuanluo. When the time comes, if Empress Dowager Li really wants to deal with Zhu Xuanqi .There are still many ways. So. We don’t need to care about this matter now. As long as you control your mouth, everything will be fine.”

"That's it. I understand." Although there is still some reason in my heart.But Wang Meng also had to admit it.What Zhang Fan said was not wrong at all.That's how it is.

only.Did Zhang Fan really think so?perhaps.Not necessarily.

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