The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1535 Will be separated

Zhu Xuanqi left, and Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Xuanluo and Zhu Xuanqi who seemed to want to forgive each other, but couldn't speak because of the actual situation. It was really touching, but when Zhang Fan thought of After what Zhu Xuanqi did, he poisoned Zhu Xuanluo, and Zhu Xuanqi's real thoughts, the emotion disappeared instantly.

When Zhang Fan saw that Zhu Xuanluo was really deceived by Zhu Xuanqi, even if Zhu Xuanqi left now, Zhu Xuanluo still looked there with a very complicated expression. Speaking of which, Zhang Fan really wanted to go up and tell him, " You are wrong, the good brother you thought was actually just acting, and he poisoned you, after two years you will not even recognize yourself, and there is no antidote, "Of course, this one It was just an impulse, it was impossible for Zhang Fan to tell him about this matter, although Zhang Fan did feel a little sorry for Zhu Xuanluo in his heart, but there was nothing he could do at this point.

However, despite what he said, Zhang Fan also knew that he had no way to save this matter, but even so, he clearly knew that the person in front of him was hopeless, but he not only helped Not being busy, he didn't even want to tell him. Zhang Fan still felt a little unhappy about this kind of thing, but there was no other way, that was the only way to go.

But still the same sentence, even if Zhu Xuanqi did this, in fact, it would not have a big impact on Zhang Fan. Anyway, the Empress Dowager Li had already made preparations, even if Zhu Xuanluo was missing. It's not a big deal, what's more, even if Zhu Xuanqi came to the capital this time, he almost deceived everyone, but there is one thing that Zhang Fan can be sure of, that is, after Zhu Xuanqi returns to Sichuan, he will never No matter how reckless he is, he will definitely see it clearly before doing it. In this way, the possibility of Zhu Xuanqi getting into trouble in the future is very small.

Although Zhu Xuanqi came to the capital for such a period of time, many things really happened, but for Zhang Fan, all of this is finally over.

Before the people sent Zhu Xuanluo back, Zhang Fan also said some comforting words to him, but for Zhu Xuanluo, he felt that Zhang Fan was just comforting the matter between him and Zhu Xuanqi, but in fact, Zhang Fan was It's nothing more than comforting him, but Zhu Xuanluo may never know this.

After returning home, Zhang Fan felt extra tired. Although these things were finally over, Zhang Fan really consumed too much energy.

Originally Zhang Fan just wanted to come back to rest, but he had just returned home when Fang Yueling dragged him into the room.

This made Zhang Fan very surprised. After all, although Fang Yueling said that the love between him and him is quite strong now, Fang Yueling's nature has not changed much. She would never be so enthusiastic on weekdays. It's like a different person.

However, Zhang Fan would not refuse such a good deed. Maybe Fang Yueling wanted to change the method. Of course, Zhang Fan would not refuse.

However, after the passion, Zhang Fan found that Fang Yueling lying on his chest changed, no longer the enthusiasm before, and the expression on her face showed that she had a lot of things on her mind now.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fan, who couldn't figure it out, asked immediately. Perhaps he also felt the slight uneasiness in Fang Yueling's heart. He stretched out his arms, and Zhang Fan hugged Fang Yueling tightly, although she hadn't said what it was. What happened, but Zhang Fan felt an unpleasant feeling.

"I..." Fang Yueling pressed her cheek tightly against Zhang Fan's chest with an expression of wanting to say but dared not, as if she was comforted, and finally said in a reluctant voice, " Today I received a letter from my father, "

"..." Although Fang Yueling only said so much, even if she didn't go on, Zhang Fan knew the general content, and that content was obviously not what Zhang Fan wanted to hear.

"Father wrote to me and asked me to..." At this point, Fang Yueling stopped, obviously she didn't want to go on, but she couldn't disobey her father, Fang Zhenqian's words, so even if she said it now Why don't you want to say it, but there is no way to hide it in your heart, otherwise it would be a kind of betrayal for Zhang Fan, "Father said that I have stayed in the capital for a long time, and although he is in charge of the teaching, after all I It’s the leader, so Dad asked me to go back, "

"So urgent." Although he had already guessed what it was, Zhang Fan still felt a little unbearable when he heard Fang Yueling say these words.

Fang Yueling followed him to the capital. Originally, Zhang Fan knew that she still had to leave, but Zhang Fan didn't think too much about it. He always felt that even if he left, it would take a long time. Besides, Zhang Fan The matter between Fan and Fang Yueling is not that simple. Think about it, from the time the two of them traveled from Sichuan to the capital, the journey was full of difficulties and dangers, but the two of them relied on each other to get through it. The relationship between the two has changed dramatically.

Afterwards, Fang Yueling moved into the Zhang family, and the people of the Zhang family regarded Fang Yueling as a family. No matter how much Zhang Fan remembered, he had already forced himself to forget that Fang Yueling was still a family. It's time to go back, but the more you force yourself to forget and numb yourself, the more uncomfortable it will be when things come.

And Zhang Fan is like this now, he obviously didn't want to mention the matter, but now that Fang Yueling has received Fang Zhenqian's heart to let her go back, she has to mention it, and Zhang Fan has to remember this matter again, and has to face it. up.

It's just that Zhang Fan doesn't know what to do now. Although he never wants to think about it, there is no way to avoid it. Besides, Fang Zhenqian told him about it back then. , he also agreed, what's more, although he loved Fang Yueling deeply, she was the woman he loved deeply, but after all, the matter between Jin Yiwei and the Five Poison Sect was not that simple.

It would be bad if both parties caused any trouble because of Fang Yueling alone. Of course, in this matter, Fang Yueling and the Five Poison Sect, for Zhang Fan, he really had no way to weigh which was more important. But what was promised at the beginning should also be done.

However, he was really reluctant to let Fang Yueling go back.

"When?" Zhang Fan, who had no choice, perhaps no way to decide, could only ask this question.

"Not now," Fang Yueling said, "Although daddy said in his letter that he wanted me to go back, he didn't mention the specific date, but come to think of it, I'm leaving next month."

"You go back this time..." Zhang Fan wanted to ask something, but stopped when the words came to his lips.

"Don't worry," although Zhang Fan's words were not finished, Fang Yueling understood what Zhang Fan wanted to say, and she said with a smile, "When I go back this time, I think it's because Dad is watching some things in the church. It's not enough to rely on the name, the matter must be resolved by the leader himself, and when the matter is completed, I will discuss it with Dad and come back to the capital."

"That's it." Although Fang Yueling's words did make Zhang Fan feel better, he still felt a little reluctant. After all, even if Fang Yueling came back after this incident, there would still be needs in the future. She went back to deal with the matter, and of course Zhang Fan didn't want to be tired of running around for his beloved, but he had no good way to deal with this matter, after all, it was also a matter of family education Even if Zhang Fan is Fang Yueling's man, even if the Five Poison Sect and Jin Yiwei have formed an alliance, there are some things that he can't decide on his own.

Of course, if Fang Yueling feels sorry for him, Zhang Fan can often go to Sichuan to see him, but it is more difficult than making Fang Yueling run back and forth. After all, he is in charge of Jinyiwei and has so many people under him, not to mention the things in the capital. I can't do without him at all, I need his host, even if he is free, his identity can't allow him to run around, let alone Sichuan, where Zhu Xuanqi's incident has happened, that's even more impossible up.

For a while, Zhang Fan's heart was also very chaotic, and he had no way to solve this matter.

"Don't worry." Perhaps understanding Zhang Fan's confusion, Fang Yueling comforted him in turn, saying, "I have no choice but to do this. Besides, it's not good if we meet each other often. How about Be apart for a while so you can think of me more.

"It's really inconvenient to go back and forth, but for me, it's nothing. I've walked the road from Sichuan to Beijing several times, and it's not hard.

"Besides, after I go back, I will discuss this matter with Father, and ask him to quickly find another suitable person to be the leader. The reason why I became the leader is to save Father. Now Father I have already come out, so I don’t have to be the leader anymore, after that, I will come back and live forever,”

"Really," Zhang Fan was naturally happy when he heard Fang Yueling say this, but after being happy, Zhang Fan became worried again. After all, the reason why Fang Zhenqian wanted to form an alliance with Jinyiwei was to control the Five Poison Sect. Yes, and although the position of leader does not mean anything, it is indispensable in name, and the Fang family now has no one else except Fang Zhenqian and Fang Yueling, father and daughter, and Fang Zhenqian will not regain the position of leader. Then who will do it? Even if a candidate is found, it may take a long time. During this period of time, he and Fang Yueling maintained this kind of on-off relationship, which really made Zhang Fan unhappy.

"Don't think about it so much," Fang Yueling said, "There is no way to do this, please be patient for a while, I will find a way,"

"I hope so," Zhang Fan sighed in his heart, hugging Fang Yueling even tighter in his arms,

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