The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1547 Plan ahead

even though.Zhang Ju followed the method Zhang Fan told him. The "One Whip" thing.He wanted to do it though.But he also knew that now was not the time.And wait until the incident in the Northeast passes this time.Zhang Juzheng was going to follow Zhang Fan's method.After Zhang Fan's reminder.He also figured it out.I don't have to think so much about this matter at all.Anyway, it's time.Even if you suppress those people.They can also agree.

But even so.Now Zhang Juzheng can't bring it up.But it's a matter of preparation.But it can be started.Let's say one thing.That is to reveal the matter of the "One Whip Law".

certainly.This matter was revealed at this time.Naturally, there are good and bad.The advantage is that those people in the court can know this matter in advance.In this way, it can be regarded as giving them time to think about it in advance.And when Zhang Juzheng brought it up.Then it is relatively simple.Zhang Juzheng himself is also based on this reason.This is what was intended to be disclosed in advance.

And the downside is that.If this matter was revealed in advance.Those who are extremely dissatisfied with the "One Whip Law".In this way, there will be sufficient time to come up with countermeasures.certainly.For this countermeasure.In fact, Zhang Juzheng didn't have to worry too much at all.Just like Zhang Fan said to him.under great power.No matter how much you want to object.But the end result will still be the same.Nothing will change.

After taking these aspects into consideration.Zhang Juzheng weighed the pros and cons.That's what made the decision.

certainly.When the news is revealed.Zhang Juzheng played a trick.He let the news out.It didn't say it was "One Whip".And the content of it is not disclosed at all.Zhang Juzheng just let people reveal it.Said that he has a new law and is planning.It's that simple.The others didn't say anything.

only.Even without saying anything.Just said that such a thing will happen.That has already caused a lot of trouble for those who know it.After all, it hasn't been long since the "Testing into the Law" before.All the people in the court can be said to have fresh memories.But now Zhang Juzheng said that there is a new law.Naturally, it will make these people think about it.

Some people guess.Perhaps Zhang Juzheng has some new policies aimed at the court; but some people are smart.I feel that I already have the "Testing Method".It is impossible for Zhang Juzheng to come up with any other method to target the DPRK.If this kind of thing is done too much.It is very likely to turn into lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot.They guessed Zhang Juzheng's new law.It should be for the people.

have to say.Someone who can guess this.Nature is very smart.Just these people.Can't figure out what it is.After all, there is only such a news heard from others.It's not like it's fake though.But I want to figure out what it is.It is also really difficult.But no matter what.This matter followed Zhang Juzheng's actions.It has already caused quite a ripple in the court.

certainly.It's also because no one knows what it is.These ripples cannot develop into troubles either.only.It is precisely because of this ignorance.So everyone is thinking about this matter.Think about what Zhang Juzheng wants to do.In this way.Instead let this time.The number of absent-minded people has increased quite a bit.Especially in the early morning.obviously.Many people don't care about what the early court is saying at all.Either keep your head down and think about things.Either he looked at Zhang Juzheng and didn't know what he was thinking.Obviously.These people are all thinking about what Zhang Juzheng will do.

It was Zhang Juzheng.He wasn't worried about it at all.Zhang Juzheng even liked this feeling a little bit.certainly.He wasn't twisted enough to like the feeling of causing trouble to others.It's just this idea of ​​completely manipulating other people.A sense of superiority that bothers them whatever they want.This is printed in Zhang Juzheng's mind all the time.

The same is true.If you haven't experienced it, then forget it.But once you experience it.This feeling is really able to taste the marrow and taste.Unforgettable addiction.

But Zhang Juzheng is not the kind of person who is so idle that he can be satisfied just to satisfy his inner feelings.No matter what he does.All with purpose.And definitely not for such a boring purpose.And this time it was the same.If he just wants to listen to flattery.That would be so easy.But his purpose is not so boring.

these people.It was impossible to guess what Zhang Juzheng wanted to do.I only know that there is such a thing.That alone.That's enough to worry them.And Zhang Juzheng is here.The more you don't say it.The more they can't guess.They became more and more uneasy in their hearts.always feel.Zhang Juzheng's method.Is there going to be something extremely bad for them?

therefore.They can't figure it out by themselves.Discussing with others can't get a result.If so.They gradually became anxious.And hurry down.Then it is natural to ask to understand.What exactly is Zhang Juzheng's plan?

It's just that the words are so.But how on earth to ask.ask someone.This becomes a problem.

Obviously.The one who understands the reason most is naturally Zhang Juzheng himself.But it is absolutely impossible to ask him to understand this matter.then.These people set their sights on those people around Zhang Juzheng who might know.

first.It's the people in the cabinet.Just these people.Although it wasn't as scary as Zhang Juzheng made them feel.But it is not easy to deal with.After all, the current cabinet.It can be said that it is completely under Zhang Juzheng's control.certainly.Who can join the cabinet?This kind of matter is naturally beyond Zhang Juzheng's final say.But today's court.Power belongs to Queen Mother Li.And Empress Dowager Li trusted Zhang Juzheng extremely.So the matter of the cabinet ministers.In fact, it is equivalent to .Who did Zhang Juzheng want to let in.Anyone can enter.

so.It can be said that in the current cabinet.They are all from Zhang Juzheng.Even if they are not all the ones who bow to him.But it definitely agrees with Zhang Juzheng's political views.Those who obey his orders.If so.In fact, there is no need to ask.Those people also know.

The reason why this matter will be revealed.It was definitely Zhang Juzheng's plan.And since it was Zhang Juzheng's plan.Then those who are in the know will naturally know.It's just that they don't have too many expectations from these people.Because since it is able to enter the cabinet.And the person Zhang Juzheng fancyed.In other words, these people are naturally more inclined to Zhang Juzheng.And since Zhang Juzheng is in charge of this matter.Don't let them know too much.So this way.Even to find these people.I can't think of anything to ask.

But that's the way things are.The more there is no way to know.It makes people feel mysterious.People also become more curious.I want to know what happened.Just like this thing.They clearly feel it.Zhang Juzheng did this.Just to remind them.And since this is the case.That is to say.This matter is related to their interests.So they also have to check.

therefore.These people can be described as omnipotent.He even put his thoughts on Zhang Fan's head.Ever since the news of Zhang Juzheng's upcoming actions came out.Except Zhang Juzheng alone.That can be said to be idle.other people related to him.Including those in the cabinet.And Zhang Fan.Even Feng Bao.They also became restless.

Speaking up.this kind of thing.This is not the first time Zhang Fan and the others have met.Logically speaking.They should have been used to this kind of thing long ago.Know how to deal with it.

certainly.In fact, it is true.Zhang Fan didn't know what the others were doing.But he is for this kind of thing.Even if it's not handy.But it is already very proficient.But even so.Encountered this kind of thing.Zhang Fan still has a feeling of trouble in his heart.There is no way to eliminate this.

But fortunately.This matter is compared to what has been encountered before.Zhang Fan must pay more attention to it.So even Zhang Fan would find it difficult.But that principle was held.There will be no problem.

so.this time.Zhang Fan's house started to stop again.Although it's not a big crowd.After all, this matter happened without any warning.It sounds natural to be careful.But it's not too much.

And this also made Zhang Fan feel a little troubled.After all, he is going to the Northeast soon.certainly.What Zhang Fan was worried about was not this trip to the Northeast.But because the day of the trip to the Northeast is approaching.It also means that the day of Fang Yueling's departure is approaching.And this time.Zhang Fan originally wanted to spend more time with Fang Yueling.But this matter is going to take him a lot of time.

But this thing.At the same time, it was arranged by Zhang Juzheng.Therefore, Zhang Fan also needs to fully cooperate.If so.Even if he deals with these people, he has to be more case something goes wrong.And in this way.It is even more troublesome.It made Zhang Fan feel even more upset.

But fortunately.Fang Yueling didn't blame Zhang Fan for this.He even cared about Zhang Fan a lot more.This is also the main reason why Zhang Fan can continue to endure the troubles of these people.

only.As time goes by.What should come will always come.Even if Zhang Fan didn't want to.But the time has come.Fang Yueling was about to leave.This is something he can't avoid no matter what.

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