The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1548 A little worried

Perhaps many people always feel that.April is the most beautiful season of the year.certainly.This kind of thing is just something that people perceive emotionally.But it is undeniable.April is indeed very beautiful.only.April of this year.For Zhang Fan.But it's not so good.

Not to say.April of this year.Obviously it is the season of bright spring.Zhang Fan couldn't stay in the capital.Instead, we still have to run northeast.Although it is not a very important thing.But it is also a must.But it will make Zhang Fan feel annoyed.Naturally, it is not a matter of the trip to the Northeast.It was because Fang Yueling was about to leave.

even though.Fang Yueling had already told him over and over again.She returned to Sichuan this time.It won't be long.As long as Fang Zhenqian needs her to do things, she will come back.But even so.Zhang Fan still felt upset.He didn't know what Fang Zhenqian wanted Fang Yueling to do back home.I don't know how long the delay will be.

As for Fang Yueling's safety.Although it is said that the Five Poison Sect has now formed an alliance with Jinyiwei.What's more, Fang Yueling was already married to him.But he also has no way to let people follow Fang Yueling's side to protect her.certainly.There will be no risk if you think about it.After all, no matter what Fang Zhenqian said.He is also Fang Yueling's biological father.She shouldn't be allowed to do anything dangerous.But even that.Zhang Fan couldn't guarantee it either.Although he himself is not qualified to say so.But before.Isn't Fang Zhenqian just for the benefit of the Fang family and the Five Poison Sect.Married Fang Yueling to herself.It's still the kind that pays after boarding the boat.So even Fang Zhenqian is Fang Yueling's biological father.But Zhang Fan was still worried that Fang Zhenqian would let him do something dangerous.

But still the same sentence.this matter.Although Zhang Fan was still worried.But this is family affairs after all.Even Zhang Fan is not an outsider.But he has no right to speak.So today's Zhang Fan.Even if you don't want to.But still can only be silent.only.The unwilling look in Zhang Fan's silence.But it was revealed without any concealment.

Zhang Fan's expression was unreservedly revealed.And Fang Yueling could see it clearly.But Fang Yueling looked much better than Zhang Fan this time.Although Zhang Fan's expression.It's completely inseparable.Seriously.This should be something that makes people feel sad.But Fang Yueling was not like that.On the contrary, she felt happy.after all.Zhang Fan was so reluctant to leave her.This also fully demonstrated Zhang Fan's love for her.And this.For Fang the most important.

Although Fang Yueling had already made up her mind about leaving before.He even told Zhang Fan the date.And among them.Zhang Fan was leaving because of Fang Yueling.During this time, I would accompany her as long as I had time.But even so.The day came when Fang Yueling really wanted to leave.Zhang Fan still felt that he couldn't let go.

But if you have to go, you have to go.It's useless even if Zhang Fan can't let go.But fortunately.Although Zhang Fan was reluctant.But he also understands that there is nothing he can do about it no matter how much he thinks about it.certainly.actually more important reasons.It was the day Fang Yueling had chosen.Today is the day Fang Yueling is leaving.And tomorrow.Zhang Fan is about to go to the northeast.This really made Zhang Fan feel much better.

Early this morning.Zhang Fan sent Fang Yueling and Yu'er out of the capital.Although there were only two women, Fang Yueling and Yu'er, on the way back.But even Zhang Fan wasn't too worried about this.After all, this is not the first time these two people have been on the road like this.They have encountered even the most dangerous things.This is nothing to be afraid of.And more importantly.Not to mention Fang Yueling.Even Yu'er, who doesn't know much about martial arts.In fact, it can handle this long trip.

certainly.The so-called security measures.No matter how much it is, it will never be too much.But Zhang Fan understood.Although it is indeed dangerous for two women to walk in the rivers and lakes.But the two of them knew how to hide themselves.Not to mention.If they really sent a bunch of people to protect them.On the contrary, it will be eye-catching.

The ones who came to see them off were Zhang Fan and a few people.But the rest of the family didn't come.Before leaving the house.Fang Yueling had already said goodbye to Zhao Shi and Ru Xue.But this time it was Zhang Fan who came to see them off.

Fang Yueling looked at Zhang Fan's unwilling face.Although I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.But it's more funny.What Zhang Fan looks like now.In her look.Just like a child.Knowing that it must be so.But Zhang Fan's face was full of reluctance.

Speaking of which.Fang Yueling couldn't help thinking about what happened this morning.Speak up as early as possible.After waking up.This was the first face she saw Zhang Fan.Fang Yueling understood Zhang Fan's thoughts.So in order to take care of Zhang Fan.She even talked to him.Even if it's delayed a little longer.

But Zhang Fan did not agree to her.Although the surrounding area of ​​the capital is naturally quite prosperous.But if it's too late.I'm afraid it's night.But it may not be possible to find a place to stay.Even Fang Yueling and Yu'er have long been used to this kind of rivers and lakes.But let the two women eat and sleep in the open.Zhang Fan still couldn't bear it.So let them go early in the morning.

Zhang Fan is like this.Although extremely unwilling in my heart.He would even say such a thing against his heart.But actually.Zhang Fan did it out of concern for this point.Fang Yueling could feel it.And she is also very glad that she can marry such a considerate person.Although Fang Yueling's identity is a concubine.But she didn't feel that way herself.After all, the person she married was Zhang Fan.This is always the same.

"Sir." Fang Yueling thought of this.He couldn't help but speak to Zhang Fan. "Although the phrase 'sending you off for thousands of miles and finally a farewell' does not apply here. But Mr. Xiang, it is getting late. The concubine should go too. Besides, Xianggong can't just send the concubine back to Sichuan all the way, right? .Tomorrow, Mr. Xiang will leave for the Northeast. Let’s go back quickly and prepare.”

"Yueling..." Although she knew in her heart that what Fang Yueling said was not wrong.But Zhang Fan really didn't know what to say now.That's right.He was indeed extremely sad in his heart.

"Since when did Mr. Xiang become so indecisive?" Seeing Zhang Fan like this.Fang Yueling said with a smile. "My husband is a person who does great things. But it must not be like this. I am very reluctant to give up on my husband. However, there is really no way to escape this trip. Besides, I have promised my husband before. It won't be long. I can come back after finishing my work. Xianggong can just wait in the capital."

"Yes. I understand." Perhaps Fang Yueling's words really woke Zhang Fan up.He hasn't completely relaxed yet.There is still some hesitation.But it is not as hesitant as before. "In that case, then I will wait for you to come back in the capital.

"That's right. I have something I want to tell Yu'er."

I heard Zhang Fan say that he has something to tell Yu'er.Fang Yueling was rather curious.After all, the relationship between Yu'er and Zhang Fan is not good.And even since Yuer also came to the capital.The relationship between the two has indeed improved a lot.But there is not much to say.But now Zhang Fan wants Yu'er to speak alone.Fang Yueling was naturally a little puzzled.But she had complete trust in Zhang Fan.Although I am puzzled and curious.But she didn't ask too many questions.Just nodded.Called Yu'er.

Yu'er followed Zhang Fan to the side.She was also very curious in her heart.I don't know what Zhang Fan wants to say to her.Now Yu'er has the same thoughts as Fang Yueling.They all didn't understand what Zhang Fan did this for.not to mention.Now at this time of parting.Zhang Fan let Fang Yueling not go.But to talk to her.She was naturally rather strange in her heart.

"Why. You didn't talk to Miss before you left. You wanted to ask me for something." Although he was puzzled in his heart.But he also understood that Zhang Fan would naturally not come to find fault now.But Yu'er's attitude towards Zhang Fan obviously couldn't be changed.So she spoke like this.The tone is so aggressive.

"It's nothing. It's just..." Zhang Fan didn't care about Yu'er's impolite tone at all.He thought about it.Said to Yu'er. "This time. I'm going to ask you."

"What is there to ask for..." Yu'er looked disapproving.Said. "Miss's affairs. I take it more seriously than you. I will naturally take good care of Miss along the way. There is no need for you to worry..." Although Yu'er said so.But Zhang Fan asked her to talk about this matter.She was still very touched in her heart.Regardless of the relationship between her and Zhang Fan.But the feeling of caring for Fang Yueling is the same.

"No. That's not what I'm talking about." Who knows.Zhang Fan shook his head.

"What." This time.Yu'er was really puzzled. "Then what exactly do you want to say?"

"What I mean is. After you return to Sichuan. After you return to the Five Poison Sect. I want you to take care of Yue Ling."

"What do you mean." This time.Yu'er no longer looked puzzled.But her expression also became serious.

"I don't know either. What you want me to say now. I can only say that it is all my guess." Zhang Fan said. "But I'm really worried. Although it's okay to let Yueling go back this time. But I'm worried...whether her father will force her to do something again. It's fine if it's something else. But if it hurts Go to Yueling's place. That's really... I don't want you to do anything. But you take this. If there is any situation, you can go here to spread the word. Even if I am in the capital, I can still go early I know." He said.Zhang Fan handed her a letter.

And Yu'er looked at Zhang Fan.Also nodded solemnly.

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