The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1552 Walking on the Road

"grown ups……"

"I know," Zhang Fan waved his hand, indicating that he understands, and there is nothing important in fact, but after coming out of Yongping Mansion, on the way to Guangning Mansion, in fact, this is the person who just walked out of the two It wasn't even time, but when Zhang Fan and his party met the passing inspection team, there were more than a dozen teams, and each of these ten teams would come over to check their identities after seeing Zhang Fan and his party.

In fact, this is not necessary at all, and it is even redundant. First, if it is a group of people who are preparing to rebel, they will definitely not walk on the official road in such a big way, and they don't know how to cover it up; Come on, Zhang Fan and his gang are all wearing official robes. After all, they came here on a full-time basis under the imperial edict, and they are not visiting privately. There is no need to conceal their identities, and even those who are planning to rebel , It is absolutely impossible to use this method, it is too ostentatious, but even so, the people patrolling this show will still ask Zhang Fan and his identities, just in case.

Regarding this point, Zhang Fan has no intention of blaming it. After all, it is a special situation now, and there is no harm in being special. Besides, this also shows that Li Chengliang is indeed preparing for the battle carefully. Without his instigation, the following It is absolutely impossible for a soldier to be so diligent.

Although this is indeed a little annoying, but if this annoying is one of the conditions for winning, Zhang Fan doesn't mind at all, even if this place can be regarded as the hinterland now. Yes, but it's not bad to be more vigilant here.

However, there is one thing that Zhang Fan deserves to be concerned about. As I said before, after leaving Yongping Mansion, within two hours, Zhang Fan and his party encountered more than ten teams of patrolling soldiers. There is still a long distance from Yongping Mansion to Guangningwei, not to mention that after Guangningwei, there is Shenyang Zhongwei, then go southeast, and then go to Kuandian Six Forts, maybe such a place is in the territory of Ming Dynasty On the surface, it doesn't look very big, but in fact, such a large area is really too big for Li Chengliang's soldiers to monitor it completely.

And just on the road from Yongping to Guangning, so many patrolling people were arranged, wouldn't it make Li Chengliang's soldiers too scattered.

But it is obvious that Li Chengliang is not a mediocre player. He has considered this point a long time ago. Although he said that he met so many people before, in fact, the total sum is not much. In fact, a team of people is actually at most ten. personal.

That is to say, in fact, on the road from Yongping Mansion to Guangningwei, although soldiers under Li Chengliang are patrolling everywhere, the total number of people under Li Chengliang here is actually no more than one person. The number of 2000 people is nothing more than that, but for Li Chengliang, he can still divide so many people.

Even though the number of soldiers patrolling in each team is very small, even in some places there are only three or five soldiers, but they are very dense, and the distance between them is very close. Both can know.

Of course, since Li Chengliang arranged to patrol in this way, Zhang Fan could tell that even Li Chengliang never considered that the enemy would come to this place to make trouble.

However, this also made the atmosphere here tense, not to mention that the current situation in the Northeast is known to the whole world. Everyone knows that there will be a war in the Northeast, but they don’t know the specific time. I just saw so many soldiers patrolling here, at least I knew something bad was going to happen here.

So Zhang Fan traveled all the way, although it was only a few hours since he came out of Yongping Mansion, he could clearly see that there were not many people here even on the official road.

It’s not that there are no people passing by, but most of them are people who are going to do business or walk darts. After all, these people are driven by life or profit, so even if they know that the situation ahead is very unstable, they still have to bite the bullet and go there Let's go, but fortunately, most of these people walk with many people, not to mention those who walk the darts, even those who do business, there are many people around who can protect them.

And it's not that there are no pedestrians passing by, but there are a lot fewer, most of them are walking in groups, and there are almost no pedestrians walking alone as before.

Actually speaking, it is safer now than before. In the past, there was no such thing as Wang Gao. I am very at ease, so I can go on the road safely like this, even if I am alone, I am not afraid, but in this way, it will be dangerous. If there is only one person here, life and death may be in danger.

But now, everyone knows that Wang Gao is about to call, so even those villains are afraid of encountering such things, so even in the vicinity, some people who used to commit crimes here are now They all stopped, and they all didn't know where to hide.

But at this time, in fact, this road, at least all the way to Guangning, is safe. Even if you walk alone, there will be no problems at all, but the common people don't know it. They only know that there will be war ahead. So they all became scared, even if there was a reason why they had to go, they had to find someone to go with them, which was too much delay.

And in this situation, it is impossible for the imperial court to explain to the people. It is estimated that no one will reply even if it is explained. Moreover, even the imperial court hopes that there will be less chaos here, and there will be a fight , it is also easier to manage.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan sighed involuntarily, thinking that it would be better to end this matter as soon as possible, otherwise the panic will only increase if people continue to panic.

But this doesn't mean it can end if you want it to end. Even if the time comes, Li Chengliang will immediately meet the enemy as soon as Wang Gao makes a move, and it doesn't take long to defeat the opponent. But at the very least, if Wang Gao wants to move, It will be two months later, but on the issue of ethnicity, the other side does not move, there is no way to take the lead here anyway.

This feeling is not so much bad as it makes people feel aggrieved and panicked.

"My lord," Wang Meng, who was walking by the side, said to Zhang Fan at this time, "Although there is no news yet, my humble estimate is that Wang Degui and his party have already arrived in Guangning."

Hearing the news, Zhang Fan nodded.

There is really not much distance from the capital to Guangningwei. If it is riding a horse, it will take more than a day. It is not a strange thing to want to get there. Those with hundreds of people, of course, even these hundreds of people were scattered in groups of a dozen or a dozen, but under the current situation, if you travel quickly from the capital to Guangning And go, Li Chengliang's subordinates will definitely not ignore it.

Of course, after all, they are all under Zhang Fan's subordinates. Even if Ji Xing is stopped, they can prove their identity, but obviously, this is not what Zhang Fan thought. It's better to hide something, and it's best not to be known by people on the bright side.

Of course, even so, Wang Degui and his group want to reach Guangning now. After all, Zhang Fan is not far away from Guangning. They have to make some arrangements first. It is not only Zhang Fan's problem, but also their original The people in Guangning, Wang Degui and the others are also going to pick up and ask about the situation.

All in all, although Wang Degui didn't have the requirement to arrive at Zhang Fan's death, so he had to arrive today, but according to the arrangement, it was the best choice for him to arrive in Guangning now.

However, Zhang Fan didn't want to ask how he managed to get from the capital to Guangning in such a short time without attracting attention. No matter the means, as long as he arrived.

"We still need to make early plans for the matter in Guangning." Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Even if we go directly to Su Dian to find Li Chengliang now, we can't let go of Guangning's side. Isn’t that dead Deputy Qianhu in Guangning, let’s have someone check to see what’s going on.”

Zhang Fan is still concerned about this matter. When he arrived in Yongping yesterday, someone from the local Jinyiwei also came to report to Zhang Fan, and this matter is naturally indispensable in the content of the report. Fan is satisfied, because until now, he can't see any abnormalities in it.

Of course, there is no abnormality, maybe the reason is that there is no abnormality at all, but Zhang Fan doesn't think so, everything must have a reasonable explanation, and this matter, even if it is not the situation he does not want , but it's not that there is not even a statement, so he wants people to find out what's going on.

Moreover, there are too many suspicious points in this incident. Some of them seem to make people feel that this incident is definitely not done by people from Wang Gao's faction, but at the same time, some of them do not seem to be That's the matter, but Zhang Fan doesn't intend to let go of these doubts, he still needs to figure it out.

Besides, if it is really that kind of bad guess, Zhang Fan has no reason to ignore it. After all, this is the method he used to deal with Wang Gao, but now Wang Gao is going to use this method in reverse. To deal with him, this kind of thing, no matter who it is, I am afraid that I am not willing to do it, especially Zhang Fan, he will never allow this kind of thing, so he must find out, that person named Tang Wu's deputy Qianhu, how did he die, and why did he die.

A majestic deputy of a thousand households, no matter what, he was an official of the imperial court from the fifth rank, how could he die so inexplicably without any reason, there must be some reason for it,

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