The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1553 Reaching Guangning

Zhang Fan and others set off from Yongping Mansion.In fact, it took more than a day.We arrived at Chengliang was in Su Dienbao.Since Guangningwei is his guarding place.You can't just go to the empty building like this.No matter how good the defense is.But it should also be guarded.And now it is guarding Guangningwei.It was Li Rusong, son of Li Chengliang.

Speaking up.this kind of thing.If you are not a person who is really greedy to the extreme.Probably not.It's fine if you arrive on weekdays.But now.The war in the Northeast is imminent.And at such a time.Li Chengliang is actually nepotism.Let his son command Guangningwei.

certainly.If we talk about candidates.Actually Li Rusong is not bad.After all, he is the heir of Li Chengliang.He fought with Li Chengliang since he was a child.He is also very familiar with the military.What's more, he also passed the Wu Jinshi exam.The official worships the commander.Although it is just a commander of the fifth rank.Compared with his father Li Chengliang, the general soldier of Liaodong, he is really far away.But sit in Guangning for a while.It is enough.And Li Rusong is now 25 years old.Although this age is young.But the past is not young.Zhang Fan thinks about when he was 25 years old.What are you already doing...

only.In Zhang Fan's mind.Since Li Chengliang is the commander-in-chief of Liaodong.He is in charge of 6 or [-] people.Presumably there should be a more suitable role than his son to sit in charge during his absence in Guangning.But Li Chengliang chose to let his son sit in charge.

Perhaps Li Chengliang felt that this was a great opportunity to exercise him.Anyway, even in the Northeast, there must be a war.But not yet.And even if Li Chengliang was not in Guangning.But it won't be long before they come back.Or is.Li Chengliang believes that his son can do it.

But Zhang Fan didn't have any doubts about Li Chengliang's arrangement.Actually for Zhang Fan.No matter who Li Chengliang lets sit in Guangning.As long as it works.That's it.And most importantly.Today's Liaodong General Soldier is Li Chengliang.Another two months.To fight against Wang Gao's people.It was still Li Chengliang.That being the case.Then everything here should be decided by Li Chengliang.Since he thinks it's right to do so.That would be great.

When Zhang Fan arrived in Guangning.Those who greeted him were a group of people led by Li Rusong.Actually.Zhang Fan was meeting Li Rusong for the first time.Before even talking to him.You can see it a little bit.Li Rusong this person.If only in terms of appearance.Really worthy of a general.mighty figure.The face is also meticulous.Although nearly 25 years old.But at first glance, it looks a lot older.

But at the same time as this old man.The rebelliousness revealed in his eyes.But it doesn't hide it.But it also brought the frivolity of some young people.

Although these two give people the feeling.It can even be said to be somewhat complicated and contradictory.But Zhang Fan didn't care.In fact, Zhang Fan has been an official in the court for so many years.In addition, he has also met many generals in the army.There are people like Li Rusong.There are not a few people who are gay but are frivolous.

certainly.Among these people.Some of them are naturally capable.There is that rebellious capital.However, some are in vain.It's just a low self-esteem in my heart, or I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth.And made it look like this.only.Zhang Fan didn't know what kind of person this Li Rusong was.But if you let Zhang Fan guess.He guessed the former.Firstly, Zhang Fan hoped so.Secondly, he has some confidence in Li Chengliang.Although Zhang Fan hadn't met Li Chengliang yet.

"I think this is Mr. Zhang Fan." Zhang Fan hasn't spoken yet.It was Li Rusong who came up to speak first. "This officer is the commander of the Guangning Guard. Li Rusong. My father is Li Chengliang, the Liaodong General Soldier. Now the officer has listened to the order. I will sit in this Guangning Guard. I heard that there is an imperial edict from the court. I am here to greet you. I didn't expect it to be Master Zhang. Disrespect." Although he didn't know how to hide his rebellious feelings.But Li Rusong is not a person who does not know what is good or bad.He did not speak disrespectfully to Zhang Fan.On the contrary, it is very respectful.But in this kind of respect.The military style is really too thick.

But Zhang Fan didn't hate this kind of person.Even like it a little bit.Although most of the soldiers are five big and three rough.Even some people who came from a family of generals.Once you bring soldiers.It won't take long for the metropolis to become like this.But this kind of person is straightforward.Although there is no shortage of a few people with bad hearts.But most of them are still honest.Deal with such people.Maybe hit a snag.But it doesn't make you feel tired.

"Master Li is being polite." Since the other party is being polite.Naturally, Zhang Fan would not bring out the arrogance that the imperial court used.It's also a lot calmer to speak. "That's right. I'm here this time. It's because of an imperial edict issued to General Li. But I'm halfway there. I heard that your father is not in Guangning Guard now. But that's the case."

"Master Zhang is really well-informed. That's right. My father is not in Guangning now." He was well-informed about Zhang Fan.Li Rusong said it in a joking tone. "Now my father is at Su Diaobao. It has not been built yet. My father will go there. At least it must be able to withstand an attack there. That's right. Mr. Zhang has traveled all the way. It's exhausting to think about it. It's better to go to the city first."

"I see." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "I have to trouble Master Li to lead the way."

say this.A group of people walked towards the city.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang." Walking on the road.Li Rusong asked Zhang Fan another question. "My father is not here now. But since Mr. Zhang is here to deliver the Mr. Zhang planning to wait for my father to come back again. Or..."

"What Master Li said is true." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "Since you are here to deliver the decree. You have received the Holy Majesty's decree. Then you can't delay. Although your father is not in Guangning but in Sudian, Sudian is not far from here. If so, I will be here today Rest for the night. Tomorrow morning we will leave for Su Dian."

"So impatient." Zhang Fan said.At that time, Li Rusong was a little surprised. "But if there is any urgent news, my father must be informed immediately."

"No. Master Li misunderstood. It's not urgent news." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "It's just that it's not urgent. This is also an imperial decree. It must be delivered immediately. So tomorrow morning. It will be on the road."

"In that case, I understand." Li Rusong nodded.Said. "But it's not close to Sudian here. If Master Zhang agrees, please listen to the officials. Tomorrow, Master Zhang leaves the city. Please go directly to Gaizhouwei. Then change lanes to Sudian. Although Go to Liaodong Dusi. The distance is about the same. But here you have to cross two rivers to get to Liaodong Dusi. If you go to Gaizhouwei, you only need to cross one river. It’s a lot faster.”

"That's it. Thank you Master Li for your guidance." Naturally, Zhang Fan would not refuse such kindness.

"In that case, it's still early today. Please rest Mr. Zhang and his party," Li Rusong said. "The posthouse has already prepared food. Don't blame Mr. Zhang. The current situation is like this. If there is any place where the hospitality is not good, please Mr. Zhang take care of it." Sure enough.No matter how much you want to deal with it.But a person's age and his character cannot be changed.Just like Li Rusong is now.The official words can still be said well before.But when it comes to this practical thing.But there is a tendency to offend people.

certainly.Maybe someone else heard what he said.I'm afraid I won't be very happy in my heart.But Zhang Fan is not someone else.He's not that petty.Even when he was able to say such a thing about Li Rusong in the face of his identity.On the contrary, I feel a little happy.

After all, what Li Rusong said was not wrong at all.Now anyway.They are all in a state of war.And go to pay attention to the people who came from the if it doesn't cost much money and time.But for today's Northeast.penny.A breath of time.But it's also important.And Li Rusong was able to speak like this to Zhang Fan.It really made Zhang Fan feel that.The possibility of winning this battle has become a little bigger.It's also a little easier.

"Lord Li, you're being polite." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "I want to come to Mr. Li to sit in Guangning. There will be a lot of business on weekdays. Now Mr. Li's time has been delayed. Naturally, it is not good to continue to disturb. Please rest assured, Mr. Li. This time I just took the opportunity to take a rest in Guangning." It's just late. Don't worry too much about it."

Since both sides are talking like this.Then things will be very easy to handle.After Li Rusong sent Zhang Fan and his party to the posthouse.That is to say goodbye.After Zhang Fan and others stayed.Used some meals a little.I heard someone coming to visit.

It was Wang Degui who had arrived earlier.He is also dressed like a person traveling with Zhang Fan.Although it is said that five people went out before.Six came back.But obviously the people in the post house didn't pay so much attention.What's more, Zhang Fan and his party are envoys from the capital.Then I won't ask any more questions.

"How is it?" Zhang Fan asked immediately after seeing Wang Degui. "Although you came here only a day or two earlier. You can't find out anything if you think about it. But I still have to ask."

"My lord." Wang Degui said. "There is nothing unusual here. If someone is lurking, let alone a day or two, it will be difficult to find them. I am afraid they are all hiding now. It is difficult to find them."

"I know this too. I won't blame you." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "But the few people who died here. Is there any news?"

"The two who died before. It's been too long. They have already been buried." Wang Degui said. "Even our people are not good at digging graves casually. But that Tang Wu died within a few days. In addition, the weather here is not too hot. So he hasn't been buried yet. I went to see it yesterday. "

"How is it?" Zhang Fan asked immediately. "Have you found anything unusual?"

"Indeed there are some." Wang Degui's expression became a little dignified.Answered Zhang Fan's words.

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