The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1562 Let It Understand

After coming out from Li Chengliang.Zhang Fan also returned to his residence.Said it was a residence.In fact, it is the same place where Li Chengliang lives now.It's just a tent.certainly.Because Zhang Fan's identity is different.So the tent I lived in was relatively large.It is also more comfortable inside.But anyway.This is just a tent.Zhang Fan didn't care about it.It's pretty much the same anyway.

When Zhang Fan came back.Wang Meng and Liang Chao are waiting here.

"How are the others?" Zhang Fan asked after entering.

"It's all been arranged." Liang Chao replied. "Just around the adults."

"My lord, how did you go with General Li?" Wang Meng asked what he was concerned about.

"I told him everything." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Speaking of it, I've been hearing people say that Li Chengliang is rebellious in the capital. I can see it this time. But it's not as unreasonable as those people say. I think so. I can sit in the position of chief soldier If you are really self-willed, you will not listen to other people's words. It is impossible to think about it. I told him everything about coming here this time, and he agreed."

"Your Excellency has already told him." Liang Chao became a little confused. "My lord. This... is not afraid of things leaking out. You must know that if this thing gets out, those people will be really hard to catch. What if you wait until the time of the battle and cause any trouble. Then what should you do? .” Liang Chao’s concerns are more practical.

"I thought about this before. But I don't think so. I don't know about other people. But Li Chengliang is here. I think it should be fine." Zhang Fan said. "Li Chengliang. Although I can't see the reason. But it is obvious. He looks down on others in his bones. Although he was polite when he talked to me before. But he is a soldier after all. Even if he is not young. In the officialdom I have been in the middle school for a long time. But there is no way to completely change the straight-forward temperament. I can still see this. A person with this kind of temper. Unless he wants to. Otherwise, others want to get it from him It is not easy to know something. And this matter, it is not a small matter for him to go. So I am sure he will not say it. "

Although I don't know why Zhang Fan came to such a confident conclusion.But since Zhang Fan said so.Then Liang Chao naturally believed in him unconditionally.

"Then... what the queen mother told you, what should we do?" Wang Meng continued to ask.After all, this matter is the focus of their visit to the Northeast now.

"Li Chengliang has already thought of this matter. I felt strange before. Li Chengliang has guarded here for so many years. How could he not understand this kind of thing. Obviously we are wrong. It is impossible for Li Chengliang to forget this matter." Zhang Fan said. "It's just that the situation here is really complicated. Even if Li Chengliang wants to do this, there is no way." Zhang Fan told Wang Meng and Liang Chao what Li Chengliang told him.

After listening to Zhang Fan's words.Both of them fell silent.Speaking up.this kind of thing.The two are not uncommon.Liang Chao saw relatively few.But Wang Meng is not uncommon for this kind of thing.After all, Wang Meng was born in the army.There have been many battles fought.And even at that time Wang Meng was not a general.But there are some things that he sees more clearly than those people.

Wang Meng couldn't remember how many times he had seen those because he didn't believe it would be dangerous.Or knowing that there is danger.But the people who died in order to guard their own fields and property.For these people.Wang Meng has always been conflicted in his heart.After all, he was also a civilian.I know what these people think in their hearts.After all, for ordinary people.Don't lose the capital to settle down.Otherwise it is equivalent to killing them.But at the same time.At the same time, he also felt a little hatred for people who had such thoughts.Even if fate is their own.But they themselves chose this ending.But this unprovoked death.Wang Meng obviously couldn't accept it.

And now.Apparently the place has changed though.But here it is still the same.The people who live here.It was no different from what Wang Meng had encountered before.They are also for those external things.Those belongings worth their lives are left in extreme danger.

Today's Wang Meng.The feeling of hatred has long been eliminated.And what he left behind.Just helplessness and pity for these people.But.There is one thing in Wang Meng's heart that has not changed from the beginning to the end.That's what he wanted to save these people.But now it seems.This wish is somewhat difficult to realize.

"But there are some things. He can't do it. We can do it." But Zhang Fan.But he said so when Wang Meng was feeling a little lost.Zhang Fan naturally didn't know what Wang Meng was thinking.He just said what he wanted to say.

"Let's do it." Naturally, Wang Meng's first reaction to this sentence was very strong. "My lord, if we go to do it, what should we do? Those people are very stubborn. Unless you put a knife on their necks and make them leave. Otherwise, let them abandon their family property and take refuge like this. It is simply impossible." Zhang Fan's words responded.But at the same time.He didn't know what to do either.But there was still some throbbing in his heart.Because Zhang Fan has done many such things before.Obviously it seems impossible to them.But to Zhang Fan.But it became possible.So now.Although Wang Meng himself couldn't think of any good way.But he was not sure if Zhang Fan could have any good solution.therefore.Although it feels impossible.But Wang Meng is still full of hope at this time.

"In the final analysis. Think about why they are unwilling to leave." Zhang Fan said. "That's right. These people all have their own belongings. And they are not willing to give up. But because of these belongings, they don't run away. It's not the root cause. It's just a reason. The real reason is that these people can't see the danger in the future .Even in the current situation here. Even those people know that a fight is about to start. But it is because they can't see it. That's why they don't want to leave.

"Since that's the case. Then it's easy to handle. They can't see it, so they don't leave. On the other hand, if they can see it, then it will make them leave."

"This..." To Zhang Fan's words.Wang Meng naturally agreed.But there are some things that he still doesn't know how to do. "My lord. That's what I said. But what should we do? Let them see it. But now there are still two months before Wang Gao calls. And now there is no movement at all. Besides If there is any real movement, let them see it. I am afraid it will be too late if you want to run again." Wang Meng raised the most practical question.

"What they want to see is the real danger." Zhang Fan didn't care about this matter that Wang Meng thought was very difficult.In other words, Zhang Fan had already thought about what to do. "And since Wang Gao doesn't plan to do anything now, we have to do it. Let them see it."

"Let's do it." Zhang Fan's words.Once again, Wang Meng couldn't figure it out.

"Actually, this matter is very simple." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "It's just that we put on a show for them. They don't need to really see Wang Gao's people calling. They just need to know what will happen after Wang Gao's people call."

Although Zhang Fan's words.Still not fully explained.But for Wang Meng and Liang Chao, two people who have been in Jinyiwei for many years.Already roughly understood what he meant.And this moment.There was a clear expression on the faces of the two of them.

"My lord's solution is good." Wang Meng nodded.Said. "However. This kind of thing. Who do we ask to do it. If it is injured, it's okay to say. Anyway, those people dare not look carefully."

"It's best to add one or two more corpses." Liang Chao said. "But what do we do with this corpse? We can't take it as a murder just because it's going to be a play." That's right.Even as a Jinyiwei.He has done a lot of murders.But like this is going to kill a person.But it doesn't feel simple either.

"It's easy too." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Said. "There is no yamen here now. But there are also our people in the nearby town. Even if I don't ask, I know. There must be a lot of people locked up in the yamen. There are also death row prisoners. But even death row prisoners, just kill them at will. It’s not good either, Liang Chao. You go back and give orders. Find a dead body that no one knows. That’s right. You have to explain it to them. Don’t kill people for no reason because of this. I can’t agree to this.”

"Don't worry, my lord. I understand." Liang Chao nodded.Said that he knew.

"But my lord. There is one more thing." Wang Meng said. "In this way, the common people know to avoid it. But in this way, they make such a move. Doesn't Wang Gao know about it? In this case, will Wang Gao do it in advance." This is also a question.After all, Zhang Fan and the others had already considered it.Among these actions of Wang Gao.Perhaps there is one of the weapons that uses the people as an attack.So now the people began to evacuate on a large scale.Will Wang Gao call in advance?I really can't tell.This worry has always been there.

"I've considered this too," Zhang Fan said. "If the common people start avoiding now, I can't hide it from Wang Gao if I think about it. What he will do then is really not sure. But if only some people move now, Wang Gao will not really fight. Come here. The number of people is so small. So what I mean is. Let the people here take refuge in the central area of ​​the city bit by bit."

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