The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1563 There is always a way

Although, now it can be regarded as a disguised form to figure out how to deal with this matter, and the method Zhang Fan came up with is not wrong at all, if things are handled in this way, it is indeed very easy It's done, but there's still a problem.

The reason why Li Chengliang didn't dare to take in the people so obviously before was because he also thought of the possibility that Wang Gao might take advantage of these people. He was also worried that when Wang Gao saw the overall situation on his side to take in the people, would he ignore it? After they negotiated with those people in Taining, they would raise their troops to attack. If this happened, more people would probably die in the panic.

Therefore, Li Chengliang adopted the method of secretly letting people go to spread the news, but he was helpless with this method, which had little effect, and Zhang Fan now proposed a method.

The method proposed by Zhang Fan is actually very simple. Since those people don’t believe it, or even if they do believe it but force themselves not to believe it for some reason, then show them some evidence to prove this threat It does exist. In this way, it is enough for those common people. After all, for them, no matter how much they cherish their property, the danger that threatens their lives is in front of them. Will suffice.

And what Zhang Fan and the others have to do now is to show them this danger in a real way, not to let them experience it, but to let them have a feeling of empathy, and let them understand that if they don't leave, they will die. Their fate is exactly what they saw. In this way, there is no need to urge them at all, and these people will naturally go to seek refuge.

The method is very simple, Zhang Fan intends to let his subordinates go to perform this play, find a few of them, and make them look injured. Of course, Zhang Fan can't really hurt his subordinates in this matter. Of course, if it's just an injury, let's not talk about it, even if it's not as good as those in the Jianghu, but it's enough to fool those people. Anyway, they really saw that someone was injured, so I'm afraid they won't take a closer look. , even if there are such people, it is natural to prevent them from approaching.

However, if it is just an injury, Zhang Fan is still worried that it will not attract the attention of these people. The best thing is to show them some of the most serious situations. There is nothing more than a dead person. If the common people see that they are really dead now, and make them feel that the Jurchens did it, then they will realize the seriousness of this problem. sex, so they will plan to take refuge in the city.

As for letting these common people see the dead, which would make them feel hostile to the Jurchens or other foreigners, Zhang Fan never even thought about it. After all, in this place, not only The Jurchens, as well as the Mongols, all kinds of problems are no longer a day or two, and more people died because of it. Even if there is hostility, they don't care about one or two more.

And that's not enough.

Speaking of which, Zhang Fan didn't bring many people here. Although there are still many people from Jinyiwei here, those people have all been ordered by Zhang Fan to search the neighborhood to see if there is anything suspicious. Whether the mission is the assassin sent by Wang Gao, even if it is to help, it can't allocate too many people.

And there are so many villages nearby, with only such a small number of people, even if it takes two months of effort, it may not be possible to perform all of them.

But this is exactly what Zhang Fan needs.

If it is true that they all come again, I am afraid that before the time comes, those ordinary people will rush to the city to seek refuge. This way, it is possible to alarm Wang Gao, but only two or three times are staged, so that what they saw on the spot People may decide to leave immediately, but the people in a village, even if it is a relatively large village here, has a hundred households and three to five hundred people, but this number of people will not cause Wang Gao at all. attention.

As for the other villages, Zhang Fan didn't intend to let people play this kind of dead man's drama anymore, but let people pretend to be people who were fleeing, "accidentally" passed by there, and told the things to the people there, so that Just come and do it.

In this way, not only can the common people be reminded, and let them know that Wang Gao's attack this time is definitely not groundless, but something real, and secondly, there is no need to let Zhang Fan, who is not so many in the first place, change his mind. It's too tight, and three times, the people in the vicinity can leave slowly because of this. When Wang Gao finds that the road he came over is full of empty houses, even if he wants to send troops immediately, the people are not. It is no longer possible for him to use it.

Of course, the real purpose of this is not to hinder Wang Gao's attack this time, but to prevent too many people from losing their lives because of this incident.

In short, this whole thing seems to be relatively difficult, but in fact, it is much easier to do. The most important thing is to grasp the psychology of the people. To put it bluntly, this is also a policy of ignoring the people. Even if there are a few educated or smart people who think of the reason for this, these people are still not sure that they are really safe. In addition, their family members, neighbors, and friends around them have all left. Then a few people will not stay alone.

Zhang Fan grasped this kind of mentality, so he came up with such a method. It can't be regarded as a bad move, but it can't be regarded as a strange move. If you really want to say it, it can only be called a very useful move. .

In this way, as long as this matter is completed, and then [-]% to [-]% of the people here have taken refuge in the city, more than half of what Zhang Fan needs to do when he comes to the Northeast has already been completed, and the rest, In fact, there was only one other thing, which was what Zhu Yijun told him to talk to Nurhachi, hoping that Nurhachi could return to the capital when the war was about to start.

Speaking of Nurhachi, Zhang Fan always had a strange feeling in his heart.

Until now, Zhang Fan can still remember the scene when he met Nurhachi, his father and grandfather for the first time when he was in Yiji Nai. At that time, Zhang Fan couldn't think of it. The name I heard before, Qing Taizu Aixinjueluo Nurhachi, is now standing in front of him alive, and he is still a child.

What Zhang Fan was thinking at that time, he still remembers it clearly now, at that time, Zhang Fan's first thought was to have someone kill him, if this happened, the future would definitely change.

But after Zhang Fan calmed down, he understood a truth. Killing Nurhachi would not change any problems. If Daming would perish, then things would happen eventually no matter whether Nurhachi existed. If Jianzhou Jurchen really could If you rule the world, it doesn't matter whether Nurhachi exists or not, this will still happen.

In other words, killing a Nurhachi will not solve any problems. Even if he is killed, Zhang Fan's little historical knowledge from the future will be useless at all. It is better to keep it. He, on the contrary, made it easier for Zhang Fan to find him and control him.

But now, there is a bigger goal than controlling him.

Now the battle with the Jianzhou Jurchen is obviously inevitable. In this way, things will be easier to talk about. Just like what Li Chengliang and Zhang Fan said before, this battle, even if it can win a lot Quan Sheng, even if he can kill Wang Gao, it is impossible to destroy the Jurchen, no matter from which aspect, it is impossible.

Since it cannot be destroyed, after this battle is over, there is a risk that the Jurchens will rise again and cause chaos. Regarding this point, although it is only Li Chengliang's rhetoric, Zhang Fan can guarantee that he knows what Li Chengliang said It's all true.

In this way, Zhang Fan didn't want this risk, but how to avoid it, Zhang Fan had already put this idea on Nurhachi.

Wang Gao is now the leader of the Jurchens in the Jianzhou Department, and Nurhachi, who is related to him by blood, will easily become the leader in the future. Of course, according to the original historical trajectory, things will indeed be like this.

But now, that's different. At least, Zhang Fan had already met Nurhachi before all the changes happened. Even Zhang Fan, who didn't know much about history, understood that the death of Nurhachi's father and grandfather It is definitely an inducement for him to rebel in the future, and this inducement has been eliminated by Zhang Fan now.

In this way, coupled with the relationship between Nurhachi and Zhu Yijun today, the relationship between Nurhachi and himself, even now Nurhachi is the same as in the original history, and has become a servant-like existence beside Li Chengliang, but the treatment But it is very different.

All in all, for Nurhachi today, Daming has kindness to him, and since he has kindness, he should repay it. Of course, Zhang Fan can't see clearly what the future will be like, but he will work hard towards that. At the very least, Nurhachi will not have any disobedience to the Ming Dynasty after he leads the Jurchen in the future.

Of course, this point is indeed somewhat difficult. Even if Zhang Fan is around, he can maintain this result, but Zhang Fan is also a mortal, and he will die one day in the future, and what will happen when that time comes? After all, the Han people It is really difficult to change the mentality of foreigners.

However, there will always be a way, Zhang Fan has been telling himself in his heart, he will always, no, he must come up with a way.

But now, Zhang Fan in Liaodong thought of these things, and he understood that if he wanted to realize his ideas, the first thing to do was now.

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