The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1566 Unable to Tell

Although the news that Wang Degui had arrived in Guangning and those who killed Tang Wu had been arrested, this was naturally good news for Zhang Fan, but when Zhang Fan knew, these people had all gone crazy.

Of course, there are several kinds of so-called madness, and what Zhang Fan and the others encountered was exactly the kind they least wanted to encounter. He said something, but he didn't know whether he should take it seriously or not.

But even in this case, there are too many suspicious points, and even the captured people can't tell what's going on, but now there is no need for them to speak, Zhang Fan can also know , There is definitely a conspiracy involved in this matter, regardless of what is going on, but at least know that there must be something to do with it.

In fact, at this point, it is enough for Zhang Fan. You just need to know that there are really people making trouble here, and now it is basically confirmed that these troublemakers are people sent by Wang Gao. In fact, as long as Knowing this is enough, because as long as he knows that Wang Gao has indeed sent people, Zhang Fan can order his men to track down these people. Although this work has actually started before, but after confirming and In case of uncertainty, these are two different things.

But even so, Wang Degui still had to spend a lot of energy on the people he had just captured, and Zhang Fan did not object to this, or Zhang Fan did agree with it.

Although it is said that since these people really exist, and these people have used a few of them, and made them crazy, so as not to expose their whereabouts, obviously, even if these people are not crazy, they can think and speak normally, but It is estimated that these people may not be able to provide any beneficial news. After all, if those people really want to hide their whereabouts, they will naturally not leave any traces for people to find.

But even if the harvest from these few people, no matter how you look at it, it will not be very big, but in the current situation where there is no clue at all, even a little clue is necessary, so Wang Degui said Side will continue to cross-examine, and Zhang Fan will support this behavior.

But now, although the news can be confirmed, it may take a long time to find these people. After all, there is no clue now. In this situation where there is no clue at all, what should be done? Finding these people is really a problem.

However, although they are now facing such a very difficult situation, Zhang Fan did not feel too anxious. After all, he believes that his subordinates can do well in this adversity. What's more, it's not like Zhang Fan and the others have never encountered a situation worse than this, but they survived and completed the task anyway.

In such a situation, you have no way to complain. After all, this is a war, and you can do anything to win. Besides, your enemies will not give you time to see through them Trick, you can only find a way to break through the various restrictions that the enemy has set for you in such an environment that is extremely unfavorable to you, and then succeed, this is the only way.

Therefore, Zhang Fan is not too worried about this.

Following the news from Guangning, Zhang Fan did not immediately tell Li Chengliang the news, although Zhang Fan had already told Li Chengliang what he should say before, and Zhang Fan also He didn't hold back at all, and told him everything that should be said, but even so, now that the news has come, it can be confirmed that Wang Gao has indeed sent an assassin to assassinate someone, thus causing trouble, but Zhang Fan didn't tell Li Chengliang the news in time, or Zhang Fan didn't intend to tell at all.

For one thing, this kind of thing will shake the morale of the army more than other things. Once the officers under Li Chengliang know that Wang Gao actually sent assassins to assassinate them before the battle, of course this will indeed make them more angry. But at the same time, fear and worry are unavoidable. After all, it is easy to hide a spear and it is difficult to defend against it. Even if you are in the army, it is not a big deal to be afraid of being assassinated secretly.

Of course, Li Chengliang, a veteran who has led troops for so many years, must have understood this kind of thing. Even if Zhang Fan didn't remind him, after he knew about this matter, he would definitely not be able to tell his subordinates.

However, this is the second point that Zhang Fan did not mention, and it was because of Li Chengliang himself. Maybe Li Chengliang would not tell his soldiers, but if Zhang Fan told him about this matter, he would know about it.

Zhang Fan is not familiar with Li Chengliang. All the things about Li Chengliang before are in the file or heard from other people. Even if Zhang Fan has seen Li Chengliang himself with his own eyes now, he is the one who met him after all. In such a short period of time, Zhang Fan doesn't think he can understand what kind of person Li Chengliang is through the conversation yesterday, or the few short meetings and talks today.

And even if Li Chengliang guarded the Northeast for ten years and made countless military exploits, but Zhang Fan is still hard to protect, this matter will really not have any impact on him. All in all, all of this is uncertain.

So after Zhang Fan thought about it, he decided not to tell Li Chengliang about this matter, so as to cause unnecessary trouble.

It is best for Zhang Fan's people to find out about this matter before it happens, and then remove the threat. This is the best result.

Although he is confident now, at the same time, Zhang Fan is also worried, and Zhang Fan himself understands that even if he is worried about this matter, it will not solve any problems, and this kind of thing is not his old profession. If he asks, it will only cause trouble, so even if he is worried now, he still has to let go of it completely and let his subordinates do it. In this way, at least for now, Zhang Fan doesn't have to worry about anything for the time being.

But now, if this matter is temporarily put aside, there is actually only one thing Zhang Fan faces, and that is the matter about Nurhachi.

It's been a whole day, and it's another day since Nurhachi left here to look for his younger brother Nurhaqi, but Zhang Fan still hasn't heard anything about him, and he doesn't know what's going on with him , This made Zhang Fan feel a little anxious.

But even if he was anxious, he was helpless about this matter. He didn't know where Nurhachi and his party went. Even if he knew a general direction, he didn't know the exact location. Zhang Fan had already asked about the direction Nurhachi was heading to. Counting from here, there are many villages and tribes. After excluding those villages of the Han people, there are still many tribes that are only counted as Jurchens, not to mention that many of them are hidden. It is very likely that only Nurhachi knows how to get there.

So, don't say that Zhang Fan doesn't have enough manpower today. Even if he has manpower, he can go out to find Nurhachi, but he doesn't know where to start. Of course, Jin Yiwei's power is huge. It should not be difficult to find Nurhachi, but at the same time, it will take a lot of time, and the time is actually not enough now, even if it is the time when Wang Gao is about to attack, it will be delayed for some reasons Yes, but that's just changed from one month to two months.

Two months does seem to be a long time, but in fact it doesn't last much longer, and now, everything here is so tense, two months will pass in a while.

So Zhang Fan really has no way to take the initiative to confirm what is going on with Nurhachi, he can only wait passively, but obviously, this kind of passive waiting would not feel good to anyone. Yes, let alone this kind of situation, I can only do this, there is no second choice.

As for Nurhachi, Zhang Fan really didn't want anything to happen to him. It wasn't just because the two knew each other, or because Zhu Yijun and him were friends. Although there were some reasons for this, it was obvious. Yes, the most important thing is not this. The most important thing is that Nurhachi is very useful to Zhang Fan. Although it really shouldn't be used to describe a person, it is the truth.

After Wang Meng left, Zhang Fan sat alone in the military tent. At this time, he didn't feel sleepy at all. After all, such a worrying matter has not been resolved yet.

Today's time is more than half past the time of Xu, and it will soon be the time of Hai, but even now, Zhang Fan is sitting here, but he can still hear the occasional sound of building the city wall outside, which shows that Li Chengliang is serious about this matter. He is extremely caring, and just like what he told Zhang Fan, even if this Su Dianbao is under such a rush, it will take another two months to complete it, but he still hopes that when the war starts, It is better to build more if you can build more, in case you need them from time to time.

Now, the entire Northeast has been completely tied to the chariot, no matter where you can see the clues that the war is about to start, and Zhang Fan is in this kind of place again. A big change is about to take place, but Zhang Fan has been at a loss for this from the beginning, and now he has gradually gotten used to it. In Zhang Fan's opinion, he doesn't know what to do with this change. is bad.

But Zhang Fan knew that he was also witnessing the progress of history, and he not only wanted to witness it, but also changed it with his own hands.

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