Zhang Fan didn't know enough about Li Chengliang. He had only read it in files or heard it mentioned. Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Zhang Fan didn't know much about Li Chengliang. In the process of understanding, most of them are good and bad, but more importantly, Zhang Fan, who was not very familiar with history, had only heard of Li Chengliang's name, but he didn't know anything about Li Chengliang's deeds at all. .

In fact, one of the most criticized problems of Li Chengliang later was that he had made great contributions to guarding Liaodong for so many years, but he himself was proud of his achievements, and his life was extravagant. Dry deduction of military pay, false reporting of military exploits, although not yet, but the original Li Chengliang, after a few years of hard work, almost all the merchants in Liaodong will be included, and the money will be enjoyed.

Of course, these things haven't happened yet, and Zhang Fan can't see it. Even if this is the case, there are actually some signs of it now, but people who don't know what will happen in the future, even if they see this sign , whether he would think of that possibility is also a question.

Although Zhang Fan has seen some faults in Li Chengliang's body now, they are all harmless minor faults, not to mention that if a general does not have some such emotions, it will be difficult to lead troops. Li Chengliang didn't pay too much attention to these minor problems shown.

Although it is said that Zhang Fan will regret it in the future, but when Zhang Fan recalls the present, it is actually nothing. Even if he knows that Li Chengliang will become like this in the future, so what, even It has become like this, but in the end, no matter what the war is now facing the Northeast, Li Chengliang should be allowed to fight it.

And even if Li Chengliang won this battle, it would be impossible for Zhang Fan to find a reason to get Li Chengliang away from here. It is really impossible to transfer a general soldier away from a place where wars frequently occur. What's more, even if Wang Gao is killed this time, the Northeast will not be stable, but will become more chaotic. No matter what, Li Chengliang absolutely cannot Get out of here.

But these things, it's not Zhang Fan's turn to worry about these things now, he just needs to take care of the things in front of him.

The news from Wang Degui from Guangning has confirmed that Wang Gao indeed sent assassins here, but these assassins have not been caught yet, and this matter cannot be rushed, so we can only wait slowly.

As for Nurhachi's matter, he went to look for his younger brother for so many days and still hasn't come back. Although Li Chengliang also had someone escort him to go with him, but he hasn't come back after so many days, both Li Chengliang and Zhang Fan are a little worried , but there is no way to worry about it, so I can only wait like this. Although no one would like this situation, it can only be like this now.

Li Chengliang has been staying in Su Dian for a long time, but after all, he is the general of Liaodong, stationed in Guangning, and now that the battle is imminent, he, as the general of this battle, cannot always be here Li Chengliang originally planned to go back on the fifth day after Zhang Fan arrived in Su Dian, but now there is no news from Nurhachi, which makes Li Chengliang a little worried.

Of course, most of the reasons why Li Chengliang was worried about Nurhachi were for himself, but it didn't matter. There are still half a hundred days left for Gao to call, but it hasn't been long. Even Li Chengliang knows that Nurhachi is very important to his future, but he can't ignore the overall situation in the Northeast and specialize in it. Delayed here to wait for him.

Therefore, after some consideration, Li Chengliang made a plan. If Nurhachi hadn't come back by then, he would continue to stay in Su Mian for another five days. If Nurhachi hadn't come back after these five days, Li Chengliang would also There is no way to wait any longer, so I can only go back to Guangning.

Regarding Li Chengliang's decision, although Zhang Fan was somewhat reluctant, he also knew that there was no way to do it. Moreover, after Li Chengliang left here, it was impossible for him to stay and wait with his own people.

Now, Zhang Fan had no other choice but to hope that Nurhachi would come back sooner.

For the past few days, Zhang Fan could only stay in Su Dian, thinking that there was still some time before the war. Although the tense atmosphere was undisguised and could be seen everywhere, in fact, the people here were not too nervous. Too much worry about this, after all, it is under construction now, and even though everyone knows that there will be a war, but because of this, these people are even more devoted to their work, hoping to finish the repair sooner, but this way, it is paralyzing With the nerves of these people, the fear of war is also much less.

And today, Zhang Fan has lived in Su Dian for four days. After so many days, Li Chengliang did not come to see Zhang Fan too frequently. At most, he would have dinner and drink with him at night. It's not that Li Chengliang doesn't want to, and it's not because he is a cynical person who doesn't like Zhang Fan. Even speaking, Li Chengliang still values ​​Zhang Fan very much. Even his identity is what makes Li Chengliang uncomfortable. Dare to underestimate it, but now, he has to go to see the progress of Su Dian's construction every day, and also to train soldiers and horses, even though he is here, although there is his son Li Rusong in Guangning , but Li Rusong's position is too low after all, some things can't make up his mind, and Li Chengliang still has to pass it on to Li Chengliang to make a decision, so Li Chengliang doesn't have much time every day, and he only has leisure time at night.

Zhang Fan has no objection to this, since he has nothing to do anyway, even chatting with Li Chengliang, a "historical celebrity" all day, is a bit boring. These days, Zhang Fan has also taken Wang Meng to wander around here, of course. , Although it is said to be wandering, Zhang Fan actually wanted to see if there was any news about Nurhachi, so that he would be the first to know, but obviously, there was no news from Nurhachi until now.

Zhang Fan was naturally anxious about this, but it was inconvenient to show it.

However, while wandering around here during this period of time, Zhang Fan made a new discovery.

The six forts built by Li Chengliang are naturally to resist the attacks that will come here in the future, but at the same time, in fact, many people have come to settle here, and even the unfinished Su Dian , There are already many people planning to live here.

Li Chengliang's plan is that these six castles can accommodate 6 people. This scale is not small in today's Northeast. Of course, it is still far away from the goal of 6 people, but Zhang Fan feels that it may be reached. At that time, the place here may not be enough.

And during this period of time, Zhang Fan really saw a lot of people here. Of course, most of them were Han people. Han Chinese will account for the vast majority.

However, there are not only Han people here, but also Jurchens and Mongols, and the number is not small. The Northeast has been in chaos for so many years. Fighting, but it is inevitable that these people have already integrated into the Han people.

Speaking of which, this is really a very strange thing. It is obvious that there will be a fight with the Jurchen soon, but now whether it is a Han or a Jurchen here, since they have decided to live here, they are very friendly to each other.

But Zhang Fan was a little concerned about this, he was worried that Wang Gao would take advantage of this and send assassins to mix in with these people, but after observing for a few days, he found that these Jurchens or Mongols were too conspicuous. Moreover, many people here knew them, and they could even say that this family came from that generation to live with the Han people, which reassured Zhang Fan a lot.

In addition, there are not only Mongols and Jurchens here in the actual mountain. After all, here is the Yalu River, and North Korea is opposite, so there are many Koreans here. Speaking of this, Li Chengliang’s ancestors are also North Korea. People, but came here to live.

As a result, the situation here is actually more complicated than that in the Southwest, but the situation here is much better than that in the Southwest, which makes Zhang Fan feel a little curious .

But obviously, Zhang Fan didn't come here to study folk customs, and even though he was rarely interested in this kind of thing, he didn't really care about it, not to mention that Zhang Fan still had two things in his heart. It's fine during the day if it hasn't been resolved, but at night, when he calms down, Zhang Fan can't help but think about the unresolved issues, which makes him feel difficult.

Two days later, there was still no news from Nurhachi, and it was only four days before Li Chengliang left, which made Zhang Fan even more anxious.

As for the incident in Guangning, although Wang Degui had people come to inform him these days, the news was not a good one. The few people who were caught are still insane up to now, and it was just nonsense that they spoke by chance. , didn't know what they were talking about at all, and the other one who was missing hadn't been found yet.

Moreover, although it has been confirmed that there are indeed assassins sent by Wang Gao here, after searching for the past few days, there is no clue. become very difficult.

Zhang Fan was really helpless about these two things.

But until this day, when the hour of Hai was past at night, and Zhang Fan was about to take a rest, the news suddenly came,

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