The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1569 It's Strange

"Liang Chao and the others did a good job." Hearing this, some people have already started to seek refuge in nearby towns.Zhang Fan also felt happy.And more importantly.This time he sent Liang Chao to do this.It did satisfy him.After all, the previous requirement is.This thing has to be done slowly.Too many people cannot flee to towns at once.Otherwise it would be too conspicuous.And what Liang Chao and the others have done now.It was indeed as Zhang Fan expected.The acting part only went to one village.But other villages.But it is up to them to tell.Or wait for other people to tell.

Indeed.After all, it is really "dead" now.Originally those people.Even if you know in your heart that a war is about to start.But because in order to keep such a piece of property.So they force themselves to think it's okay.I feel that even if it is really a fight.You can also survive the disaster yourself.

But now.Everything is different.This is dead.Although the state of death is not very miserable.But after all, he is dead.This.The touch of these people is great.It was like seeing them lying there themselves.There was no sound at all.This made it impossible for them not to fear for their lives.even.Not just Han Chinese.Even foreigners from some local tribes.Even some Jurchens who did not submit to Wang Gao among them.They are all terrified of it.

not to mention.Li Chengliang had already released the news before.Nearby towns allow them to seek refuge.certainly.There are also Jurchens here.So Li Chengliang also had to worry.Among those who came to seek refuge.Is there a detailed work sent by Wang Gao?Wait until the time of war.What if these people are doing something in the city.That would be a big are all towns that have accepted Jurchens to take refuge.There will be a special place in the city for these Jurchens to stay.And not only that.These places are also guarded by soldiers under Li Chengliang's command.

This is not a big burden for Li Chengliang.After all, war is about to begin.And these towns in Liaodong are naturally guarded by some Li Chengliang's people.It's okay to separate some to take care of these people.

certainly.Naturally, there are some small problems.The most obvious ones are the towns.I always feel that I have to set aside a special place for the Jurchens to stay.In addition, it is the Jurchens who are about to call now.This makes them a little dissatisfied.But now the war is imminent.Li Chengliang is the commander-in-chief of Liaodong.Under the united front.The whole of Liaodong is completely up to him.Even if the towns have any complaints.But he didn't dare to say it.

In short.Liang Chao did a very good job this time.In this way.Those are relatively close to Wang Gao's territory.But people in villages and tribes far away from this New Year greeting.They will also come here to take refuge.As for those people who are relatively close to here.They also relied on the fact that Li Chengliang's army was not far from them.So it's not really a worry.However, these people, Li Chengliang and Zhang Fan, did not ask them to come now.Anyway, it's close.Just let them come when the time comes.Don't be so impatient.No matter in terms of time or distance.It's all in time.

so.About the people of Liaodong.In other words, Queen Mother Li asked Zhang Fan to come to the Northeast this time as the most important problem.Although it's not finished yet.But Zhang Fan didn't have to do anything.Just keep waiting.

"It's good news." Zhang Fan heard Wang Meng's report.I've been feeling depressed for the past few days.But now he also has a smile on his face.Just this smile.It's just too shallow. "But since what you told me first was good news. I'm afraid there is still some bad news."

"It's not bad news." Wang Meng said with a blank expression.Said. "There's news from Wang Degui again."

"Oh." I heard Wang Meng mention Wang Degui.Zhang Fan was naturally concerned. "How to say."

"Those people are delirious, but Wang Degui and the others have tried many methods. Now one of them has regained consciousness and said some things." Wang Meng said. "Originally there were five of them. But now there are only four. Where did the other one go? The slightly sober person didn't know. But it was found out by our people. The other person also hung out with the four of them. For many years. It should not be the person sent by Wang Gao.

"The reason why these people got into a dispute with that Tang Wu is entirely because someone instigated them. In fact, someone gave them ten taels of silver. Let them deliberately find fault with Tang Wu. That's what they originally planned. Besides Tang Wu is a deputy Qianhu. He looks a bit tough. So originally, these people planned to find fault on purpose. Then they ran away. Even if they were beaten, it was worth it. But who knows. The pushing and shoving during the dispute .It actually let that Tang Wu die like this. So these people are still a little scared."

"Just wait a moment." Zhang Fan interrupted Wang Meng. "Let's not talk about that for now. I just want to ask one thing. That Tang Wu. We have already investigated. He has not been plotted against. There is no wound on his body. There is no sign of poisoning in his body. But he lost in the midst of pushing and shoving." Gave it to a gangster. He fell headfirst on a stone and was killed. If it is not accidental. Is it possible? I mean. If there is someone doing tricks. It can be done so that no one can see any flaws Is it the level?"

"This is of course no problem." Wang Meng nodded.Said. "A small stone. It's enough for someone to trip over. And if this is the case, you can't see any scars at all. What's more, Tang Wu is the deputy thousand households in the army. At least. There are many marks on his feet. There are no scars at all. I can't see it. From what I know, there are at least [-] ways to kill people at this time. And they don't leave traces. And if you do this, you don't need any high skills. A little skill with hidden weapons Just be on time."

"I see." Zhang Fan nodded.Said I understand. "You go on. Did those people say anything about the people who paid them to do it?"

"That's right." Wang Meng nodded.Said. "It's just that I have some doubts. The man said that there were actually two people who came to see them. And the man also said. Although the two people were dressed in Han Chinese clothes, but they knew they were Jurchens at a glance. I want to come to these two people It is the assassin sent by Wang Gao."

"There are only two." Zhang Fan thought for a while.In fact, there are only two people.After all to do this kind of thing.Just go find someone.give some money.Let them work.Naturally, not many people are needed.Or if there are too many people, it will make people suspicious.But even so.There was another point that Zhang Fan couldn't understand.Why exactly.These assassins do it.Killing Tang Wu now is useless at all.And it might expose them.Even these assassins had long planned to die.But even so.Come to think of it, no one wants to die.What is the reason for doing this.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out at all.

"Then now. Is there any news about these two people?" Zhang Fan asked.

"Not yet." Wang Meng shook his head. "Not to mention there are only two people. Even if there are other people, I don't know where they are hiding now. Guangning alone is not small. But obviously Wang Gao sent assassins. Who knows what they are going to kill Who are these people. Liaodong is so big. There are so many places for them to hide. How to find these people. It is really troublesome. And even if you just talk about Guangning, there are actually quite a few real girls. We can’t tell them all Come in and ask to understand."

What Wang Meng said is naturally true.And Zhang Fan was also very troubled because of it.Although now I know that Wang Gao did send someone.But how on earth do you find these people.But it is really a trouble.

and.The whole thing.From the beginning to the end, it reveals a weird taste.Although I can't tell what happened.But Zhang Fan felt that there was nothing wrong with it.There's definitely something wrong with this thing.

"My lord." Wang Meng naturally saw it.Not only this matter.And even Zhang Fan's heart was full of doubts.Wang Meng also saw it.It's just that you can see it.But he didn't understand what was going on.But even if you don't understand.But Wang Meng knew that there were more important things than this wild thinking here.

"Oh." Zhang Fan came back to his senses.nodded.Said. "In this case, press to continue to check. No matter how clever these people are in hiding, they will show up one day. It is impossible to hide every day. Don't eat or drink. Now that we know They're here. Keep going. There's always a clue."

"I understand." Wang Meng nodded. "Humble job, let people go to Guangning to spread the word. Let them step up the search."

"Well. Let's do it like this."

After Wang Meng left.Zhang Fan continued to think about this matter.It is really weird everywhere.He couldn't figure out what the assassins sent by Wang Gao were up to.It started when they assassinated that Tang Wu.Zhang Fan couldn't understand this matter.And that's why.Zhang Fan felt that this matter was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.Everything.It always makes people think that there is some bigger conspiracy in it.But it will be in a while.The information and clues that Zhang Fan got here are really too little.It is simply impossible to understand what Wang Gao's people are planning.

But yes.There are too few clues now.No matter how I think about it, I can't understand it.Now the best thing is to be able to catch one of them.Ask them exactly what their plans really are.Just this thing.It's really weird.And even if you want to catch people.Now it has become much more difficult.

In addition, there is still no news from Nurhachi.Zhang Fan started to worry again.

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