People have already spoken, but in the end, it is not helpful. Although it has been said before that these people may be a breakthrough, but now one of them has already spoken, but what he said is not Nothing. What this person said was all guessed by Zhang Fan and the others. Although it was just a guess before, it is now confirmed. It's just that even if it was just a guess before, Zhang Fan and the others have already guessed according to this. Therefore, what this person said now is actually useless to Zhang Fan and the others.

Of course, this is just what one of them said when he woke up, but Zhang Fan didn't think that the other three people would know more than this person. Therefore, in fact, there is still no clue at all. No.

But apart from the lack of clues, this situation made Zhang Fan feel weird. Wang Gao sent an assassin. Naturally, there was nothing weird about this matter, and Zhang Fan had nothing to say about it. After all, this is what Wang Gao did, and for them, they have no way to stop Wang Gao and tell him not to do this, and since Wang Gao has already sent people out, then they have to accept the move up.

It's just that from what happened so far, it seems that all of this is not right. Starting from the death of Tang Wu, all of this is not what Zhang Fan and the others expected. Everything, no matter how you look at it, does not seem to be coming The assassin, and it is still related to the upcoming war, all of this is wrong, no matter how you think about it, it shouldn't be like this.

However, this kind of situation that should not have happened here actually happened here. That is to say, these people may have done this because of Wang Gao's order, or under Wang Gao's order, they It is necessary to do this, but Zhang Fan can't think of any reason why these people need to act like this.

However, everything has its reason and purpose. Zhang Fan has no idea what the purpose of these people is. From Zhang Fan's experience, if this is the case, it will definitely not be a good thing. , He obviously couldn't see the danger, but he felt this kind of danger. Zhang Fan really didn't like this kind of thing, but unfortunately, he encountered this kind of thing now.

There was no progress at all, so Zhang Fan still didn't tell Li Chengliang about this matter. Now the day when Li Chengliang left Su Dian was getting closer, but Nurhachi and the others still had no news.

But when it came to Nurhachi's matter, it was a coincidence. I was worried before, after all, there was still no news after so many days, but when Zhang Fan came together early in the morning, he heard the news that he had returned.

Zhang Fan was very happy when he heard the news, and he went over immediately. The news came from Li Chengliang's subordinates who were patrolling the road, saying that they saw Nurhachi and his party walking towards this side.

Now that the people have returned, they are safe at last, not to mention that the person who came back to report also said that the group was unscathed, and obviously did not encounter any dangerous situations, and also said that there were too many people traveling together A child who looks younger than Nurhachi should be Nurhachi's younger brother Nurhaqi.

Now that Nurhachi has found his younger brother, and the two brothers have returned safely, everything is easy to say.

It didn't take long for Zhang Fan to see someone coming. Although he didn't see them clearly, he could still see the two short figures very clearly. Naturally, they were the Nurhachi brothers.

When they came, Nurhachi came to Li Chengliang first and apologized to him. After all, he had been away for so long and there was no news about it. Li Chengliang was naturally very worried.

"Master Zhang, I didn't expect you to come here." Nurhachi was naturally a little surprised when he saw Zhang Fan. The last time he parted was in the capital, but it has been a long time since now. Now, he saw Zhang Fan again. Zhang Fan, he should be a little surprised, but it’s okay to think about it. After all, Nurhachi, who is beside Li Chengliang, knows the current situation in Northeast China better than others, so since Zhang Fan will appear here now, there is naturally nothing to say up.

However, even though Nurhachi is young, it will only take a while to meet Zhang Fan again, but Nurhachi can tell from Zhang Fan's eyes that Zhang Fan must have something important to tell him of.

Although Nurhachi is nominally Li Chengliang's servant, but that's only in name. After all, Nurhachi's interpersonal relationship is not comparable to that of Li Chengliang, so Li Chengliang will naturally not ask too much of him. He understands his position, so even he will never say anything nonsense, in short, it is quite harmonious.

Therefore, Nurhachi himself had nothing to do. After he came back, although Zhang Fan didn't say anything, he still politely talked to Zhang Fan, saying that his younger brother Nurhachi would come to him after the settlement was settled. .

Zhang Fan, who heard Nurhachi's words, also noticed that when he saw Nurhaqi just before, he felt a little strange, not that he was surprised in other places, in fact, they were brothers after all, even if they were not Twins, but they are not much different in appearance.

But this is not the point. The point is that Zhang Fan can also see that Nurhaqi is a little weak. Even Zhang Fan could tell that the child was obviously weak, his feet were weak when he walked, and his face looked like he was just recovering from a serious illness.

Zhang Fan returned to his tent and waited, and Nurhachi came after a while.

"You haven't come back these days, so I'm a little worried," Zhang Fan said kindly when he saw Nurhachi, "Now you're finally back, by the way, you mentioned your brother earlier, I just looked at it, you What's wrong with my brother, why does he look weak?"

"I heard people passing by say they saw my younger brother before, so I went to look for him," Nurhachi sighed at a young age, but it didn't make people find it funny, "After I find him, Only then did I know that the last time he followed me, Ama and Mafa, the result was that the people who met Wang Gao had a dispute with the Ming army, and there was no news after that. I also searched for a long time afterwards, but I couldn't find it. I can only think that he is dead, so it is good to see him again this time.

"However, last time, he was not intact. In fact, he was seriously injured that time, and he was slashed on the back. However, after that, he was rescued by passing tribesmen and brought back. He was seriously injured. Up to now, I still have some qi deficiency, the reason why I spent so much time looking for him this time is also because he is a bit inconvenient to walk, and the walk along the way is really very slow, "

"I see," Zhang Fan nodded after listening to Nurhachi's words, to show that he understood. Speaking of which, what happened to Nurhachi is really lamentable. What kind of family, but he is just a child after all, but for a child, he has to suffer so much pain, either spiritually or physically, this is indeed heartbreaking I don't think so.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang," Nurhachi recovered quickly. Even though his younger brother suffered from this kind of suffering, he was able to recover quickly even if he talked about it. It is indeed unusual, "This time you Coming here probably has something to do with the upcoming war, but I think the lord seems to want something from me, "

"Indeed, of course I came here for war," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "But I did have something to ask of you, no, it's not right to say it's me, it should be His Majesty who wants me to pass it on to you. "

"Your Majesty," Nurhachi was obviously not surprised that Zhang Fan said that Zhu Yijun had something to tell him. Intuition tells myself that it should be more than just a simple thing like saying hello.

Seeing the change in Nurhachi's expression, Zhang Fan also understood that Nurhachi had thought of something, maybe he couldn't figure out what it was, but Nurhachi had definitely thought of something related, Zhang Fan couldn't help but muttered in his heart, Nurhachi really It's too sensitive, but if you think about the original world, Nurhachi in Zhang Fan's memory can create an era, and he is definitely not an ordinary person if he wants to.

"That's what happened," Zhang Fan said, "Now there is going to be a fight here, I think you know this better than me, of course, I also understand that you have a lot of unclear relations with this war, However, in this battle, I'm afraid you don't have much room to intervene, so His Majesty wants you to return to the capital before the war starts, and then come back after the war is over."

Faced with what Zhang Fan said, Nurhachi's first reaction was silence, silence, and he didn't say a word.

But obviously, even if he didn't say a word, Zhang Fan knows that Nurhachi is absolutely unwilling to do this in his heart now, but Zhang Fan has no choice, not to mention that this matter is very important to Zhang Fan himself. For Zhu Yijun, it is indeed important, but if Nurhachi disagrees, Zhang Fan can't force him.

But even if Zhang Fan couldn't do anything in action, at least he could talk in words, and now, he had another condition for Zhang Fan.

Yes, it was Nurhachi who found it. His very weak brother, Nurhaqi,

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