Cross the Liao River again.But this time it was from the south to the north.And this time.Zhang Fan's mood also improved a lot.As said before.Although it's not over yet.But the bare matter what.Arranged as it is now.There is nothing to worry about anymore.This is indeed good news.

this way.He actually talked a lot to Nurhachi.Not only because he promised to return to the capital.Zhang Fan did this to plan for the future.certainly.It refers to the situation in Liaodong in the future.And Nurhachi is obvious.became a key figure.

"Although you promised to go back with me, I'm still a little curious." Zhang Fan asked Nurhachi who was riding alongside him. "Why do you want to stay here so much. I know. Your home is here. No. It should be a little further north. But why do you want to stay so much. I guess it's not just for this reason. "

"It's really not. But you can't say that." Nurhachi didn't think for too long before speaking.Obviously, the question Zhang Fan asked had already been considered. "This is my hometown after all. Now such a big thing is going to happen here. And it will involve my clansman. I want to stay. I'm afraid Mr. Zhang can't figure it out.

"However. To be honest. I want to stay and see if there is anything I can do to help. To be honest. Since I was born, I have been able to see the disputes between my clan and the Han people. No Not only with the Han people, but also with those Mongols. Even among our own clansmen. It’s just a small matter between different tribes. We can fight and kill a few people.

"I've also heard. Not only from now. Even many years ago before I was born. It was already like this here. My...grandfather. It doesn't need to be said that he is a person. Master Zhang also knows. He is a man who is aggressive and aggressive. In addition, he is the leader of the Jurchen of the Jianzhou Ministry. Therefore, his aggressiveness and aggressiveness will cause more people to die. But even so. He is mine after all. Elder. I have no way to say anything about this.

"But my Ama and Mafa. They are not warlike people. Of course. Just because they are not warlike doesn't mean they are easy to bully. If someone dares to attack, my Ama will also take up the sword. Cut down Their heads. But they never take the initiative to invade others. What Ama thinks is to live out this life in peace. Even if they haven't done any major things, they still have to leave a legacy. so that future generations will not suffer from hunger or cold.

"However. There is a saying. How should I say it? It's the same as I heard an adult say before. 'The tree wants to be still but the wind doesn't stop'. My Mafa, Ama. Even me. Since I was born here, it is equivalent to Yu Chang is in this forest. Even if you can't move, but the situation next to you is forcing you to be unable to move. There is no way to calm down.

"But even so. They are not warlike people. They don't want to be like this. But in the end. Ama and the others still failed to escape this catastrophe. They still died in the chaos of war. What's ridiculous is that this chaos of war But it was also made by my relatives. And Ama and the others also died at the hands of their own people.

"To be honest. When I first heard the news, I didn't believe it. I thought it was made up by adults to deceive me. But I figured it out later. You don't need to do this, sir. Even if I The son of the tribal leader. But now my Ama and Mafa are dead. Even if you lie to me, what's the use.

"And over there...I...I hated it too. Even though he was my grandfather. But I also hated it. I know it's a bit inappropriate. But why can he do such a thing. Killed Ama They. If he can do it. Why can't I hate him.

"It's just. Hatred is hated. But he is my grandfather anyway. I can hate him. But no matter how much I hate him. He is my elder after all. I can't shoot him. It's just. I think You have to see for yourself. What is the final outcome of this matter.

"But what Mr. Zhang told me yesterday. I went back and thought about it carefully. In the end, I decided to agree to what Mr. Zhang said. Go back to the capital with others. Not only because Nurhaqi is weak now. I don't trust others Come to take care of me. More importantly, I suddenly discovered that even if I stay here, it is useless. And I want to come to the end. I’m afraid I may not be able to accept the ending. What’s more, I saw it with my own eyes. Therefore, it’s better to temporarily Good escape."

Regarding Nurhachi's remarks.Zhang Fan was completely silent.It never occurred to him.I just asked a question.And that's all he said.certainly.The amount of words is not important.The main thing is that Zhang Fan never expected that Nurhachi would be able to say such a thing.

These words are not something a child can say casually.But now I heard these words from a child.Zhang Fan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.certainly.It's more about thinking.After all, Nurhachi is young.What happened.That's why he had such an idea.

Not because he was from the Jurchen tribe.Not as smooth as when the children of the Han family were young.Although the children of these foreigners.Always be precocious.But it doesn't come to this point.And Nurhachi was able to say such a thing.It is indeed a description.He really encountered something.And also thought of a lot.

Say nothing else.from his words.understand what happened to him.It is definitely not something that an ordinary child can face at his age.Some people may be too naive at this age.Therefore, I have no feeling for all this; but at the same time, some of them are at this age.Too sensitive about all this.Instead, it became abnormal.But Nurhachi is different.He's been through it all at this age.Seeing the betrayal of loved ones.Seeing the departure of loved ones.But he who faced all this.But it seemed extremely calm.He didn't even shed tears for it.

It's not that he doesn't have feelings.It is cold-blooded.But anyone with a little vision can see it.When he heard the news of the death of his father and grandfather.He is very distressed and sad.But his calm told himself.No matter how painful and sad it is at that time.People who have died will not come back.So he is sad though.But he didn't let grief take full control of him.

But this is for a person.While showing his maturity.But it also made people understand the heavy burden he had to bear.This is the case with Nurhachi.

Say nothing else.Just from this point of view.Nurhachi has the potential to be a leader.And even at the end he said it.He promised Zhang Fan to return to the capital.Also want to escape this fact.Don't want to see the ending.

escape.The term is not derogatory.It is often used to refer to those who are cowardly and afraid to face showing.But people are not saints.Not everyone is extremely strong.Even if it is sometimes escaped.But it doesn't mean he is a coward.

not to mention.on this matter.Zhang Fan didn't think there was anything wrong with Nurhachi's doing so.Even Zhang Fan felt that.Even if it's just an "escape".Such a thing that sounds so simple.But on Nurhachi.He can do it.But it is not simple at all.Because things have come to this point.For Nurhachi.An easy escape.It's a very simple decision.

After Nurhachi thought about to make this decision.It is indeed extraordinary.Some people may think so.This is nothing more than a child's unsteady mind.But Zhang Fan, who had seen Nurhachi's firm eyes, understood.This is no simple idea.It was a decision he made after careful consideration.

"Your Excellency, do you think it's inappropriate for me to do this?" Seeing Zhang Fan's silence for a long time, he didn't speak.Nurhachi couldn't help asking.

"No. It's not because of something wrong." Zhang Fan shook his head. "It's just that I really didn't expect it. You will say that. Even if you are escaping, some things require courage. But if you should evade when you are clearly holding on to it. On the contrary, it will make you irrational. Misunderstood some things.

"Honestly. Listen to what you said. I really admire you. Not only at a young age, but also have such thoughts. You know. Even some adults. When encountering such a thing, even if they are rational, they should How to do it. But sometimes. It's hard to be rational. And you can have this kind of thinking. It's really good."

"Your Excellency praised me too much." Nurhachi did not expect Zhang Fan to praise him so much.But obviously.Even when he spoke modest words.But there is no shy expression on the face. "At the end of the day. It's just what I want to do. And I just do what I want to do."

"It's not easy just because of this." Zhang Fan sighed. "Many people. There is no way to do what they want to do. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong. But that is what they think in their hearts. But many people. Just can't do what they want. Not only their identity but also Or the constraints of circumstances. It's that they've become afraid. And you can. It's really good. If I really want to say it. I just want you to go on like this."

certainly.This is not Zhang Fan's sincere words.What Zhang Fan thought.The best thing is that Nurhachi can do things according to his own ideas in the future.But that time has not yet come.Even more important nowadays.It just made Nurhachi trust himself more.

I always feel like it's a little inappropriate.Apply this thought to a child.But for Zhang Fan.Some things have to be like this.

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