on the way.A conversation with Nurhachi.It also made Zhang Fan understand something more.Take Nurhachi himself, for example.That unusual maturity.Originally, Zhang Fan just felt that it was different from person to person.But what Nurhachi said.It also made Zhang Fan understand that this is not the case.It is indeed because of Nurhachi himself.But at the same time, what he encountered was different.And more importantly.What did Nurhachi look like when he faced the things he encountered.

In short.Nurhachi can think so.Zhang Fan was naturally happy.But happy.Zhang Fan also knew.Such Nurhachi is not easy to control.so.Zhang Fan intends to play more emotional cards at this time.Make him trust himself more.Once this kind of trust is cultivated successfully.It will also be difficult to disconnect in the future.And Zhang Fan thought about it.In the future, I won't do anything that would make him rebel if I feel sorry for him.

Think about it.Zhang Fan's heart also became a little more stable.

Now they are heading north.To cross the Liao River.But that bridge is too narrow.Although there are not many people.But it still takes a lot of time.What's more, they are not the only ones crossing the bridge now.There are also many people who come and go here.Most of them are Han Chinese.But occasionally, foreigners can be seen passing by.But there are very few of them.

See here.Suddenly, Zhang Fan felt a little emotional.I don't know how this battle will end.certainly.Victory is certain.But there will always be damage.And it doesn't just refer to military damage.What's more, he didn't know how much damage a big battle would bring here.And it takes time to heal from an injury.I don't know the extent of the damage this time.How long does it take to recover.

"Wait. People..." Suddenly.Zhang Fan started talking to himself.He seemed to think of something.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Nurhachi at the side also heard Zhang Fan's muttering.But obviously.He couldn't figure out what Zhang Fan was talking about.

But Zhang Fan waved his hand to signal him not to disturb him.after.He called Wang Meng over.

"My lord, what is the purpose of calling the humble official here?" Wang Meng hurried to Zhang Fan's side.It's crossing the bridge over there.But the speed is not fast.Plus there are pedestrians.So although there are only more than 20 people here.But in fact, only a few went to the bridge.

"Tell me about the current situation in Guangning. Are all the people staring there?" Zhang Fan asked. "Whether it's our people. Or the yamen. Or people in the army. They are all staring at this matter. And the city is also searching everywhere."

"That's true." Wang Meng answered truthfully.But obviously.He still didn't understand.Why did Zhang Fan ask this obvious thing.It's just that he looked at Zhang Fan's serious expression.It's not like nothing happened.So Wang Meng didn't ask any more questions.Waiting for Zhang Fan to speak.

"That is to say. Now all of us think that the group of people in Guangning is going to assassinate the people in the army." Zhang Fan said. "Before I was thinking. Why did that group of people do this? Up to now, it is just an assassination of a thousand households in the army. A deputy thousand households. But this has no effect on the battle situation. And not only It has no effect. It also exposed themselves. Moreover, their actions in broad daylight made the people in the army even more indignant towards Wang Gao. Once the fight starts at that time, the morale here will definitely be much higher.

"This kind of thing. No matter how arrogant Wang Gao is, he will definitely not think of it. And maybe those assassins don't understand so much. But at least they should know. If they do it in a fair manner now, they will not just know Let them put themselves in danger. And there is no way to complete the task of assassination. Presumably, people with a little brains should not do this."

"This..." Wang Meng thought for a while.Although what Zhang Fan said now is the same as before.After all, this is the doubt that has troubled Zhang Fan for a long time.But Zhang Fan mentioned it now.Wang Meng could only nod his head again in acknowledgment. "It is indeed as the adults said."

"That is to say. Those people have already thought about doing this." Zhang Fan continued. "They do this. There must be their purpose. The purpose is to assassinate our people. But they think they can only succeed by doing this."

"However. How could it be successful?" Wang Meng asked what he was confused about. "Nowadays, Guangning is full of wind and rain. Everyone, even the beggars along the street know that Wang Gao sent assassins to assassinate the generals in the army. Now everyone is staring at... Guang... Ning... ...My lord. Everyone is staring at Guangning."

"That's right. I overlooked that." Zhang Fan clenched his fist with his right hand.He slammed it hard on his left palm. "Now everyone knows that Wang Gao's people are causing trouble in Guangning. They all set their eyes on Guangning. And not only that. Our people too. They are all on guard in Guangning. Kill and search. But what if. That day Wang Degui and the others The two people I saw were all the people in Guangning. That is to say..."

"There are no assassins in Guangning today." Wang Meng followed Zhang Fan's words and expressed the worst situation. "But if there is no one in Quang Ninh, how are they going to assassinate. Now more than [-]% of General Li's generals are stationed in Quang Ninh. A few are outside. But they are still in the barracks. It is not easy to assassinate. They are so Do it. Draw all eyes to Guangning. What exactly do you want to do."

Zhang Fan suddenly.He looked at Li Chengliang who was waiting to cross the bridge over there.suddenly.Zhang Fan had a bad feeling that something big was imminent. "Tell me. If the assassin sent by Wang Gao is not a general in the army at all. If it is just a general in the army... what will happen."

"This... Your lord wouldn't think..." Wang Meng's thoughts did not keep up with Zhang Fan's rhythm for a while.After Zhang Fan said so.Wang Meng was suddenly surprised.But he also recovered quickly. "If this is the case, it makes sense. After all, General Li has been stationed in Liaodong for ten years. He knows the situation here. But except for General Li, there are many people in the court who can lead troops. But for Liaodong. Not as well-informed as General Li. Even. General Li knew the battles between Wang Gao and those tribes. This matter is not a secret. Wang Gao can find out with a little investigation.

"And now General Li is going to Su Dian. This matter is not kept secret. You can find out after a little inquiring. If their target is General Li himself. Once General Li is killed by them, this battle. Even if it is the last We can win. I am afraid it will be extremely tragic."

"General." Zhang Fan immediately rode his horse towards Li Chengliang. "General. I have something to tell you." Zhang Fan rushed to Li Chengliang's side.The moment is to say what he guessed.

"Oh." After listening to Zhang Fan's analysis.Not only was Li Chengliang not the slightest bit afraid.Instead, he laughed. "This Wang Gao can think about it. He actually came up with such a way." Obviously.It's not that Li Chengliang doesn't believe Zhang Fan.Quite the opposite.What Zhang Fan said.He believed it.After all, Zhang Fan's reasoning.Every sentence is true.Everything makes perfect sense with today's situation.And if you think about it this way.Apparently that's the way it should be.But Li Chengliang faced this scene.He is not afraid.

"There's no need to worry." Seeing Zhang Fan's worried expression.Li Chengliang said with a smile. "Let's not mention that those young people who tried to assassinate me are simply wishful thinking. Besides, we will return to Guangning soon. And here are my people patrolling everywhere. If only one or two people can sneak in But for more than 20 of us, it is not something to be afraid of. There is no need to worry so much."

"But..." Even Li Chengliang said something so confident.But Zhang Fan was obviously not at ease. "Since the other party has done this, it must have been calculated. Now I am afraid that they will make some tricks. It is hard to guard against."

"A trick." Li Chengliang was a little disdainful. "I want to see. What tricks they can use."

"Someone fell." Suddenly.There was this shout from the side.

Li Chengliang had just finished speaking.Zhang Fan was just about to answer the call.But heard this voice.The two couldn't help but look over.But I saw a person on the other side fell because he didn't stand firmly.Fortunately, he didn't fall into the rushing river.Instead, it fell on the river bank.

This is nothing strange.After all, the bridge is so narrow.It is not uncommon for someone to fall.And this guy was lucky.did not fall into the river.but on the banks of the river.

Zhang Fan just glanced at it.Just ready to turn around.But Zhang Fan, who had fairly good eyesight, suddenly saw the man pull out something from his bosom.Zhang Fan took a closer look under suspicion.Holding things is like a fire bag.I saw the man holding a fire folder as if lighting something under the bridge.

Zhang Fan suddenly had a bad feeling.He looked up over the man's head.But I saw something under the bridge deck.The color is the same as the wood of the bridge.But the shape is clearly not.A chubby bulge.

"Stop him." Zhang Fan, who knew that something was wrong, suddenly shouted.But obviously.Zhang Fan's voice was too sudden.Nobody at all understood what was going on.And even Wang Meng who just wanted to carry out Zhang Fan's order.It's too late at such a distance.

Just listen to "boom".This sound was like thunder on the ground.And it's very close.Scared everyone to death.

Zhang Fan suddenly trembled.Follow the reputation.But I saw the wooden bridge that was not spacious.Near the opposite place suddenly opened a gap.And the whole bridge is not very strong.But it was also because of this gap that it became shaky.

Although Zhang Fan has never actually seen it.But what that notch looks like.It looked more like it was blown up with dynamite.

But now is not the time to discuss this issue.For this reason.The bridge is about to collapse.And there are people up there.And they are all Li Chengliang's people.

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