The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1582 To Guangning

really.Although Wang Degui did not mention it in the news.But Zhang Fan also thought of it.And when he returned to Guangning again, he had a look.This scene was not much different from what he had imagined.The whole of Quang Ninh is under martial law.Although it is not as serious as restricting people's going out and going out and walking on the street.But whether it is entering or leaving the city gate or on the street.You can see the army patrolling everywhere.certainly.Some of them too.Even Zhang Fan had never seen their faces.But at first glance, it was his subordinates.

all in all.Now the whole of Guangning is on alert.

And the return of Li Chengliang.Although Zhang Fan did not hear what other people said.But Li Chengliang had just entered the city.will be able to find out.After the patrolling soldiers saw Li Chengliang came back.There has been a huge change in morale throughout.Just from this point of view.It can be seen how great Li Chengliang's prestige in the army is.

and.This can also be seen.Obviously Wang Gao intends to assassinate Li Chengliang's plan.It's fundamentally true.As long as it can make Li Chengliang disappear.Even if Da Ming can win this battle.There must also be a huge price to pay.certainly.Now Wang Gao's plan has been completely shattered.There is no possibility of re-execution.

From this point of view.Zhang Fan felt relieved a lot.Think about what he had considered before coming here.Questions about how to use the assassination of two officers to boost morale.He didn't need to think about it at all.Li Chengliang didn't even need to say anything.This thing has happened naturally.

This is of course a good thing.After all morale.for an army.Especially for the army that is about to fight in front of him.That is very important.But Zhang Fan was thinking about it.Do I want to add another fire to it?Naturally, it was about the assassination of Li Chengliang.

But now.These are not in a hurry.Although it is about Zhang Fan coming to Liaodong.It's all done.But there is still a long time before the war begins.That being the case.Then there is no need to rush.Even according to Zhang Fan's original itinerary.It will take some time for him to return to the capital.

After returning to Guangning.After Li Chengliang said goodbye to Zhang Fan, he left.See you tonight.And Zhang Fan and his party also returned to the post house.

In the post house.Liang Chao and the others had already returned one step earlier.They are waiting for Zhang Fan.

See Liang Chao and his party.Zhang Fan was naturally very happy: "You guys did a good job this time. When I was in Sudian, I heard that some people had already started to seek refuge in nearby towns. What are the details?"

"The humble job does not disappoint the high expectations of adults." Liang Chao said. "Xiaozhi and his party started from the village closest to Wang Gao's territory. They passed through several villages on the way back. They all saw our 'miserable appearance'. Some people were very scared. After seeing us After that appearance, I went home and packed my things on the spot. I was about to leave. But some people were skeptical. I always felt that what we said was impossible. In addition to the village after that, we didn’t bring those corpses with us. It’s really not good. To make them believe it. There are those people who rushed over from behind. They also told them that they did see the corpse. In this way, people in other villages are convinced that Wang Gao’s people are indeed capable of killing people. And There is going to be a war here.

"The low-ranking people came back early this morning. But before the low-ranking people rushed back, the last news I heard. Even Liaodong Dusi. People have already taken refuge there. Now there is still more than a month before the war begins. I want to wait until Wang Gao leads the army to fight over. There are not many villages with people on this road. Especially now. Many people believe our words. They began to seek refuge in nearby towns one after another. But The scale is not large. Forget it. There are only a hundred people at most every day. This scale, I don’t care much about Wang Gao’s side. I haven’t heard any news of Jurchens coming to harass these people during this time. "

"That's it. You really did a good job." Zhang Fan nodded. "In this way, Wang Gao's plan to use the people to attack will not work. And in this way, after this war, fewer people will die."

Zhang Fan's so-called death is less.It just means that there will be fewer unrelated people involved.But it didn't mean that fewer soldiers from the two sides fighting each other on the battlefield would die.There are so many people on both sides these days.After such a big battle.There will never be fewer people who die.

But there is no reason to fight without death.All the dead are soldiers.At that time, it will be easy to talk.What's more, once you win.Just throw the culprit on the loser.It will also be able to appease the anger of those who died on such a large scale.No.It's not calm down.Instead, redirect their anger.Just don't face yourself.

but.This is all to be expected.And what Zhang Fan asked Liang Chao to do.The most important thing is not to let too many people die in this war.If so.After the war is over.The people here will not have too much resentment towards the imperial court.

certainly.This may just be a careless worry.After all, the people living in the Northeast.After so many years.Even if there is no large-scale battle here.However, there are still Jurchens and Mongol invasions.Things like dead people are too common here.Perhaps for the common people.and nothing.

But there are also people from other tribes here.And this time the upcoming war.That's what it's for.Many people died in the war.Don't worry too much about it.But that's not the case with those who died in connection with the war.Especially people of various ethnic groups here.Will they harbor resentment over it.It is really uncertain.

certainly.Why do these people have resentment for the death of the war provoked by the leader of their clan.This kind of thing really doesn't make any sense.But obviously.There is no way to explain this reason to them.

Plus last year.The demise of the Bo people.Even if it is too far away from here.But it still had an impact.So now.Can not alarm these foreigners.That's the best thing ever.

all in all.this matter.Zhang Fan is already done.And what Liang Chao did was really good.

"My lord, since our affairs are finished, when will we return to Beijing?" Liang Chao asked.

Liang Chao was not in a hurry.It's just that even if there is no fight here.But the situation is not simple.So I was able to get out of here a day earlier.That's a good thing.

"It's not urgent now." Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "It's not that troublesome here yet. We won't be in any danger if we stay a while longer. Besides. I just thought of it. We have something to do."

"There are still things." Liang Chao obviously didn't know what Zhang Fan was thinking.

And even Wang Meng, who personally experienced Li Chengliang's assassination process from beginning to end.For a while, I didn't understand what Zhang Fan meant.

"You should have heard it after all," Zhang Fan said. "We met an assassin on the way. Wang Gao put his mind on Li Chengliang."

"I heard about it on the way back from the humble job." Liang Chao nodded.Said. "Then Wang Gao has a good plan. He actually came up with such a way to attack the west. He wanted to assassinate General Li. But it is really a risk. If General Li has something good or bad, this battle will be difficult to fight."

"That's true." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "But now. Not too many people know about this matter. It's not difficult for our people to know. But our people don't go around talking nonsense. As for Li Chengliang, I haven't heard him say that he plans to How to calculate this matter. I don’t know if he intends to talk about it. But you know the situation in Guangning now. Because two people died before. In addition, the news has spread now. All the soldiers under Li Chengliang’s command I know. The deaths of these two people were all caused by Wang Gao.

"Wait until the news gets out. Let Li Chengliang's people know. I'm afraid his people's resentment towards the Jurchen Ministry will also increase. This will be of some benefit when the war starts. However, I plan to Add another fire to this."

"My lord means..." Wang Meng had already thought of what Zhang Fan was going to do. "I want to reveal the assassination of General Li. It will deepen the hatred of those soldiers towards Wang Gao."

"That's right. That's my plan." Zhang Fan smiled and nodded in affirmation.

Although this kind of thing.Say it with a smile.It really makes people feel a kind of eerie feeling.But this is the situation facing the war.As long as you can add one more point to the odds.This is nothing at all.And Zhang Fan did this.Also exactly right.There is nothing wrong with it at all.

"My lord, this method is seconds." Sure enough.After hearing Zhang Fan's plan.Whether it is Wang Meng or Liang Chao.All agree.Especially Liang Chao.Obviously he is more interested in this matter. "Since that's the case, let the humble officer do it. It's not the first time this kind of thing has been done. Please rest assured. The humble officer will be careful. Let the soldiers under General Li hear the news 'accidentally'. "

"Okay. I'll leave this matter to you." Zhang Fan nodded. "Speaking of which, this time Liaodong will implement it. You can be considered to have made great contributions. Wait until this matter is completed. After we return to the capital, I will reward you heavily."

"Since that's the case, then you have to work harder for the humble job." As for Zhang Fan, he wanted to reward himself.Liang Chao is not humble.Such a good thing.If declined.That's the problem with the brain.

And Zhang Fan didn't care that Liang Chao was so straightforward.In other words, Zhang Fan hoped to see this.That's what motivates people to work hard.

"Speaking of which, why are you here?" Zhang Fan remembered one thing. "Wang Degui is someone else."

"Oh. I met him before the humble job." Liang Chao said. "He said he messed up the matter. He has no face to see the adults. Waiting for the adults to punish him."

"This idiot. Call him here. I'd rather punish him properly." Zhang Fan said with a smile.

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