In the past few days, Wang Degui really thought a little too much in his heart. When he watched the two people about to catch the incident before, he committed suicide in front of him. Of course, even those two people It was not Wang Degui's responsibility to commit suicide, even with the skill and determination of those two people, if they wanted to commit suicide, let alone Wang Degui, even if Wang Meng was in front of them, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to stop them .

But even so, Wang Degui still turned the death of these two people into a fault, and blamed himself.

Of course, later he also heard that Li Chengliang was assassinated on the way back to Guangning. Of course it was unsuccessful. Although Wang Degui was slower than Zhang Fan and the others in thinking about this kind of problem, he was not stupid. Zhang Fan didn't think of this immediately when he heard the news, not to mention Wang Degui was still troubled by the death of those two people.

In short, when Wang Degui heard that Li Chengliang was assassinated on the road, he also realized that the riots here in Guangning were actually a tactic by those people to focus their attention on this place. When Guangning came, he neglected to take precautions against Li Chengliang, so that he could assassinate Li Chengliang.

That is to say, no matter what happened, the two people they discovered before must die, and even if Wang Degui discovered their attempt to commit suicide one step earlier, stopped them, and captured them alive, I'm afraid it's impossible to ask anything out of their mouths, and it's even possible that the two people will provide them with some fake news, let them waste time for no reason, and create opportunities for the assassination of Li Chengliang.

It can be said that these two people were assassinating, and Wang Degui immediately passed the news to Zhang Fan without any clue, which can be regarded as a great help.

Although Zhang Fan figured it out relatively late, he did figure it out after all. More importantly, if Zhang Fan hadn't figured out the reason for this at that juncture, he wouldn't have gone to Li Chengliang to discuss it. And at that time, if Zhang Fan hadn't gone to Li Chengliang's side to discuss things with him, Wang Meng's distance from Li Chengliang would not have been so close.

If this is the case, when the three assassins assassinated Li Chengliang at that time, even if Wang Meng was very skilled, but there was such a distance, it was very likely that there would be no time to rescue them, and Wang Gao's plan might have succeeded.

It can be said that what happened to Wang Degui in Guangning helped Zhang Fan a lot invisibly.

But Wang Degui himself didn't think so. He always felt that he had screwed things up and failed Zhang Fan's expectations. Therefore, he had no face to see Zhang Fan now, but waited for Zhang Fan to punish him.

Therefore, when Zhang Fan heard Liang Chao say that Wang Degui had such an idea, he couldn't help scolding him severely.

When Wang Degui heard Zhang Fan calling him to the posthouse, he thought that Zhang Fan was going to announce his punishment there, but when he saw Zhang Fan, he was scolded by Zhang Fan before he even knelt down. pause.

"You bastard," this was the first sentence Zhang Fan said after seeing Wang Degui, "Why didn't you come to see me?"

"The lowly job failed the matter that the lord told me, so I have no face to come to see the lord," Wang Degui immediately knelt in front of Zhang Fan, lowered his head and said, "The lowly job failed the lord's confession, please punish me."

"Who told you that you screwed up?" Zhang Fan asked back, "You stand up for me first."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, although Wang Degui didn't understand why, he also knew that Zhang Fan didn't intend to blame himself, but he still didn't understand what Zhang Fan meant, but he had to listen to what Zhang Fan said. So still stood up.

"I've heard people say about the situation at that time," Zhang Fan said, "Although we were not here, I also asked Wang Meng about the matter of those two people, and Wang Meng told me about it." Yes, even if it was him, there was no way to prevent those two from committing suicide, Wang Meng, but that's the case, "

"Indeed," Wang Meng nodded, and said, "Although, as your lord said, the humble official was not there, but I also heard from those present that although humble, I am confident that I can capture those two people alive, but in that situation Under the circumstances, to prevent the two of them from committing suicide, the humble official asked himself that he couldn’t do it.”

Wang Meng is not a person who likes to joke or talk nonsense just to cater to the superiors. Many people in Jin Yiwei know this, even Wang Degui, who has just been here for a short time, understands this. It can be seen that Wang Meng does not Just talking nonsense just to open up for Wang Degui.

And Wang Degui himself didn't know this, but even if he knew, it only made him feel better, but it still didn't make him feel relieved that he had failed Zhang Fan's expectations. Thought: "My lord and Wang Qianhu said, I understand it in my heart, but no matter what, I still watch those two people commit suicide, but I can't do anything. "

"Oh, you really are an elm head," Zhang Fan couldn't help but sighed helplessly after hearing what Wang Degui said, "You stand up for me first, this is an order."

Although Wang Degui disagreed with Zhang Fan's words, he would never refute Zhang Fan. Even if he had the mentality of atonement now, Zhang Fan's words to make him stand up were orders, so he would never refute.

"You are too old-fashioned and don't know how to change things, so you made some mistakes." Zhang Fan waited until he stood up, and then said, "Yes, I did let you stay in Guangning , to find out the truth about these assassins, and you finally caught them that day, but those two committed suicide in front of you. Yes, if you just look at it this way, you did not complete what I told you.

"However, making a mistake can't be generalized like this. If you say that the mistake was made by yourself, then there is nothing to say. You must be responsible for it. If that is the case, even if someone else is pleading for you, I will still punish you, and rewards and punishments are clearly defined, so that I can manage my subordinates well.

"However, if this mistake was not made by you, but because you were unable to change it and could only watch it happen, but in this way, what does this mistake have to do with you, you can only blame God It's just not following what people want, but God's will is so, who can be blamed.

"If I punish you just for this matter, how will other people treat me? In the future, they must always be careful about what I order, even if they can get it done with a lot of hard work. I'm not even willing to try things like this, so you have thought about how I will be in charge of this Jinyiwei in the future, "

Faced with Zhang Fan's words, Wang Degui didn't know what to say for a while.

Of course, what Zhang Fan said was not wrong. Sometimes this kind of punishment would really chill the hearts of his subordinates, and thus he became cautious from then on, not daring to overstep.

It's good to be well-behaved, but if you stick to the rules too much, sometimes you can only accomplish nothing.

And Zhang Fan used this kind of principle to suppress Wang Degui, which is naturally correct. Wang Degui naturally does not want Zhang Fan to be unable to manage the entire Jinyiwei in the future because of his own sake, although it sounds like It seems impossible. After all, it is absolutely impossible for such a huge Jinyiwei to become so vulnerable just because of his own affairs, but even a small influence exists, and Wang Degui naturally does not want Zhang Fan to be so vulnerable. Encountered such a thing.

It's just that Zhang Fan didn't intend to just say these things. If he said that, it would indeed make Wang Degui no longer want to ask himself to punish him, but in this way, perhaps Wang Degui would feel that he was actually a He made a mistake, but Zhang Fan was afraid of punishing himself, and at the same time made it difficult for him to manage his subordinates. This is how he was exempted from punishment. If this is the case, Wang Degui's shadow of this matter obviously cannot be eliminated. Naturally, Zhang Fan didn't want to see him like this, so he couldn't stop there.

"Besides," Zhang Fan continued, "If you only talk about this matter, it is indeed the case, but you did not do anything wrong, and even, you have helped me by doing this matter. If it wasn't for Guangning's incident, I would never have thought that Wang Gao was going to assassinate Li Chengliang directly, so you really did me a big favor when you hit me by mistake, so you not only You are innocent and meritorious, so I have to reward you.

"So, stop acting like you made a mistake and are waiting to be punished,"

Sure enough, Zhang Fan's words were serious and effective. He had just finished speaking, and the expression on Wang Degui's face changed fundamentally. I didn't make a fatal mistake, and even made a meritorious deed, but I didn't hide it.

"That's right," Zhang Fan felt relieved when he knew that he had finally made sense of him, but then, Zhang Fan complained again, "You said that you are a rough person, that's right. It's careless, how come at this time, the mind has become so meticulous, don't do it again in the future, "

"I understand," Wang Degui clasped his fists and said, "In the future, I will definitely follow the orders of the adults, but if this kind of thing happens again, I will remember the teachings of the adults, and I won't be so ignorant anymore."

"Hehe, as long as you can understand this truth," Zhang Fan said, "Now Guangning is still searching everywhere. Although from now on, it should not be so dangerous, but that's good. By the way, since the army The people in the middle don't know your identity, that's fine, I happen to have something I want you to do for me, "

"My lord, please give me some instructions." Wang Degui immediately got excited when he heard that Zhang Fan had something to do.

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